194 research outputs found

    Influencia de la temperatura del sustrato en la microestructura de recubrimientos de TiN/TiC

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    TiN/TiC bilayers were deposited using Plasma Assisted Physical Vapor Deposition technique PAPVD)-Pulsed Arc, varying the substrate temperature ina range of 100-120◦C, with intervals of 5◦C. Coatings were analyzed throughXPS and XRD. From signal processing narrow spectrum of XPS and the XRD patterns, was determined the formation of TiN (Titanium Nitride), TiC (Titanium Carbide) and TiCN (Titanium Carbide Nitride) compounds in thecrystallographic.PACS: 68.35.Ct, 68.55.A-, 68.65.AcLas bicapas de TiN/TiC se depositaron utilizando la técnica de deposición en fase vapor asistido por plasma (PAPVD)-Arco Pulsado, variando la temperatura del sustrato en un rango de 100-120±C, con intervalos de 5±C. Los recubrimientos se analizaron por medio de XPS y XRD. A partir del tratamiento de las señales de los espectros angostos de XPS y los patrones de XRD, se determino la formación de los compuestos TiN (Nitruro de Titanio), TiC (Carburo de Titanio) y TiCN (carbonitruro de titanio) en la fase cristalográfica fm-3m correspondiente a las fases FCC de estos compuestos sintetizados.PACS: 68.35.Ct, 68.55.A-, 68.65.A

    Influencia de la temperatura del sustrato en la microestructura de recubrimientos de TiN/TiC

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    The TiN / TiC bilayers were deposited using the plasma-assisted vapor phase deposition (PAPVD) -Arch Pulsed technique, varying the substrate temperature in a range of 100-120 ± C, with intervals of 5 ± C. The coatings were analyzed by means of XPS and XRD. From the treatment of the signals of the narrow spectra of XPS and the XRD patterns, the formation of the compounds TiN (Titanium Nitride), TiC (Titanium Carbide) and TiCN (titanium carbide) in the crystallographic phase was determined fm-3m corresponding to the FCC phases of these synthesized compounds.Las bicapas de TiN/TiC se depositaron utilizando la técnica de deposición en fase vapor asistido por plasma (PAPVD)-Arco Pulsado, variando la temperatura del sustrato en un rango de 100-120±C, con intervalos de 5±C. Los recubrimientos se analizaron por medio de XPS y XRD. A partir del tratamiento de las señales de los espectros angostos de XPS y los patrones de XRD, se determino la formación de los compuestos TiN (Nitruro de Titanio), TiC (Carburo de Titanio) y TiCN (carbonitruro de titanio) en la fase cristalográfica fm-3m correspondiente a las fases FCC de estos compuestos sintetizados

    Hidrografía del estuario del río Sauce Chico (Bahía Blanca)

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    Se describe la hidrografía del estuario del río Sauce Chico en base a mediciones de salinidad, temperatura, velocidad y dirección de corrientes en un total de 9 estaciones ubicadas a lo largo de su cauce. En el periodo 1986-1989 se efectuaron campañas longitudinales y horarias para establecer las variaciones espaciales y temporales de cada uno de los parámetros. Se establece que la intrusión salina dentro del río alcanza hasta 4 km desde su desembocadura en el estuario de Bahía Blanca. Los promedios de salinidad y temperatura a lo largo del ciclo de marea indican que el subestuario es verticalmente homogéneo. Se obtuvieron valores máximos de salinidad de 39 ‰, producto del lavado del Salitral de la Vidriera, aledaño a este estuario.Asociación Argentina de Geofísicos y Geodesta

    Patrimonio geopaleontológico de los depósitos aluviales situados sobre la terraza +28 m del Jarama. Nuevos datos micropaleontológicos y cronológicos (Solar de la Real Fábrica de Paños de San Fernando de Henares)

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    Trabajo presentado en la Reunión de Arqueología Madrileña, celebrada en Alcalá de Henares el 20 y 21 de noviembre de 2014.[ES] Durante los trabajos de vigilancia de los movimientos de tierras asociados a la obra de la construcción de viviendas en el solar de la Real Fábrica de Paños (en adelante RFP) de San Fernando de Henares se documentaron materiales geológicos de edad miocena y cuaternaria con un contacto lateral dinámico entre ellos, constituido por una falla extensional de dirección norte-sur. En los niveles cuaternarios se registraron numerosos restos paleontológicos y algunas piezas de industria lítica. Según los estudios preliminares geomorfológicos y de macromamíferos (Tapias y Arango 2008; Yravedra et al. 2008; Dones et al. 2011) se asignó una cronología genérica de Pleistoceno Medio, confirmada por la datación obtenida por racemización de aminoácidos de un molar de Equus caballus (304 ka). En este trabajo se aportan nuevos datos a partir de la revisión y estudio de los restos de micromamíferos recuperados en la unidad 3. La presencia de Microtus brecciensis y M. arvalis en la base de los depósitos aluviales posibilita su adscripción cronológica al Pleistoceno Medio avanzado (MIS 8 o MIS 6).[EN] During the monitoring of the movements of land associated with the work of the construction of homes in the Solar of the Royal Factory of Cloths of San Fernando de Henares, some geological materials of Miocene and Quaternary age were documented. Numerous paleontological remains and some stone tools have been registered in these quaternary levels. According to geomorphological preliminary studies and macromammals (Tapias y Arango 2008; Yravedra et al. 2008; Dones et al. 2011) a generic Middle Pleistocene chronology was assigned. This was confirmed by the aminoacids racemization dating of Equus caballus molar (304 ka) This paper provides new data of the remains of micromammals recovered. The faunal assemblage, with Microtus brecciensis and M arvalis found at the base of the alluvial deposits, has allowed reviewing previous studies. It could be more specific on the geochronological and paleoenviromental contextualization of remains and materials that could be assigned to advanced Middle Pleistocene (MIS 8 or MIS 6).Peer reviewe

    Effects of MDMA on blood glucose levels and brain glucose metabolism

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    Purpose This study was designed to assess changes in glucose metabolism in rats administered single or repeated doses of MDMA. Methods Two different experiments were performed: (1) A single-dose study with four groups receiving 20 mg/kg, 40 mg/kg, saline or heat, and (2) a repeated-dose study with two groups receiving three doses, at intervals of 2 h, of 5 mg/kg or saline. Rats were imaged using a dedicated small-animal PET scanner 1 h after single-dose administration or 7 days after repeated doses. Glucose metabolism was measured in 12 cerebral regions of interest. Rectal temperature and blood glucose were monitored. Results Peak body temperature was reached 1 h after MDMA administration. Blood glucose levels decreased significantly after MDMA administration. In the single-dose experiment, brain glucose metabolism showed hyperactivation in cerebellum and hypo-activation in the hippocampus, amygdala and auditory cortex. In the repeated-dose experiment, brain glucose metabolism did not show any significant change at day 7. Conclusion These results are the first to indicate that MDMA has the potential to produce significant hypoglycaemia. In addition, they show that MDMA alters glucose metabolism in components of the motor, limbic and somatosensory systems acutely but not on a long-term basisPublicad

    Capítulo IV: caracterización morfo-agronómica de especies y variedades botánicas del genero Lycopersicon

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    En condiciones de invernadero se renovó la semilla de 58 introducciones del género Lycopersicon. En condiciones de campo se evaluaron cerca de 30 plantas de cada una de las introducciones viables. Además, se realizaron 5 cruzamientos, incluyendo los recíprocos, entre cada una de las introducciones viables y las variedades experimentales Chonto-109 y Napoli-1457. De 58 introducciones solo 16 produjeron semilla viable (L. hirsutum-1408, L. glandulusum   1403 y 1404, L. peruvianum-613 y 1409, L. pimpinellifolium-615, L. esculentum-633, L. pennelli- 632, L. esculentum var. ceraciforme- 183, 616. 923, 1140, 1506 Y 1508, L. esculentum varo grandifolium -1217, L. esculentum validum- 1110). Hubo gran variabilidad en emergencia, precocidad, duración de cosecha, cuajamiento de flores, rendimiento y sus componentes, análisis físico-químico de frutos entre las diferentes introducciones. L. peruvianum- 613 y 1409, L. glandulosum- 1403 y 1404 y L. pimpinellifolium 615 presentaron poco ataque de Scrobipalpula absoluta. Las variedades botánicas de L. esculentum presentaron mayores eficiencias de cruzamiento (84.3 %) que las especies de Lycopersicon (27.7 %), cuyas eficiencias fueron: L. esculentum (75%), L. pimpinellifolium (50%), L. hirsutum (40%), L. glandulosum (5%) y L. peruvianum (2.5%).The seeds from 58 introductions of the genus Lycopersicon were multiplied in the glasshouse. Thirty seeding of each introductions producing germinated seed were planted for to observe the characteristics of agronomical interest. Five reciprocal crosses were made with two experimental varieties (Chonto-1091 and Napoli-1457) with the purpose of to study the crossing efficiency of the introductions. From 58 introductions planted on1y 16 produced germinated seeds (L. hirsutum- 1408, L. g1andulosum- 1403 y 1404, L. peruvianum-613 y 1409 L. pimpinellifolium- 615, L. esculentum-633 S. pennelli- 632 L. esculentum var. ceraciforme- 183, 616. 923, 1140, 1506 y 1508 L. esculentum grandifolium -1217 L. esculentum validum- 1110). The was great variability in emergence, precocity, harvest  interval, fruit flower relationsphip, yield, and in the chemical and physical anaIisys of the fruits. L. peruvianum- 613 and 1409, L. glandulosum- 1403 and 1404; L. pimpinellifolium 615 did not show a severe attack of Scrobipalpula absoluta. The varieties of L. esculentum had higher crossing efficiency (84.3 %) then the species of Lycopersicon (27.7%). In Lycopersicon species the efficiencies were: L. esculentum (75%); L. pimpinellifolium (50%); L. hirsutum (40%), L. glandulosum (5%) and L. peruvianum (2.5%)

    Biological nitrification inhibition and forage productivity of Megathyrsus maximus in Colombian dry tropics

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    Agronomic, nutritional, and environmental aspects are integrated to promote sustainable tropical grassland production. Biological nitrification inhibition (BNI) is a plant-based strategy to improve nitrogen use efficiency by grasses in which they suppress the pace of soil nitrification via exudation of inhibitory compounds. To evaluate the effect of BNI on the productive performance of Megathyrsus maximus under field conditions, we evaluated a collection of 27 germplasm accessions and commercial cultivars of the forage grass in the dry tropics of Colombia. We measured plant yield dry matter, nutrition quality parameters, and nitrification rates of soil at 22 months after pasture establishment. Our results highlighted germplasm accessions of superior agronomic performance (for dry matter production and nutrition quality) and high capacity to decrease nitrification. Although no relation was observed between agronomic aspects, nutritional aspects, and nitrification rates, we conclude that there is no agronomic or nutritional penalty on environmentally friendly grasses, and BNI could be adopted as a target trait in plant breeding programs toward the development of eco-efficient forages and contribute to the sustainable intensification of livestock systems

    Autism care pathway in Europe

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    BACKGROUND: Autism is a lifelong complex neurodevelopmental condition that affects brain development and behaviour with significant consequences for everyday life. Despite its personal, familial, and societal impact, Europe-wide harmonised guidelines are still lacking for early detection, diagnosis, and intervention, leading to an overall unsatisfactory autistic person and carer journey. METHODS: The care pathway for autistic children and adolescents was analysed in Italy, Spain and the UK from the perspective of carers (using a survey aimed at caregivers of autistic children 0-18 years old), the autistic community, and professionals in order to identify major barriers (treatment gaps) preventing carers from receiving information, support, and timely screening/diagnosis and intervention. RESULTS: Across all three countries, analysis of the current care pathway showed: long waits from the time carers raised their first concerns about a child's development and/or behaviour until screening and confirmed diagnosis; delayed or no access to intervention once a diagnosis was confirmed; limited information about autism and how to access early detection services; and deficient support for families throughout the journey. CONCLUSIONS: These findings call for policy harmonisation in Europe to shorten long wait times for diagnosis and intervention and therefore, improve autistic people and their families' journey experience and quality of life