1,386 research outputs found

    Peat erosion and atmospheric deposition impacts on an oligotrophic lake in eastern Ireland

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    The Holocene diatom and pollen records from Kelly's Lough have been analysed to determine the timing and extent of the acidification in this upland lake. The pollen data during the early Holocene reflect the typical vegetation changes that occur in sediments throughout Ireland during this period. The diatom record begins by being dominated by circumneutral and acidophilous benthic forms. Later tychoplanktonic Aulacoseira species begin to expand and dominate indicating increased water transparency following the stabilization of catchment soils. Peatland development in the catchment is evident from approximately 6,450 cal year BP. The main change in the diatom assemblages at this time is the decline of Aulacoseira species and expansion of periphytic species. At around 1,450 cal year BP, loss-on-ignition (LOI) values, Calluna pollen and microscopic charcoal all increase suggesting the initiation of a major phase of peat erosion and an increased inwash of organic matter to the lake. Lake acidity changed significantly although the initial acidification is very subtle as indicated by the diatom-inferred pH record. Changes in the diatom assemblages might be largely the result of increasing erosion and inwash of organic matter from the catchment to the lake leading to reduced water transparency and more acidic conditions. The diatom flora remains relatively stable until the mid-twentieth century when more acidibiontic species increase. These diatom changes result in the reconstructed pH curve showing a moderate recent acidification from pH 5.7 to 5.1. About half of the total change in pH took place by around the late 1960s. The lowest diatom-inferred pH value occurs in the late 1970s, and parallels the peak in SO2 emissions in Ireland. Acidic conditions seem to have prevailed in Kelly's Lough throughout its entire history and alkalinity has been low or absent for much of the time. However, soil acidification and inwash of organic acids from peatlands are not a sufficiently effective mechanism to explain the low pH levels found today in Kelly's Lough. The effect of acid deposition on the waters of Kelly's Lough is clear and it has probably caused these already naturally acid waters to acidify further.This research was funded through an EU Marie Curie Host Fellowship contract (HPMD-CT-2000-00051) and an Enterprise Ireland Postdoctorate Fellowships (PD/2000/005)S

    Influence of turbidity and clouds on satellite total ozone data over Madrid (Spain)

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    This article focuses on the comparison of the total ozone column data from three satellite instruments; Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometers (TOMS) on board the Earth Probe (EP), Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on board AURA and Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) on board ERS/2, with ground-based measurement recorded by a well calibrated Brewer spectrophotometer located in Madrid during the period 1996–2008. A cluster classification based on solar radiation (global, direct and diffuse), cloudiness and aerosol index allow selecting hazy, cloudy, very cloudy and clear days. Thus, the differences between Brewer and satellite total ozone data for each cluster have been analyzed. The accuracy of EP-TOMS total ozone data is affected by moderate cloudiness, showing a mean absolute bias error (MABE) of 2.0%. In addition, the turbidity also has a significant influence on EP-TOMS total ozone data with a MABE ~1.6%. Those data are in contrast with clear days with MABE ~1.2%. The total ozone data derived from the OMI instrument show clear bias at clear and hazy days with small uncertainties (~0.8%). Finally, the total ozone observations obtained with the GOME instrument show a very smooth dependence with respect to clouds and turbidity, showing a robust retrieval algorithm over these conditions.Manuel Ant´on thanks Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci´on and Fondo Social Europeo for the award of a postdoctoral grant (Juan de la Cierva). This work was partially supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion under project CGL2008-05939-C03-02/CLI

    Renormalized Kaluza-Klein theories

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    Using six-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED6QED_6) as an example we study the one-loop renormalization of the theory both from the six and four-dimensional points of view. Our main conclusion is that the properly renormalized four dimensional theory never forgets its higher dimensional origin. In particular, the coefficients of the neccessary extra counterterms in the four dimensional theory are determined in a precise way. We check our results by studying the reduction of QED4QED_4 on a two-torus.Comment: LaTeX, 36 pages. A new section added; references improved, typos fixe

    Las fuerzas armadas peronistas (FAP): los orígenes de la guerrilla peronista y sus debates políticos estratégicos

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    La historia de las Fuerzas Armadas Peronistas (FAP) es un hecho que no ha recibido demasiada atención por parte de los análisis que sobre la guerrilla argentina se han realizado. Sin embargo, el hecho concreto de haber sido una de las Organizaciones fundantes de este fenómeno en la Argentina, nos ha llevado a plantearnos la necesidad de su abordaje a fin de intentar contribuir de un modo más integral a la comprensión de la emergencia de la lucha armada, desarrolla durante las décadas del sesenta y el setenta. La lucha armada fue la expresión de la radicalización política de sectores juveniles que provocó un cambio cualitativo en el proceso político nacional de la época, que se tradujo en el llamamiento la GAN y en la reincorporación del Peronismo al sistema político como forma de buscar la pacificación nacional. En ese sentido, el presente trabajo es primer intento de acercamiento a esta Organización y lo hemos desarrollado a través de un proyecto de investigación en el marco del “Taller de protesta social, crisis política y formación de la nueva izquierada en la Argentina 1955–1975”, dictado en esta Facultad por la Profesora María Cristina Tortti, en el año 2002.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Resonance fluorescence spectrum of a \Lambda-type quantum emitter close to a metallic nanoparticle

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    We theoretically study the resonance fluorescence spectrum of a three-level quantum emitter coupled to a spherical metallic nanoparticle. We consider the case that the quantum emitter is driven by a single laser field along one of the optical transitions. We show that the development of the spectrum depends on the relative orientation of the dipole moments of the optical transitions in relation to the metal nanoparticle. In addition, we demonstrate that the location and width of the peaks in the spectrum are strongly modified by the exciton-plasmon coupling and the laser detuning, allowing to achieve controlled strongly subnatural spectral line. A strong antibunching of the fluorescent photons along the undriven transition is also obtained. Our results may be used for creating a tunable source of photons which could be used for a probabilistic entanglement scheme in the field of quantum information processing

    A new general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics code for dynamical spacetimes

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    We present a new numerical code that solves the general relativistic magneto-hydrodynamical (GRMHD) equations coupled to the Einstein equations for the evolution of a dynamical spacetime within a conformally-flat approximation. This code has been developed with the main objective of studying astrophysical scenarios in which both, high magnetic fields and strong gravitational fields appear, such as the magneto-rotational collapse of stellar cores, the collapsar model of GRBs, and the evolution of neutron stars. The code is based on an existing and thoroughly tested purely hydrodynamical code and on its extension to accommodate weakly magnetized fluids (passive magnetic-field approximation). These codes have been applied in the past to simulate the aforementioned scenarios with increasing levels of sophistication in the input physics. The numerical code we present here is based on high-resolution shock- capturing schemes to solve the GRMHD equations, which are cast in first-order, flux-conservative hyperbolic form, together with the flux constraint transport method to ensure the solenoidal condition of the magnetic field. Since the astrophysical applications envisaged do not deviate significantly from spherical symmetry, the conformal flatness condition approximation is used for the formulation of the Einstein equations; this has repeatedly shown to yield very good agreement with full general relativistic simulations of core- collapse supernovae and the evolution of isolated neutron stars. In addition, the code can handle several equations of state, from simple analytical expressions to microphysical tabulated ones. In this paper we present stringent tests of our new GRMHD numerical code, which show its ability to handle all aspects appearing in the astrophysical scenarios for which the code is intended, namely relativistic shocks, highly magnetized fluids, and equilibrium configurations of magnetized neutron stars. As an application, magneto- rotational core-collapse simulations of a realistic progenitor are presented and the results compared with our previous findings in the passive magnetic-field [email protected]; [email protected]

    Quantum corrections to Higher-Dimensional Theories

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    This is a non-technical summary of the subtleties of quantum corrections on extra-dimensional theories: should one first renormalize and then mode expand, or first expand in four-dimensional modes and then renormalize?Comment: 9 pages, based on a talk at IRGAC 2006, Barcelon

    Freshwater ecotoxicity assessment of pesticide use in crop production: Testing the influence of modeling choices

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    Pesticides help to control weeds, pests, and diseases contributing, therefore, to food availability. However, pesticide fractions not reaching the intended target may have adverse effects on the environment and the field ecosystems. Modeling pesticide emissions and the link with characterizing associated impacts is currently one of the main challenges in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of agricultural systems. To address this challenge, this study takes advantage of the latest recommendations for pesticide emission inventory and impact assessment and frames a suitable interface for those LCA stages and the related mass distribution of pesticide avoiding a temporal overlapping. Here, freshwater ecotoxicity impacts of the production of feed crops (maize, grass, winter wheat, spring barley, rapeseed, and peas) in Denmark were evaluated during a 3-year period, testing the effects of inventory modeling and the recent updates of the characterization method (USEtox). Potential freshwater ecotoxicity impacts were calculated in two functional units reflecting crop impact profiles per ha and extent of cultivation, respectively. Ecotoxicity impacts decreased over the period, mainly because of the reduction of insecticides use (e.g., cypermethrin). Three different emission modeling scenarios were tested; they differ on the underlining assumptions and data requirements. The main aspects influencing impact results are the interface between inventory estimates and impact assessment, and the consideration of intermedia processes, such as crop growth development and pesticide application method. Impact scores for AS2 were higher than RS and AS1, but the differences in the crops ranking was less apparent. On the other hand, the influence on the estimation of impacts for individual AIs was considerable and statistical differences were found in the impact results modeled in scenarios RS and AS2. Thereby indicating the effect of inventory models on ecotoxicity impact assessment.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio