241 research outputs found

    Orthoptera species occured in strawberry fields in Bursa

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    Bu çalışma Bursa ilinin Osmangazi, Nilüfer, Keles, Kestel, Orhaneli, Büyükorhan ve İnegöl ilçeleri çilek alanlarında bulunan Orthoptera türlerini belirlemek amacıyla 1998-2000 yıllarında yapılmıştır. Türlerin saptanmasında gözle kontrol, tül atrapla yakalama ve çukur tuzak yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Çalışma, çilek bahçelerine Mayıs-Ağustos arasında haftada bir, erken ilkbahar ve sonbaharda iki haftada bir olmak üzere günübirlik gözlemler ile yürütülmüştür. Sonuç olarak Bursa ili çilek alanlarında Tettigoniidae, Gryllidae, Gryllotalpidae, Catantopidae, Tetrigidae, Pamphagidae ve Acrididae familyalarına ait sırasıyla 13, 3, 1, 2, 2, 1 ve 11 olmak üzere toplam 33 tür bulunmuştur. Bu türler içinde Tettigoniidae familyasından Poecilimon ricteri Ramme ve Isophya rectipennis BrunnerWattenwyl ile Catantopidae familyasından Pezotettix anatolica Uvarov’un çileğin önemli zararlıları oldukları saptanmıştır. Diğer yandan, Tettigoniidae familyasından üç predatör tür bulunmuştur. Buna ek olarak, türlerin Bursa ilindeki yayılışları, popülasyon düzeyleri ve zararlılık statüleri incelenmiştir.This study was conducted to determine Orthoptera species occurred in strawberry fields in Osmangazi, Nilüfer, Keles, Kestel, Orhaneli, Büyükorhan and İnegöl towns in Bursa during 1998-2000. Visual observation, sweep netting and pitfall traps were used for sampling. Counts were performed weekly from May to August but biweekly in early spring and fall. A total of 33 species were found in strawberry fields in Bursa. These included 13, 3, 1, 2, 2, 1 and 11 species belong to the families of Tettigoniidae, Gryllidae, Gryllotalpidae, Catantopidae, Tetrigidae,Pamphagidae and Acrididae, respectively. Among these species, Poecilimon ricteri Ramme and Isophya rectipennis Brunner-Wattenwyl from family Tettigoniidae and Pezotettix anatolica Uvarov from family Catantopidae were determined as important strawberry pests. Also, three predator species belong to family Tettigoniidae were recorded. Additionally, the distribution, population levels and pest status of these species were investigated

    Effects of different irrigation intervals and fertilizer applications on certain chemical contents of ‘Braeburn’ apple cultivar

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    The aim of present study was to investigate effects of different irrigation intervals and fertilizers on total lipid, fatty acid and sugar accumulation of Braeburn apple cultivar under Mediterranean climatic conditions. Irrigation program was performed for two consecutive years with three different intervals (1, 3 and 7 days). In fertilization, 40 g N, 32 g P2O5 and 80 g K2O per tree (with four replications) applied in the same doses for both years, except for the increased N (50 g per tree) for second year, considering the vegetative growth of the trees. The fruits were commercially harvested in 2006 season. The lipid content ranged from 0.22% (daily irrigation without fertilizer) to 0.70% (irrigation in 7 days intervals with fertilizer). The highest fatty acid was obtained from treatment 3 (irrigation in 3 days intervals without fertilizer) (83.95%), while the treatment 6 provided the least value with 64.08% (irrigation in 7 days intervals with fertilizer). Although certain changes on fructose, glucose, sucrose and total sugars content were detected, the differences were not statistically significantly among the treatments

    Güvenilirlik Analiz Metodunun Köprülere Uygulanmasi

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2008Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2008Günümüzde köprülerin yapısal değerlendirmesi konusunda ilerleme kaydetmiş olan ülkelerde köprülerin yapısal analizinde güvenilirlik metodlarının kullanımı gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Ülkemizdeki köprüler ağır yüklere maruz bırakılmakta ve buna ilaveten bu köprülerin yetersiz onarım ve bakım uygulamaları ile uzun süre hizmet vermesi beklenmektedir. Bu çalışmada Ankara il sınırları içinde 1969 yılında T.C. Karayolları tarafından yapılmış olan Peçenek Köprüsü’nün dizayn yükü ve yıkılmasına sebep olan taşıt yükü arasındaki ilişki güvenilirlik analiz metoduna göre incelenmiştir.Nowadays, the use of reliability methods for structural analysis of bridges is rapidly increasing in countries that have shown progress in the subject of structural evaluation of bridges. In Turkey, bridges are being subjected to heavy loads. Furthermore, the bridges are being expected to be of service for long times without adequate repair and maintenance. In this work, the relation between the design load and the vehicular load that led to the collapse of Peçenek bridge, built by the Turkish Highways Department in 1969 within the Ankara province, has been investigated using the reliability analysis method

    Enhanced human papillomavirus type 8 oncogene expression levels are crucial for skin tumorigenesis in transgenic mice

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    AbstractHuman papillomavirus 8 (HPV8) is involved in skin cancer development in epidermodysplasia verruciformis patients. Transgenic mice expressing HPV8 early genes (HPV8-CER) developed papillomas, dysplasias and squamous cell carcinomas. UVA/B-irradiation and mechanical wounding of HPV8-CER mouse skin led to prompt papilloma induction in about 3weeks. The aim of this study was to analyze the kinetics and level of transgene expression in response to skin irritations. Transgene expression was already enhanced 1 to 2days after UVA/B-irradiation or tape-stripping and maintained during papilloma development. The enhanced transgene expression could be assigned to UVB and not to UVA. Papilloma development was thus always paralleled by an increased transgene expression irrespective of the type of skin irritation. A knock-down of E6 mRNA by tattooing HPV8-E6-specific siRNA led to a delay and a lower incidence of papilloma development. This indicates that the early increase of viral oncogene expression is crucial for induction of papillomatosis


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    The parallel surrogate constraint approach to the linear feasibility problem

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    The linear feasibility problem arises in several areas of applied mathematics and medical science, in several forms of image reconstruction problems. The surrogate constraint algorithm of Yang and Murty for the linear feasibility problem is implemented and analyzed. The sequential approach considers projections one at a time. In the parallel approach, several projections are made simultaneously and their convex combination is taken to be used at the next iteration. The sequential method is compared with the parallel method for varied numbers of processors. Two improvement schemes for the parallel method are proposed and tested. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1996

    Thermal Analyses for Induction Sintering of Powder Metal Compacts up to Sintering Temperature

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    Induction sintering is developed as an alternative method to conventional sintering in order to sinter iron-based powder metal (PM) compacts. In this study, the 12 kW power and 30 kHz frequency induction-sintering machine is used for 3 wt.% copper-mixed iron. The effects of different shapes and sizes of the induction coil, and temperature differences on the PM compacts up to sintering temperature are investigated; these parameters are determined both theoretically and experimentally during induction sintering. Iron-based PM compacts are sintered at 1120°C. Induction sintering of iron-based PM compacts are simulated using a program to examine the effects of magnetic flux and temperature distribution in the sample over time. The results are compared with the experimental studies.Индукционное спекание было разработано как альтернатива обычному спеканию, чтобы спекать прессовки порошковых материалов (ПМ) на основе железа. В данной работе использована индукционная агломерационная машина мощностью 12 кВт и частотой 30 кГц для спекания смеси железа с 3 масс.% меди. Исследованы влияния различных форм и размеров индукционных катушек, разниц температур на брикеты ПМ вплоть до температуры спекания; эти параметры были исследованы как теоретически, так и экспериментально во время индукционного спекания. Брикеты ПМ на основе железа спекались при 1120°C. Индукционное спекание брикетов ПМ на основе железа также смоделировано с использованием программы, которая исследует влияние магнитного потока и распределения температуры в образце со временем. Результаты сопоставлены с результатами экспериментальных исследований.Індукційне спікання було розроблено як альтернатива звичайному спіканню, щоб спікати брикети порошкових матеріялів (ПМ) на основі заліза. В даній роботі використано індукційну аґломераційну машину потужністю у 12 кВт і частотою у 30кГц для спікання суміші заліза з 3 ваг.% міді. Досліджено впливи різних форм і розмірів індукційної шпулі, ріжниць температур на брикети ПМ аж до температури спікання; ті параметри було досліджено як теоретично, так й експериментально під час індукційного спікання. Брикети ПМ на основі заліза спікалися при 1120°C. Індукційне спікання брикетів ПМ на основі заліза також модельовано з використанням програми, яка досліджує впливи магнетного потоку та розподілу температури у зразку з часом. Результати порівняно з результатами експериментальних досліджень

    Human papillomavirus mediated inhibition of DNA damage sensing and repair drives skin carcinogenesis

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    Background: The failure to mount an effective DNA damage response to repair UV induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) results in an increased propensity to develop cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC). High-risk patient groups, such as organ transplant recipients (OTRs) frequently exhibit field cancerization at UV exposed body sites from which multiple human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated cSCCs develop rapidly, leading to profound morbidity and increased mortality. In vitro molecular evidence indicates that HPV of genus beta-papillomavirus (β-PV) play an important role in accelerating the early stages of skin tumorigenesis. Methods: We investigated the effects of UV induced DNA damage in murine models of β-PV E6 oncoprotein driven skin tumorigenesis by crossing K14-HPV8-E6wt mice (developing skin tumors after UV treatment) with K14-CPD-photolyase animals and by generating the K14-HPV8-E6-K136N mutant mouse strain. Thymine dimers (marker for CPDs) and γH2AX (a marker for DNA double strand breaks) levels were determined in the murine skin and organotypic skin cultures of E6 expressing primary human keratinocytes after UV-irradiation by immunohistochemistry and in cell lines by In Cell Western blotting. Phosphorylation of ATR/Chk1 and ATM were assessed in cell lines and organotypic skin cultures by Western blots and immunohistochemistry. Results: Skin tumor development after UV-irradiation in K14-HPV8-E6wt mice could completely be blocked through expression of CPD-photolyase. Through quantification of thymine dimers after UV irradiation in cells expressing E6 proteins with point mutations at conserved residues we identified a critical lysine in the

    2D-Based 3D Volume Retrieval Using Singular Value Decomposition of Detected Regions

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    In this paper, a novel 3D retrieval model to retrieve medical volumes using 2D images as input is proposed. The main idea consists of applying a multi–scale detection of saliency of image regions. Then, the 3D volumes with the regions for each of the scales are associated with a set of projections onto the three canonical planes. The 3D shape is indirectly represented by a 2D–shape descriptor so that the 3D–shape matching is transformed into measuring similarity between 2D–shapes. The shape descriptor is defined by the set of the k largest singular values of the 2D images and Euclidean distance between the vector descriptors is used as a similarity measure. The preliminary results obtained on a simple database show promising performance with a mean average precision (MAP) of 0.82 and could allow using the approach as part of a retrieval system in clinical routine