27 research outputs found

    Human Skin Cancer:an Overview Of Animal, Ex Vivo, and In Vitro Models

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    Purpose of Review: Skin cancer is the most prevalent human cancer and has presented a considerable world incidence rate increase over the last years. While animals offer highly complex systems to study skin cancer biology, ethical concerns and the differences found between the human and animal skin have promoted the development of alternative methods. In this review, we provide an overview of the most important skin cancer models and describe the advantages of in vitro substitutes over ex vivo and animal models. To facilitate understanding, an insight into the biology of skin cancer is also given. Recent Findings: Currently, the study of cancer pathology and the development of therapeutic agents are mostly based on animal experiments. The methodologies used are based on mice genetic modifications and the induction of carcinogenesis by UV radiation, chemicals, or viruses. Skin explant models represent one alternative to animal models. These preserve the structure and composition of native skin and are therefore highly suitable. More recent studies have developed in vitro skin models composed of the epidermal and/or the dermal layers, which more faithfully mimic the human skin. Summary: Various technologies have been studied to create improved skin substitutes. To better understand skin cancer biology, models that more faithfully mimic the human skin are needed. In vitro systems can recreate many of the typical features of both healthy and diseased skin and suggest that complex systems like full-thickness models are highly valuable tools to perform human skin studies

    Lo que esconde la atenci贸n institucional del parto

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    El presente art铆culo, examina la vivencia de la violencia obst茅trica como violencia de g茅nero vistas en las pr谩cticas de atenci贸n en el embarazo, especialmente durante el parto desarrolladas en las instituciones de salud. En este trabajo de investigaci贸n, se aborda particularmente la configuraci贸n de la subjetividad pol铆tica femenina de quien opta por un parto alternativo y se prepara para ello. Se pretende mostrar la influencia de la atenci贸n institucional del embarazo y parto mediante pr谩cticas como la episiotom铆a o ces谩rea en la construcci贸n de significados en la mujer, con el prop贸sito de visibilizar la problem谩tica de la violencia obst茅trica como violencia de g茅nero en la que se vislumbran relaciones de poder y de control social perpetuados sobre el cuerpo. De esta manera, se destaca la complejidad social que arraiga al no ser reconocido por las mujeres como violencia y donde se hace necesario la implementaci贸n de los mecanismos necesarios que garanticen un parto humanizado lejos de cualquier forma de violencia/maltrato hacia la mujer y su hijo.This article examines the experience of obstetric violence as gender-based violence seen in pregnancy care practices, especially during childbirth in health institutions. In this research work, the configuration of the political subjectivity of women who choose an alternative birth and prepare for it is particularly addressed. The aim is to show the influence of institutional pregnancy and childbirth care through practices such as episiotomy or cesarean section on the construction of meaning in women, in order to make the problem of obstetric violence visible as gender-based violence in which power relations and social control perpetuated over the body are glimpsed. In this way, it highlights the social complexity that is rooted in the fact that it is not recognized by women as violence and where it is necessary to implement the required mechanisms that guarantee a humanized birth far from any form of violence/mistreatment towards the woman and her child.Rionegr

    Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection : a Review with Emphasis on Therapy

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    RESUMEN: A pesar de las campa帽as mundiales de vacunaci贸n y de los adultos inmunocompetentes que resuelven su enfermedad, se calcula que 400 millones de personas en todo el mundo est谩n infectadas cr贸nicamente con el virus de la hepatitis B (VHB). Colombia ha pasado a tener una prevalencia baja con un 2% de la poblaci贸n positiva para el ant铆geno de superficie de este virus (HBsAg); sin embargo, la prevalencia var铆a entre las distintas regiones. Los portadores de VHB tienen mayor riesgo de desarrollar hepatitis cr贸nica, cirrosis hep谩tica (CH), falla hep谩tica y carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC). El tratamiento de la infecci贸n cr贸nica por el VHB busca frenar por completo la replicaci贸n viral e inducir la remisi贸n del da帽o hep谩tico antes de que se desarrolle CH o CHC. Actualmente la terapia farmacol贸gica se hace, entre otros medicamentos, con interfer贸n pegilado alfa 2a, lamivudina, adefovir y entecavir. Los pacientes con hepatitis aguda no necesitan tratamiento, aquellos con falla hep谩tica fulminante se deben evaluar para trasplante y el tratamiento de la infecci贸n cr贸nica se debe elegir seg煤n la gravedad y caracter铆sticas de la enfermedad. El seguimiento de los pacientes con infecci贸n aguda por el VHB se debe hacer cada 1-3 meses para detectar la progresi贸n hacia hepatitis cr贸nica; para ese prop贸sito se miden los niveles de aminotransferasas, bilirrubinas, tiempo de protrombina, alb煤mina s茅rica, 伪-fetoprote铆na y ADN VHB; tambi茅n se hacen recuento de plaquetas, biopsia hep谩tica, ultrasonido abdominal y endoscopia digestiva superior. A los pacientes en tratamiento con interfer贸n pegilado se les deben medir cada seis meses el ant铆geno e (HBeAg), su correspondiente anticuerpo (anti-HBe) y el ADN VHB. En quienes reciben lamivudina, adefovir, entecavir u otros antivirales, estas mediciones se hacen cada 3-6 meses. Se est谩n estudiando otros f谩rmacos con propiedades antivirales o inmunomoduladoras tales como: emtricitabine, clevudine, tenofovir, telmivudina y 尾 L nucle贸sidos. Las estrategias inmunomoduladoras incluyen el uso de citoquinas y la vacunaci贸n.ABSTRACT: Despite vaccination campaigns around the world and the resolution of the disease in immunocompetent adults, it is estimated that 400 million people worldwide are chronically infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV). The prevalence rate of this disease in the Colombian population is low, though variable among regions: only 2% are positive in tests for the surface antigen of this virus (HBsAg). Carriers of HBV have a higher risk of developing chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis (HC), liver failure and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The aims of treatment for chronic HBV infection are to completely control viral replication and to induce remission of liver damage before HC or HCC may develop. Nowadays, pharmacological therapy of HBV infection is done, among others, with pegylated interferon alfa 2a, lamivudine, adefovir, and entecavir. Patients with acute hepatitis do not need to be treated, those with acute liver failure should be evaluated for transplantation, and therapy for chronic infection should be chosen according to the degree of severity and the characteristics of their disease. Patients with acute HBV infection should be monitored every 1 to 3 months in order to detect the progression toward chronic hepatitis; for that purpose the levels of aminotransferases, bilirubin, prothrombin time, serum albumin, 伪-fetoprotein and HBV DNA are determined, and platelet count, liver biopsy, abdominal ultrasonography and upper digestive endoscopy are carried out. In patients being treated with alfa 2a pegylated interferon HBeAg, anti-HBe and HBV DNA must be measured every 6 months. These measurements should be made every 3 to 6 months in patients who use lamivudine, adefovir, entecavir or other antivirals. Other drugs with immunomodulatory or antiviral properties are being studied. The new antiviral agents include: emtricitabine, clevudine, tenofovir, telmivudine and 尾 L nucleosides. Immunomodulatory strategies include the use of cytokines and vaccination

    Histoplasmosis: Resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Colombia, 1992-2008

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    Introducci贸n. La histoplasmosis est谩 caracterizada por variadas manifestaciones que van desde la afecci贸n subcl铆nica a la enfermedad diseminada, y suele presentarse tanto en hu茅spedes inmunocompetentes como inmunosuprimidos. Como la enfermedad no es de notificaci贸n obligatoria en Colombia, se dise帽贸 una encuesta para recolectar informaci贸n de los casos diagnosticados en el pa铆s.Objetivo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar los datos recolectados desde 1992 hasta 2008.Materiales y m茅todos. La encuesta incluy贸 datos demogr谩ficos, factores de riesgo, manifestaciones cl铆nicas, estudios de im谩genes, m茅todos diagn贸sticos y tratamiento antif煤ngico. Los pacientes se agruparon de acuerdo con los factores de riesgo y se compararon los correspondientes hallazgos.Resultados. Se examinaron 434 encuestas provenientes de 20 de los departamentos colombianos. La mayor铆a (96,1 %) correspond铆an a adultos, 77 % eran hombres con edad promedio de 38,4 a帽os, y s贸lo 3,9 % eran ni帽os o adolescentes. En los adultos, 70,5 % ten铆an sida y 7 % presentaban otra inmunosupresi贸n. Las manifestaciones predominantes fueron fiebre (76,1 %), tos (54,8 %) y s铆ntomas constitucionales (56,8 %). En las radiograf铆as, las anormalidades fueron principalmente infiltrados (65,9 %) y n贸dulos (17,1 %). El diagn贸stico se estableci贸 por observaci贸n microsc贸pica de H. capsulatum en 49,6 % casos, por cultivo en 58 % y por pruebas serol贸gicas en 14,6 %. El tratamiento se inform贸 s贸lo en 52,5 % casos.Conclusiones. Se demostr贸 que la histoplasmosis es frecuente en Colombia, especialmente en grupos de riesgo como son los pacientes infectados con el VIH. El an谩lisis de este n煤mero relevante de pacientes permiti贸 establecer comparaciones v谩lidas sobre aspectos de la histoplasmosis en nuestro pa铆s.Introduction. Histoplasmosis, a fungal disorder characterized by a wide spectrum of manifestations that range from subclinical infections to disseminated processes, affects both immunocompetent and immunosuppressed individuals. Histoplasmosis is not a reportable disease in Colombia and consequently, a survey was designed to collect histoplasmosis cases diagnosed in the country.Objective. The aim of this work was to analyze the data collected from 1992 to 2008.Materials and methods. The survey included demographic data, risk factors, clinical manifestations, imaging data, diagnostic methods and antifungal treatment. Patients were grouped according to risk factors and comparisons of the various findings were done.Results. A total of 434 surveys were gathered from 20 of the country芒鈧劉s Departments. Most patients (96.1%) were adults, 77% were males with a mean age of 38.4 years. Only 3.9% were children less than 15 years of age. In the adult population, AIDS was reported in 70.5% of the cases; additionally, in 7.0% patients other immunosuppressive conditions were informed. The most frequent clinical manifestations were fever (76.1%), cough (54.8%) and constitutional symptoms (56.8%). X rays abnormalities were represented mainly by infiltrates (65.9%) and nodules (17.1%). Diagnosis was made by microscopic observation of H. capsulatum in 49.6% patients, by culture in 58.0% and by serological test in 14.6% cases. Antifungal use was recorded in 52.5% cases.Conclusions. Histoplasmosis is frequent in Colombia, especially in certain risk factor groups such as the HIV-infected population. Data collected from this large number of cases has allowed valid comparisons on various aspects of histoplasmosis in Colombia

    Quality of life in Dermatology: tests for its evaluation

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    RESUMEN: Se puede enfocar la calidad de vida desde la perspectiva de diferentes dimensiones, entre ellas: econ贸mica, religiosa, espiritual, sociol贸gica y de salud; los cambios en la percepci贸n de salud pueden afectar cualquiera de estas dimensiones. La satisfacci贸n y el bienestar de los pacientes cobran cada vez mayor importancia. Estas consideraciones han impulsado el desarrollo de escalas para medir y cuantificar la calidad de vida, con el fin de evaluar el impacto sobre ella de las enfermedades cr贸nicas y las intervenciones terap茅uticas, as铆 como para definir la asignaci贸n de recursos. En la actualidad existen muchas escalas para evaluar la calidad de vida en pacientes dermatol贸gicos, pero las m谩s utilizadas son DLQI y Skindex 29. En este art铆culo se presenta una revisi贸n de la literatura sobre las escalas de calidad de vida en dermatolog铆a.ABSTRACT: Quality of life can be approached from the perspective of different dimensions, among them: economic, religious, spiritual, sociological and health-related. Changes in the perception of health can affect either one of these dimensions. Satisfaction and well-being of patients are becoming ever more important. These considerations have stimulated the development of scales to measure and quantify the quality of life in order to assess the impact on it of chronic diseases and therapeutic interventions, as well as to define the allocation of resources. Presently, many scales are available to evaluate the quality of life in dermatological patients; among them, DLQI and Skindex 29 are the most frequently used. We present a review of the literature concerning this subject

    Vulneraci贸n a la integridad f铆sica de personas mayores: prevalencia del maltrato y factores asociados

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    The ageing population currently experienced by Latin America brings with it challenges for society, such as the prevention of human rights violation and freedoms of the elderly, and the elimination of all forms of abuse. The prevalence of physical abuse for the elderly was 4.1%. It was mainly presented in women, people without a partner, and with financial income. In addition, it was more prevalent in older people at risk of depression, a history of suicidal thoughts, dissatisfaction with health, and living with dysfunctional families. The findings of this research show how family relationships can be a key factor in addressing the problem of abuse. In addition, the serious impact of these facts on the victim, such as affectations not only to physical health, but also to mental health.El envejecimiento poblacional que experimenta actualmente Am茅rica Latina trae consigo retos para la sociedad, como la prevenci贸n de la vulneraci贸n a los derechos humanos y libertades de las personas mayores y la eliminaci贸n de todas las formas de maltrato. La prevalencia de maltrato f铆sico a personas mayores fue de 4,1%. Se present贸 principalmente en mujeres, personas sin pareja y con ingreso econ贸mico. Adem谩s, fue m谩s prevalente en personas mayores con riesgo de depresi贸n, antecedentes de pensamientos suicidas, insatisfacci贸n con la salud y que conviv铆an con familias disfuncionales. Los hallazgos de esta investigaci贸n muestran como las relaciones familiares pueden ser un factor clave a la hora de abordar la problem谩tica del maltrato; adem谩s, las graves repercusiones que generan estos hechos sobre la v铆ctima, como afectaciones no solo a la salud f铆sica sino tambi茅n mental

    Histoplasmosis : results of the Colombian National Survey, 1992-2008

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    Introducci贸n. La histoplasmosis est谩 caracterizada por variadas manifestaciones que van desde la afecci贸n subcl铆nica a la enfermedad diseminada, y suele presentarse tanto en hu茅spedes inmunocompetentes como inmunosuprimidos. Como la enfermedad no es de notificaci贸n obligatoria en Colombia, se dise帽贸 una encuesta para recolectar informaci贸n de los casos diagnosticados en el pa铆s. Objetivo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar los datos recolectados desde 1992 hasta 2008. Materiales y m茅todos. La encuesta incluy贸 datos demogr谩ficos, factores de riesgo, manifestaciones cl铆nicas, estudios de im谩genes, m茅todos diagn贸sticos y tratamiento antif煤ngico. Los pacientes se agruparon de acuerdo con los factores de riesgo y se compararon los correspondientes hallazgos. Resultados. Se examinaron 434 encuestas provenientes de 20 de los departamentos colombianos. La mayor铆a (96,1 %) correspond铆an a adultos, 77 % eran hombres con edad promedio de 38,4 a帽os, y s贸lo 3,9 % eran ni帽os o adolescentes. En los adultos, 70,5 % ten铆an sida y 7 % presentaban otra inmunosupresi贸n. Las manifestaciones predominantes fueron fiebre (76,1 %), tos (54,8 %) y s铆ntomas constitucionales (56,8 %). En las radiograf铆as, las anormalidades fueron principalmente infiltrados (65,9 %) y n贸dulos (17,1 %). El diagn贸stico se estableci贸 por observaci贸n microsc贸pica de H. capsulatum en 49,6 % casos, por cultivo en 58 % y por pruebas serol贸gicas en 14,6 %. El tratamiento se inform贸 s贸lo en 52,5 % casos. Conclusiones. Se demostr贸 que la histoplasmosis es frecuente en Colombia, especialmente en grupos de riesgo como son los pacientes infectados con el VIH. El an谩lisis de este n煤mero relevante de pacientes permiti贸 establecer comparaciones v谩lidas sobre aspectos de la histoplasmosis en nuestro pa铆s.Q4Q3344-356Introduction. Histoplasmosis, a fungal disorder characterized by a wide spectrum of manifestations that range from subclinical infections to disseminated processes, affects both immunocompetent and immunosuppressed individuals. Histoplasmosis is not a reportable disease in Colombia and consequently, a survey was designed to collect histoplasmosis cases diagnosed in the country. Objective. The aim of this work was to analyze the data collected from 1992 to 2008. Materials and methods. The survey included demographic data, risk factors, clinical manifestations, imaging data, diagnostic methods and antifungal treatment. Patients were grouped according to risk factors and comparisons of the various findings were done. Results. A total of 434 surveys were gathered from 20 of the country芒 s Departments. Most patients (96.1%) were adults, 77% were males with a mean age of 38.4 years. Only 3.9% were children less than 15 years of age. In the adult population, AIDS was reported in 70.5% of the cases; additionally, in 7.0% patients other immunosuppressive conditions were informed. The most frequent clinical manifestations were fever (76.1%), cough (54.8%) and constitutional symptoms (56.8%). X rays abnormalities were represented mainly by infiltrates (65.9%) and nodules (17.1%). Diagnosis was made by microscopic observation of H. capsulatum in 49.6% patients, by culture in 58.0% and by serological test in 14.6% cases. Antifungal use was recorded in 52.5% cases. Conclusions. Histoplasmosis is frequent in Colombia, especially in certain risk factor groups such as the HIV-infected population. Data collected from this large number of cases has allowed valid comparisons on various aspects of histoplasmosis in Colombia

    Fiabilidad y validez de constructo de la versi贸n colombiana del instrumento de calidad de vida Skindex-29漏 en Medell铆n, Colombia

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    RESUMEN: La adaptaci贸n cultural de los instrumentos de calidad de vida y su evaluaci贸n psicom茅trica se deben hacer de forma rigurosa y estandarizada. Objetivo: evaluar la fiabilidad y la validez de constructo de la versi贸n colombiana del instrumento Skindex-29漏. M茅todos: se incluyeron pacientes con enfermedades cut谩neas inflamatorias o generalizadas; con enfermedades no inflamatorias o localizadas, e individuos sanos y se determin贸 la fiabilidad intraobservador e interobservador. Resultados: se encuestaron 265 individuos. El coeficiente alfa de Cronbach fue de 0,957 para el instrumento total. Los coeficientes de correlaci贸n intraclase de la consistencia intraobservador e interobservador fueron superiores al 0,9. Los pacientes con enfermedades dermatol贸gicas generalizadas y con dermatosis inflamatorias tuvieron puntuaciones m谩s altas que las de aquellos con lesiones cut谩neas no inflamatorias o aisladas. Conclusiones: los resultados corroboran la validez de constructo del instrumento estudiado. En el futuro es necesario evaluar otras propiedades psicom茅tricas del mismo tales como su validez de contenido y de criterio y su sensibilidad al cambio.ABSTRACT: The cultural adaptation of quality of life instruments and their psychometric evaluation should be done rigorously and according to the standards. Objective: This study assessed the reliability and construct validity of the Colombian version of the Skindex-29 instrument Methods: Patients with inflammatory or generalized skin diseases and with non-inflammatory or localized diseases, and healthy individuals were included. We determined the intra- and inter-observer reliability Results: We surveyed 265 individuals. Cronbach鈥檚 alpha was 0.957 for the total instrument. The intraclass correlation coefficients for intra-observer and inter-observer consistency were higher than 0.9. Patients with generalized or inflammatory diseases had higher scores than those with non-inflammatory or isolated lesions. Conclusions: The results support the construct validity of the studied instrument. In the future, it is necessary to evaluate other psychometric properties such as its content and criteria validity, and its sensitivity to change

    Criptococosis en Colombia : resultados de la encuesta nacional, 2006-2010

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    Introducci贸n. Desde 1997 se viene realizando un programa nacional de vigilancia sobre la criptococosisen Colombia. Se presentan los resultados correspondientes a los pacientes diagnosticados entre el2006 y el 2010. Objetivo. Analizar los datos obtenidos durante este periodo. Materiales y m茅todos. An谩lisis retrospectivo de las encuestas. Resultados. Durante los cinco a帽os mencionados se recibieron 526 encuestas representativas del72 % de la divisi贸n pol铆tica colombiana. La mayor铆a de pacientes (76,6 %) eran hombres y 74,9 %estaban entre los 21 y los 50 a帽os. El factor de riesgo prevalente fue la infecci贸n por VIH (83,5 %), y lacriptococosis defini贸 el sida en 23 % de los casos. La incidencia anual promedio en la poblaci贸n generalfue de 2,4 por un mill贸n de habitantes mientras que, en pacientes con sida, aument贸 a 3,3 por 1.000.En 474 encuestas se informaron manifestaciones cl铆nicas; las m谩s frecuentes fueron: cefalea (84,5%), fiebre (63,4 %), n谩useas y v贸mito (57,5 %), alteraciones mentales (46,3 %), signos men铆ngeos(33 %), tos (26,4 %) y alteraciones visuales (24,5 %). La neurocriptococosis se report贸 en 81,8 % delos casos. El diagn贸stico se hizo por examen directo, cultivo y antigenemia en 29,3 % de los casos.De 413 aislamientos recuperados, 95,6 % fueron C. neoformans var. grubii, 1 % C. neoformans var.neoformans, y 3,4 % C. gattii. En 71,6 % de los casos para el tratamiento se administr贸 anfotericina By en 28 % se combin贸 con fluconazol. Conclusiones. La vigilancia pasiva contin煤a siendo un marcador centinela para la infecci贸n por VIH, yconstituye una aproximaci贸n sistem谩tica al estudio de infecciones oportunistas en pacientes con sida,debido a que la criptococosis no es de notificaci贸n obligatoria en Colombia.Q4Q3Art铆culo original386-398Introduction: A survey on cryptococcosis is being conducted regularly in Colombia since 1997. We present hereby the results corresponding to patients diagnosed from 2006 to 2010. Objective: To analyze the data obtained during this period. Materials and methods: Retrospective analysis of the corresponding surveys. Results: A total of 526 surveys originating from 72% of the Colombian political divisions were received during the 5-year period. Most patients (76.6%) were males and 74.9% were 21-50 years old. The most prevalent risk factor was HIV infection (83.5%) with cryptococcosis defining AIDS in 23% of the cases. In the general population the estimated mean annual incidence rate for cryptococcosis was 2.4 x 106 inhabitants while in AIDS patients this rate rose to 3.3 x 103. In 474 surveys stating clinical features, most frequent complaints were headache 84.5%, fever 63.4%, nausea and vomiting 57.5%, mental alterations 46.3%, meningeal signs 33.0%, cough 26.4% and visual alterations 24.5%. Neurocryptococcosis was recorded in 81.8% of the cases. Laboratory diagnosis was based on direct examination, culture and latex in 29.3% cases. From 413 Cryptococcus isolates analyzed, 95.6% were identified as C. neoformans var. grubii, 1% C. neoformans var. neoformans, and 3.4% C. gattii. Treatment was reported for 71.6% of the cases with amphotericin B alone or in combination with fluconazole prescribed in 28%. Conclusions: Surveys done through passive surveillance continue to be sentinel markers for HIV infection and represent a systematic approach to the study of opportunistic problems regularly afflicting AIDS patients since cryptococcosis requires no compulsory notification in Colombia

    Semilleros de investigaci贸n : rutas y experiencias de la Universidad de Antioquia

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