1,182 research outputs found

    Reabilitação de túneis ferroviários da Linha do Minho.

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Civil. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Characterization of the High-Pathogenicity Island encoding the siderophore piscibactin in Vibrio anguillarum: effects on bacterial virulence and implications for the control of vibriosis in fish

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    Vibrio anguillarum is a marine pathogen that can infect warm- and coldwater fish with economical importance in aquaculture. One of the main virulence factosr of this organism is the synthesis and utilization of siderophores, molecules able to bind iron with high affinity from the environment and/or host tissues. Two siderophore-mediated systems have been described: a system that encodes vanchrobactin (encoded in the chromosome and present in all pathogenic strains) and another that encodes anguibactin (encoded in the plasmid pJM1 and present in serotype O1 strains). The vanchrobactin biosynthesis and transport genes are present in all strains but the expression is inactivated in strains that harbour the plasmid pJM1. Recently, genome analysis of V. anguillarum strain RV22 (vanchrobactin producer) revealed the presence of a gene cluster homologous to the Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida irp cluster that encodes the siderophore piscibactin. This observation rises the hypothesizes that RV22 could produce a piscibactin-like siderophore in addition to vanchrobactin. Therefore, the present work will focus on the mechanism involved in piscibactin biosynthesis, transport and regulation and its contribution to fish virulence. The regulation of the biosynthesis and secretion of both siderophores will be also studied. Furthermore, we will assess the contribution of vanchrobactin and piscibactin to the virulence of V. anguillarum. Vanchrobactin has been extensively studied, and the genes involved in its biosynthesis and transport have been established, but there are many regulatory aspects still unknown. However not much is known about piscibactin because it is the main siderophore of Pdp, a bacterium that is highly difficult to manipulate genetically. Therefore, we will study the molecular mechanisms involved in its biosynthesis, transport and regulation in V. anguillarum and the contribution of piscibactin to the virulence, persistence and dissemination of this pathogen in the host. Finally, we will evaluate the potential use of vanchrobactin and piscibactin outer membrane receptors as vaccines for use in aquaculture systems

    Supporting a portuguese hotel chain in attracting and retaining portuguese guests: the role of Crm and email marketing

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    The Portuguese tourism sector received many foreign tourists before the Covid-19 crisis, with large hotel companies relying heavily on the foreign tourist segment. Yet, in 2020, the pandemic crisis forced the cessation of international tourism for many months, which led Portuguese hotels to focus on the domestic segment to keep the business alive. The following study identified effective strategies for attracting and retaining Portuguese clients in Portugal, bringing efficient solutions applicable to the Portuguese market. However, the results obtained are more relevant for the Pestana Hotel Group. An internship within this hotel group was done, which is why this study focuses specifically on this brand. An online questionnaire with 215 responses was also carried out, and eleven interviews with professionals in the sector were conducted to gather results on the effectiveness of the strategies presented in this study. The results reported the effectiveness of a strategy that focuses on CRM and email marketing by applying an email personalisation strategy, in order to attract and retain Portuguese guests. These results are relevant for the Pestana Hotel Group and could be helpful for other Portuguese firms within the tourism sector

    Insulin resistance, lipid profile and low-grade inflammation in Hashimoto thyroiditis

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    RESUMO CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: A tiroidite de Hashimoto (TH) pode associar-se a diferentes níveis de disfunção tiroideia. Ainda não está esclarecido de que forma a disfunção tiroideia ligeira, a autoimunidade e a inflamação crónica contribuem para um risco cardiovascular aumentado nos doentes com TH. Desta forma, este estudo pretende avaliar o grau de insulinorresistência, o perfil lipídico e a inflamação de baixo grau nos doentes com TH. MÉTODOS: Este estudo inclui um total de 228 indivíduos com tiroidite de Hashimoto, que foram divididos em três grupos de acordo com os níveis de TSH - TSH 0.35-2.49 μUI/ml, TSH 2.50-4.94 μUI/ml e TSH>4.94 μUI/ml. Foram determinados os testes de função tiroideia, anticorpos anti-tiroideus, perfil lipídico, índices de insulinorresistência, proteína C reativa de alta sensibilidade, vitamina B12, ácido fólico e homocisteína. A análise estatística foi realizada com ANOVA, t-test de Student, correlações de Pearson e regressão linear múltipla. RESULTADOS: 93.9% da nossa população é do sexo feminino e a média das idades é 47.1±15.4 anos. Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos, relativamente à idade, sexo e índice de massa corporal (IMC). Os valores de Modelo de Avaliação da Homeostasia da Insulinorresistência (HOMA-IR) foram estatisticamente diferentes entre os três grupos (p<0.001). No grupo total, níveis aumentados de TSH foram associados a valores superiores de triglicerídeos (r=0.206, p=0.002) e de HOMA-IR (r=0.209, p=0.002). Ambas as correlações se mantiveram significativas após ajustamento da idade, sexo e IMC. Foram encontradas correlações positivas entre os títulos de anticorpos anti-peroxidase tiroideia e colesterol total (r=0.166, p=0.013), colesterol LDL (r=0.173, p=0.01), Apolipoproteína B (r=0.190, p=0.006) e HOMA-IR (r=0.141, p=0.033). Os títulos de anticorpos anti-tiroglobulina correlacionaram-se positivamente com triglicerídeos (r=0.140, p=0.036). CONCLUSÕES: Os pacientes com TH e disfunção tiroideia ligeira apresentam um perfil lipídico mais aterogénico, bem como maior resistência à ação da insulina. Desta forma, o rastreio de comorbilidades cardiovasculares nestes doentes é essencial, de forma a fornecer um diagnóstico precoce e melhores decisões terapêuticas.BACKGROUNDː Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) may present different levels of thyroid function impairment. It remains unclear how mild thyroid dysfunction, autoimmunity and chronic inflammation contribute to an increased cardiovascular risk in HT. Therefore, this study aims to assess insulin resistance, lipid panel and low-grade inflammation in HT patients. METHODSː A total of 228 patients with HT were enrolled and divided into 3 groups, accordingly to TSH levels - TSH 0.35-2.49 μUI/ml, TSH 2.50-4.94 μUI/ml and TSH>4.94 μUI/ml. We assessed thyroid function tests and antibodies, lipid profile, insulin resistance indexes, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, vitamin B12, folic acid and homocysteine. Statistical analysis was made using ANOVA, Student's t-test, Pearson's correlations and multiple linear regression. RESULTSː 93.9% of our population were women and mean age was 47.1±15.4 years. No significant differences were found between groups, regarding age, sex and body mass index (BMI). Homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) levels were significantly different in the three groups (p<0.001). In the total group, higher TSH values were associated to higher levels of triglycerides (r=0.206, p=0.002) and HOMA-IR (r=0.209, p=0.002), even after adjustment for age, sex and BMI. Thyroid peroxidase antibodies titers correlated positively with total cholesterol (r=0.166, p=0.013), LDL-cholesterol (r=0.173, p=0.010), ApoB (r=0.190, p=0.006) and HOMA-IR (r=0.141, p=0.033). Thyroglobulin antibodies correlated positively with triglycerides (r=0.140, p=0.036). CONCLUSIONSː HT patients with mild thyroid dysfunction present a more atherogenic lipid profile and higher resistance to insulin action. Therefore, screening for cardiovascular comorbidities in these patients is essential to provide an early diagnosis and better treatment decisions

    o corpo feminino na ilustração científica: uma reflexão visual em torno de convenções e padrões de representação

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    A presente dissertação reflete acerca da representação visual do corpo feminino nas ilustrações científicas. Através de uma análise às convenções e aos padrões de representação, descobrem-se narrativas socioculturais associadas ao modo de pensar a mulher e o seu corpo numa sociedade de cariz patriarcal. Recorrendo ao design de comunicação como meio de observação, reflexão e crítica, concebe-se uma plataforma online que investiga visualmente o tema, mostrando ao observador que, sob o manto da neutralidade científica, as ilustrações científicas da anatomia humana reproduzem e perpetuam convenções associadas não apenas às diferenças fisionómicas entre sexos como também às suas características de género. Esta plataforma constitui-se também como um espaço de investigação, exploração e discussão partilhada

    Seasonal changes in the nutritional composition of agarophyton vermiculophyllum (Rhodophyta, Gracilariales) from the Center of Portugal

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    Seaweeds exhibit high nutritional value due to a balanced concentration of proteins, vitamins and minerals, a high concentration of low digestibility polysaccharides, and reduced levels of lipids, many of which are n-3 and n-6 fatty acids. The species Agarophyton vermiculophyllum is no exception and, as such, a comprehensive study of the chemical and nutritional profile of this red seaweed was carried out for 1 year. Seasonal variations in moisture, ash, protein and amino acids content, crude fibers, ascorbic acid, agar, lipids, and the corresponding fatty acid profile, were analyzed. We found low levels of fatty acids and a high protein content, but also noticed interesting seasonal change patterns in these compounds. The present study gives insights on the environmental conditions that can lead to changes in the nutritional composition of this species, aiming, therefore, to bring new conclusions about the manipulation of environmental conditions that allow for maximizing the nutritional value of this seaweed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Writing proficiency in English as L2 in Spanish children with dyslexia

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    Producción CientíficaDifferent studies have demonstrated that people with dyslexia have difficulties in acquiring fluent reading and writing. These problems are also evident when they learn a second language. The aim of our study was to investigate if there is a linguistic transfer effect for writing in children with dyslexia when they face tasks in English (L2), as well as the possible influence of other linguistic skills (spelling, vocabulary and reading) in English (L2) and in Spanish (L1). Participants completed a series of tasks both in Spanish and English: a picture naming task, a word reading task, a word spelling task, and a written composition of which we analysed its quality through different variables provided by the Coh-metrix software. Our results revealed that children with dyslexia show similar or parallel performance in written composition in both languages, which could imply a language transfer effect from L1 and L2. Besides, basic language skills are related to the characteristics of written composition to a greater extent in English than in Spanish, suggesting the impact of these on the quality of written composition.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, (grant PID2019-106868 GB-I00)Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Enclaves segregacionistas na República da África do Sul: Comunidades fechadas como espaços propagadores de ideologias racistas

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    A seguinte dissertação tem como alvo de estudo as comunidades fechadas de africânderes localizadas na República da África do Sul (RAS), com especial atenção à comunidade de Orania. Através de uma pesquisa exclusivamente qualitativa, procura-se a ligação entre o passado colonialista da RAS e as novas formas de produzir ideologias racistas através do planeamento urbanístico. O território sul-africano ainda vive sobre profundas marcas deixadas pelo Apartheid, antigo regime segregacionista e racista planeado e executado pelo partido político National Party (NP). A história demonstra em como o objetivo do NP era afastar os cidadãos negros da vida social, oferecendo proteção, bem como, soberania aos cidadãos brancos de etnia africânder. Porém, através de pressão internacional, o regime chegou ao fim, trazendo consigo uma vaga de insatisfação nos cidadãos africânderes. De modo a prosseguirem com as suas ideologias, alguns africânderes utilizaram a Constituição e um traço cultural a seu favor para dar início à construção de espaços que apresentassem um registo de exclusão e homogeneidade étnica. Esta investigação, fazendo uso do passado histórico como componente de enquadramento às novas formas de racismo, pretende demonstrar a influência do Apartheid na atual sociedade sul-africana, assim como apresentar a explicação, retida no fenómeno social que é a supremacia branca, para a autodeterminação conseguida pelos africânderes. O estudo não deu profundidade às situações de terror provocadas durante o regime segregacionista e racista à população anti-Apartheid e a grupos usuários de violência.The following dissertation targets the gated communities of Afrikaners located in the Republic of South Africa (RSA), with special attention to the community of Orania. Through exclusively qualitative research, a connection is sought between the colonialist past of the RSA and the new ways of producing racist ideologies through urban planning. The South African territory still lives on deep marks left by Apartheid, a former segregationist and racist regime planned and executed by the National Party (NP) political party. History shows how the goal of the NP was to keep black citizens away from social life, offering protection as well as sovereignty to white citizens of Afrikaner ethnicity. However, through international pressure, the regime came to an end, bringing with it a wave of dissatisfaction among Afrikaner citizens. To pursue their ideologies, some Afrikaans used the Constitution and a cultural trait in their favor to start building spaces that had a record of exclusion and ethnic homogeneity. This research, making use of the historical past as a framework component to the new forms of racism, intends to demonstrate the influence of Apartheid on the current South African society, as well as to present an explanation, retained in the social phenomenon that is white supremacy, for the self-determination achieved by the Afrikaners. The study did not give in-depth to the situations of terror caused during the segregationist and racist regime to the anti-Apartheid population and to groups using violence

    Impacto de los mandatos de género en la transmisión sexual del VIH

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    Este trabajo fin de grado pretende analizar y reflexionar sobre los condicionantes biológicos y socioculturales de género que establecen mandatos y modelos de sexualidad diferentes y desiguales para hombres y mujeres y su repercusión en la mayor vulnerabilidad de las mujeres frente a la infección por vih. Existen factores de carácter social y cultural que hacen más vulnerables a las mujeres en la infección por vih, lo cual pone de relieve la desigualdad que existe en las relaciones de género, así como la falta de poder de las mujeres para la negociación del uso del preservativo. El aumento de diagnósticos en mujeres infectadas por transmisión heterosexual hace evidente la necesidad de atender el problema mediante actuaciones, sociales y sanitarias, incorporando la perspectiva de género y, a través de la promoción de los derechos humanos y estrategias de reducción de riesgos.The present essay aims to analyse and reflect on biologic and sociocultural gender determinants that establish different and unequal sexuality mandates and models for men and women, and its repercussion on a higher vulnerability for women facing HIV infection. There are social and cultural factors that make women more vulnerable to HIV infection, which emphasizes inequality in gender relationships, as well as the lack of women power to negotiate the prophylactic use. The increment of women diagnosis in heterosexual transmission shows the need to deal with the problem with social and sanitary behaviours, incorporating gender perspective and through human rights promotion and risks reduction strategies.Graduado o Graduada en Trabajo Social por la Universidad Pública de NavarraGizarte Lanean Graduatua Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa

    Transição da educação pré-escolar para a escolaridade obrigatória de crianças com incapacidades: a perspetiva de educadores de infância e de professores

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    Tendo em conta a escassez de estudos desenvolvidos a nível nacional que abordam o processo de transição da educação pré-escolar para o 1.º ciclo do ensino básico, particularmente, por parte de crianças com incapacidades, a presente investigação procurou aprofundar o nosso conhecimento sobre a perspetiva de educadores de infância e de professores do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico acerca deste processo.N/