572 research outputs found

    Fulfillment of The Constitutional Rights of Abandoned Children Victims of Economic Exploitation

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    The existence of abandoned children who are victims of economic exploitation in Gorontalo City is very concerning, because there are many cases related to violence and unfulfilled guarantees of human rights to children. This study aims to find out how to fulfill the constitutional rights of abandoned children as victims of economic exploitation and its inhibiting factors in the city of Gorontalo. The research method uses a case approach and is analyzed qualitatively, data collection through observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the fulfillment of children's rights in Gorontalo city was carried out through assessment efforts, cooperation in regional apparatus organizations (OPD), the implementation of raids and interventions, the provision of protection cars (Molin) and mobile motorcycles (Torling) as well as the use of shelter facilities. Factors Hindering the fulfillment of rights include the Economic Difficulties of Parents, Education to children and families has not been sufficiently helpful, because the reasons for carrying out economic activities on their own desires and the demands of needs.

    Reserve price optimization in display advertising

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    Display advertising is the main type of online advertising, and it comes in the form of banner ads and rich media on publishers\u27 websites. Publishers sell ad impressions, where an impression is one display of an ad in a web page. A common way to sell ad impressions is through real-time bidding (RTB). In 2019, advertisers in the United States spent nearly 60 billion U.S. dollars on programmatic digital display advertising. By 2022, expenditures are expected to increase to nearly 95 billion U.S. dollars. In general, the remaining impressions are sold directly by the publishers. The only way for publishers to control the price of the impressions they sell through RTB is by setting up a reserve price, which has to be beaten by the winning bids. The two main types of RTB auction strategies are 1) first-price auctions, i.e., the winning advertiser pays the highest bid, and 2) second-price auctions, i.e., the winning advertiser pays the maximum of the second highest bid and the reserve price (the minimum price that a publisher can accept for an impression). In both types of auctions, bids lower than the reserve prices will be automatically rejected. Since both strategies are influenced by the reserve price, setting a good reserve price is an important, but challenging task for publishers. A high reserve price may lead to very few winning bids, and thus can decrease the revenue substantially. A low reserve price may devalue the impressions and hurt the revenue because advertisers do not need to bid high to beat the reserve. Reduction of ad revenue may affect the quality of free content and publishers\u27 business sustainability. Therefore, in an ideal situation, the publishers would like to set the reserve price as high as possible, while ensuring that there is a winning bid. This dissertation proposes to use machine learning techniques to determine the optimal reserve prices for individual impressions in real-time, with the goal of maximizing publishers\u27 ad revenue. The proposed techniques are practical because they use data only available to publishers. They are also general because they can be applied to most online publishers. The novelty of the research comes from both the problem, which was not studied before, and the proposed techniques, which are adapted to the online publishing domain. For second-price auctions, a survival-analysis-based model is first proposed to predict failure rates of reserve prices of specific impressions in second-price auctions. It uses factorization machines (FM) to capture feature interaction and header bidding information to improve the prediction performance. The experiments, using data from a large media company, show that the proposed model for failure rate prediction outperforms the comparative systems. The survival-analysis-based model is augmented further with a deep neural network (DNN) to capture the feature interaction. The experiments show that the DNN-based model further improves the performance from the FM-based one. For first-price auctions, a multi-task learning framework is proposed to predict the lower bounds of highest bids with a coverage probability. The model can guarantee the highest bids of at least a certain percentage of impressions are more than the corresponding predicted lower bounds. Setting the final reserve prices to the lower bounds, the model can guarantee a certain percentage of outbid impressions in real-time bidding. The experiments show that the proposed method can significantly outperform the comparison systems


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Kinerja Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten/Kota se-Provinsi Banten dilihat dari: (1) Rasio Kemandirian Keuangan Daerah, (2) Rasio Efektivitas dan Efisiensi Keuangan Daerah, (3) Rasio Aktivitas, (4) Rasio Pertumbuhan dan (5) Rasio Derajat Desentralisasi Fiskal. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis deskriptif. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder berdasarkan data laporan keuangan pemerintah daerah Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Banten tahun 2011-2013. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis rasio keuangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Kinerja Keuangan pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota se-Provinsi Banten jika dilihat dari (1) Rasio Kemandirian Keuangan Daerah menunjukkan rasio kemandirian Kabupaten/Kota se-Provinsi Banten pada tahun terakhir yaitu tahun 2013 termasuk dalam pola hubungan konsultatif. (2) Rasio Efektivitas Keuangan Daerah menunjukkan bahwa Kinerja Keuangan Daerah Kabupaten/Kota se-Provinsi Banten sudah efektif. (3) Rasio Efisiensi Keuangan Daerah menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi keuangan daerah Kabupaten/Kota se-Provinsi Banten pada tahun terakhir yaitu tahun 2013 masih tergolong kurang efisien. (4) Rasio Aktivitas Keuangan Daerah menunjukkan hasil masih lebih berfokus pada belanja tidak langsung dibandingkan dengan belanja langsung. (5) Rasio Pertumbuhan Keuangan Daerah menunjukkan hasil rata-rata pertumbuhan negatif. (6) Rasio Derajat Desentralisasi Keuangan Daerah menunjukkan rasio kemandirian Kabupaten/Kota se-Provinsi Banten pada tahun terakhir yaitu tahun 2013 termasuk dalam kriteria cukup. ;---This study aims to analyze financial performance of the regency / city in banten province from: (1) the ratio of financial autonomy, (2) the ratio of effectiveness and efficiency of regional financial, (3) the ratio of financial activities, (4) the ratio of financial growth and (5) the ratio of fiscal decentralization. The method used in this study was descriptive method. The data used was secondary data based on data from the local government's financial statements from 2011 until 2013. The analysis technique used was the analysis of financial ratios. The results showed that the Financial performance of the Regency / City in Banten province can be analyzed by (1) Ratio of financial autonomy showed financial autonomy regency/ city in Banten Province in recent year (2013) categorized in consultative pattern (2) Ratio Effectiveness of Regional Finance showed that the financial performance of Regency/City in Banten Province has been effective. (3) Efficiency Ratio Regional Finance showed that financial efficiency of the Regency / City in Banten Province in recent years (2013) was categorized less efficient. (4) Financial activities ratio showed the results was still more focused on indirect expenditure compared with direct expenditure. (5) ratio of financial growth showed an average of negative growth. (6) the ratio of degree of fiscal decentralization showed Regency / City in Banten Province in recent years (2013) was categorized in suffiicient


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    ABSTRACT JOJOR ACHIR EMILIANA. The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility And Loyalty Of The Employees Working On Pt Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Bekasi. Faculty of Economics. Jakarta State University. 2014. This study aims to describe the relationship between the application of corporate social responsibility impact on employee loyalty in Multi Finance PT Adira Bekasi. This study used a correlational approach, which values the two events are related and if you want to measure how strong the relationship is. Retrieval techniques in this research is the technique of random proportioned (Proportional random sampling). The population in this study were employees of PT. Multi Adira Finance, amounting to 120 employees. Total population of inaccessibility is the future of all employees working more than one year as many as 62 people. While the samples taken by the table determining the number of samples of Isaac and Michael with a sampling error of 5% some 51 people. Reason took his time employees who are more than 1 year, because they have to know and be able to assess the implementation of corporate social responsibility to employees. The data needed to calculate results using the questionnaire. Simple regression equation obtained was Y = 30,04 + 0.755 X. Test requirements analysis to test the normality of the estimated regression error Y over X indicates that the estimated regression error Y over X is normally distributed. In a hypothesis test, test and test the significance of linearity expressed means and linear regression. The correlation coefficient is calculated using the formula of Person Product Moment generating rxy of 0.97 while hassil obtained t test of significance of 8.83 and 1.67 ttable. Due tcount> t table it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between social responsibility and loyalty of the employees work owned by Multi Finance PT Adira in Bekasi. The calculation of the coefficient of determination showed 97% variation in the Y variable is determined by variable X. The conclusion of this study is that there is a positive and significant relationship between social responsibility and loyalty employees working on PT Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Bekasi. Keywords: Social Responsibility and Loyalty Wor

    Analisa Konsep Koping : Suatu Pengantar

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    Analisa konsep koping merupakan suatu upaya membahas phenomena-phenomena yang mendasari mekanisme pertahanan diri. Pada penelitian yang dilakukan banyak difokuskan pada perilaku, strategi dan gaya koping dibandingkan penggunaan yang tepat istilah pola koping. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mekanisme koping mempunyai hasil positif dan negatif dan memberikan dampak yang sejalan terhadap penanganan stres yang menimbulkan koping tersebut.Pembahasan konsep koping sangat penting karena dapat membantu kemampuan klien dalam membatasi masalah dengan menggunakan strategi koping yang paling efektif

    L'économie sociale et solidaire ou la modernité de la tradition en Kabylie

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    S'il est notable que l'économie sociale et solidaire connaît un regain d'intérêt dans les périodes de crise financière, mais également de crise morale accompagnée d'une perte de confiance dans les institutions comme c'est le cas en Algérie (Perret et Abrika, 2013-a), il n'en reste pas moins que les pratiques solidaires sont vieilles comme le monde et qu'elles ont permis de financer les activités économiques des personnes exclues du système bancaire dans de nombreux pays (tontines en Afrique sub-saharienne par exemple) ou oeuvrer pour le bien collectif (tiwiza en Algérie...). Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous précisons ce que recouvre l'ESS au travers de l'étude des différentes catégories de liens sociaux et des types de solidarités mises en oeuvre (Lavoué, Jézequel et Janvier, 2010, Eme et Laville, 2004...). Nous analysons également le passage de la solidarité institutionnelle à des solidarités de proximité complémentaires. Enfin, nous positionnons l'ESS entre réciprocité et proximité et étudions ses différentes réalités (finance solidaire, réseaux d'échanges non monétaires, commerce équitable). Dans la seconde partie de cette recherche, nous nous attachons à montrer en quoi l'ESS, qui a le vent en poupe en Kabylie, ne fait que réactiver des pratiques ancestrales qui ont toujours cours dans les villages kabyles, villages encore souvent organisés grâce aux comités de village, émanations de la sorte de " république villageoise " décrite par Camps (2007, 297), Lacoste- Dujardin (2001 et 2002)..


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    Yaumil Sitta Achir. K1311079. ANALYSIS ON STUDENT’S MATHEMATICAL COMMUNICATION ABILITY IN MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM SOLVING ON LINEAR EQUATION SYSTEM OF TWO VARIABLES VIEWED FROM COGNITIVE STYLE. (The Research was conducted in grade 8 SMP Negeri 16 Surakarta year 2015/2016). Thesis, Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty. Sebelas Maret University. April, 2016. The purpose of this research were : (1) To describe ability and to know student’s mathematical communication in writing level who has Field Independent in cognitive style grade 8 SMP Negeri 16 Surakarta in mathematical problem solving on Linear Equation System of Two Variables, (2) To describe ability and to know student’s mathematical communication in writing level who has Field Dependent in cognitive style grade 8 SMP Negeri 16 Surakarta in mathematical problem solving on Linear Equation System of Two Variables. This research was a descriptive qualitative research. The subject of this research was students of grade VIII B that has 30 students. Subject was determined by purposive sampling technique, so it was taken four students who would be the subject which was divided by two students of Field Dependent and two students of Field Independent. The data source was got from the subject of this research. The data collection techniques in this research were questionnaire and interviewed based on the task. The data analysis technique used three activities, which were data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion taking. The data validity in this research used triangulasi of time. Based on the analysis data, we got the information that: (1) Student’s mathematical communication in writing ability of Field Dependent cognitive style are: (a) Students could explain the problem by mentioning what were given and what were asked in the problem, (b) students could not turn the contextual problem into mathematical model, (c) Students could use mathematical representasion from a whole information that given in problem, (d) Students could not do the steps of problem solving completely, (e) Students could not get the final solution, (f) students could not connect the solution back into contextual problem. Students who has Field Dependent in level 1-2 means that Field Dependent students have mathematical communication ability in category low-medium. (2) Student’s mathematical communication in writing ability of Field Independent cognitive style were: (a) Students could explain the problem by mentioning what were given and what were asked in the problem, (b) students could turn the contextual problem into mathematical model, (c) Students could use mathematical representation, (d) Students could use the concept and strategy in problem solving clearly, (e) Students could do the steps of problem solving completely, (f) Students could get the final solution, (g) students could connect the solution back into contextual problem. Students who has Field Independent in level 3-4 means that Field Independent students have mathematical communication ability in category highvery high. Keywords : Mathematical Communication, Problem Solving, Cognitive Styl

    Circulation of Drugs Without a Permit Seen from the Side of Law Enforcement

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    This study aims to determine the circulation of drugs without a permit seen from the side of law enforcement. The method used in this research is the research methodology used is empirical research and uses a qualitative descriptive approach and qualitative analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that law enforcement carried out by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency includes two things, namely law enforcement before a case occurs and law enforcement after a case occurs. Law enforcement before a case occurs is usually carried out to provide socialization in the community and schools regarding awareness of the legal dangers of drug distribution without BPOM permission. While law enforcement after a case has occurred, the authorities usually take repressive action where the action takes the form of a legal process by applicable regulations
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