675 research outputs found

    Chiral Symmetry Restoration in the Schwinger Model with Domain Wall Fermions

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    Domain Wall Fermions utilize an extra space time dimension to provide a method for restoring the regularization induced chiral symmetry breaking in lattice vector gauge theories even at finite lattice spacing. The breaking is restored at an exponential rate as the size of the extra dimension increases. Before this method can be used in dynamical simulations of lattice QCD, the dependence of the restoration rate to the other parameters of the theory and, in particular, the lattice spacing must be investigated. In this paper such an investigation is carried out in the context of the two flavor lattice Schwinger model.Comment: LaTeX, 37 pages including 18 figures. Added comments regarding power law fitting in sect 7. Also, few changes were made to elucidate the content in sect. 5.1 and 5.3. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    The Effectiveness of Co-Determination Laws in Cooperative and Adversarial Employment Relations: When Does Regulation Have Bite?

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    The German Codetermination Law grants workers of establishments with 200 or more employees the right to have a works councillor who is fully exempted from his or her regular job duties while still paid a regular salary. This article analyses theoretically and empirically how this de jure right to exemption translates into de facto practice, and explicitly takes into account the nature of the employment relations participation regime. It is found that the right of exemption has no effect in cooperative employment relations because exemptions are granted even in the absence of legal rights, but does make a difference in adversarial relations when exemptions are only granted above the threshold where legal rights force employers to do so, i.e. legal rights do make a decisive difference in exactly those situations where the legislators’ intent would not be realized without the right to legal enforcemen

    Are Audience Response Systems Worth the Cost? Comparing Question-Driven Teaching Strategies for Emergency Medical Technician Education

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    Purpose: As Emergency Medical Technician educators develop curricula to meet new national educational standards, effective teaching strategies validated for course content and unique student demographics are warranted. Three methods for answering multiple choice questions presented during lectures were compared: a) Audience Response System (ARS, clickers), b) hand-raising-with-eyes-closed (no-cost option), and c) passive response (no-cost option). The purpose was to determine if using the ARS resulted in improved exam scores. Method: 113 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) students participated in this cross-over, block randomized, controlled trial, which was incorporated into their Cardiac Emergencies and Pulmonary Emergencies course lectures. Students took pretests, immediate post-tests, and delayed post-tests composed of multiple choice questions that targeted either lower or higher order thinking. Results: For both lectures, there were significant improvements on all immediate post-test scores compared to all pretest scores (p Conclusions: In this cohort, incorporation of no-cost question-driven teaching strategies into lectures was as effective as an ARS at encouraging significant, immediate and sustained improvements in answering multiple choice questions

    Susceptibility of Wild-Caught Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera: Psychodidae) Sand Flies to Insecticide After an Extended Period of Exposure in Western São Paulo, Brazil

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    Background In Brazil, members of the sand fly species complex Lutzomyia longipalpis transmit Leishmania infantum, a protist parasite that causes visceral leishmaniasis. Male Lu. longipalpis produce a sex pheromone that is attractive to both females and males. During a cluster randomised trial, to determine the combined effect of synthetic sex-aggregation pheromone and insecticide on Le. infantum transmission Lu. longipalpis had been continuously exposed to insecticide for 30 months. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of continuous exposure to the insecticides used in the trial on the susceptibility of Lu. longipalpis population. Methods During the trial the sand flies had been exposed to either lambda-cyhalothrin [pheromone + residual insecticide spray (PI)], deltamethrin [dog collars (DC)] or no insecticide [control (C)], for 30 months (November 2012 to April 2015). The insecticide treatment regime was kept in place for an additional 12 months (May 2015-April 2016) during this susceptibility study. Sand flies collected from the field were exposed to WHO insecticide-impregnated papers cyhalothrin (0.05%), deltamethrin (0.5%) and control (silicone oil) in a modified WHO insecticide exposure trial to determine their susceptibility. Results We collected 788 Lu. longipalpis using CDC-light traps in 31 municipalities across the three trial arms. Probit analysis showed that the knockdown times (KDTs) of Lu. longipalpis collected from the lambda-cyhalothrin exposed PI-arm [KDT50: 31.1 min, confidence interval (CI): 29.6–32.6 and KDT90: 44.2 min, CI: 42.1–46.7] were longer than the KDTs from the non-insecticide-treated C-arm (KDT50: 26.3 min, CI: 25.1–27.6 and KDT90: 38.2, CI: 36.5–40.2) (no-overlapping 95% CIs). KDTs of Lu. longipalpis collected from the deltamethrin exposed DC-arm had similar values (KDT50: 13.7 min, CI: 10.1–16.2 and KDT90: 26.7 min, CI: 21.8–30.6) to those for the C-arm (KDT50: 13.5 min; CI: 12.2–14.8 and KDT90: 23.2 min, CI: 21.4–25.4) (overlapping CIs). The wild-caught unexposed Lu. longipalpis (C-arm), took approximately twice as long to knock down as laboratory-colonised specimens for both insecticides. Conclusions Our study reveals slight changes in KDT, in sand flies after prolonged exposure to lambda-cyhalothrin in the presence of pheromone. These changes are not considered to have reached the reference levels indicative of resistance in sand flies suggesting that pheromone and insecticide treatment at the level indicated in this study do not constitute a significant risk of increased insecticide resistance. Prolonged exposure to deltamethrin in dog collars did not result in changes to KDT

    Developmental remodeling of relay cells in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus in the absence of retinal input

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    Background The dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) of the mouse has been an important experimental model for understanding thalamic circuit development. The developmental remodeling of retinal projections has been the primary focus, however much less is known about the maturation of their synaptic targets, the relay cells of the dLGN. Here we examined the growth and maturation of relay cells during the first few weeks of life and addressed whether early retinal innervation affects their development. To accomplish this we utilized themath5 null (math5−/−) mouse, a mutant lacking retinal ganglion cells and central projections. Results The absence of retinogeniculate axon innervation led to an overall shrinkage of dLGN and disrupted the pattern of dendritic growth among developing relay cells. 3-D reconstructions of biocytin filled neurons frommath5−/− mice showed that in the absence of retinal input relay cells undergo a period of exuberant dendritic growth and branching, followed by branch elimination and an overall attenuation in dendritic field size. However, math5−/− relay cells retained a sufficient degree of complexity and class specificity, as well as their basic membrane properties and spike firing characteristics. Conclusions Retinal innervation plays an important trophic role in dLGN development. Additional support perhaps arising from non-retinal innervation and signaling is likely to contribute to the stabilization of their dendritic form and function

    Exact solution (by algebraic methods) of the lattice Schwinger model in the strong-coupling regime

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    Using the monomer--dimer representation of the lattice Schwinger model, with Nf=1N_f =1 Wilson fermions in the strong--coupling regime (β=0\beta=0), we evaluate its partition function, ZZ, exactly on finite lattices. By studying the zeroes of Z(k)Z(k) in the complex plane (Re(k),Im(k))(Re(k),Im(k)) for a large number of small lattices, we find the zeroes closest to the real axis for infinite stripes in temporal direction and spatial extent S=2S=2 and 3. We find evidence for the existence of a critical value for the hopping parameter in the thermodynamic limit SS\rightarrow \infty on the real axis at about kc0.39k_c \simeq 0.39. By looking at the behaviour of quantities, such as the chiral condensate, the chiral susceptibility and the third derivative of ZZ with respect to 1/2k1/2k, close to the critical point kck_c, we find some indications for a continuous phase transition.Comment: 22 pages (6 figures

    Alternative shear reinforcement for reinforced concrete flat slabs

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    This paper presents the first series of validation tests for a patented shear reinforcement system for reinforced concrete flat slabs. The system, called “Shearband,” consists of elongated thin steel strips punched with holes, which undulate into the slab from the top surface. The main advantages of the new reinforcement system are structural effectiveness, flexibility, simplicity, and speed of construction. Four reinforced concrete slabs were tested in a specially designed test rig. The slabs reinforced in shear exhibited ductile behavior after achieving their full flexural potential, thus proving the effectiveness of the new reinforcement. This paper reviews briefly existing types of shear reinforcement and identifies the need for more efficient and economic solutions. Details of the experimental setup and results are given, including strain and deflection measurements as well as photographs of sections through the slabs. Finally, comparisons are made with the ACI 318 and BS8110 code predictions, which confirm that the system enabled the slabs to avoid punching shear failure and achieve their flexural potential. In addition, both codes are shown to lead to conservative estimates of flexural and punching shear capacities of reinforced concrete slabs

    The General Correlation Function in the Schwinger Model on a Torus

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    In the framework of the Euclidean path integral approach we derive the exact formula for the general N-point chiral densities correlator in the Schwinger model on a torusComment: 17 pages, misprints corrected, references adde

    Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung in Brasilien

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    Brasilien stand schon immer im internationalen Rampenlicht ökologischer Besorgnisse, vor allem, wenn man an die Gefährdung der amazonischen Regenwald-Ökosysteme, an gigantische Staudammbauten oder Großprojekte des Straßenbaus und der Erzgewinnung denkt. Die UNCED-Umweltkonferenz im Juni 1992 lenkte ein weiteres Mal den Blick auf die Umweltverhältnisse in diesem Land, in erfreulicher Differenzierung: Wurde doch wahrgenommen, daß auch und gerade in den Industrie- und Ballungsregionen des Landes die Umweltqualität bereits derart schlecht geworden ist, daß die Lebens- und Produktionsverhältnisse ernsthaft bedroht sind. Die Situation in São Paulo und in der benachbarten Industrieregion im Vale de Cubatão sind nur ein Beispiel dafür. Weniger bekannt dürfte jedoch sein, daß die Umweltgesetzgebung in Brasilien durchaus dem Standard moderner Industrieländer vergleichbar ist und Brasilien dies auch auf der UNCED-Konferenz durch die Unterschriften unter die verschiedenen Dokumente zu Klima, Biodiversität usw. dokumentiert hat. Dieser Beitrag will am Beispiel der Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung zeigen, wie sich politisches Wollen gesetzgeberische Absicht und verwaltungsmäßige Umsetzung der Vorschriften den Umweltproblemen Brasiliens in der täglichen Praxis stellen. Am Beispiel der paranaensischen Landesumweltbehörde IAP (Instituto Ambiental de Paraná, vormals SUREHMA – Superintendencia dos Recursos Hidricos e Meio Ambiente) werden Grundlagen, Ablaufschema und Probleme bei der Anwendung und Umsetzung der UVP im Planfeststellungsverfahren dargestellt und diskutiert. Dieser Beitrag ist innerhalb eines Projektes der Technischen Zusammenarbeit im Umweltbereich zwischen Brasilien und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland entstanden, die unter dem Titel „Umweltauswirkungen von Staudammvorhaben“ seit 1987 vom bereits erwähnten IAP und der GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GmbH) im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit durchgeführt wird