998 research outputs found

    Application of Mobile App Development Management Framework Based on Agile Theories in Project M

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    近年来移动互联网一直保持快速发展态势,移动互联网用户规模持续增长并催生出一个庞大的移动互联网市场。随着移动宽带网络和移动智能终端的普及,移动互联网市场的竞争开始从移动终端,操作系统,软件平台层面,上升到移动App层面。适应变化,追求可靠和持续创新已经成为移动App开发管理的主旋律。在这样的趋势下,敏捷开始盛行。敏捷从始至终都将拥抱变化作为自己的基本原则,并用实践证明其在适应变化和支持创新上的能力。因而在具体项目中应用基于敏捷的移动App开发管理理论和方法具有一定的现实意义。 本文通过文献研究梳理了移动互联网和敏捷这两个热点的相关理论,阐述了敏捷在移动App开发管理中的应用现状。在这些理论和研...These years, the mobile internet has maintained a rapid development. The scale of mobile internet users continues to grow and create a huge mobile internet market. With the popularity of mobile broadband network and mobile intelligent devices, the competition on mobile internet market starts to upgrade from mobile device, operating system and software platform level to mobile app level. Adapting t...学位:工程硕士院系专业:管理学院_工程硕士(项目管理)学号:X201015301

    Numerical Analysis of the Time Fractional Black-Scholes Equation

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    时间分数阶Black-Scholes方程在期权定价中有着日益广泛的应用。本文旨在研究该方程的数值解法,构造和分析了两个有效算法。第一个算法结合了时间方向的有限差分和空间方向的谱方法;第二个方法则基于时空Galerkin谱方法。通过引入恰当的Sobolev空间,我们构建了时空变分问题,证明了时空弱问题的适定性。在算法分析方面,我们首先给出两种方法的最优误差估计。然后讨论算法实现技巧,通过选取适当的基函数导出离散问题的线性系统。最后给出一些数值例子验证理论结果。The time fractional Black-Scholes equation is playing increasingly important role in option pricing nowadays. In this paper we investigate the numerical solution of this equation,and propose and analyze two different methods for it. The first proposed method combines a finite difference scheme in time and spectral method in space; while the second one makes use of spectral approximation in both ti...学位:理学硕士院系专业:数学科学学院_计算数学学号:1902013115266

    The Study of the Notarization of Electronic Data Preservation and Its Verification in China:History and Current Situation

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    电子数据保全公证是通过公证对电子数据进行保全,具有公证和证据的双重含义,是本文的主题来源,也是本文分析讨论的基点和核心。本文通过回顾电子数据和证据公证的历史沿革,梳理电子数据保全公证制度和学说的发展变迁,在历史大背景下探讨电子数据证据,总结反思我国的证据制度。即电子数据作为一种“新”证据与传统证据是否存在实质性差异,通过公证能否解决其认定和运用中存在的问题。本文遵循提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的基本思路,旨在对“电子数据保全公证”这一现象或法律制度展开思考和解析。文章架构主要如下: 绪论:提出问题。互联网和智能手机的普及,使电子数据在诉讼领域的运用频率加大,保全公证业务步入快车道。与此同时,...The notarization of electronic data preservation is to preserve the electronic data by notarization, which is of great significance both in notarization and evidence. This is also the origin of this article’s theme, at the same time, the foundation and core of what we discussed. This thesis reviewed the history of the electronic data and evidence notarization, through which to sketch the general r...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_法律史学号:1362014115016

    A Comment on the Implementation of the Strategy of Reinvigorating our Country through trained personnel in terms of Strategic Management

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    当今世界,以知识为主导、以高新技术及其产业为基础和支撑的知识经济已经悄然来临,世界范围内综合国力的竞争日趋激烈。这种竞争,说到底是人才的竞争,实质上就是人才战略的竞争。中国作为世界上最大的发展中国家,人口多,底子薄,人均资源相对不足,这一基本国情决定了中国的发展必须坚持“以人为本”,走人才强国之路。在2003年全国人才工作会议上,把实施人才强国战略作为科学发展观的有机组成部分,作为党和国家一项重大而紧迫的任务,作为新世纪新阶段国家人才工作的根本任务。“十一五”规划进一步提出了加快推进人才强国战略,为我国政治、经济、社会的发展提供智力支持。因此,在现阶段研究人才强国战略的实施具有重大的战略意义。...In our times, the knowledge economy that took knowledge as the leading factor, is based on new and high technology and industry. It has already come quietly. The competition of the comprehensive national strength is becoming fiercer and fiercer in the whole world. This kind of competition is talents' competition after all. It is a competition of the talents strategy in fact. As the largest develop...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院公共管理系_行政管理学号:20030603

    Screening of high-efficienct strain for degradation cellulose material

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    摘要纤维素资源的开发与利用一直是国内外研究的热点,而纤维素的高效降解与糖化是制约纤维素生物质应用的关键。本研究从腐烂稻草、朽木条、土壤和牛粪等样品中分离到6株纤维素降解菌株。通过滤纸崩解试验、刚果红纤维素平板识别以及液体发酵产酶鉴定,筛选到一株分解纤维素能力较强的真菌。经形态观察和18SrDNA基因片断分析,鉴定该菌株为青霉T24-2。对青霉T24-2的液态发酵条件进行研究。菌株在含3%稻草粉、0.25%尿素和无机盐营养液的培养基中发酵4d,自然pH,30℃,130r/min,菌株的CMC酶活(羧甲基纤维素酶活)和滤纸酶活分别达到45.01IU/mL和6.89IU/mL。采用液态发酵法对该菌酶...Abstract The search and exploitation of efficient cellulolytic strains is the key step for the exploiture and utilization of cellulose resources. In order to obtain efficient cellulose decomposing microbes, the author isolated 6 cellulose pro- ducing strains from putrid straw, wood, soil, and cattle feces etc. On the basis of these strains, a high cellulase-producing strain was isolated through th...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_微生物学学号:20042603


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    面对高等教育大众化进程加快的必然趋势 ,研讨大学生就业面临的问题、机遇 ,寻求增加大学生就业机会的办法和路子

    The decision factors of IPO audit fees – Evidence from Chinese GEM data

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    随着2009年10月我国创业板推出以来,已经有283家公司成功登陆创业板,造就了千千万万的百万富翁,创业板也成为了名副其实的“造富工厂”。然而在这些光鲜的背后,却造成了无数二级市场投资者的巨亏,目前依然有大部分创业板公司处于破发状态,人们不禁要问,作为“经济警察”的注册会计师是否起到了应有的作用? 已有的文献大部分研究传统年报审计收费,本文则专注于创业板IPO审计收费,通过以截止到目前283家上市公司作为样本,引入券商声誉、流动资产率、盈余管理、实际控制人持股比率以及营收增长率作为解释变量,并把资产总额、会计师事务所规模、公司注册地址、流动比率、上市前存续时间、存货和应收账款比例之和、资产负...With China's GEM established in October 2009, there are already 283 companies successful landing on GEM, which created thousands of millionaires, and GEM has become a veritable “making the rich” factory. However, behind these glamorous, it is accumulated by the loss of countless investors. Most of the GEM companies are still in the break state, one wonders whether certified public accountant play ...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:1752009115097

    An Empirical Study On Operating Performance Effect Of IPO Firms In Shanghai Stock Market

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    对于新股首发后普遍存在的业绩下滑现象,本文称之为IPO业绩效应。确认与IPO业绩效应相关的影响因素是本文研究的内容。本文首先在回顾国内外学者研究成果的基础上,对我国沪A股中1996至1999年间上市的新股是否存在普遍的业绩下滑现象做实证研究,在剔除宏观经济的影响后,发现了在这些年间上市的沪A股确实同其它国家的新股一样,存在业绩下滑现象;其次在中国特有的制度背景下,初步探讨与之相关的影响因素,提出以下几个可能的因素:1、上市时募集资金的多少;2、上市新股在公司股票首次发行后三年内是否配股;3、企业上市时的股权集中度;4、公司上市改组时的资产评估增值率;5、公司所处行业对上市前后业绩变化的影响;6...This paper provides an empirical study of IPO operating performance effect that attracts much attention both from investors and from securities supervision departments. The IPO performance effect has been documented on the securities market of other countries such as America and Italy. In china, many companies suffered great losses in the first or second year after they were listed. This paper wil...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20011520