
A Comment on the Implementation of the Strategy of Reinvigorating our Country through trained personnel in terms of Strategic Management


当今世界,以知识为主导、以高新技术及其产业为基础和支撑的知识经济已经悄然来临,世界范围内综合国力的竞争日趋激烈。这种竞争,说到底是人才的竞争,实质上就是人才战略的竞争。中国作为世界上最大的发展中国家,人口多,底子薄,人均资源相对不足,这一基本国情决定了中国的发展必须坚持“以人为本”,走人才强国之路。在2003年全国人才工作会议上,把实施人才强国战略作为科学发展观的有机组成部分,作为党和国家一项重大而紧迫的任务,作为新世纪新阶段国家人才工作的根本任务。“十一五”规划进一步提出了加快推进人才强国战略,为我国政治、经济、社会的发展提供智力支持。因此,在现阶段研究人才强国战略的实施具有重大的战略意义。...In our times, the knowledge economy that took knowledge as the leading factor, is based on new and high technology and industry. It has already come quietly. The competition of the comprehensive national strength is becoming fiercer and fiercer in the whole world. This kind of competition is talents' competition after all. It is a competition of the talents strategy in fact. As the largest develop...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院公共管理系_行政管理学号:20030603

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