The Study of the Notarization of Electronic Data Preservation and Its Verification in China:History and Current Situation


电子数据保全公证是通过公证对电子数据进行保全,具有公证和证据的双重含义,是本文的主题来源,也是本文分析讨论的基点和核心。本文通过回顾电子数据和证据公证的历史沿革,梳理电子数据保全公证制度和学说的发展变迁,在历史大背景下探讨电子数据证据,总结反思我国的证据制度。即电子数据作为一种“新”证据与传统证据是否存在实质性差异,通过公证能否解决其认定和运用中存在的问题。本文遵循提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的基本思路,旨在对“电子数据保全公证”这一现象或法律制度展开思考和解析。文章架构主要如下: 绪论:提出问题。互联网和智能手机的普及,使电子数据在诉讼领域的运用频率加大,保全公证业务步入快车道。与此同时,...The notarization of electronic data preservation is to preserve the electronic data by notarization, which is of great significance both in notarization and evidence. This is also the origin of this article’s theme, at the same time, the foundation and core of what we discussed. This thesis reviewed the history of the electronic data and evidence notarization, through which to sketch the general r...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_法律史学号:1362014115016

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