The decision factors of IPO audit fees – Evidence from Chinese GEM data


随着2009年10月我国创业板推出以来,已经有283家公司成功登陆创业板,造就了千千万万的百万富翁,创业板也成为了名副其实的“造富工厂”。然而在这些光鲜的背后,却造成了无数二级市场投资者的巨亏,目前依然有大部分创业板公司处于破发状态,人们不禁要问,作为“经济警察”的注册会计师是否起到了应有的作用? 已有的文献大部分研究传统年报审计收费,本文则专注于创业板IPO审计收费,通过以截止到目前283家上市公司作为样本,引入券商声誉、流动资产率、盈余管理、实际控制人持股比率以及营收增长率作为解释变量,并把资产总额、会计师事务所规模、公司注册地址、流动比率、上市前存续时间、存货和应收账款比例之和、资产负...With China's GEM established in October 2009, there are already 283 companies successful landing on GEM, which created thousands of millionaires, and GEM has become a veritable “making the rich” factory. However, behind these glamorous, it is accumulated by the loss of countless investors. Most of the GEM companies are still in the break state, one wonders whether certified public accountant play ...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:1752009115097

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