332 research outputs found

    La invención de las pasiones Consideraciones sobre la recepción del tacitismo político en la Cultura del Barroco

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    En el presente artículo analizo la recepción que tuvo el tacitismo político en el siglo XVII, principalmente en el ámbito de la cultura hispánica. Para ello me sirvo de tres ejes argumentativos. Primero señalo los modelos de interpretación en torno al tacitismo más representativos mostrando sus límites y alcances hermenéuticos. Segundo, considero las fuentes, los autores y las problemáticas ideológicas que permitieron la reintroducción del tacitismo en España. Por último, recupero la figura de Tácito como el principal responsable del “proceso de historificación” que sufrió la política durante el Barroco. Estos tres momentos me sirven para justificar al tacitismo como uno de los momentos que permitieron configurar el lenguaje de la política en el mundo moderno.In this paper I explain the reception of political tacitism in the Seventhy Century, mainly in the space of the Spanic Culture. For this I used three argumentatives lines. First to point out the more importants models of interpretation about of tacitism showing your limits and hermeneutical contributions. Second, I consider the written sources, authors and the ideologic problematics that to enable reintroduce of tacitism in Spain. To finalize, I recover the Tacitus figure like the main responsible of the “historification process” that suffer the politics in the Baroque period. I used this three moments for justificate the tacitism like any moments that make possible the language of the politics in the modern world

    Transformational Leadership, Task-Involving Climate, and Their Implications in Male Junior Soccer Players: A Multilevel Approach

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    Despite the well-known positive consequences of transformational coaches in sport, there is still little research exploring the mechanisms through which coaches’ transformational leadership exerts its impact on athletes. Multilevel SEM was used to examine the relationship between coaches’ transformational leadership style, a task-involving climate, and leadership effectiveness outcome criteria (i.e., players’ extra effort, coach effectiveness, and satisfaction with their coach), separately estimating between and within effects. A representative sample of 625 Spanish male soccer players ranging from 16 to 18 years old and nested in 50 teams completed a questionnaire package tapping the variables of interest. Results confirmed that at the team level, team perceptions of transformational leadership positively predicted teams’ perceptions of task climate, which in turn positively predicted the three outcome criteria. At the individual level, players’ perceptions of transformational leadership positively predicted teams’ perceptions of task climate, which in turn positively predicted teams’ extra effort and coach effectiveness. Mediation effects appeared at the team level for all the outcome criteria, and at the individual only for extra effort. Transformational leadership is recommended to enhance task climate, in order to increase players’ extra effort, their perceptions of the effectiveness of their coach, and their satisfaction with his/her leadership style

    Virtudes de imperio, desventuras de emperador. El diálogo neoestoico entre Justo Lipsio y Francisco de Quevedo

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    En el presente artículo analizo la configuración del lenguaje estoico en la modernidad temprana, particularmente desarrollo su origen, recepción y crítica en la España del Barroco. Para articular mi argumentación divido mi exposición en cuatro partes. La primera parte indica las razones de la rehabilitación del estoicismo durante el Barroco. La segunda parte señala la recepción de la obra de Justo Lipsio en la España de los Austrias. Posteriormente, se estudia la configuración del estoicismo imperial en la obra de Francisco de Quevedo y la recuperación de la obra de Séneca durante el siglo XVII. Por último, se muestra el proceso de interpretación cristiana de algunas obras estoicas por parte de Quevedo. La conclusión a la que se llegó es que el estoicismo no sólo sirvió como el código moral que articuló la base psicológica de la ideología imperial hispánica, sino que se muestra cómo el lenguaje neoestoico permitió configurar gran parte de lenguaje moral de la modernida

    La persistencia de los márgenes. Reflexiones epistemológicas en torno a la obra de Walter Mignolo

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    En este texto se analizan varias cuestiones suscitadas en torno a la obra de Walter Mignolo, principalmente el análisis de las condiciones que debe cumplir una teoría crítica decolonial. Para ello, en la primera parte se analizan los presupuestos epistemoThis paper examines various issues raised by the work of Walter Mignolo, namely the analysis of the prerequisites of a critical theory of post-colonialism. Therefore, in the first part analyzes the epistemological premises of Mignolo's theoretical task,

    Estilos de Liderazgo en la Selección Española de Taekwondo

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    Interest is growing in conducting research on the role of coaches as agents of influence. Within the context of sport, transactional and transformational leadership styles (Bass, 1985) have not been explored very often. This study extends previous research within this context, specifically in high performance taekwondo. The purpose of this study was to examine leadership behaviours in the Spanish National Taekwondo Team (N = 34, M age = 21 + 3.62 years of age) and explore whether transformational leadership increased the impact of transactional leadership on the athlete's extra effort and the perceived effectiveness of and satisfaction with their coach (outcome variables). The results confirmed the positive effects of transactional and transformational styles on the taekwondo players' result variables. Furthermore, the positive impact of transformational leadership augmented the effects of transactional leadership

    Temas de investigación sobre aspectos psicosociales del deporte a través de la base de datos PSYCINFO (1887-2001)

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    En el presente trabajo se analiza el interés y representatividad de los temas de investigación sobre los aspectos psicosociales del deporte, así como las principales revistas científicas en los que se publican. Se ha realizado un análisisbibliométrico de la base de datos PsycINFO con un periodo que abarca desde 1887 hasta octubre de 2001. Los resultados informan de un gran interés por la investigación psicosocial en el ámbito de la psicología del deporte, así como de unincremento constante en el número de trabajos publicados. Entre los temas psicosociales más estudiados destacan los centrados en la participación deportiva, la motivación, el género y sexo, las emociones, los grupos y las actitudes. Más del 60% de los trabajos publicados en las principales revistas científicas del ámbito de la psicología del deporte, versan sobre aspectos psicosociales del deporte, aunque algunos de ellos sean de interés en otros ámbitos de la psicología.This study analyzes the interest and representivity of research topics on the psychosocial aspects of sport and also the most important specialized journal in which these works are published. A bibliometric analysis using the PsycINFO data from 1887 to October 2001 has been conducted. The results show that psychosocial aspects are highly represented in the sport psychology domain, and that the number of articles published is constantly increasing. The psychosocial aspects most often studied are sport participation, motivation, gender and sex, emotions, groups and attitudes. More than 60% of the articles published in the most important specialized journal in sport psychology are on the psychosocial aspects of the sport, although some of them may be of interest to other domains of psychology

    Parallel 3-D marine controlled-source electromagnetic modelling using high-order tetrahedral Nédélec elements

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    We present a parallel and high-order Nédélec finite element solution for the marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) forward problem in 3-D media with isotropic conductivity. Our parallel Python code is implemented on unstructured tetrahedral meshes, which support multiple-scale structures and bathymetry for general marine 3-D CSEM modelling applications. Based on a primary/secondary field approach, we solve the diffusive form of Maxwell’s equations in the low-frequency domain. We investigate the accuracy and performance advantages of our new high-order algorithm against a low-order implementation proposed in our previous work. The numerical precision of our high-order method has been successfully verified by comparisons against previously published results that are relevant in terms of scale and geological properties. A convergence study confirms that high-order polynomials offer a better trade-off between accuracy and computation time. However, the optimum choice of the polynomial order depends on both the input model and the required accuracy as revealed by our tests. Also, we extend our adaptive-meshing strategy to high-order tetrahedral elements. Using adapted meshes to both physical parameters and high-order schemes, we are able to achieve a significant reduction in computational cost without sacrificing accuracy in the modelling. Furthermore, we demonstrate the excellent performance and quasi-linear scaling of our implementation in a state-of-the-art high-performance computing architecture.This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 777778. Furthermore, the research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme under the ChEESE Project (https://cheese-coe.eu/ ), grant agreement No. 823844. In addition, the authors would also like to thank the support of the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain) under Projects TEC2016-80386-P and TIN2016-80957-P. The authors would like to thank the Editors-in-Chief and to both reviewers, Dr. Martin Cuma and Dr. Raphael Rochlitz, for their valuable comments and suggestions which helped to improve the quality of the manuscript. This work benefited from the valuable suggestions, comments, and proofreading of Dr. Otilio Rojas (BSC). Last but not least, Octavio Castillo-Reyes thanks Natalia Gutierrez (BSC) for her support in CSEM modeling with BSIT.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Didáctica de la lecto-escritura e informática

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    RESUMEN: Más que una revisión exhaustiva de literatura sobre el tema, este artículo pretende aportar algunos elementos conceptuales que orienten la reflexión, el análisis, y la evaluación de aplicaciones informáticas diseñados para apoyar y estimular los procesos de construcción, aprendizaje, y enseñanza de la lectoescritura. Inicialmente se reseñan algunas investigaciones pioneras en el área, luego se enuncian ciertas premisas teóricas y metodológicas que deben orientar el diseño de materiales didácticos, y posteriormente se analizan algunos programas y modelos de aplicación del computador en el desarrollo y estimulación de los diversos niveles y factores que integran la conducta lectora

    Las bases de datos como herramienta didáctica

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    RESUMEN: En este artículo se exploran, describen y analizan las posibilidades que ofrecen las bases de datos como herramientas de soporte para el desarrollo de algunas estrategias didácticas en las áreas de ciencias naturales y matemáticas