1,179 research outputs found

    Simulations of Solid-on-Solid Models of Spreading of Viscous Droplets

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    We have studied the dynamics of spreading of viscous non-volatile fluids on surfaces by MC simulations of SOS models. We have concentrated on the complete wetting regime, with surface diffusion barriers neglected for simplicity. First, we have performed simulations for the standard SOS model. Formation of a single precursor layer, and a density profile with a spherical cap shaped center surrounded by Gaussian tails can be reproduced with this model. Dynamical layering (DL), however, only occurs with a very strongly attractive van der Waals type of substrate potential. To more realistically describe the spreading of viscous liquid droplets, we introduce a modified SOS model. In the new model, tendency for DL and the effect of the surface potential are in part embedded into the dynamics of the model. This allows a relatively simple description of the spreading under different conditions, with a temperature like parameter which strongly influences the droplet morphologies. Both rounded droplet shapes and DL can easily be reproduced with the model. Furthermore, the precursor width increases proportional to the square root of time, in accordance with experimental observations. PACS: 68.10.Gw, 05.70.Ln, 61.20.Ja.Comment: to appear in Physica A (1994), standard LaTex, 20 page

    Selenium supplemented fertilization - effects on the selenium content of foods and the selenium intake in Finland

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    The effect of Se fertilization was distinct. Winter cereals were not affected as much as spring cereals due to the different cultivation and fertilization practice. The variation between the farms was large. In organic cultivation Se content of cereals was low

    AsiakastyytyvÀisyyden tutkiminen yksityisessÀ pÀivÀkodissa

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    OpinnĂ€ytteessĂ€ tarkastellaan yksityisen pĂ€ivĂ€kodin laatua vanhempien nĂ€kökulmasta. AsiakastyytyvĂ€isyyden kartoittaminen tehdÀÀn vanhemmille suunnatun kyselylomakkeen avulla. OpinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ kehitetÀÀn pĂ€ivĂ€koti Innowonnille asiakastyytyvĂ€isyyskyselylomake, jonka avulla pĂ€ivĂ€kodin on mahdollista seurata laadun muutoksia sÀÀnnöllisesti. Aloite työn tekemiseen tuli yrittĂ€jĂ€ltĂ€, jolla on tarve kehittÀÀ toimintaansa ja varmistua siitĂ€, ettĂ€ asiakkaat ovat tyytyvĂ€isiĂ€ saamiinsa palveluihin. Tutkimuksessa kĂ€ytetÀÀn sekĂ€ laadullisia ettĂ€ mÀÀrĂ€llisiĂ€ tutkimusmenetelmiĂ€. Tutkittava joukko on niin pieni, ettĂ€ yleistyksiĂ€ tulosten perusteella ei voi tehdĂ€. OpinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ kuvataan projektin vaiheita ja esitellÀÀn tulokset sekĂ€ tĂ€rkeimmĂ€t kehittĂ€miskohteet. Tulosten perusteella tutkimuksen kohteena olevan yksityisen pĂ€ivĂ€kodin asiakkaat, eli lasten vanhemmat, olivat hyvin tyytyvĂ€isiĂ€ saamaansa palveluun. TĂ€rkeimpĂ€nĂ€ kehittĂ€miskohteena esille nousi pĂ€ivĂ€kodin kĂ€yttĂ€mien harjoittelijoiden suuri mÀÀrĂ€. Myös tiedottamisessa oli parantamisen varaa. Kolmantena kehittĂ€miskohteena esille nousi lapsen pĂ€ivĂ€stĂ€ paremman tiedon saaminen. Hyvin toimivasta pĂ€ivĂ€kodista ei suuria puutteita vanhempien arvioiden mukaan löytynyt, mutta asiakastyytyvĂ€isyyttĂ€ on hyvĂ€ tutkia sÀÀnnöllisesti ja sitĂ€ varten on nyt kĂ€yttökelpoinen lomake, jonka avulla voidaan myös vertailla asiakastyytyvĂ€isyyden muutoksia eri aikavĂ€leillĂ€. Tulosten perusteella toimintaa kehitetÀÀn edelleen ja tuloksia kĂ€ytetÀÀn pohjana uuden toimintakauden suunnittelussa.In this study it is created a customer satisfaction form for a private kindergarten and the first investigation is carried out with the new form. Motivation to carry out this project became from the kindergarten owner who wanted to develop the business and also make sure that customers are happy with the service they have gotten. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are used in the study. Examined mass is so small that it is not possible to make any generalization according to these results. Also different phases of the research are described and the results and most important improvement items according to the results are shown. According to the results the customers (= child’s parents) are very pleased with the service they have gotten. The most important improvement item was related to the big amount of use of student trainees in the kindergarten. Also there were possibilities for improvement in reporting and information sharing issues. Parents would like to have more information about their child’s day. Even if there were not big problems in a well working kindergarten it is still important to carry out the customer satisfaction survey regularly. Now there is a useful form for that available and with this form it is also possible to compare results of the different surveys in a longer time interval. These results will be used also as a basis for a planning of the new functional season in the kindergarten

    Abatement of phosphorus- and lead-induced environmental risks by means of apatite ore mine tailings

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    Mining of phosphorus (P) and lead (Pb) ores increases their amounts in biogeochemical cycles and, consequently, their environmental risks. Phosphorus is an important nutrient, but P loading from sewage waters and agricultural activities to watercourses may result in eutrophication, a process eventually detrimental to aquatic ecosystems. Lead, on the other hand, poses a direct risk of intoxication to all living organisms. In addition to technical applications, Pb is used in pellets and shots on shooting ranges, which accounts for a large source of Pb loading to the environment. Prevention and abatement of detrimental impacts of P and Pb require large-scale, cost-effective techniques that do not compromise the environment. This thesis was undertaken to investigate the potential of tailings from apatite ore beneficiation at the SiilinjÀrvi phosphate mine, Finland, in the dephosphorization of sewage and in the remediation of metal-contaminated areas. The material is a mixture of minerals, mainly phlogopite [KMg3(Si3Al)O10(OH)2] and calcite (CaCO3), accompanied by apatite [Ca5(PO4)3F] residues. Based on the versatile chemical properties, this geomaterial was hypothesized to act as a sorbent for P and Pb, rendering the tailings a potential agent for environmental remediation. A part of the original tailings material was artificially weathered by treating with a strong acid to create reaction-active aluminium (Al) and iron (Fe) (hydr)oxide sites. Some of the acidified material was further subjected to partial neutralization by treating with a strong base to precipitate any metals dissolved from the mineral structure during the acidification. Furthermore, all of the tailings materials were sieved into two particle-size fractions somewhat differing in their mineralogical composition and investigated as separate amendments. The ability of the tailings to retain P and Pb from aqueous solutions as well as the tailings-induced changes in the Pb retention capacity of a mineral soil were studied by means of an isotherm technique. A sequential fractionation procedure was undertaken to investigate (a) the distribution of inherent and added P between various chemical pools in the tailings and (b) the tailings-induced changes in the distribution of Pb between various chemical pools in a mineral soil artificially contaminated with Pb as well as in an organic shooting range soil contaminated with pellet-derived Pb. Because the toxicity of dissolved Pb depends on its chemical speciation, the tailings-induces changes in the chemical speciation of water-extractable Pb in contaminated shooting range soil was tested separately by means of a cation exchange resin. The tailings retained both P and Pb efficiently. The removal of soluble P was primarily due to specific sorption by Al and Fe (hydr)oxides and possibly to retention to calcite. Lead sorption by the untreated tailings was a combination of various sorption mechanisms taking place simultaneously, primarily through precipitation and surface complexation. All tailings materials increased the Pb sorption capacity of a mineral soil and transferred Pb from the NH4NO3-extractable pool to the more strongly bound forms. In a contaminated shooting range soil, the pellets were found to undergo continuous weathering processes that released Pb into the soil. Amending the soil with the untreated tailings (a) reduced the solubility of the pellet-derived Pb through the formation of sparingly soluble fluorpyromorphite and cerussite, (b) reduced the bioavailability of Pb by transferring it from the water-soluble and NH4NO3-extractable pools into the NaOH-extractable one and (c) transferred the most toxic cationic Pb species to the less toxic non-cationic form. The results suggest that the tailings may serve as an agent for dephosphorization of sewage and for Pb immobilization in polluted soil. The sorption properties of the material may be further optimized by chemical and physical pre-treatments. At present, the tailings material represents an uneconomic fraction of the ore deposit, but its components may render it a natural, environmentally sound and cost-effective remediation agent.Kaivostoiminta nopeuttaa ratkaisevasti kallioperÀn alkuaineiden pÀÀtymistÀ luonnonkiertoon. KallioperÀn mineraalivarannoista louhitaan kasvinravinteita lannoiteteollisuuden kÀyttöön samoin kuin eliöille haitallisia metalleja ja metalloideja teollisiin tarkoituksiin. Fosfori on vÀlttÀmÀtön kasvinravinne, mutta sen lisÀÀntyneet pÀÀstöt vesiluontoon voivat aiheuttaa haitallista rehevöitymistÀ. Suurimpia vesistöjen fosforikuormittajia ovat maatalouden valumavedet sekÀ viemÀriverkoston ulkopuoliset jÀtevedet. Lyijy puolestaan on kaikille eliöille myrkyllinen raskasmetalli. Sen lukuisista kÀyttötarkoituksista tunnetuimpia ovat akut ja haulit. Suomessa ampumatoiminta on aiheuttanut merkittÀvÀÀ ympÀristön pilaantumista. Fosforista ja lyijystÀ aiheutuvien ympÀristöhaittojen torjumiseksi tarvitaan ekologisesti kestÀviÀ ja edullisia ratkaisuja. TÀssÀ vÀitöskirjassa tutkittiin, voitaisiinko SiilinjÀrven fosforikaivoksella apatiittimalmin rikastamisen sivutuotteena muodostuvaa kiviainesta eli rikastushiekkaa kÀyttÀÀ fosforin ja lyijyn sitojana. Rikastushiekka koostuu pÀÀasiassa flogopiitista, kalsiitista sekÀ rikastusprosessissa hyödyntÀmÀttÀ jÀÀvÀstÀ apatiitista. Monipuolisten mineralogisten ominaisuuksiensa ansiosta rikastushiekan oletettiin pystyvÀn pidÀttÀmÀÀn fosforia ja lyijyÀ erilaisin mekanismein ja nÀin poistamaan jÀtevesistÀ fosforia sekÀ immobilisoimaan lyijyÀ ampumaratamaista. Kokeissa tutkittiin kÀsittelemÀttömÀn rikastushiekan lisÀksi ainesta, joka oli esikÀsitelty vÀkevÀllÀ hapolla mineraaliaineksen rapauttamiseksi ja reaktioaktiivisen raudan ja alumiinin oksidien muodostamiseksi. Osa hapotetusta rikastushiekasta kÀsiteltiin edelleen vÀkevÀllÀ emÀksellÀ mineraalirakenteista liuenneiden metallien saostamiseksi. SekÀ kÀsittelemÀtön ettÀ kemiallisesti esikÀsitelty aines jaettiin seulomalla kahteen mineralogialtaan toisistaan jonkin verran poikkeavaan hiukkaskokoluokkaan, joita tutkittiin erillisinÀ materiaaleina. Systemaattisissa kokeissa selvitettiin, miten eri rikastushiekkamateriaalit pystyvÀt pidÀttÀmÀÀn fosforia ja lyijyÀ vesiliuoksista samoin kuin pidÀttymisen todennÀköisiÀ mekanismeja sekÀ materiaalien vaikutusta mineraalimaan lyijynpidÀtyskykyyn. UuttotesteissÀ tutkittiin, miten rikastushiekan luontainen fosfori ja pidÀtyskokeissa sitoutunut fosfori jakautui liukoisuudeltaan erilaisiin luokkiin, joiden katsottiin edustavan erilaisia pidÀtyspintoja. LyijyllÀ keinotekoisesti saastutetulla mineraalimaalla ja ampumatoiminnan kuormittamalla orgaanisella maalla tehdyissÀ uuttotesteissÀ selvitettiin, miten lyijy jakautui erityyppisten pidÀttÀvien hiukkaspintojen vÀlillÀ. Koska liukoisen lyijyn myrkyllisyys eliöille riippuu sen kemiallisesta esiintymismuodosta, tutkittiin työssÀ myös rikastushiekan vaikutusta vesiuuttoisen lyijyn spesiaatioon. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat rikastushiekan pidÀttÀvÀn tehokkaasti sekÀ fosforia ettÀ lyijyÀ. Liukoinen fosfori pidÀttyi pÀÀasiassa rikastushiekan alumiini- ja rauta(hydr)oksidien pinnalle sekÀ todennÀköisesti jossain mÀÀrin myös kalsiittiin. HappokÀsittely lisÀsi materiaalin fosforinpidÀtyskykyÀ oleellisesti. KÀsittelemÀtön rikastushiekka pidÀtti myös liukoista lyijyÀ muodostamalla sen kanssa heikkoliukoisia saostumia sekÀ pintakomplekseja. SekÀ kÀsittelemÀtön ettÀ happokÀsitelty rikastushiekka lisÀsivÀt mineraalimaan lyijynpidÀtyskykyÀ ja siirsivÀt biosaatavaa lyijyÀ tiukemmin pidÀttyneeseen muotoon. LyijyllÀ saastuneella ampumaratamaalla tehdyissÀ kokeissa huomattiin, ettÀ hauleista vapautuu jatkuvasti lyijyÀ maaperÀÀn. KÀsittelemÀttömÀn rikastushiekan lisÀÀminen maahan kuitenkin vÀhensi hauleista perÀisin olevan lyijyn liukoisuutta muodostamalla sen kanssa heikkoliukoisia fosfaatti- ja karbonaattiyhdisteitÀ. Rikastushiekka myös vÀhensi lyijyn biosaatavuutta ja siten ekotoksisuutta maassa. Tulosten perusteella SiilinjÀrven rikastushiekka voi soveltua jÀtevesien fosforinpoistoon ja lyijyn immobilisointiin saastuneilla maa-alueilla. Materiaalin pidÀtysominaisuuksia voidaan optimoida erilaisin kemiallisin ja fysikaalisin esikÀsittelyin. Tulevaisuudessa tÀmÀ nykyisellÀÀn jÀtteenÀ lÀjitettÀvÀ geomateriaali saattaa tarjota luonnonmukaisen, ympÀristöystÀvÀllisen ja kustannustehokkaan keinon erilaisiin ympÀristön kunnostustarpeisiin

    Gendering and degendering : The Problem of Men’s Victimization in Intimate Partner Relations in Social and Crisis Workers’ Talk

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    The notion of intimate partner violence (IPV) as gender-based has been widely questioned by advocates of antifeminist men's rights movements, who have claimed that societal disregard for men's victimization in intimate relations is a central component of discrimination against men in contemporary societies. Similar views have been expressed by researchers as part of a gender-neutral discourse articulated in opposition to feminist, or gender-sensitive, understandings of IPV. To date, the views of helping professionals who work with IPV in terms of men's victimization have been underexplored. This study traces the discursive process of problem construction concerning gender and IPV in social and crisis workers' (N=21) talk about men's victimization through focus group interviews conducted in Finland. The analysis shows that social and crisis workers' sense-making closely aligns with talk about men's victimization by men's rights advocates; they construct and justify men's victimization in intimate relations as a pressing societal concern in ways that both posit gender-specific normative conceptions as a significant, oppressive context for men victims and simultaneously obscure gendered structural inequalities by advocating gender-neutral understandings and solutions for IPV. The analysis highlights challenges in attending to IPV with a gender-sensitive approach in the context of widespread politicization of men's victimization.Peer reviewe

    A poem about studying women as perpetrators of violence that is not

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    The following poem crystallizes some of the core dilemmas and affects I have encountered in my research on the challenging and complex topic of women as perpetrators of violence. It engages, in particular, with the topic of emotions in research (e.g., Dickson-Swift et al. 2009); relations among research topics, theories, and methodologies; the possibilities for fluidity in these relations (see, e.g., Childers 2014); and the dilemmas in researching groups designated as "other" in wide-ranging socio- cultural practices (Kitzinger & Wilkinson 1996). Through the engagements with these issues, the poem also attunes to ambivalent relations between different research paradigms and their epistemological and ontological background assumptions. This attunement takes inspiration from socalled postqualitative approaches (St. Pierre 2011) that are based on questioning the assumptions at the very core of conventional research practices in qualitative inquiry and hence on troubling their taken-forgrantedness. The use of art forms such as poetic writing allows for practicing research in ways that question conventional methodologies by pointing toward a plurality of meanings that exceeds simplistic or reductionist interpretations (Richardson & St. Pierre 2005). It can therefore enhance reflexivity and ethicality in research by laying emphasis on the existence of alternatives in terms of approaches adopted and interpretations made. In line with these thoughts, the following poem aims to engage with the tension between different approaches and in relations between approaches and research areas, without attempting to dissolve it. To ensure anonymity, the descriptions of research encounters in the poem are purposefully vague and not based on any singular encounters but amalgams of various ones.Peer reviewe

    Aural Commons without an Aural Community? On the Difficulties of Living Together in a City with Sound

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    This article explores the ontological, epistemological, and ethical implications of understanding urban soundscapes as aural commons: as dynamic fields of action shaped together by various actors with heterogeneous valuations. Adopting the perspective of the commons implies that the management ofsoundscapes should not be framed in terms of isolated sound (re)sources but through the social, cultural, and political processes by which the actors inhabiting the shared acoustic environment seek to make sense of their inevitable coexistence. The notion of aural commons is illustrated with a particular noise dispute between a multi-story night spot and its neighbors in Helsinki, Finland, from a media ethnographic approach. The analysis shows that relevant arenas and practices through which differing sonic valuations could be mediated are lacking. Noise disputes in administrative processes and their media representations are translated into a technical discourse that fails to create common ground for appreciating the differences in living together in a city with sound. By focusing on the potential of commoning as a social process, thearticle proposes an alternative approach to understanding and improving the socio-cultural and socio-material dynamics of urban soundscapes

    The impact of negative interest rates on bank lending : Evidence from Sweden

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    After the Global financial crisis, new ways of maintaining economic stability have had to be thought of. Central banks have introduced unconventional monetary policy tools aimed at keeping the inflation level at the desired level. One of the unconventional monetary policy tools is negative interest rates which have been used to make it more appealing for banks to issue loans to get the money to circulate in the economy. This should appear in the economy so that the inflation will rise closer to the desired level. Negative interest rates are a relatively new phenomenon as a monetary policy tool. Therefore, there is not a great amount of previous literature available, and the purpose of this thesis is to find out if the loan issuance has increased as a consequence of negative interest rates or not. Results from previous studies have been obtained in both directions, so it is not possible to estimate in advance what results should be obtained from this study in order for those to be in line with previous studies. This thesis observes the impact of negative interest rates on bank lending between the years 2011 and 2019. The sample period includes the time before and after the negative interest rates. The thesis also aims to find out whether high-deposit banks issue more loans during negative interest rates than low-deposit banks. The sample is gathered from Sweden where negative interest rates were introduced as a part of the monetary policy during the year 2015 which is a while after the European Central Bank had first introduced those in 2014. The method used in the empirical research part is the panel data method using fixed-effects model. This method is suitable for this kind of research where evidence is gathered from only one country and therefore it is used in this study. The empirical research of this thesis aims to answer the research question with three different regression models. The results of this research show that the interest rates and loan growth have a negative relationship meaning that when loan growth increases, interest rates are decreasing and vice versa. However, the results were not statistically significant when observing the loan growth of high-deposit banks during the negative interest rates with the help of a dummy-variable. Also, the results were not statistically significant either when a dummy variable was added to the regression to describe the period after negative interest rates. Nonetheless, it can be stated that declining interest rates have had an increasing impact on loan growth in Sweden over the years from 2011 to 2019 but statistically significant conclusions of the loan growth of high-deposit banks and low-deposit banks cannot be made based on this study. Globaalin finanssikriisin jälkeen on jouduttu miettimään uusia keinoja talouden vakauden ylläpitämiseksi. Keskuspankit ovat ottaneet käyttöön epätavanomaisen rahapolitiikan keinoja, joilla on pyritty pitämään inflaatio halutulla tasolla. Negatiiviset korot ovat yksi epätavanomaisen rahapolitiikan keino, joiden tarkoituksena on saada pankit myöntämään enemmän lainaa, jotta raha saataisiin taloudessa kiertoon. Tämän pitäisi näkyä taloudessa niin, että inflaatio nousee lähemmäs tavoiteltua tasoa. Negatiiviset korot ovat vielä suhteellisen uusi ilmiö rahapolitiikan keinona. Näin ollen niistä ei ole vielä tehty valtavia määriä aiempia tutkimuksia, ja siten tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena onkin selvittää, että onko lainananto kasvanut negatiivisten korkojen seurauksena vai ei. Aiemmista tutkimuksista on saatu tuloksia molempiin suuntiin, joten etukäteen ei voida arvioida, että mitä tuloksia tästä tutkielmasta tulisi saada, jotta se olisi linjassa aiempien tutkimusten kanssa. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan negatiivisten korkojen vaikutusta pankkien lainanantoon vuosien 2011 ja 2019 välisenä aikana, jolloin tutkielma käsittää sekä ajan ennen negatiivisia korkoja että ajan niiden käyttöön ottamisen jälkeen. Tutkimuksessa pyritään myös selvittämään, että antavatko pankit, joilla on paljon talletuksia, enemmän lainoja negatiivisten korkojen aikana kuin pankit, joilla on vähemmän talletuksia. Tutkimuksen kohdemaaksi on valittu Ruotsi, jossa negatiiviset korot esiteltiin osana rahapolitiikkaa vuonna 2015 eli hieman sen jälkeen, kun Euroopan keskuspankki oli ne ensin vuonna 2014 esitellyt. Empiirinen tutkimus toteutetaan paneelidataa käyttäen kiinteiden vaikutusten mallin avulla. Kyseinen menetelmä soveltuu hyvin tämän tyyppisen aineiston tutkimiseen, sillä tutkimuksen kohteena on vain yksi maa, jonka vuoksi tämä menetelmä on valittu käytettäväksi tutkielmassa. Empiirisessä tutkimuksessa tässä tutkielmassa tutkimuskysymykseen pyritään vastaamaan kolmen eri regressiomallin avulla. Tutkimus ja sen tulokset osoittavat, että koroilla ja lainan kasvulla on negatiivinen suhde. Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että kun lainojen määrä kasvaa, niin korot laskevat. Sama pätee toiseen suuntaan. Tulokset eivät olleet tilastollisesti merkitseviä, kun tarkastellaan korkean talletusasteen pankkien lainanantoa negatiivisten korkojen aikana dummy-muuttujan avulla eikä silloin, kun regressiomalliin lisättiin dummy-muuttuja kuvaamaan negatiivisten korkojen aikaa. Voidaan siis todeta, että laskevilla koroilla on ollut kasvava vaikutus pankkien lainanantoon Ruotsissa vuosien 2011 ja 2019 välisenä aikana, mutta korkean ja matalan talletusasteen pankkien lainanannosta ei voida tehdä tilastollisesti merkitseviä johtopäätöksiä tämän tutkimuksen perusteella

    Selection and satisfaction criteria of temporary work agency as a service provider in Finland and Norway

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    In recent years, the acquisition of professional services has become increasingly relevant for value creation within companies. This growing trend of outsourcing has also been observed in the Nordic countries, where temporary work has grown rapidly to become a significant feature of many national labor markets. The utilization of employment intermediaries such as temporary work agencies has become an increasingly important area of research within the field of human resource management. This study contributes to advancing the understanding of partner selection criteria in the context of temporary work agencies and aims to broaden the existing knowledge regarding the perceptions of organizations’ utilization of TWA. The main purpose of the study is to determine the most important selection criteria for a company’s choice of temporary work agency as a service provider and the criteria for client companies’ satisfaction with the chosen agency. Specifically, this research examines the selection criteria and the satisfaction in the context of Finland and Norway and aims to comprehend whether the home country of the client company makes a difference. The theory and main concepts are derived from previous literature and research on professional service providers. The theoretical framework consists of the importance of temporary work agency and prior research on the reasons for the utilization of TWA, the professional service provider selection process, the selection criteria and the criteria related to the client’s satisfaction with the service provider. The study examines two TWAs operating in both Finland and Norway, and a quantitative research method is employed. All together 45 Norwegian and 10 Finnish clients answered an online survey via Webropol. The study excluded those who initiated cooperation through a lengthy bidding process. The data was collected in spring of 2023 and analyzed in IBM SPSS statistics software version 28. The findings suggest that the primary motivations for utilizing a TWA are avoiding the hiring process, flexibility through on-demand workforce, substituting for absences, and preventing mis-recruitments. Respectively, the most significant selection criteria identified are the agency's ability to meet expectations, understand client needs, deliver quality service and offer flexibility. Regarding client satisfaction, the study reveals that several criteria impact the satisfaction with a TWA, including the ability to handle complaints, to meet or exceed expectations, adhere to agreed timelines and offer creative solutions and demonstrate accuracy. While statistical power limitations prevented a robust analysis, some differences emerged between the Finnish and Norwegian clients. The Finnish respondents placed a greater emphasis on avoiding the hiring process, cost of service, and service quality compared to their Norwegian counterparts. Additionally, the Finnish clients reported higher satisfaction with accuracy, whereas Norwegian clients expressed higher satisfaction with adherence to schedules.Viime vuosina asiantuntijapalvelujen hankinnasta on tullut yhĂ€ tĂ€rkeĂ€mpÀÀ yritysten arvonluonnin kannalta. Ulkoistamisen kasvava suuntaus on havaittu myös Pohjoismaissa, joissa vuokratyö on kasvanut nopeasti ja siitĂ€ on tullut merkittĂ€vĂ€ tekijĂ€ monilla kansallisilla työmarkkinoilla. Vuokratyövoiman kĂ€ytöstĂ€ on tullut yhĂ€ tĂ€rkeĂ€mpi tutkimusalue henkilöstöhallinnon alalla. TĂ€mĂ€ tutkimus edistÀÀ osaltaan kumppanien valintakriteerien sekĂ€ tyytyvĂ€isyyteen vaikuttavien tekijöiden ymmĂ€rtĂ€mistĂ€ vuokratyövoimaa vĂ€littĂ€vien yritysten kontekstissa. Tutkimuksen pÀÀtarkoituksena on selvittÀÀ tĂ€rkeimmĂ€t valintaperusteet, joiden perusteella yritykset valitsevat vuokratyövoimaa vĂ€littĂ€vĂ€n yrityksen palveluntarjoajaksi, sekĂ€ kriteerit, joiden perusteella asiakasyritykset ovat tyytyvĂ€isiĂ€ valittuun yritykseen. TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan erityisesti valintaperusteita ja tyytyvĂ€isyyttĂ€ Suomen ja Norjan olosuhteissa, ja pyritÀÀn ymmĂ€rtĂ€mÀÀn, onko asiakasyrityksen kotimaalla merkitystĂ€. Teoria ja keskeiset kĂ€sitteet on johdettu aiemmasta kirjallisuudesta ja tutkimuksista, jotka kĂ€sittelevĂ€t ammatillista palveluntarjontaa. Teoreettinen viitekehys koostuu vuokratyövoiman vuokrausyritysten merkityksestĂ€ sekĂ€ aiemmasta tutkimuksesta. Olemassa olevan kirjallisuuden pohjalta tĂ€ssĂ€ työssĂ€ tarkastellaan vuokratyövoiman kĂ€ytön syitĂ€, ammatillisen palveluntarjoajan valintaprosessia ja valintakriteerejĂ€ sekĂ€ kriteerejĂ€, jotka liittyvĂ€t asiakkaan tyytyvĂ€isyyteen palveluntarjoajaa kohtaan. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kahta Suomessa ja Norjassa toimivaa vuokratyöyritystĂ€, ja siinĂ€ hyödynnetÀÀn kvantitatiivista tutkimusmenetelmÀÀ. Tutkimukseen osallistui 45 asiakasta Norjasta ja 10 Suomesta. He vastasivat Webropolin kautta tehtyyn verkkokyselyyn. Kysely lĂ€hetettiin kaikille maiden asiakkaille lukuun ottamatta niitĂ€ asiakkaita, jotka aloittivat yhteistyön pitkĂ€llisen tarjousmenettelyn kautta. Tiedot kerĂ€ttiin kevÀÀllĂ€ 2023 ja analysoitiin IBM SPSS 28 -ohjelmistolla. Tulosten mukaan vuokratyövoimayrityksen kĂ€ytön tĂ€rkeimpiĂ€ syitĂ€ ovat rekrytointiprosessin vĂ€lttĂ€minen, joustavuus kysynnĂ€n mukaan palkatun työvoiman avulla, poissaolojen korvaaminen ja virheellisten rekrytointien estĂ€minen. MerkittĂ€vimmiksi valintakriteereiksi nousi vuokratyöyrityksen kyky vastata odotuksiin, ymmĂ€rtÀÀ asiakkaan tarpeita, tarjota laadukasta palvelua ja olla joustava. AsiakastyytyvĂ€isyyden osalta tutkimus paljastaa, ettĂ€ vuokratyövoimayrityksen kĂ€ytön tyytyvĂ€isyyteen vaikuttavat useat kriteerit, kuten yrityksen kyky kĂ€sitellĂ€ valituksia, tĂ€yttÀÀ tai ylittÀÀ odotukset, noudattaa sovittuja aikatauluja, tarjota luovia ratkaisuja ja osoittaa tarkkuutta. Vaikka tilastolliset rajoitukset estivĂ€t luotettavan analyysin tekemisen, suomalaisten ja norjalaisten asiakkaiden vĂ€lillĂ€ ilmeni joitakin eroja. Suomalaiset vastaajat painottivat norjalaisiin vastaajiin verrattuna enemmĂ€n rekrytointiprosessin vĂ€lttĂ€mistĂ€, palvelun kustannuksia ja palvelun laatua. LisĂ€ksi suomalaiset asiakkaat ilmoittivat olevansa tyytyvĂ€isempiĂ€ tarkkuuteen, kun taas norjalaiset asiakkaat olivat tyytyvĂ€isempiĂ€ aikataulujen noudattamiseen

    Reversing Positions : Constructions of Masculine Victimhood in Online Discussions about Intimate Partner Violence Committed by Women

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    Discussions about men’s victimization by their female intimate partners have gained increased visibility in the last two decades. These discussions put victim positions on offer for men that stand in stark contrast to more widespread associations between masculinity and perpetration of violence. This article examines how these contradictory positionings play out and are discursively negotiated in Finnish online discussions of female-inflicted intimate partner violence (IPV). Two recurring types of positioning of men were identified in the analysis: neglected victims and naturally superior perpetrators. The analysis illustrates how gendered differences between men and women in relation to violence are both reiterated and denied in the processes of enacting, balancing, and rhetorically employing these positionings. Thereby, light is shed on the multiplicity of complex and fluid ways in which masculinities are constructed and customized in the context of meaning-making surrounding the issue of IPV.Peer reviewe
