148 research outputs found

    L’éphémère comme horizon d’attente : une méthodologie de la transmission créatrice – le cas de l’inventaire guarani.

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    Cette contribution explore les enjeux théoriques, conceptuels et épistomologiques, de la patrimonialisation, tel qu’elle est appliquée au patrimoine immatériel. Prenant appui sur une recherche doctorale, elle précise le problème initial des processus de patrimonialisation, destinés à protéger le patrimoine vivant, sans pour autant altérer leur dynamique processuelle et évolutive : c’est toute la difficulté de fixer sans figer le patrimoine et les savoirs le concernant. C’est en observant un inventaire audiovisuel du patrimoine immatériel, réalisé conjointement entre des chercheurs scientifiques et un groupe de jeunes et anciens guarani, que l’article repère les stratégies de contournement mises en œuvre par ces différents acteurs sur le terrain pour prolonger l’éphémère. L’analyse montre alors combien les processus contemporains de patrimonialisation mobilisent la mémoire du groupe social à plusieurs niveaux : pour proposer une fixation souple, non-figée, des savoirs d’une part, et d’autre part, pour susciter l’engagement de l’acteur social envers son patrimoine. C’est ainsi un régime singulier de patrimonialisation qui se dessine ici, orchestré autour d’une construction collective, créative et continue de la mémoire sociale, sous le signe de l’éphémère. Ici, l’éphémère apparaît à la fois comme un principe moteur et un horizon d’attente des inventaires participatifs, appelant à la transformation perpétuelle des savoirs mémoriels et à leur réinvestissement permanent par le groupe social

    Revealing mammalian evolutionary relationships by comparative analysis of gene clusters

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    Many software tools for comparative analysis of genomic sequence data have been released in recent decades. Despite this, it remains challenging to determine evolutionary relationships in gene clusters due to their complex histories involving duplications, deletions, inversions, and conversions. One concept describing these relationships is orthology. Orthologs derive from a common ancestor by speciation, in contrast to paralogs, which derive from duplication. Discriminating orthologs from paralogs is a necessary step in most multispecies sequence analyses, but doing so accurately is impeded by the occurrence of gene conversion events. We propose a refined method of orthology assignment based on two paradigms for interpreting its definition: by genomic context or by sequence content. X-orthology (based on context) traces orthology resulting from speciation and duplication only, while N-orthology (based on content) includes the influence of conversion events

    Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Variants Are Related to Smoking Habits, but Not Directly to COPD

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    Genome-wide association studies identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) cluster as a risk factor for nicotine dependency and COPD. We investigated whether SNPs in the nAChR cluster are associated with smoking habits and lung function decline, and if these potential associations are independent of each other. The SNPs rs569207, rs1051730 and rs8034191 in the nAChR cluster were analyzed in the Vlagtwedde-Vlaardingen cohort (n = 1,390) that was followed for 25 years. We used GEE and LME models to analyze the associations of the SNPs with quitting or restarting smoking and with the annual FEV1 decline respectively. Individuals homozygote (CC) for rs569207 were more likely to quit smoking (OR (95%CI) = 1.58 (1.05–2.38)) compared to wild-type (TT) individuals. Individuals homozygote (TT) for rs1051730 were less likely to quit smoking (0.64 (0.42; 0.97)) compared to wild-type (CC) individuals. None of the SNPs was significantly associated with the annual FEV1 decline in smokers and ex-smokers. We show that SNPs in the nAChR region are associated with smoking habits such as quitting smoking, but have no significant effect on the annual FEV1 decline in smokers and ex-smokers, suggesting a potential role of these SNPs in COPD development via smoking habits rather than via direct effects on lung function

    O imaterial na patrimonialização ou a memória ativa : circulações de saberes em contexto de parceria de produção audiovisual

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    This thesis aims to explore the heritage-making processes in community-based participatory work forming social memory in Brazil’s guarani communities and France. Inspired by the intangible heritage paradigm, experts and institutions increasingly act in close partnership with the social actor in conducting cultural heritage inventories for formalizing the protection, promotion and revitalization of traditional practices through knowledge production. The so-called holders of memory then become “indigenous researchers” in audiovisual documentation processes that orchestrate such inventories. Drawing on interviews, document and discourse analysis, this thesis seeks to shed light on the technical, epistemological, and symbolic shift at play in the construction of memory in such a partnership framework. This work interrogates the documentary gesture posed by the partnering social actor and the future mediatic status it for the heritage-in-making object hereby documented. In this perspective, the thesis engages with the question of traditional knowledge circulation, fixation, and transmission within a given social group, in the specific time and space-frame of the heritage inventory projects. This work considers theoretical issues at stake within the intangible paradigm, revealing the heritage paradox that exist between the knowledge stabilization effort and the living, and the metamorphic essence of cultural practices. This aporia is examined herein through the lens of the documentation projects conducted, in an attempt to identify their stance and strategies towards it. By deciphering the operational framework of the partnering video inventories, his thesis reveals existing social strategies used to discard ontological resistance of culture to becoming heritage : audiovisual documentation of personal testimonies here appears as a tool to record heritage in a flexible, non-binding media sustaining the ongoing cycle of meaning being susceptible to change and reinterpretation. In the videos, heritage is not dissected and precisely described as one could expect. Rather, it is discussed through non-descriptive content, with open questions and pointers only alluding and constantly challenging its meaning. By eluding content stabilization, knowledge production relies on a complex system of change and continuity, allowing only frames of meaning to be passed on, within which each participant can recreate meaning for himself. The thesis also highlights the reflexive and communicational competence building process associated with the social actor participating in the project, showing how such experiences follow a path of heritage appropriation, culminating in a renewed desire to cultivate one’s heritage. Third, the thesis attempts to theorize the heritage-making model studied here to elucidate the interplay of heritage and memory in the intangible paradigm. Memory is here seen as an unfolding experience, a work of engagement and cultural recreation mobilized by the heritage-making process to activate a dynamic knowledge transmission pattern within the very life of its projects.Cette thèse vise à explorer les enjeux et modalités de la patrimonialisation liées à la mémoire sociale, dans le contexte paradigmatique de l’immatériel qui de manière croissante mobilise des formes abouties de partenariat avec l’acteur social, en vue de conduire l’inventaire de son patrimoine. À partir de terrains français et brésiliens, cette recherche s’intéresse plus particulièrement au travail partenarial de documentation audiovisuelle du patrimoine qui intervient dans de tels dispositifs d’inventaire partagé, pour y saisir les transformations techniques, épistémologiques et symboliques à l’œuvre lors de la collecte de mémoire au sein du groupe social, de l’introduction du témoignage dans le processus de production des savoirs liés au patrimoine en devenir, et de sa mise en support grâce au média audiovisuel. Nous interrogeons ici le geste documentaire assumé par l’acteur social en qualité de chercheur indigène ainsi que le devenir médiatique de l’objet de patrimoine qu’il engage. C’est toute la question de la circulation, et à travers celle-ci de la fixation et de la transmission des savoirs qui se dessine ici, à partir d’une réflexion sur les usages sociaux des dispositifs patrimoniaux contemporains. Ce travail s’attache ainsi d’une part à décrire les modalités du travail de mémoire réalisé dans de tels dispositifs. Il met ici au jour le parcours de l’acteur social lors d’un tel exercice mémoriel ainsi que le traitement singulier de l’objet patrimonial et de sa mise en savoir. La recherche s’intéresse alors plus précisément aux processus d’appropriation et de réflexivité qu’entraîne la pratique partenariale de la documentation audiovisuelle du patrimoine. À partir de telles modalités, la thèse réfléchit d’autre part au régime de patrimonialisation singulier en jeu, tel qu’il s’organise autour de la fabrique continue et partagée d’une mémoire sociale du groupe, dont nous repérons la valeur médiatrice au sein du groupe social. La recherche montre enfin combien les dispositifs patrimoniaux contemporains contournent la fixation des savoirs et orchestrent leur transmission recréatrice, selon l’idée proposée d’une mémoire agissante.AO objetivo desta tese é explorar os desafios e as modalidades da patrimonialização ligados àmemória social, no contexto paradigmático do imaterial que, de forma crescente, mobiliza formas acabadas de parceria com os atores sociais, visando gerir o inventário de seu patrimônio.A partir das realidades francesa e brasileira, esta pesquisa discute particularmente oprotagonismo no trabalho de documentação audiovisual do patrimônio que interfere nos dispositivos do inventário compartilhado. Busca assim entender as transformações técnicas,epistemológicas e simbólicas que ocorrem durante o registro da memória ao interior do gruposocial, com a introdução do depoimento no processo de produção de saberes ligados ao patrimônio que se constitui e de sua disponibilização através dos meios audiovisuais. Indagamos aqui sobre a prática de documentação assumida pelo ator social na qualidade depesquisador indígena, assim como sobre as consequências midiáticas do objeto de patrimônio por ele incorporado. Trata-se da questão de circulação e, através dela, da fixação e datransmissão de saberes que aqui se configura, a partir de uma reflexão sobre os usos sociais dosdispositivos patrimoniais contemporâneos. Este trabalho se propõe assim a descrever as modalidades da produção de memória realizadacom tais dispositivos: ele atualiza aqui o percurso do ator social durante sua trajetória, assim como o tratamento singular dispensado ao objeto patrimonial e à organização dos saberes. Apesquisa focaliza, então, mais precisamente, os processos de apropriação e de reflexividadeprovocados pela prática de curadoria compartilhada na documentação audiovisual dopatrimônio. Desta forma a tese aborda o regime de patrimonialização singular aqui descrito, talcomo ele se organiza em torno da produção contínua e compartilhada de uma memória social do grupo, cujo valor mediador nós destacamos. Finalmente, a pesquisa mostra como os dispositivos patrimoniais contemporâneos confrontam a fixação dos saberes e orquestram sua transmissão recriadora, segundo a ideia proposta de uma memória ativa.

    Festival Internacional de Cine de San Sebastián : Pour la paix des familles

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    Le geste documentaire du chercheur indigène : production de traces et transmission des savoirs

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    International audienceThis paper looks at the implications of a participatory documentation process in the context of a guarani cultural heritage inventory program (Brazil), in collaboration between scientific and indigenous communities. Drawing on interviews and document analysis, this paper engages with the question of knowledge circulation to reevaluate the mediating effect of the documentation process and gestures.Par l'analyse d'un dispositif socio-technique d'inventaire du patrimoine guarani (Brésil), cette contribution montre combien le travail partenarial de documentation, joint entre un groupe social et un relai scientifique, transforme les processus mémoriels de circulation des savoirs. Elle pointe et resitue la valeur médiatrice du geste documentaire posé par le chercheur indigène

    L’Institutrice : Coup d’état poétique

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    Festival de San Sebastián : La ride du lion

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    Festival de San Sebastian : L’optimisme à l’espagnole

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