305 research outputs found

    Northern Cheyenne, missionaries, and resistance on the Tongue River Reservation, 1884 through 1934

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    Modeling monthly rainfall in Katunayake region using seasonal arima model

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    The accurate forecast of rainfall is much important as the rainfall is one of the factors which is bound to human beings in routine life. The prediction of rainfall on a seasonal time scale has been attempted by various research groups using different techniques. In the present study, a univariate time series seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) model has been developed for monthly rainfall data from a period of January, 2001 to January, 2016 (181 observations) in Katunayake region, Sri Lanka. For the model selection it was used 157 observations while the rest 24 observations were used to validate the developed model. The Johnson transformation was used to transform observations in order to correct the non-normality of the residuals. Based on the results, the SARIMA (2,0,2) (2,0,1)12 model was found to be most suitable for forecasting the mean rainfall. The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Schwarz Information Criterion (SIC) and Durbin Watson statistics were used to test the validity of the developed model in different stages. This model is appropriate to forecast the monthly rainfall for the future months to assist decision and policy makers to establish priorities for water demand, storage and disaster management

    Molecular and immunological characterization of wheat allergens

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    BĂ€cker Asthma bezeichnet eine IgE-vermittelte Überempfindlichkeitsreaktion, die durch Inhalation von Weizenmehl ausgelöst wird. Der Begriff weist auf eine berufsbezogene Erkrankung hin, von denen 4-25% betroffen sind. Das Erkennen des auslösenden Allergens und die Vermeidung der Allergenbelastung könnte die Symptome verringern. In der Vergangenheit konnten viele Allergene isoliert werden, aber es sind keine Tests verfĂŒgbar um zwischen der Weizen-abhĂ€ngigen Nahrungsmittelallergie und BĂ€cker Asthma zu unterscheiden. Constantin et al. prĂ€sentierte in ihrer kĂŒrzlich publizierten Studie einen Allergen-Microarray basierend auf gereinigten, rekombinanten Proteinen. Isolierung, Identifizierung und Charakterisierung weiterer Allergene, die in BĂ€cker Asthma involviert sind, trĂ€gt zu einer Verbesserung der Methodik bei, welche sich zu einer effektiven Methode fĂŒr die Krankheitsdiagnose in der Zukunft entwickeln könnte. Bezogen auf diese Vorstellung, war das Hauptziel meiner Diplomarbeit die molekulare, strukturelle und immunologische Charakterisierung von neuen Allergenen, die an BĂ€cker Asthma beteiligt sind. Die isolierten IgE-reaktiven cDNA Klone konnten durch Sequenzanalysen folgendermaßen identifiziert werden: Thioredoxin h (Klon 37), Glutathiontransferase (Klon 38), 1-Cysperoxiredoxin (Klon 112), Profilin (Klon 123) und Dehydrin (Klon 126). Die rekombinanten Proteine wurden in E.coli als C-terminal hexahistidin-markierte Proteine exprimiert und das Molekulargewicht wurde ermittelt. Ein Dot-Blot Experiment wurde durchgefĂŒhrt um die IgEReaktivitĂ€t der rekombinanten Proteine zu untersuchen. 1-Cys-peroxiredoxin wurde stark von Serum-IgE von 35.7% der Patienten, die an BĂ€cker Asthma leiden, erkannt. DarĂŒber hinaus konnte mittels Untersuchung der Histaminfreisetzung eine stark allergene Wirkung in 21% der Patienten nachgewiesen werden. Im Gegensatz dazu wurde Thioredoxin h von keinen der Allergiker erkannt und keine Histaminfreisetzung induziert. Es gibt einen Bedarf an rekombinanten Weizenallergenen, die speziell von BĂ€cker Asthma Patienten erkannt werden, um die Diagnose zu verbessern, die Notwendigkeit von Provokationstests zu verringern und sie möglicherweise in der Immuntherapie von IgEvermittelten Allergie einsetzen zu können.Baker’s asthma is an IgE-mediated hypersensitivity disease caused by inhalation of wheat flour. The term still indicates the problem specific to a particular profession, from which 4- 25% are affected. Identification of the workspace agent could minimize the symptoms by avoiding exposure to the allergen. In the past, many allergens could be isolated, but there is no test available to discriminate between wheat-dependent food allergy and Baker’s asthma. Constantin et al. presented in a recently published study an allergen microarray based on purified recombinant proteins. Further isolation, identification and characterization of allergens involved in Baker’s asthma will improve this method which could become an effective tool for the diagnosis of the disease in the future. Based on this idea, the main aim of my diploma thesis was the molecular, structural and immunological characterization of new allergens involved in Baker’s asthma. The isolated IgE-reactive cDNA clones could be identified by sequence analysis as follows: Thioredoxin h (clone 37), Glutathione transferase (clone 38), 1-Cys-peroxiredoxin (clone 112), Profilin (clone 123) and Dehydrin (clone 126). Recombinant proteins were expressed in E.coli as C-terminally hexahistidine-tagged proteins and the molecular weight was determined. A dot-blot experiment which is an effective method to study IgE-reactivity of recombinant proteins, was performed. 1-Cys-peroxiredoxin was strongly recognized by serum IgE from 35.7% of patients suffering from Baker’s asthma. Furthermore, in histamine release assays, an important method for evaluating allergenicity of allergens, we could show strong allergenic activity in 21% of patients. In contrast, thioredoxin h was recognized by none of the allergics and only induced a weak degranulation in the histamine release assay. There is a need of recombinant wheat allergens, specifically recognized by baker’s asthma patients, to use them for diagnosis, reduce provocation testing and possibly immunotherapy of IgE-mediated allergy

    Experimental Validation of DXA-based Finite Element models for prediction of femoral strength

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    Osteoporotic fractures are a major clinical problem and current diagnostic tools have an accuracy of only 50%. The aim of this study was to validate dual energy x-rays absorptiometry (DXA)-based Finite Element (FE) models to predict femoral strength in two loading configurations. Thirty-six pairs of fresh frozen human proximal femora were scanned with DXA and quantitative computed tomography (QCT). For each pair one femur was tested until failure in a one-legged standing configuration (STANCE) and one by replicating the positon of the femur in a fall onto the greater trochanter (SIDE). Subject-specific 2D DXA-based linear FE models and 3D QCT-based nonlinear FE models were generated for each specimen and used to predict the measured femoral strength. The outcomes of the models were compared to standard DXA-based areal bone mineral density (aBMD) measurements. For the STANCE configuration the DXA-based FE models (RÂČ=0.74, SEE=1473N) outperformed the best densitometric predictor (Neck_aBMD, RÂČ=0.66, SEE=1687N) but not the QCT-based FE models (RÂČ=0.80, SEE=1314N). For the SIDE configuration both QCT-based FE models (RÂČ=0.85, SEE=455N) and DXA neck aBMD (RÂČ=0.80, SEE=502N) outperformed DXA-based FE models (RÂČ=0.77, SEE=529N). In both configurations the DXA-based FE model provided a good 1:1 agreement with the experimental data (CC=0.87 for SIDE and CC=0.86 for STANCE), with proper optimization of the failure criteria. In conclusion we found that the DXA-based FE models are a good predictor of femoral strength as compared with experimental data ex vivo. However, it remains to be investigated whether this novel approach can provide good predictions of the risk of fracture in vivo

    Ideal- und Selbstvorstellungen des adipösen Körpers

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    Um die Fragen zu beantworten wie adipöse Personen ihren Körper wahrnehmen, wie er, beeinflusst vom gĂ€ngigen Schönheitsideal, von der Gesellschaft wahrgenommen wird und welchen Zusammenhang es zwischen diesen beiden Dimensionen gibt, wurden die Adipositas begĂŒnstigenden Faktoren aufgezeigt. Hierbei musste festgestellt werden, dass es sich um komplexe, multifaktorielle Prozesse handelt, bei denen ErnĂ€hrungs- und Bewegungsverhalten, Physiologie und Umwelt die Hauptrollen spielen, jedoch bei jedem Menschen unterschiedlich großen Einfluss haben. Deshalb ist zu betonen, dass es viele unterschiedliche Faktoren gibt, die individuell stark zu tragen kommen können. So könnten zum Beispiel auch bei einigen Adipösen, neben den bereits erwĂ€hnten, psychologische Faktoren angenommen werden, die zu einem gestörten Essverhalten fĂŒhren. Ähnlich den der Essstörungen Anorexie und Bulimie zugrunde liegenden psychischen Problemen, können sich auch bei adipösen Personen ein niedriger Selbstwert und mangelndes IdentitĂ€tsgefĂŒhl finden lassen. Wie nun die Entwicklung von Selbstwert und IdentitĂ€t stattfindet und wodurch sie beeinflusst werden kann, sollte an Hand der Objektbeziehungstheorie herausgefunden werden. Auf deren Grundlage wurde die Bedeutung einer genĂŒgend guten Mutter-Kind-Interaktion als die Basis aller verinnerlichten Vorstellungen dargestellt, denn das Selbst entwickelt sich in einer wechselseitigen Beziehung zwischen Mutter und Kind. Das Erkennen des eigenen Mentalen des Kindes durch die Bezugsperson ist von wesentlicher Bedeutung, denn nur so wird das Kind zu einem unabhĂ€ngigen Subjekt. Baut das Kind ĂŒber die primĂ€re Beziehung zur Mutter hinaus gemeinschaftliche Beziehung zu anderen Menschen auf, entwickelt sich das Selbst frei von MinderwertigkeitsgefĂŒhlen weiter und erwirbt ein stabiles IdentitĂ€tsgefĂŒhl, das die Basis einer klaren Vorstellung von Beziehungen zu anderen Personen ist (vgl. Blatt, S.J. & Shahar, G. 2004, S. 297; Blatt, S.J et al. 2005, S. 865). Zustimmende Reaktionen von anderen sind ebenso entscheidend fĂŒr die Aufrechterhaltung der inneren Einheit, der KontinuitĂ€t und des SelbstwertgefĂŒhls. Sind jedoch diese Voraussetzungen nicht gegeben, kann es zu Abwehrmechanismen kommen, die eine klare Trennung von Selbst und Objekt, und in Folge dessen auch die Ausbildung einer eigenen IdentitĂ€t, verhindern (vgl. Bohleber, W. 1999, S. 510). Hat das Kind nicht gelernt, sich von der Mutter abzugrenzen und eine eigene IdentitĂ€t zu entwickeln, so missglĂŒckt die Integration von Körper-, Selbst- und Objektvorstellungen, und der Körper wird als Übergangsobjekt erlebt. Übergangsobjekte, wie z.B. ein TeddybĂ€r, sollen dem Kind die Abwesenheit der Mutter erleichtern. Wird von einer ĂŒberfĂŒrsorglichen Mutter jeder Autonomieversuch und somit auch der Bedarf eines Übergangsobjektes verhindert, kann die Ausbildung von getrennten Selbst-Objekt-Grenzen behindert sein und es zu einer Spaltung zwischen Selbst und Körperselbst kommen. Mathias Hirsch sieht diese SchĂ€digung in der Loslösungsphase als Grundlage jedes gestörten Essverhaltens (vgl. Hirsch, M. 1998, S. 171f). Auch Hilde Bruch erkannte, dass viele adipöse PatientInnen Probleme mit der emotionalen Loslösung von der Mutter und dem Aufbau von Ichgrenzen hatten. Das Heranwachsen zu einem eigenstĂ€ndigen Individuum und die Entwicklung einer IdentitĂ€t kann dadurch behindert werden (vgl. Bruch, H. 2001, S. 89f). Dieses Entwicklungsdefizit kann erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die Selbstvorstellungen haben. Gerade in der Adoleszenz werden vergangene Erfahrungen neu organisiert, doch konnten die FĂ€higkeit der Mentalisierung und der Selbstreflexion sowie das IdentitĂ€tsgefĂŒhl nicht ausgebildet werden, kann somit auch der adoleszente Restrukturierungsprozess fehlschlagen, und sich die zweite Loslösungsphase und die Individuation konfliktreich gestalten. Der sexuelle Körper kann zum Feind und das eigene Leben als fremdbestimmt wahrgenommen werden (vgl. Bohleber, W. 1999, S. 520f). In der Adoleszenz kommt auch der gesellschaftliche Faktor ins Spiel, denn der Blick von außen, das Begehren und Begehrtwerden wird von Bedeutung. Wenn nun die Selbstvorstellungen und der Glaube an die eigenen FĂ€higkeiten geschwĂ€cht sind, die Betroffenen es nicht gelernt haben, eigenstĂ€ndig zu sein und sich kein SelbstwertgefĂŒhl entwickeln konnte, könnte es sein, dass diese Personen umso stĂ€rker bemĂŒht sind, sich den Idealen anzupassen, um sich durch die Einhaltung ihrer Normen eine IdentitĂ€t zu schaffen. Ein Abweichen von der Norm kann Selbsthass gegenĂŒber dem eigenen Körper auslösen und alles Scheitern wird auf das Gewicht zurĂŒckgefĂŒhrt. Dies erklĂ€rt auch, warum Bruch schreibt, dass in solchen FĂ€llen eine reine Gewichtsreduktion bei Adipösen die Probleme nicht lösen wĂŒrde. Es mĂŒssten zuerst die zugrunde liegenden psychischen Probleme gelöst werden, um eine erfolgreiche Gewichtreduktion zu ermöglichen (vgl. Bruch, H. 2001, S. 14). Das könnte der Punkt sein, wodurch sich die Personen, die mit ihrem adipösen Körper zu Recht kommen, von jenen unterscheiden, die zwanghaft versuchen, das Gewicht dem Ideal anzupassen und unter der gesellschaftlichen Stigmatisierung leiden. Ist im ersten Fall der Grund fĂŒr die Adipositas vielleicht der Überfluss an ErnĂ€hrung und Bewegungsarmut oder sind es metabolische Faktoren, so können die Ursachen der Adipositas im zweiten Fall in frĂŒhen zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungserfahrungen und deren psychischen Folgen liegen

    Trabecular bone structure correlates with hand posture and use in hominoids

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    Bone is capable of adapting during life in response to stress. Therefore, variation in locomotor and manipulative behaviours across extant hominoids may be reflected in differences in trabecular bone structure. The hand is a promising region for trabecular analysis, as it is the direct contact between the individual and the environment and joint positions at peak loading vary amongst extant hominoids. Building upon traditional volume of interest-based analyses, we apply a whole-epiphysis analytical approach using high-resolution microtomographic scans of the hominoid third metacarpal to investigate whether trabecular structure reflects differences in hand posture and loading in knuckle-walking (Gorilla, Pan), suspensory (Pongo, Hylobates and Symphalangus) and manipulative (Homo) taxa. Additionally, a comparative phylogenetic method was used to analyse rates of evolutionary changes in trabecular parameters. Results demonstrate that trabecular bone volume distribution and regions of greatest stiffness (i.e., Young's modulus) correspond with predicted loading of the hand in each behavioural category. In suspensory and manipulative taxa, regions of high bone volume and greatest stiffness are concentrated on the palmar or distopalmar regions of the metacarpal head, whereas knuckle-walking taxa show greater bone volume and stiffness throughout the head, and particularly in the dorsal region; patterns that correspond with the highest predicted joint reaction forces. Trabecular structure in knuckle-walking taxa is characterised by high bone volume fraction and a high degree of anisotropy in contrast to the suspensory brachiators. Humans, in which the hand is used primarily for manipulation, have a low bone volume fraction and a variable degree of anisotropy. Finally, when trabecular parameters are mapped onto a molecular-based phylogeny, we show that the rates of change in trabecular structure vary across the hominoid clade. Our results support a link between inferred behaviour and trabecular structure in extant hominoids that can be informative for reconstructing behaviour in fossil primates

    Cooperation through a questionnaire. A learning project in mental health care

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    Tittel og abstract ogsĂ„ pĂ„ engelskArtikkelen retter sĂžkelyset mot bachelorstudenters lĂŠring gjennom Ă„ medvirke i et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom en hĂžgskole og et dĂžgnbemannet bofellesskap i kommunalt psykisk helsearbeid. Prosjektet hadde fokus pĂ„ Ă„ kvalitetssikre studentenes relasjoner og samhandling med beboerne om daglige aktiviteter. Hensikten med studien var Ă„ undersĂžke studentenes erfaringer med Ă„ anvende et spĂžrreskjema i dialogen med beboerne for Ă„ kartlegge deres daglige aktiviteter. Vi Ăžnsket ogsĂ„ Ă„ undersĂžke hvordan bruken av spĂžrreskjema kunne bidra til lĂŠring for studentene. Studien har en kvalitativ tilnĂŠrming og et beskrivende og utforskende design. Datagrunnlaget er 144 refleksjonsnotater skrevet av totalt 18 sykepleiestudenter over en praksisperiode pĂ„ Ă„tte uker. Hver student samarbeidet med 1–2 beboere hver. Totalt 33 beboere deltok i samhandlingen. Refleksjonsnotatene er analysert gjennom en beskrivende temasentrert analysemetode. Funnene blir presentert i to hovedtemaer: SpĂžrreskjemaet som et virkemiddel for trygg samhandling og relasjonsbygging, og spĂžrreskjemaet som et virkemiddel for Ăžkt bevissthet og lĂŠring. Diskusjonen tar utgangspunkt i Kolbs modell for erfaringslĂŠring. Studien viser at bruk av et konkret spĂžrreskjema bidro til Ă„ trygge studentene i dialogen med beboerne og var et godt verktĂžy i studentenes personlige lĂŠringsprosess.publishedVersio

    Influence of aging on mechanical properties of the femoral neck using an inverse method.

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    Today, we are facing rapid aging of the world population, which increases the incidence of hip fractures. The gold standard of bone strength assessment in the laboratory is micro-computed finite element analysis (ΌFEA) based on micro-computed tomography (ΌCT) images. In clinics, the standard method to assess bone fracture risk is based on areal bone mineral density (aBMD), measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). In addition, homogenized finite element analysis (hFEA) constructed from quantitative computed tomography reconstructions (QCT) predicts clinical bone strength more accurately than DXA. Despite considerable evidence of degradation of bone material properties with age, in the past fifty years of finite element analysis to predict bone strength, bone material parameters remained independent of age. This study aims to assess the influence of age on apparent modulus, yield stress, and strength predictions of the human femoral neck made by laboratory-available bone volume fraction (BV/TV) and ΌFEA; and by clinically available DXA and hFEA. Using an inverse method, we test the hypothesis that FEA material parameters are independent of age. Eighty-six human femora were scanned with DXA (aBMD) and with QCT. The femoral necks were extracted and scanned at 16 Όm resolution with ΌCT. The grayscale images were downscaled to 32 Όm and 65 Όm for linear and non-linear analyses, respectively, and segmented. The ΌFE solver ParOSolNL (non-linear) and a standard hFEA method were applied to the neck sections with the same material properties for all samples to compute apparent modulus, yield stress, and strength. Laboratory-available BV/TV was a good predictor of apparent modulus (R2 = 0.76), almost as good as ΌFEA (R2 = 0.79). However, yield stress and strength were better predicted by ΌFEA (R2 = 0.92, R2 = 0.86, resp.) than BV/TV (R2 = 0.76, R2 = 0.76, resp.). For clinically available variables, prediction of apparent modulus was better with hFEA than aBMD (R2 = 0.67, R2 = 0.58, resp.). hFEA outperformed aBMD for predictions of yield stress (R2 = 0.63 vs R2 = 0.34 for female and R2 = 0.55 for male) and strength (R2 = 0.48 vs R2 = 0.33 for female and R2 = 0.15 for male). The inclusion of age did not improve the multiple linear models for apparent modulus, yield stress, and strength. The resolution of the ΌFE meshes seems to account for most morphological changes induced by aging. The errors between the simulation and the experiment for apparent modulus, yield stress, and strength were age-independent, suggesting no rationale for correcting tissue material parameters in the current FE analysis of the aging femoral neck

    Inverse remodelling algorithm identifies habitual manual activities of primates based on metacarpal bone architecture

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    Previously, a micro-finite element (micro-FE)-based inverse remodelling method was presented in the literature that reconstructs the loading history of a bone based on its architecture alone. Despite promising preliminary results, it remains unclear whether this method is sensitive enough to detect differences of bone loading related to pathologies or habitual activities. The goal of this study was to test the sensitivity of the inverse remodelling method by predicting joint loading histories of metacarpal bones of species with similar anatomy but clearly distinct habitual hand use. Three groups of habitual hand use were defined using the most representative primate species: manipulation (human), suspensory locomotion (orangutan), and knuckle-walking locomotion (bonobo, chimpanzee, gorilla). Nine to ten micro-computed tomography scans of each species (n=48n=48n=48in total) were used to create micro-FE models of the metacarpal head region. The most probable joint loading history was predicted by optimally scaling six load cases representing joint postures ranging from − 75∘-\,75^{\circ }-75∘(extension) to + 75∘+\,75^{\circ }+75∘(flexion). Predicted mean joint load directions were significantly different between knuckle-walking and non-knuckle-walking groups (p<0.05p<0.05p<0.05) and in line with expected primary hand postures. Mean joint load magnitudes tended to be larger in species using their hands for locomotion compared to species using them for manipulation. In conclusion, this study shows that the micro-FE-based inverse remodelling method is sensitive enough to detect differences of joint loading related to habitual manual activities of primates and might, therefore, be useful for palaeoanthropologists to reconstruct the behaviour of extinct species and for biomedical applications such as detecting pathological joint loading

    The influence of distal screw length on the primary stability of volar plate osteosynthesis-a biomechanical study

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    Background: Extensor tendon irritation is one of the most common complications following volar locking plate osteosynthesis (VLPO) for distal radius fractures. It is most likely caused by distal screws protruding the dorsal cortex. Shorter distal screws could avoid this, yet the influence of distal screw length on the primary stability in VLPO is unknown. The aim of this study was to compare 75 to 100 % distal screw lengths in VLPO. Methods: A biomechanical study was conducted on 11 paired fresh-frozen radii. HRpQCT scans were performed to assess bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral content (BMC). The specimens were randomized pair-wise into two groups: 100 % (group A) and 75 % (group B) unicortical distal screw lengths. A validated fracture model for extra-articular distal radius fractures (AO-23 A3) was used. Polyaxial volar locking plates were mounted, and distal screws was inserted using a drill guide block. For group A, the distal screw tips were intended to be flush or just short of the dorsal cortex. In group B, a target screw length of 75 % was calculated. The specimens were tested to failure using a displacement-controlled axial compression test. Primary biomechanical stability was assessed by stiffness, elastic limit, and maximum force as well as with residual tilt, which quantified plastic deformation. Results: Nine specimens were tested successfully. BMD and BMC did not differ between the two groups. The mean distal screw length of group A was 21.7 +/- 2.6 mm (range: 16 to 26 mm),for group B 16.9 +/- 1.9 mm (range: 12 to 20 mm). Distal screws in group B were on average 5.6 +/- 0.9 mm (range: 3 to 7 mm) shorter than measured. No significant differences were found for stiffness (706 +/- 103 N/mm vs. 660 +/- 124 N/mm),elastic limit (177 +/- 25 N vs. 167 +/- 36 N),maximum force (493 +/- 139 N vs. 471 +/- 149 N),or residual tilt (7.3 degrees +/- 0.7 degrees vs. 7.1 degrees +/- 1.3 degrees). Conclusion: The 75 % distal screw length in VLPO provides similar primary stability to 100 % unicortical screw length. This study, for the first time, provides the biomechanical basis to choose distal screws significantly shorter then measured
