320 research outputs found

    Analysis of water erosion using GIS and remote sensing for the management of protected natural environments in the south of the province of Salamanca (Spain)

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado al IV International Symposium on Gully Erosion, celebrado en la Universidad Pública de Navarra del 17 al 19 de septiembre de 2007.The soil is a natural resource that must be conserved in protected natural areas since it is one of the determinant physical supports in territorial planning because it governs its different uses. Accordingly, specific studies must be carried out aimed at estimating soil losses at individual project level and at the general level of Natural Environments in order to establish methodologies for the control and ordering of activities, above all in protected environments whose focus is on sustainable activities. The basic objective should delimit different erosive forms where best it reflects the risk of water erosion (gullies, rills) and the degree (weak, light, important, and burden) and the processes induced (slides, scarp, remontant erosion...) in addition the evolution with time.Part of the work reported in this paper was financially supported by the GCL 2005-04655/BTE and CGL 2005-01336/BTE Projects

    Interpretación ambiental de datos hidrogeoquímicos de la laguna continental de Castañeiras (Pontevedra, SW Galicia)

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    In this paper is resented a hydrogeochemical characterization of Castineirasis lagoon (Pontevedra) considering the graphic representation system of Stiff and Piper.En este trabajo se presenta una caracterización hidrogeoquímica de la laguna de Castiñeiras (Pontevedra) considerando los sistemas de representación gráfica de Stiff y Piper

    Salinity regulation of copepod egg production in a large microtidal estuary

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    Salinity is a key variable for ecological processes in estuaries. Acartia tonsa is a typical estuarine copepod whose responses to salinity have been thoroughly studied in the laboratory. However, results cannot be extrapolated to the field, and formal comparisons between lab and field responses to salinity were not attempted. Here we compare lab-based with field copepod egg production rates (EPR) from the Río de la Plata estuary (RPE), with focus on A. tonsa. Field work was conducted between 2009 and 2011 in the mixing zone of the RPE. Water temperature, salinity and chlorophyll-a varied over ample ranges (temperature: 10.54 - 24.56ºC, salinity: 2.83 - 32.99, chlorophyll-a: 0.62 - 7.27 mg m-3). A. tonsa was the strongly dominant species. EPR ranged between 6.7 and 95.7 eggs female-1 day-1, and correlated to salinity, temperature (weakly), but not to chlorophyll. The relationship between A. tonsa’s EPR (EPRAT) and salinity was consistent with that obtained under laboratory conditions: a humped pattern with a maximum at intermediate salinities. However, differences were also evident, e.g., higher EPRAT was measured in the field. We speculate that discrepancies derive from nutritional differences between field and reference (laboratory) data sets. Besides salinity, food quality and quantity may be first order drivers of A. tonsa’s productivity in the RPE

    Evaluation of Susceptibility by Mass Movements through Stochastic and Statistical Methods for a Region of Bucaramanga, Colombia

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    Mass movements are one of the hydrometeorological phenomena with the most negative impacts on the study area, and their evaluation through the calculation of susceptibility provides a tool of vital importance within territorial planning and disaster risk management on natural and anthropic environments. Their evaluation took algorithms designed within stochastic and statistical methods, such as the artificial neural network, the bivariate statistical method, and the logistic regression method, which integrate inherent variables (geoenvironmental characterization) against events or dependent variables. This correlation simulates regions with a probability of occurrence of mass movement under training or weight assignment. Its construction for this study took, as a basis, 50% of the events (test) and 50% of the events (validation) randomly and with equivalent area distribution against the inherent variables. As a result, it was observed that the bivariate method presented a good performance in spatial prediction. This model presents values of AUC = 82.2% (test) and AUC = 76.9% (validation), grouping a total of 591 events of the 856 events in the high category (69%). In turn, from a second evaluation carried out by this method to each hydrographic basin, a condition was established in the area (50 km2) for coherent results at a level of analysis 1:25,000, based on the idea that the variables do not present changes greater than 20% in their attributes, added to a knowledge of the area evaluated

    Evaluación de las solicitudes “irregulares” de dispensación en farmacia comunitaria

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    Conocer el perfil de los pacientes que solicitan medicamentos en la farmacia sin presentar la correspondiente receta, evaluar las causas por las que los demandan. Cuantificar en qué casos, según criterio del farmacéutico, el medicamento podría ser dispensable. Estudio descriptivo transversal que se realizó en dos farmacias comunitarias de A Coruña durante la primera semana de agosto de 2010. Se define como solicitud irregular de dispensación la petición por parte de un paciente de un medicamento que requiere receta, sin presentar dicho documento en el momento en que realiza la solicitud. Se analizaron las solicitudes irregulares de dispensación de medicamentos que necesitan receta sin presentarla. Se registraron un total de 2.055 solicitudes de dispensación, 179 de las cuales fueron irregulares, lo que supone un 8,71% de las solicitudes totales de medicamentos de prescripción. 33 (18,44%) conocían la necesidad de receta para adquirir el medicamento y 146 (81,56%) decían desconocerlo. 158 (88,27%) de las solicitudes irregulares de dispensación serían dispensables según criterio profesional farmacéutico, considerándose no justificada la dispensación en veintiún casos (11,73%). Siguiendo un criterio estrictamente profesional y ético, y teniendo en consideración las contradicciones y paradojas que la legislación presenta, se considera que la mayor parte de las demandas irregulares están justificadas y, por lo tanto, se realiza la dispensación. Deben producirse cambios legislativos que incrementen la capacidad y la responsabilidad del farmacéutico comunitario en la resolución de estas situaciones

    Geochemical Background and Baseline Values Determination and Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metal Pollution in Soils of the Andes Mountain Range (Cajamarca-Huancavelica, Peru)

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    [EN]Concentrations of seven heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, and Zn) and one metalloid (As) as well as various parameters (pH, organic carbon, granulometric analysis and cation exchange capacity) were analyzed in 77 soil samples collected in the mining areas of La Zanja and Colquirrumi (Department of Cajamarca) and Julcani (Department of Huancavelica). Our study proposed geochemical baseline values for heavy metals in a natural region (La Zanja) from samples collected during the period of the environmental impact study (2006), that is, from an earlier period which occurred at the beginning of the exploitation of the current gold mine. The baseline values obtained were as follows: 8.26 mg kg−1 for Cr; 56.97 mg kg−1 for Ni; 22, 20 mg kg−1 for the Cu; 47.42 mg kg−1 for Zn; 27.50 mg kg−1 for As; 4.36 mg kg−1 for Cd; 4.89 mg kg−1 for Hg, and 44.87 mg kg−1 for Pb. Through the use of different indices of heavy metal contamination (geo-accumulation index (Igeo), improved Nemerow index (IIN) and potential ecological risk index (RI)), the degree of pollution caused by mining activities in two areas, Colquirrumi and Julcani, which have a high density of mining sites in operation, was determined

    Augmented Reality as a Tool for Promoting the Tourist Value of the Geological Heritage Around Natural Filming Locations: a Case Study in “Sad Hill” (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Movie, Burgos, Spain)

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    This research was funded by projects Junta Castilla y Leon SA044G18, University of Salamanca USAL2017/46AC01, and Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness CGL2015-69919-R.Some natural scenes of films shooting contain landscapes and other elements that are part of the geological heritage, representing an added value for the growing cultural tourism that visits them. In the SE of Burgos province (Spain), near some filming locations of the classic western movie directed by Sergio Leone (1966), “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”, we have assessed the Geological Heritage of 6 selected sites: (1) Dinosaur tracks; (2) Paleo-river structures preserved; (3) Fossil trees; (4) Sad Hill; (5) Marine Cretaceous fossils; and (6) La Yecla Gorge. Their tourist-cultural, scientific and educational values range from 775 points in La Yecla Gorge site to 450 in Marine Cretaceous fossils site. A virtual tour is presented implementing Augmented Reality on Google Earth with detailed but easily understanding descriptive information of each site, suggested activities for tourism and a free geoapp. The proposed technologies can enhance geotourism, favouring sustainable development and fostering attitudes and skills related to the tourist’s respect for nature.publishersversionpublishe

    Segregation by Socioeconomic Level in Primary Education in Latin America and the Caribbean

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    Esta investigación tiene un doble objetivo: por un lado, estimar la magnitud de la segregación escolar por nivel socioeconómico en educación primaria en los países de América Latina y el Caribe y, por otro, contextualizar dichos resultados en el ámbito internacional. Para ello, se realiza una explotación de los microdatos del ERCE 2019, impulsado por la UNESCO/OREALC. La muestra final la componen 157.115 estudiantes de 7.214 escuelas escolarizados en 16 países de América Latina y el Caribe. Para estimar la segregación escolar se han utilizado los cinco índices más habituales. También se han comparado los resultados con los obtenidos por PISA 2019 para poder contextualizarlos. Los resultados muestran una gran variabilidad en los niveles de segregación escolar entre los países, pero con unos niveles de segregación escolar muy altos, así como grandes diferencias entre los estudiantes desfavorecidos y más favorecidos. La yuxtaposición con los resultados de PISA 2019 encuentra que América Latina y el Caribe es la Región del mundo con una mayor segregación escolar por nivel socioeconómico. Estos resultados urgen a priorizar la lucha contra segregación escolar en las políticas educativas públicas de la Región, así como fomentar la investigación sobre esta temáticaThis research has the twin aims of estimating the magnitude of school segregation by socioeconomic level in primary education in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean and contextualizing these results in the international arena. To achieve our aims, we conducted an exploitation of the ERCE 2019 microdata promoted by UNESCO/OREALC. The final sample is made up of 157,115 students from 7,214 schools enrolled in 16 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. It has been used the five most common indices to estimate school segregation. The results have also been compared with those obtained by PISA 2019 in terms of contextualization. The results show a great variability in the levels of school segregation between countries, but with very high levels of school segregation, as well as large differences between disadvantaged and more advantaged students. The juxtaposition with the results of PISA 2019 finds that Latin America and the Caribbean is the Region of the world with the highest school segregation by socioeconomic level. These results make it urgent to prioritize the fight against school segregation in the public educational policies of the Region, as well as to promote research on this subject