101 research outputs found

    High-Performance Computing of Flow, Diffusion, and Hydrodynamic Dispersion in Random Sphere Packings

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    This thesis is dedicated to the study of mass transport processes (flow, diffusion, and hydrodynamic dispersion) in computer-generated random sphere packings. Periodic and confined packings of hard impermeable spheres were generated using Jodrey–Tory and Monte Carlo procedure-based algorithms, mass transport in the packing void space was simulated using the lattice Boltzmann and random walk particle tracking methods. Simulation codes written in C programming language using MPI library allowed an efficient use of the high-performance computing systems (supercomputers). The first part of this thesis investigates the influence of the cross-sectional geometry of the confined random sphere packings on the hydrodynamic dispersion. Packings with different values of porosity (interstitial void space fraction) generated in containers of circular, quadratic, rectangular, trapezoidal, and irregular (reconstructed) geometries were studied, and resulting pre-asymptotic and close-to-asymptotic hydrodynamic dispersion coefficients were analyzed. It was demonstrated i) a significant impact of the cross-sectional geometry and porosity on the hydrodynamic dispersion coefficients, and ii) reduction of the symmetry of the cross section results in longer times to reach close-to-asymptotic values and larger absolute values of the hydrodynamic dispersion coefficients. In case of reconstructed geometry, good agreement with experimental data was found. In the second part of this thesis i) length scales of heterogeneity persistent in unconfined and confined sphere packings were analyzed and correlated with a time behavior of the hydrodynamic dispersion coefficients; close-to-asymptotic values of the dispersion coefficients (expressed in terms of plate height) were successfully fitted to the generalized Giddings equation; ii) influence of the packing microstructural disorder on the effective diffusion and hydrodynamic dispersion coefficients was investigated and clear qualitative corellation with geometrical descriptors (which are based on Delaunay and Voronoi spatial tessellations) was demonstrated

    3D-Printed Stationary Phases with Ordered Morphology: State of the Art and Future Development in Liquid Chromatography Chromatographia

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    On the Parametrisation of Lattice Boltzmann Method in Pore-Scale Flow Simulations

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    We analyse impact of parametrisation in lattice Boltzmann simulations of flow in complex geometries. For the input geometries we use four sets of regularly and irregularly packed spheres (“packings”) with known accurate solution for the permeability or drag. All four geometries have porosity equal to 0.366 but different microstructure resulting in their different permeability values. We vary spatial resolution in the range between 5 and 750 lattice nodes per sphere diameter,observe different behaviour of the numerical error for several resolution sub-ranges and address them in detail providing practical guidelines for increasing accuracy in low-resolutions imulations, which are typical for practical problems

    Cost modeling of the urbanized territories living environment

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    In recent years, the main vector of scientific research in the field of regional economics has been the development of large localized economic systems. It was proposed to use the term “urbanized territory” as one of the generalizing terms for describing socio-economic systems. The analysis of various interpretations of the concept of “urbanized territory” allowed us to identify and form a limited list of their inherent characteristics and propose an author’s approach to their definition. A general formalized cost model for the development of urbanized territories is proposed, which includes basic infrastructure elements, as well as improvement coefficients for each block. Taking into account the projected investments, the structure of financing measures for the formation of the cost part within the framework of cost modeling, as well as cost distribution options among the main subjects of the formation of an urbanized territory are proposed. Due to the fact that urbanized territories have different levels of urban planning value, the authors in the article propose a marginality coefficient of the territory, which characterizes the change in the market value of real estate in a specific location of the urbanized territory, depending on the formed parameters of the living environment

    A conceptual model for evaluating the impact of the complex investment project “Yeniseyskaya Sibir” on the development of Krasnoyarsk

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    The article describes the “Yeniseyskaya Sibir” complex investment project, aimed at unlocking the socio-economic potential of the Krasnoyarsk Region, Republic of Khakassia, and Tyva Republic. As of today, the project includes 32 investment projects with a total declared investment value in excess of 1.9 trillion rubles. The project forms a cross-border macro-region with the prospect of cooperation with Mongolia, China, and Kazakhstan. Particular attention is directed to analyzing the impact of such a large-scale project on the city of Krasnoyarsk, the capital of “Yenisei Siberia.” As a result, the authors propose a conceptual model linking the development of a complex investment project with the future of the city of Krasnoyarsk

    Coarse- and fine-grid numerical behavior of MRT/TRT lattice-Boltzmann schemes in regular and random sphere packings

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    Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka hur lärare undervisar för att stärka eleversmotivation att lära inom området hälsa samt främja en god livsstil, i årskurs 1-3 i denaturorienterande ämnena. Ämnet idrott och hälsa fokuserar inte på hälso- och livsstilsfrågor ide tidiga årskurserna då fokus istället ligger på att uppleva rörelse. Därmed utgår den här studienfrån det naturvetenskapliga ämnet med frågeställningar som handlar om hur lärare undervisarinom hälsa, vilken kunskap som anses viktig samt hur elever motiveras för att bevara kunskapervilket innebär att eleverna kan implementera kunskaperna i sin egen livsstil. Genom kvalitativaintervjuer undersöktes frågeställningarna där åtta utbildade, verksamma lärare deltog.Studiens resultat visade att lärare arbetar med skol- och kommunövergripande projekt kringhälsa, att de integrerar hälsofrågor under hela skoldagen och att de involverar föräldrar för ettaktivt samarbete mellan hem och skola kring hälsofrågor. Vidare visade resultatet att vissalärare har ett bredare perspektiv på begreppet hälsa samt att motivation och kunskap ofta kopplas till upplevelser och elevers intresse och vardag.Det rådde dock delade meningar om vilken kunskap som ansågs angelägen att undervisa ominom hälsa. Studiens slutsats är att skolors olika ekonomiska förutsättningar, placering,utrymme samt personaltillgång var ett starkt argument till hur väl undervisningen inom hälsa kunde bedrivas, vilket också motverkade en likvärdig utbildning mellan olika skolor. Störstskillnad kunde ses i undervisningen inom temat ”den digitala livsstilen” där skillnader fanns både i hur det undervisades om och om det överhuvudtaget undervisades om temat på skolorna.Lärarens kunskaper och didaktiska val påverkade undervisningen inom hälsa där skol- och kommunövergripande projekt inom hälsa kunde ses som ett stort stöd för lärarna i deras arbete.NO</p