167 research outputs found


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    Currently, retail is one of the fastest growing segments of the Russian economy with a noticeable real practical implementation and application of digital solutions. The introduction of digital products covering the trading process confidently brings the industry closer to the leading pool of digitalization industries (banks, ICT, insurance, media, industry, etc.), becoming the main tool in attracting consumers and increasing profits.The article describes the results of an experiment on the introduction of automation for the management of assortment matrices of goods. The positive effect and profit for retail companies are shown. In conclusion, recommendations are offered on the formation of a methodology for various participants in the assortment management process


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    Currently, retail is one of the fastest growing segments of the Russian economy with a noticeable real practical implementation and application of digital solutions. The introduction of digital products covering the trading process confidently brings the industry closer to the leading pool of digitalization industries (banks, ICT, insurance, media, industry, etc.), becoming the main tool in attracting consumers and increasing profits.The article describes the results of an experiment on the introduction of automation for the management of assortment matrices of goods. The positive effect and profit for retail companies are shown. In conclusion, recommendations are offered on the formation of a methodology for various participants in the assortment management process.В настоящее время розничная торговля является одним из самых быстроразвивающихся сегментов российской экономики с заметным реальным практическим внедрением и применением цифровых решений. Внедрение цифровых продуктов, охватывающих торговый процесс, уверенно приближает отрасль к лидирующему пулу отраслей цифровизации (банки, ИКТ, страхование, медиа, промышленность и т.д.), становясь главным инструментом в привлечении потребителя и наращивании прибыли.В статье описаны результаты проведения эксперимента по внедрению автоматизации для управления ассортиментными матрицами товаров. Показан положительный эффект и прибыль для компаний ретейла. В заключение предлагаются рекомендации по формированию методологии для различных участников процесса управления ассортиментом

    Plasma spray coating with iron oxides for manufacturing of the corrosion-resistant electrodes

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    © 2018 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved. Magnetite anodes were manufactured by plasma spray coating of titanium with the iron oxide powder. The powder was obtained by plasma-electrolytic atomization of carbon steel. Porosity, adhesion, specific resistivity of these coatings were measured in relation to size distribution and chemical composition of the powder used for spray coating

    PRIME: Proactive Inter-Middleware for Global Enterprise Resource Integration

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    We present PRIME software ecosystem, which connects heterogeneous resources from different layers of the Internet of Things and capable of handling complex interoperability scenarios involving: hardware devices, software-based systems and humansМы представляем программную экосистему  PRIME, которая соединит разнородные ресурсы из различных слоев Интернета вещей и способна обслуживать сложные сценарии взаимодействия с участием: аппаратных устройств, программных систем и людейМи представляємо програмну екосистему PRIME, яка з'єднає різнорідні ресурси з різних верств Інтернету речей і здатна обслуговувати складні сценарії взаємодії за участю: апаратних пристроїв, програмних систем і люде

    Sorption concentration of arsenic ions by magnetite

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    © The author(s). This paper is focused on the possibility of using magnetite powders obtained by chemical and plasma-chemical method for sorption concentration of arsenic ions. Processes of arsenic concentration by two-site sorption in magnetite-water system have been studied, and the optimal conditions for concentration have been defined. In static mode, effects of pH, temperature and contact time on the adsorption process have been studied. As a result, a method for pre-sorption concentration has been proposed, allowing reducing the lower limit of the atomic absorption determination of arsenic content

    Architecting the IoT Paradigm: A Middleware for Autonomous Distributed Sensor Networks

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    Actualizing Internet of Things undoubtedly constitutes a major challenge of modern computing and is a promising next step in realizing the unification of all seamlessly interacting entities, either human users or participating machines, under a shared, coherent architecture. While it has now become common belief that the related solutions should be based on compatible network infrastructure employing widely accepted communication schemes, the specifics of the intermediate system that would act as global interface for all involved “things” are yet to be determined. A rising trend to define such machine-based entities is through cyber-physical systems, in terms of collaborating elements with physical input and output. Certainly, sensor networks constitute the most representative realization of such systems. Taking these issues and opportunities under consideration, this work proposes a bioinspired distributed architecture for an Internet of Things that exhibits self-organization properties to enable efficient interaction between entities modeled as cyber-physical systems, mainly focusing on sensor networks. Furthermore, a middleware has been implemented according to the proposed architecture, which serves the role of the backbone of this network as a multiagent and autonomous distributed system. The evaluation results demonstrate the self-optimization properties of the introduced scheme and indicate global network convergence

    Exploiting Semantic Technologies in Smart Environments and Grids: Emerging Roles and Case Studies

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    Semantic technologies are currently spreading across several application domains as a reliable and consistent mean to address challenges related to organization, manipulation, visualization and exchange of data and knowledge. Different roles are actually played by these techniques depending on the application domain, on the timing constraints, on the distributed nature of applications, and so on. This paper provides an overview of the roles played by semantic technologies in the domain of smart grids and smart environments, with a particular focus on changes brought by such technologies in the adopted architectures, programming techniques and tools. Motivations driving the adoption of semantics in these different, but strictly intertwined, fields are introduced using a strong application-driven perspective. Two real-world case studies in smart grids and smart environments are presented to exemplify the roles covered by such technologies and the changes they fostered in software engineering processes. Learned lessons are then distilled and future adoption scenarios discussed

    Models of Deformation Dependences of Total Integrated Intensity of Dynamical Diffraction in Single Crystals for Various Diffraction Conditions

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    В работе с помощью теории Чуховского—Петрашеня для деформационной зависимости (ДЗ) интегральной интенсивности динамической дифракции (ИИДД) в кристаллах без дефектов показан характер изменения ДЗ ИИДД с толщиной кристаллов и с вариацией других условий дифракции. На этой основе, а также при использовании ряда экспериментов с реальными дефектными кристаллами и результатов теории полной интегральной интенсивности динамической дифракции (ПИИДД) в кристаллах с дефектами без изгиба построена аналитическая модель ДЗ ПИИДД в кристаллах с дефектами, пригодная для диагностики параметров структурных дефектов в кристаллах.В роботі за допомогою теорії Чуховського—Петрашеня для деформаційної залежности (ДЗ) інтеґральної інтенсивности динамічної дифракції (ІІДД) у кристалах без дефектів показано характер зміни ДЗ ІІДД із товщиною кристалу та з варіяцією інших умов дифракції. На цій основі, а також при використанні ряду експериментів із реальними дефектними кристалами і результатів теорії повної інтеґральної інтенсивности динамічної дифракції (ПІІДД) у кристалах з дефектами без вигину побудовано аналітичну модель ДЗ ПІІДД у кристалах з дефектами, придатну для діягностики параметрів структурних дефектів у кристалах.The paper shows the pattern of change in the deformation dependences (DD) of integrated intensity of dynamical diffraction (IIDD) with crystal thickness and with variation of other diffraction conditions by means of the Chukhovskii—Petrashen theory for the DD of IIDD in defect-free crystals. Relying on this and numerous other experiments with real defective crystals as well as the results of total integrated intensity of dynamical diffraction (TIIDD) in crystals with defects without bend, an analytical model of the DD of TIIDD in crystals with defects is developed, which is feasible for the diagnostics of structural defects in crystals