182 research outputs found

    Energy efficiency of engines and appliances for transport on land, water, and in air

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    Assessment of business skills experimental study: aspects and personality traits (pp. 213-221)

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    Los emprendedores son personas que invierten sus propios activos en crear oportunidades para ellos mismos y para otros. Se requiere ser flexible ya que tanto el mercado de trabajo como la economía mundial han variado enormemente a lo largo de los años. Son vistos como los únicos capaces de atajar el desempleo, que se está extendiendo por todo el mundo socavando las economías locales. En este estudio se pretende mirar al empresario como protagonista: el papel que desempeña en el seno de su comunidad, la influencia que tiene sobre la economía, los valores e ideas que impulsan su acción. La muestra se representa por un grupo de 400 empresarios italianos, incluyendo (36,5%) hombres y mujeres (63,5%), con un rango de edad del 37,02 (d.s.=11,61). Les pedimos que rellenen un cuestionario (Coem Joseè Carlos Sánchez,2006),que tiene en cuenta su compromiso de trabajo, los estilos cognitivos y aspectos y rasgos de la personalidad, para evaluar cuál es su elección de su carrera.Enterpreneurs are people investing their own asset to create opportunities for them selves and others,they are requie to be flexible as both job market and global economy have varied enormously over the years. They’re currently seen as the only ones able to tackle unemployment which is spreading across the world undermining local economies . This study main is to look at the entrepreneur himself:the role he plays within his community, the influence he has on the economy, the values and ideas driving his action. the sample in represented by a group of 400 italian entrepreneurs, including (36,5%) of males and female (63,5%), and age range is 37,02(d.s.=11,61). We asked them to fill in a questionaire (Coem Joseè Carlos Sanchez,2006),which takes into account eitheir work engagement, cognitive styles and aspect and personalità traits, for to assess what their career choice.peerReviewe

    An Integration Gateway for Sensing Devices in Smart Environments

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    Smart Environments, and in particular Smart Homes, have recently attracted the attention of many researchers and industrial vendors. The proliferation of low-power sensing devices requires integration gateways hiding the complexity of heterogeneous technologies. We propose a ZigBee integration gateway to access and integrate low-power ZigBee devices

    La conceptualización del cuerpo humano en el arte contemporáneo mendocino (desde los años 90 a la actualidad)

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    Mendoza como zona de producción dentro de las artes visuales genera discursos propios en torno al tema cuerpo. La corporalidad y la construcción conceptual del cuerpo traducen estéticas que ponen de manifiesto una historia y un sujeto-cuerpo-obra propio y autóctono. Con la implementación de las políticas neoliberales en los años 90 el ámbito de las artes visuales genera una eclosión de propuestas que traslucen una cierta desconfianza a ese aire festivo y relajado de la era menemista, el cuerpo se vuelve territorio para decir lo que muchos aprovechando el clima “liberal" no ven o miran sesgadamente. El cuerpo no sólo es un elemento de coacción, también es el espejo de una época signada por la fiesta y el despilfarro. En referencia al proceso de crisis que eclosiona en diciembre del 2001 surgirán nuevas formas de expresión y representación junto con ese sujeto político: las marchas con inclusión de performances, teatro-abierto, arte público, cacerolazos, pintadas, siluetas y el cuerpo como modo de significar e inscribirse en una lectura político-social. Mendoza no queda fuera de este marco, la intención es explicitar y ahondar sobre dicha problemática desde los distintos matices y diferencias exponiendo una realidad de la imagen-cuerpo en la Argentina. Logrando así el mayor entramado y conexiones posibles, tendientes a trazar una historia sobre el tema cuerpo dentro de las producciones artísticas locales en relación con las nacionales y Latinoamérica. Replanteando cómo y desde dónde se producen hechos artísticos que directa o indirectamente propician la intervención del cuerpo como expresión y concepto.Fil: Furfari, Sergio Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Artes y Diseño

    enabling access to cultural heritage for the visually impaired an interactive 3d model of a cultural site

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    Abstract We have developed low cost interactive 3D models that improve access to architectural details of cultural sites for all, including people with vision impairments. Our approach uses rapid prototyping and 3D printing along with a very small single-board computer for automating user interaction. As a case study, we developed a prototype model of "Piazza dei Miracoli" (Pisa, Italy), the famous square where the Leaning Tower is located. The system is a combination of tactile information with audio descriptions to enable potential users to explore the artifact autonomously. We exploited low-cost and partially open-source technologies, thus rendering our system easily replicable. We evaluated the interactive system with a group of eight completely blind and partially sighted users. Our user test confirmed the validity of our approach: (1) the three-dimensional models and the tactile reproduction of details obtained via a low-cost 3D printing solution are well perceived by touch; (2) the semantic aural information activated via perceptible buttons on demand and the different content levels for the audio tracks are suitable for an interactive, autonomous and satisfying exploration

    EvAAL: Evaluating AAL Systems through Competitive Benchmarking

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    Owing to the complexity of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) systems and platforms, the evaluation of AAL solutions is a complex task that will challenge researchers for years to come. However, the analysis and comparison of proposed solutions is paramount to enable us to assess research results in this area. We have thus organized an international contest called EvAAL: Evaluating AAL Systems through Competitive Benchmarking. Its aims are to raise interest within the research and developer communities in the multidisciplinary research fields enabling AAL, and to create benchmarks for the evaluation and comparison of AAL systems

    Solid-State Molecular Organometallic Catalysis in Gas/Solid Flow (Flow-SMOM) as Demonstrated by Efficient Room Temperature and Pressure 1-Butene Isomerization

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    The use of solid-state molecular organometallic chemistry (SMOM-chem) to promote the efficient double bond isomerization of 1-butene to 2-butenes under flow-reactor conditions is reported. Single crystalline catalysts based upon the σ-alkane complexes [Rh(R2PCH2CH2PR2)(η2η2-NBA)][BArF4] (R = Cy, tBu; NBA = norbornane; ArF = 3,5-(CF3)2C6H3) are prepared by hydrogenation of a norbornadiene precursor. For the tBu-substituted system this results in the loss of long-range order, which can be re-established by addition of 1-butene to the material to form a mixture of [Rh(tBu2PCH2CH2PtBu2)(cis-2-butene)][BArF4] and [Rh(tBu2PCH2CH2PtBu2)(1-butene)][BArF4], in an order/disorder/order phase change. Deployment under flow-reactor conditions results in very different on-stream stabilities. With R = Cy rapid deactivation (3 h) to the butadiene complex occurs, [Rh(Cy2PCH2CH2PCy2)(butadiene)][BArF4], which can be reactivated by simple addition of H2. While the equivalent butadiene complex does not form with R = tBu at 298 K and on-stream conversion is retained up to 90 h, deactivation is suggested to occur via loss of crystallinity of the SMOM catalyst. Both systems operate under the industrially relevant conditions of an isobutene co-feed. cis:trans selectivites for 2-butene are biased in favor of cis for the tBu system and are more leveled for Cy


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    Il libro descrive le caratteristiche agronomiche ma anche culturali della coltivazione del mais effettuata in Piemonte nel secolo scorso, nonchè le possibilità di valorizzazione e di miglioramento delle cultivar tradizionali destinate all'alimentazione umana ed il loro ruolo nella tutela della biodiversità rurale. Nel libro si descrive inoltre il lavoro attuato dal CRAB (Centro di riferimento per l'Agricoltura Biologica, Provincia di Torino) per il recupero e la caratterizzazione delle cultivar locali di mais, che ha portato alla costituzione di un associazione di produttori e alla formazione di un gruppo di "agricoltori custodi" per la coltivazione in purezza delle sementi di queste antiche varietà maidicole
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