670 research outputs found

    Coccidioidomycosis among Scholarship Athletes and Other College Students, Arizona, USA1

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    To compare coccidioidomycosis case rates among groups of young adults in a disease-endemic region, we reviewed medical charts for serologic testing and coding. Case rates were higher for scholarship athletes than for other students and paralleled 5× more serologic testing. Our findings underscore the need to routinely test patients for coccidioidomycosis

    Coccidioidomycosis—A Fungal Disease of the Americas

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    Coccidioidomycosis was first recognized as a serious disease over 100 years ago, but the disease remains an enigma and often goes undiagnosed, even in endemic area

    Vermis-cingulate cortex interconnections: A cerebro-cerebellar circuit in the rat.

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    Classic observations suggest that the cerebellum is involved in affect and its expression. The neural substrate that mediates this behavior has been unclear. Recently, Sacchetti and his colleagues demonstrated that lesions involving portions of lobules V and VI in the rat cerebellar vermis abolish the consolidation of fear conditioning (Sacchetti et al., 2002). To gain some insight into the circuitry that mediates this effect, we used retrograde transneuronal transport of rabies virus (RV) to examine inputs to and outputs from vermal lobule VI. We found that the cingulate cortex (Cg) is the origin of a substantial disynaptic projection to lobule VI. In addition, we found that the fastigial nucleus and portions of vermal lobule VI are the origin of substantial disynaptic and trisynaptic projections to Cg. These observations suggest that a closed-loop circuit exists between vermal lobule VI and Cg. Furthermore, our results raise the possibility that aspects of fear conditioning, in particular, and emotion, in general may be influenced by this cerebro-cerebellar circuit

    The Public Health Impact of Coccidioidomycosis in Arizona and California

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    The numbers of reported cases of coccidioidomycosis in Arizona and California have risen dramatically over the past decade, with a 97.8% and 91.1% increase in incidence rates from 2001 to 2006 in the two states, respectively. Of those cases with reported race/ethnicity information, Black/African Americans in Arizona and Hispanics and African/Americans in California experienced a disproportionately higher frequency of disease compared to other racial/ethnic groups. Lack of early diagnosis continues to be a problem, particularly in suspect community-acquired pneumonia, underscoring the need for more rapid and sensitive tests. Similarly, the inability of currently available therapeutics to reduce the duration and morbidity of this disease underscores the need for improved therapeutics and a preventive vaccine

    A paradigm for the evaluation and management of spinal coccidioidomycosis

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    Background: Coccidioidomycosis is a fungal infection that is endemic to parts of the Southwestern United States. When infection involves the spine, the treatment strategies can be challenging. We have devised a management protocol for spinal coccidioidomycosis based on a review of the literature and our experience. Methods: The electronic literature search of National Library of Medicine for publications from 1964 to 2014 was performed using the following keywords: Coccidioidomycosis and spine. The search yielded 24 papers. Treatment strategies were summarized into a treatment protocol. Results: A total of 164 cases of spinal coccidioidomycosis were identified, ranging in age from <10 to >80 years. Males (n = 131) and African-Americans (n = 79) were strikingly over-represented. Medical therapy: Once a diagnosis of spinal coccidioidomycosis is established, antifungal therapy should always be started. Antifungal therapy with amphotericin B or azoles like fluconazole. Medical therapy needs to be continued for many years and sometimes indefinitely to reduce disease recurrence or progression. Surgical management is indicated in cases with mechanical instability, neurologic deficit, medically intractable pain, or progression of infection despite antifungal therapy. Conclusions: This work provides a working protocol involving assessment and reassessment for the management of spinal coccidioidomycosis. Medical management with antifungal agents in some cases can provide satisfactory disease control. However, in patients with mechanical instability, neurologic deficit, medically intractable pain or disease progression disease control may only be achieved with surgical debridement and stabilization

    Combination therapy of disseminated coccidioidomycosis with caspofungin and fluconazole

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    BACKGROUND: The current recommended therapy for diffuse coccidioidal pneumonia involves initial treatment with amphotericin B deoxycholate or high-dose fluconazole, followed by an azole after clinical improvement. Amphotericin B is more frequently used as initial therapy if the patient's deterioration is rapid. CASE PRESENTATION: A 31-year-old Korean male with coccidioidomycosis presented to the hospital with miliary infiltrates on chest X-ray (CXR) and skin rash on the face and trunk. Initially, the patient did not respond to amphotericin B deoxycholate therapy. However, following caspofungin and fluconazole combination therapy, the patient showed favourable radiological, serological, and clinical response. CONCLUSION: This appears to be the first case of diffuse coccidioidal pneumonia with skin involvement in an immunocompetent patient who was treated successfully with caspofungin and fluconazole. Combination therapy with caspofungin and fluconazole may, therefore, be an alternative treatment for diffuse coccidioidal pneumonia that does not respond to amphotericin B deoxycholate therapy

    Regional dust storm modeling for health services: The case of valley fever

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    On 5 July 2011, a massive dust storm struck Phoenix, Arizona (USA), raising concerns for increased cases of valley fever (coccidioidomycosis, or, cocci). A quasi-operational experimental airborne dust forecast system predicted the event and provides model output for continuing analysis in collaboration with public health and air quality communities. An objective of this collaboration was to see if a signal in cases of valley fever in the region could be detected and traced to the storm - an American haboob. To better understand the atmospheric life cycle of cocci spores, the DREAM dust model (also herein, NMME-DREAM) was modified to simulate spore emission, transport and deposition. Inexact knowledge of where cocci-causing fungus grows, the low resolution of cocci surveillance and an overall active period for significant dust events complicate analysis of the effect of the 5 July 2011 storm. In the larger context of monthly to annual disease surveillance, valley fever statistics, when compared against PM10 observation networks and modeled airborne dust concentrations, may reveal a likely cause and effect. Details provided by models and satellites fill time and space voids in conventional approaches to air quality and disease surveillance, leading to land-atmosphere modeling and remote sensing that clearly mark a path to advance valley fever epidemiology, surveillance and risk avoidance