497 research outputs found

    An EEG-based neural decoding approach for investigating statistical learning between modalities

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    We researched cross-modal statistical learning conducting to experiments: a behavioural one and a neuroimaging one. In the analysis of the later we used neural decoding with temporal generalization

    Creativity and creative industries

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    Treball Final de Grau en Administració d'Empreses. Codi: AE1049. Curs 2019/202

    Organizational and Strategic Innovation and New Business Models MEGASTORE VCF

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    Treball final de Grau en Administració d’Empreses. Codi: AE1049. Curs acadèmic 2014-201

    Business model CANVAS Spirax

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    Treball Final de Grau en Administració d'Empreses. Codi: AE1049. Curs 2019/202

    A fault-tolerant routing strategy for k-ary n-direct s-indirect topologies based on intermediate nodes

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    [EN] Exascale computing systems are being built with thousands of nodes. The high number of components of these systems significantly increases the probability of failure. A key component for them is the interconnection network. If failures occur in the interconnection network, they may isolate a large fraction of the machine. For this reason, an efficient fault-tolerant mechanism is needed to keep the system interconnected, even in the presence of faults. A recently proposed topology for these large systems is the hybrid k-ary n-direct s-indirect family that provides optimal performance and connectivity at a reduced hardware cost. This paper presents a fault-tolerant routing methodology for the k-ary n-direct s-indirect topology that degrades performance gracefully in presence of faults and tolerates a large number of faults without disabling any healthy computing node. In order to tolerate network failures, the methodology uses a simple mechanism. For any source-destination pair, if necessary, packets are forwarded to the destination node through a set of intermediate nodes (without being ejected from the network) with the aim of circumventing faults. The evaluation results shows that the proposed methodology tolerates a large number of faults. For instance, it is able to tolerate more than 99.5% of fault combinations when there are 10 faults in a 3-D network with 1000 nodes using only 1 intermediate node and more than 99.98% if 2 intermediate nodes are used. Furthermore, the methodology offers a gracious performance degradation. As an example, performance degrades only by 1% for a 2-D network with 1024 nodes and 1% faulty links.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), by FEDER funds under Grant TIN2015-66972-C5-1-R, by Programa de Ayudas de Investigación y Desarrollo (PAID) from Universitat Politècnica de alència and by the financial support of the FP7 HiPEAC Network of Excellence under grant agreement 287759Peñaranda Cebrián, R.; Gómez Requena, ME.; López Rodríguez, PJ.; Gran, EG.; Skeie, T. (2017). A fault-tolerant routing strategy for k-ary n-direct s-indirect topologies based on intermediate nodes. Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience. 29(13):1-11. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpe.4065S111291

    An Efficient Implementation of Distributed Routing Algorithms for NoCs

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    The design of NoCs for multi-core chips introduces new design constraints like power consumption, area, and ul-tra low latencies. Although 2D meshes are preferred, het-erogeneous blocks, fabrication faults, reliability issues, and chip virtualization may lead to the need of irregular topolo-gies or regions. In this situation, efficient routing becomes a challenge. Although the use of routing tables at switches is flexible, it does not scale in terms of latency and area due to its memory requirements. LBDR (Logic-Based Distributed Routing) is proposed as a new routing method that removes the need of using rout-ing tables at all. LBDR enables the implementation of many routing algorithms on most of the practical topologies we might find in the near future in a multi-core system. From an initial topology and routing algorithm, a set of three bits per switch/output port is computed. Evaluation results show that, by using a small logic, LBDR mimics the performance of routing algorithms when implemented with routing ta-bles, both in regular and irregular topologies.


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    [ES] El alumno deberá aprender a manejar el sistema de medida de impedancia diseñado a tal efecto y adaptarlo a la utilización de dos sondas activas diferenciales, con la consiguiente calibración del sistema. Se montarán varios microhilos ferromagnéticos amorfos con GMI y se caracterizarán en el sistema de medida automatizado en función del campo, corriente y frecuencia. A continuación, se experimentará en la detección de partículas magnéticas de diferentes tamaños. Para ello, se polarizará el microhilo en una zona de máxima pendiente de GMI y sin histéresis magnética realizándose las medidas para comprobar la posibilidad de detección de nanopartículas magnéticas (NPM). Una vez comprobada la posibilidad de dicha detección se realizará un circuito electrónico que permita esta detección de forma independiente al set up de medida de GMI. Para polarizar magnéticamente el microhilo en un punto de máxima sensibilidad se colocará un pequeño bobinado alrededor del microhilo al que se aplicará una corriente para generar el campo de polarización. Se diseñará un acondicionador de señal que permita excitar el sensor entre 10MHz y 15MHz, y que permita obtener una tensión en función del campo detectado, en este caso, proveniente de las partículas magnéticas.Duato Olmos, B. (2021). DESARROLLO DE UN SENSOR PARA LA DETECCIÓN DE NANOPARTÍCULAS MAGNÉTICAS BASADO EN UN MICROHILO AMORFO FERROMAGNÉTICO CON MAGNETOIMPEDANCIA GIGANTE (GMI). Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/169477TFG

    Recopilación de tweets y medición de la relevancia basada en la topología

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    [ES] En este proyecto se ha creado una base de datos MongoDB y una aplicacion en Python ´ que utiliza la API de Twitter para obtener tuits e informacion de las cuentas de usuarios. Se ´ ha obtenido una coleccion de tuits relacionados con pol ´ ´ıtica espanola. Se han implementado ˜ los algoritmos PageRank y HITS usando matrices obtenidas a partir tanto de las relaciones de seguimiento entre cuentas como de las relaciones de retuits y se han empleado para ordenar a los autores de los tuits recogidos segun su relevancia. La calidad de las distintas or- ´ denaciones se ha estudiado y comparado con metricas m ´ as triviales. El algoritmo PageRank ´ ha dado los mejores resultados. Se ha empleado el algoritmo de clusterizacion´ k-medoids y se ha estudiado la relevancia y la polaridad con respecto a distintos partidos pol´ıticos de los diferentes clusteres creados.[CA] En aquest projecte s’ha creat una base de dades MongoDB i una aplicacio en Python ´ que utilitza la API de Twitter per a obtenir tuits i informacio dels comptes d’usuaris. S’ha ´ obtingut una col·leccio de tuits relacionats amb pol ´ ´ıtica espanyola. S’han implementat els algorismes PageRank i HITS usant matrius obtingudes a partir tant de les relacions de seguiment entre comptes com de les relacions de retuits i s’han emprat per a ordenar als autors dels tuits recollits segon la seua rellevancia. La qualitat de les diferents ordenacions s’ha ` estudiat i comparat amb metriques m ` es trivials. L’algorisme PageRank ha donat els millors ´ resultats. S’ha emprat l’algorisme de clusteritzacio´ k-medoids i s’ha estudiat la rellevancia i ` la polaritat pel que fa a diferents partits pol´ıtics dels diferents clusters creats.[EN] In this project a MongoDB database and a Python application which uses Twitter’s API to obtain tweets and information of the user accounts have been created. A collection of tweets related with spanish politics has been obtained. The algorithms PageRank and HITS have been implemented using matrixes created using both the following and the retweeting relationships between user accounts. The results have been used to sort the authors of the obtained tweets according to their relevance. The quality of the different sortings has been studied and compared with more trivial metrics. The PageRank algorithm has showed the best results. The clustering algorithm k-medoids has been applied. The relevance and polarities relating various political parties of the clusters created have been studied.Duato Catalán, D. (2015). Recopilación de tweets y medición de la relevancia basada en la topología. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/55545.TFG

    A Topology-Independent Mapping Technique for Application-Specific Networks-on-Chip

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    The design of Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) involves several key issues, including the topological mapping, that is, the mapping of the processing elements or Intellectual Properties (IPs) to the network nodes. Although several proposals have been focused on topological mapping last years, this topic is still an open issue. In this paper, we propose, in an extended manner, a topology-independent mapping technique for application-specific NoCs that can be used with regular or irregular topologies, and with any routing algorithm. This technique globally matches the communication pattern generated by the IPs with the available network bandwidth in the different parts of the network. The evaluation results show that the proposed technique can provide better performance than other mapping techniques not only in terms of average latency and network throughput, but also in terms of power consumption

    An approach to female drug addiction and violence.

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    En general las personas adictas a alguna sustancia son enjuiciadas por la sociedad y si se añade el hecho de ser mujer, la imagen social sufre aún mayor deterioro. La respuesta que se da a los problemas derivados del consumo de drogas no está pensada y adaptada para las situaciones específicas de las mujeres, por lo que existen carencias en los tratamientos para las mujeres drogodependientes. La situación es más grave en los casos en que este problema va unido a comportamientos violentos. En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un estudio referido a este tipo de conductas, en las que se combina el consumo de cocaína y la violencia de género. Se ha realizado una investigación utilizando técnicas cualitativas para intentar describir las carencias que existen en el abordaje de este problema, desde la vivencia y la percepción de los actores sociales que trabajan en este contexto.People who are addicted to some kind of substance are negatively judged by society, but when the addict is a woman the image projected to society is even more negative. The solutions given to drug abuse are not specifically designed for women, which leads to shortages in the treatments for addict women. This situation is worsened when drug abuse is accompanied by some violent behaviour. This article presents the results obtained from a study of such behaviour using qualitative techniques in order to describe the shortages existing in the treatment of these cases, from the perspective of the social actors who work on this field