204 research outputs found

    Modeling the environmental impact of demand variability upon supply chains in the beverage industry

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    High demand variability can produce several inefficiencies in the supply chain, increasing cost and decreasing service level. This research focuses on the environmental impact of demand variability on supply chains especially in the beverage industry by investigating the relationship between demand variability and the emissions of carbon dioxide. The analysis was based on a beverage industry case, considering a two-stage supply chain. A simulation model was developed to represent the supply chain. The experimental factors demand variability, demand level, forecast method, system size, and truck fleet configuration were manipulated in order to represent different scenarios. A statistical Design of Experiment (DOE) model was used to understand the impact of these factors in relation to the emissions of carbon dioxide, cost and service level. The findings suggest that increments in demand variability result in an increment in carbon dioxide emissions due to the distribution of product. It was also observed that an increment in demand variability results in an increment in cost and a decrease in service level. The study also suggests that the factors that influence demand level and truck fleet configuration have a significant impact on the amount of carbon dioxide emissions. A significant interaction between demand variability and demand level was also identified in relation to carbon dioxide emissions, cost, and service level. Trade-offs were identified between carbon dioxide emissions and service level as well as between cost and service level

    Optimum industrial management systems by the maximum principle

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    LD2668 .T4 1966 D3Master of Scienc

    Aprendizaje a través del currículo oculto en los estudiantes de posgrado de neuropediatria de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia

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    Basados en la importancia de la formación integral del profesional, se pretendió observar y describir el aprendizaje logrado a través del currículo oculto en los estudiantes matriculados en la especialidad médico quirúrgica de Neuropediatria de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia en el año 2012. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo, a través de la aplicación de una entrevista semiestructurada y de un grupo focal con el grupo de estudiantes mencionado, explorando aspectos de su formación, la transmisión de actitudes y valores y aspectos éticos. Para este grupo de estudiantes el aprendizaje a través del currículo oculto es real y formativo, permitiéndoles una mejor aproximación a sus pacientes y dándoles las herramientas para un desempeño profesional exitoso; es aún insuficiente para resolver dilemas éticos como enfrentar la explicación de malas noticias y el momento del final de la vida. Se requiere entonces complementar este aprendizaje, con enseñanzas explícitas en el área de la bioética.Abstract. Based on the importance of comprehensive professional training, sought to observe and describe the learning achieved through the hidden curriculum students, enrolled in medical surgical specialty of Neuropediatry, National University of Colombia in 2012. A qualitative study was conducted through the application of semi-structured interviews and a focus group with the group of students mentioned, exploring aspects of their training, the transmission of attitudes and values and ethical aspects. To this group of students learning through the hidden curriculum is real and training, allowing them a better approach to their patients and giving them the tools for successful job performance, but it is still insufficient to resolve ethical dilemmas as face explaining some bad news and when the end of life . Is then required to supplement this learning with explicit teachings in the area of bioethics.Maestrí

    Factores relacionados con presentación de ataques cerebrovasculares en niños

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    ResumenEl ataque cerebrovascular (ACV) se considera una patología inusual en la edad pediátrica, siendo diferente en sus causas y en sus factores ambientales y raciales frente a los adultos. El  objetivo del estudio consiste en describir los factores relacionados en la población atendida. Materiales y métodos: Se evaluó una serie de pacientes con ataque cerebro vascular atendidos por el servicio de Neuropediatría de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia Fundación Hospital de la Misericordia, durante el periodo enero 1 de 2001 a 31 de diciembre de 2003. Resultados: Se registraron 65 casos, siendo el 61% varones; el grupo etáreo más comprometido es el de lactantes (44,7%). El síntoma de consulta predominante fueron las convulsiones (60% de los casos). El 56,9% correspondió a eventos isquémicos y el territorio más afectado fue el de la arteria cerebral media (33,2%). La causa más común fue infecciosa (20% de los casos), con una frecuencia similar para quienes registraron causa desconocida. La mortalidad fue de 21,9%.Coclusiones: El ACV en los niños es una alteración frecuente y con causas muy variadas. No determinarla dificulta establecer tratamiento, pronóstico y prevenir las recurrencias. Los factores relacionados difieren de los encontrados en otras series, posiblemente  por variantes genéticas y ambientales.[Uscátegui AM. Factores relacionados con presentación de ataques cerebrovasculares en niños. MedUNAB 2008; 11:610].Palabras clave: Ataque cerebrovascular, trastornos cerebrovasculares, enfermedades hematológicas, neuroinfección, epilepsia, niños

    Is Race a Risk Factor for the Development of Renal Artery Stenosis?

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    Atherosclerotic renal artery disease is a common cause of hypertension and chronic kidney disease that may progress into end stage renal failure if not diagnosed and treated early. Renal artery stenosis (RAS) has been shown to be an independent risk factor for mortality in patients with coronary artery disease. We sought to determine whether race is an independent risk factor for developing RAS. A retrospective study was conducted including 324 patients with resistant hypertension who underwent renal angiography with or without coronary angiography. In univariate analysis, Caucasian race was associated with significant risk of RAS (OR = 2.3, P = .01). However, this association was no longer significant after correcting for additional clinical variables in a multivariate model (OR = 1.5, P = .07). There was a strong association between smoking and RAS (OR 2.0, P = .02). We conclude that traditional risk factors, especially smoking, rather than race, are the most important predictors of RAS development

    Desarrollo de pasta untable de aceituna variedad Sevillana

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    The development of a spreadable olive paste was carried out. Sevillian or Gordal green olive varieties were used in the paste. Pastes were prepared by crushing olives after pit removal and adding preservatives (potassium solvate and sodium benzoate), and antioxidants (T. B. H. Q.) to crushed olives. These were characterized by recording microbial, physical, chemical and sensory measurements and shelf life was evaluated over three months of storage at room temperature (18 °C) and under refrigeration (4 °C). The final microbial count of the paste was less than 100 ufc/ml. Sensory testing demonstrated that it was acceptable and storage conditions did not significantly affect the product.The pH of the paste decreased with time (4.3 to 4.17), resulting in increased acidity which was affected by storage temperature. The peroxide index, increased with time, (from 5 to 27 meq peroxide/kg oil). However, the pastes were not perceived to be rancid after sensory testing. Regarding the color, the main change observed was a darkening of the paste, as determined using the parameter L*. The shelf life of the olive paste was 90 days either under refrigeration or at room temperature.Este estudio consistió en desarrollar una pasta untable de aceituna, variedad verde Sevillana o Gordal. La elaboración de la pasta consistió en deshuesar las aceitunas, triturarlas y adicionarles conservantes (sorbato de potasio y benzoato de sodio) y antioxidante (T. B. H. Q.), finalmente se envasaron. Ésta fue caracterizada microbiológica, físico-química y sensorialmente, y se evaluó su comportamiento durante 3 meses de almacenamiento a temperatura ambiente (18 °C) y en refrigeración (4 °C). El recuento microbiano de la pasta es menor a 100 ufc/ml. Sensorialmente el producto fue aceptado y esta condición no varió durante el almacenamiento, al igual que el contenido de aceite (70%) y aw (0,90). El pH diminuye con el tiempo, por lo tanto, la acidez aumenta; viéndose afectado por la temperatura de almacenamiento. El índice de peróxido, aumenta en el tiempo (5 a 27 meq peróxido/kg aceite) y es mayor en condiciones ambientales, sin embargo, no es percibido como variación en la rancidez sensorial. En cuanto al color, el principal cambio producido es un oscurecimiento de la pasta expresado en el parámetro L*. La vida útil de la pasta de aceituna alcanza a 90 días, siendo apta su conservación a temperatura ambiente y de refrigeración