290 research outputs found

    Demographic, socioeconomic, dietary and physical activity determinants of obesity in a large nationally representative sample of the Lebanese adult population.

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    Introduction: The prevalence of obesity within countries varies by gender, age, socioeconomic status, and culture. These determinants appear to predict obesity differently in different countries. The objective of this study was to estimate the impact of these determinants on obesity in a representative sample of the Lebanese adult population. Methods: A cross-sectional survey of 2697 adults aged ≥ 20 years, excluding pregnant and lactating women, was conducted in 2008. Households were selected randomly from all Governates of Lebanon based on a stratified cluster sampling. One randomly-sampled adult was interviewed in each visited household; demographic, socioeconomic and anthropometric data were measured. Dietary intake was obtained using a 24-hour recall instrument. The prevalence of obesity in 2008 was estimated. Logistic regressions analysis was carried out to assess the relationship between energy intake and obesity as well as adjusted relevant variables, excluding data from participants who reported implausible energy intakes. Results: Currently, approximately one in four Lebanese adults is obese. While men and women showed overall similar prevalence rates of obesity, gender disparities were noted across obesity classes and age groups. In males, the odds of being obese increased among those married, employed, and owning increased household assets; the opposite was the case for women. Obesity in women decreased with increasing household wealth. In women also, there was a positive association between obesity and energy intake, and a negative association between obesity and physical activity. Obese adults reported consuming a higher percentage of their energy intake from fat, and a lower intake from cereals, compared with their non-obese counterparts. Conclusion: The prevalence of obesity among Lebanese adults is on the rise, with significant demographic and socioeconomic differentials. High energy consumption and inactivity of Lebanese adults, as well as several complex socioeconomic and cultural elements, are contributing factors to the estimated high rates of obesity

    A Brief Note on the Interaction of an Actuator Cascade with a Singularity

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    We have recently become concerned with making estimates of steady forces that may be exerted between moving blade rows and stationary blade rows or volutes. Our present interest is with time averaged forces for estimation of shaft loads and flow asymmetry forces rather than with transient processes. For this purpose we have adopted the well-known "actuator" model for the blade row in which the flow leaving the row or cascade is assumed to have a constant leaving angle. The disturbances external to this row such as a volute may be represented by distributions of vortex elements as was done for example by Domm and Hergt [1]

    Tethered Balloon-Based Experiment of Surface Water Height Using Satellite Signals of Opportunity

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    Signals of Opportunity (SoOp) is an area of radio science that leverages existing ambient signals from spacecraft, aircraft, and ground-based radio systems to perform radio science without spending time or resources constructing new transmission infrastructure. It has been conceptualized that SmallSats or CubeSats can perform similar SoOp missions by augmenting pre-existing spacecraft missions - specifically radio/radar missions. During the summer of 2019, student-interns at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) under the Innovation to Flight (i2F) program tested the first airborne SoOp demo via a tethered aerostat - a valuable step towards getting a SoOp demo in orbit. The airborne SoOp demo received direct and bounced signals from multiple geosynchronous equatorial orbit (GEO) satellites by using two on-board wide-band grid antennas. One antenna was pointed at the sky at appropriate azimuth and elevation angles to receive a direct GEO signal. The other antenna was pointed at an identical azimuth angle with a mirrored elevation angle so as to receive the same GEO signal reflected from a body of water below. Both antennas were secured on adjustable mounts to allow for pointing changes and permit data collection from multiple satellites. This initial test proves the scientific and technological feasibility of doing further airborne SoOp tests, potentially on aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), high altitude balloons (HAB), and SmallSats or CubeSats

    Experimental Measurements of Hydrodynamic Stiffness Matrices for a Centrifugal Pump Impeller

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    The objective of the Rotor Force Test Facility at the California Institute of Technology is to artificially orbit the center of rotation of an impeller enclosed within a volute over a range of frequencies from zero to synchronous and to measure the resulting forces on the impeller. This paper reports preliminary data from the first stage experiments in which the shaft is orbited at low frequency. Steady volute forces along with stiffness matrices due to the change in position of the rotor center are measured. Static pressure taps around the volute are used to obtain volute pressure distributions for various fixed positions of the impeller center and for various flow rates. Static pressure forces are calculated from these pressure distributions allowing a more complete analysis of the components of the impeller forces. Comparison is made with various existing theoretical and experimental results

    Biometric of Intent: A New Approach Identifying Potential Threat in Highly Secured Facilities

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    yesBiometric of Intent (BoI) is a Computer Vision (CV) automation, using Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, which presents a new approach that extends the reach of the classic biometric identification process. It provides an efficient mechanism which deters the threats raised by unknown individuals who have deceitful intentions and who aim to deploy unlawful operations such as terrorist attacks. In this context, our proposed BoI model is based on a framework constructed upon an automated machine learning facial expression analysis system which can assist law enforcement agencies who intend to deploy a systematic preventive security approach that aims to reduce the risk of potential unlawful attacks by rogue individuals through the evaluation of their emotional state in relation to their malicious intent

    Characterisation of aggregates of cyclodextrin-drug complexes using Taylor Dispersion Analysis

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    There is a need to understand the nature of aggregation of cyclodextrins (CDs) with guest molecules in increasingly complex formulation systems. To this end an innovative application of Taylor dispersion analysis (TDA) and comparison with dynamic light scattering (DLS) have been carried out to probe the nature of ICT01-2588 (ICT-2588), a novel tumor-targeted vascular disrupting agent, in solvents including a potential buffered formulation containing 10% hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin. The two hydrodynamic sizing techniques give measurement responses are that fundamentally different for aggregated solutions containing the target molecule, and the benefits of using TDA in conjunction with DLS are that systems are characterised through measurement of both mass- and z-average hydrodynamic radii. Whereas DLS measurements primarily resolve the large aggregates of ICT01-2588 in its formulation medium, methodology for TDA is described to determine the size and notably to quantify the proportion of monomers in the presence of large aggregates, and at the same time measure the formulation viscosity. Interestingly TDA and DLS have also distinguished between aggregate profiles formed using HP-β-CD samples from different suppliers. The approach is expected to be widely applicable to this important class of drug formulations where drug solubility is enhanced by cyclodextrin and other excipients

    Worm-like micelles of triblock copolymer of ethylene oxide and styrene oxide characterised using light scattering and Taylor dispersion analysis

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    A triblock ESE copolymer (E16S8E16, S = styrene oxide and E = ethylene oxide) was synthesised by sequential oxyanionic copolymerisation of styrene oxide followed by ethylene oxide. Light scattering studies demonstrated a shape transition from spherical micelles to worm-like micelles above a critical temperature of approximately 18oC. Taylor dispersion analysis (TDA) also indicated a size growth when the temperature increased from 25 to 40 oC due to the formation of worm-like micelles. The hydrodynamic radii and diffusion coefficients obtained by these two techniques were in good agreement. The solubility of a hydrophobic drug, terfenadine, in dilute micellar solutions of the copolymer was increased at least 20-fold under the conditions. The transition to worm-like micelles at raised temperatures led to enhanced solubilisation capacities due to a larger hydrophobic core volume. The behaviour of the novel ESE copolymer shows the utility of TDA to follow conformational changes using nanolitre quantities and explore critical quality attributes for this type of drug delivery system

    Understanding the risk and protective factors associated with obesity amongst Libyan adults - a qualitative study

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    BACKGROUND: There are a range of multifaceted behavioural and societal factors that combine to contribute to the causes of obesity. However, it is not yet known how particularly countries' cultural norms are contributing to the global obesity epidemic. Despite obesity reaching epidemic proportions in Libya, since the discovery of oil in 1959, there is a lack of information about obesity in Libyan adults. This study sought to explore the views of key informants about the risk and protective factors associated with obesity among Libyan men and women. METHODS: A series of qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with Libyan healthcare professionals and community leaders. RESULTS: Eleven main themes (risk and protective factors) were identified, specifically: socio-demographic and biological factors, socioeconomic status, unhealthy eating behaviours, knowledge about obesity, social-cultural influences, Libya's healthcare facilities, physical activity and the effect of the neighbourhood environment, sedentary behaviour, Libyan food-subsidy policy, and suggestions for preventing and controlling obesity. CONCLUSIONS: Key recommendations are that an electronic health information system needs to be implemented and awareness about obesity and its causes and consequences needs to be raised among the public in order to dispel the many myths and misconceptions held by Libyans about obesity. The current political instability within Libya is contributing to a less-active lifestyle for the population due to security concerns and the impact of curfews. Our findings have implications for Libyan health policy and highlight the urgent need for action towards mitigating against the obesity epidemic in Libya
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