172 research outputs found

    Les touchers en EPS : entre usages et réticences ?

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    Cet article vise un double objectif : caractĂ©riser les touchers observables entre l’enseignant et ses Ă©lĂšves en Ă©ducation physique et sportive (EPS) ; spĂ©cifier les reprĂ©sentations vĂ©hiculĂ©es par les enseignants d’EPS sur leurs touchers en les confrontant Ă  leur pratique filmĂ©e. Huit enseignants d’EPS ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s et filmĂ©s, dans quinze activitĂ©s physiques et sportives diffĂ©rentes. Un entretien semi-directif et un montage vidĂ©o, support d’un entretien d’auto-confrontation, ont permis de faire Ă©merger les reprĂ©sentations et intentions des enseignants vis-Ă -vis des touchers, les fonctions qu’ils leur attribuent ainsi que leur positionnement Ă©thique.Les enseignants sont peu conscients de ces touchers, souvent spontanĂ©s, et disent ne pas les rechercher, alors qu’ils sont frĂ©quents. Quatre grandes fonctions sont repĂ©rables. Seules deux sont mises en Ă©vidence par les enseignants : celles revendiquĂ©es par l’institution. La fonction affective est passĂ©e sous silence, bien qu’elle soit prioritairement mobilisĂ©e par tous.This article has two objectives: to characterise observable physical contact (touch) between teachers and their pupils in Physical Education (PE); to specify how PE teachers explain their physical contact by showing it to them on film. Eight PE teachers were observed and filmed in fifteen different physical activities. A semi-structured interview and a self-confrontation interview with a video recording brought out the teachers’ explanations and intentions regarding physical contact, the functions they attribute to it and its ethical stand.The teachers are barely aware of this often spontaneous physical contact and say that they don’t do it on purpose despite its frequency. There are four main functions. The teachers highlighted just two: those claimed by the institution. The emotional function is unmentioned although it is the prime reason for physical contact

    Discovering Knowledge using a Constraint-based Language

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    Discovering pattern sets or global patterns is an attractive issue from the pattern mining community in order to provide useful information. By combining local patterns satisfying a joint meaning, this approach produces patterns of higher level and thus more useful for the data analyst than the usual local patterns, while reducing the number of patterns. In parallel, recent works investigating relationships between data mining and constraint programming (CP) show that the CP paradigm is a nice framework to model and mine such patterns in a declarative and generic way. We present a constraint-based language which enables us to define queries addressing patterns sets and global patterns. The usefulness of such a declarative approach is highlighted by several examples coming from the clustering based on associations. This language has been implemented in the CP framework.Comment: 12 page

    Experimental determination of the local heat transfer coefficient on a thermally thick wall downstream of a backward-facing step

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    Abstract A heat transfer measurement technique based on the combination of infrared thermography and numerical computation is presented in the case of a turbulent reattachment downstream of a backwardfacing step. The presence of a CaF2 window and low surface temperatures has led to develop a specific infrared system calibration. Heat transfer measurement technique and infrared system calibration are both presented in this paper

    Crossing Boundaries: Tapestry Within the Context of the 21st Century

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    International audienceGraphical model processing is a central problem in artificial intelligence. The optimization of the combined cost of a network of local cost functions federates a variety of famous problems including CSP, SAT and Max-SAT but also optimization in stochastic variants such as Markov Random Fields and Bayesian networks. Exact solving methods for these problems typically include branch and bound and local inference-based bounds.In this paper we are interested in understanding when and how dynamic programming based optimization can be used to efficiently enforce soft local consistencies on Global Cost Functions, defined as parameterized families of cost functions of unbounded arity. Enforcing local consistencies in cost function networks is performed by applying so-called Equivalence Preserving Transformations (EPTs) to the cost functions. These EPTs may transform global cost functions and make them intractable to optimize.We identify as tractable projection-safe those global cost functions whose optimization is and remains tractable after applying the EPTs used for enforcing arc consistency. We also provide new classes of cost functions that are tractable projection-safe thanks to dynamic programming.We show that dynamic programming can either be directly used inside filtering algorithms, defining polynomially DAG-filterable cost functions, or emulated by arc consistency filtering on a Berge-acyclic network of bounded-arity cost functions, defining Berge-acyclic network-decomposable cost functions. We give examples of such cost functions and we provide a systematic way to define decompositions from existing decomposable global constraints.These two approaches to enforcing consistency in global cost functions are then embedded in a solver for extensive experiments that confirm the feasibility and efficiency of our proposal

    Closed-Pattern : Une contrainte globale pour l’extraction de motifs frĂ©quents fermĂ©s

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    National audienceL’extraction de motifs frĂ©quents fermĂ©s est un des dĂ©fis majeurs en fouille de donnĂ©es. Les travaux entrepris rĂ©cemment en extraction de motifs ont mis en avant l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’utiliser les contraintes pour une fouille dĂ©clarative. Ces approches se sont montrĂ©es trĂšs attractives par leurs flexibilitĂ©, mais l’utilisation d’un nombre important de contraintes rĂ©ifiĂ©es et de variables auxiliaires posent un sĂ©rieux problĂšme quant au traitement des bases de grandes tailles. Dans ce papier, nous prĂ©sentons une contrainte globale nommĂ©e ClosedPattern, qui capture la sĂ©mantique particuliĂšre des motifs fermĂ©s pour rĂ©soudre efficacement ce problĂšme, sans faire appel aux contraintes rĂ©ifiĂ©es. Nous proposons un algorithme de filtrage pour la contrainte ClosedPattern, qui maintient la consistance de domaine DC en un temps et espace polynomial

    Iterated local search using an add and delete hyper- heuristic for university course timetabling

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    Hyper-heuristics are (meta-)heuristics that operate at a higher level to choose or generate a set of low-level (meta-)heuristics in an attempt of solve difficult optimization problems. Iterated local search (ILS) is a well-known approach for discrete optimization, combining perturbation and hill-climbing within an iterative framework. In this study, we introduce an ILS approach, strengthened by a hyper-heuristic which generates heuristics based on a fixed number of add and delete operations. The performance of the proposed hyper-heuristic is tested across two different problem domains using real world benchmark of course timetabling instances from the second International Timetabling Competition Tracks 2 and 3. The results show that mixing add and delete operations within an ILS framework yields an effective hyper-heuristic approach

    Heuristiques de recherche pour la résolution des WCSP

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    Les Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problem (WCSP) qui sont une gĂ©nĂ©ralisation Ă  l optimisation des CSP, sont souvent rĂ©solus par des mĂ©thodes de recherche arborescentes combinĂ©es avec des algorithmes de filtrage ou recherches locales. Bien que de nombreuses heuristiques gĂ©nĂ©riques aient Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©es dans les CSP, cela est loin d ĂȘtre le cas pour les WCSP. L objectif de ce travail consistait Ă  mettre en oeuvre de nouvelles heuristiques gĂ©nĂ©riques, adaptĂ©es aux WCSP et guidant efficacement les mĂ©thodes de rĂ©solution. Pour les recherches arborescentes, nous avons proposĂ© plusieurs heuristiques de choix de valeur et de variable basĂ©es sur un critere global, la H-Quality, moins indĂ©pendant du mĂ©canisme de filtrage (critĂšre local). Pour les mĂ©ta-heuristiques Ă  voisinage variable (VNS), nous avons proposĂ© difĂ©erentes heuristiques de voisinage basĂ©es sur la notion de degrĂ© de libertĂ© qui dĂ©pendent de la topologie du graphe de contraintes. Puis, nous avons proposĂ© d'Ă©tendre celles-ci aux WCSP afin de tenir compte du coĂ»t des contraintes. Afin de valider nos contributions, nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© des expĂ©rimentations sur des problĂšmes rĂ©els d affectation de liens radio (CELAR), alĂ©atoires avec structures (GRAPH) et purement alĂ©toires. De ces expĂ©rimentations, il ressort que le critĂšre d H-Quality est pertinent pour guider les heuristiques de choix de valeur, et intĂ©ressant pour les heuristiques de choix de variable sur les instances Ă  forte connectivitĂ© et forte densitĂ©. Les heuristiques de choix de voisinage augmentant le degrĂ© de libertĂ© des variables et tenant compte des coĂ»ts des contraintes offrent de meilleurs rĂ©sultats.Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problem (WCSP) which are a generalization to the optimization of CSP, are usually solved by tree search methods combined with filtering algorithms or local search methods. Although many generic heuristics have been proposed for such methods in the CSP framework, this is not the case for WCSP yet. Our objective was to define and implement new generic heuristics dedicated to WCSP in order to efficiently guide search methods. For tree search methods, we have proposed several value ordering and variable ordering heuristics based on a global criterion, the H-Quality, which is less dependent on filtering mechanisms. For VNS based metaheuristics, we have proposed new neighborhood heuristics based on the concept of degree of freedom wich depend on the topology of graph of constraints. Then, we have proposed to extend them to the WCSP framework in order to take into account cost of constraints. In order to validate our contribution, we have made experiments on real-world problems (Radio Link Frequency Assignment Problem) (CELAR), random structured instances (GRAPH) and random instances. From these experiments, it appears that the concept of H-Quality is a relevant criterion to guide value ordering heuristics and interesting to guide variable ordering heuristics for high connectivity and high density instances. Neighborhood heuristics based degree of freedom and taking into account cost constraints offer better performance.CAEN-BU Sciences et STAPS (141182103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Le toucher en Ă©ducation physique et sportive : analyse d’une dĂ©marche de formation pour dĂ©velopper la pensĂ©e critique des enseignants stagiaires

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    Cette Ă©tude analyse un dispositif formatif auprĂšs d’étudiants de deuxiĂšme annĂ©e (professeurs stagiaires et Ă©tudiants) en master MĂ©tiers de l’enseignement, de l’éducation et de la formation – Éducation physique et sportive (EPS) pour dĂ©velopper leur pensĂ©e critique. Onze vidĂ©os prises en classe, dans lesquelles les enseignants d’EPS entrent en contact avec leurs Ă©lĂšves ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©sentĂ©es. Puis, Ă  l’issue du contact, deux scĂ©narios de rĂ©action d’élĂšves Ă©taient exposĂ©s et illustrĂ©s. Les Ă©tudiants devaient se positionner, via un questionnaire interactif, sur la lĂ©gitimitĂ© du contact, les rĂ©actions probables des Ă©lĂšves et l’adoption ou non d’un comportement semblable Ă  celui de l’enseignant. À partir des rĂ©ponses projetĂ©es au tableau, un dĂ©bat a Ă©tĂ© engagĂ©. Ce dispositif formatif semble pertinent afin de favoriser l’émergence d’une pensĂ©e critique chez les Ă©tudiants et pour optimiser leurs choix professionnels par l’adoption (ou le rejet) de gestes professionnels assumĂ©s.This study analyses a training system for 2nd year students (trainee teachers and students) in the master’s programme “teaching, education and training careers” – Physical Education (PE) to develop their critical thinking. Eleven videos filmed in class, in which PE teachers come into contact with their students, were shown. Then, at the end of the contact, two student reaction scenarios were presented and illustrated. Students had to position themselves, via an interactive questionnaire, on the legitimacy of the contact, the probable reactions of the pupils and whether or not they themselves would adopt a similar behavior. Based on the answers projected on the whiteboard, a debate was launched. This training device seems relevant to encourage the emergence of critical thinking in students and to optimise their professional choices by adopting (or rejecting) accepted professional gestures
