126 research outputs found

    Translating agroindustrial texts from Spanish to Italian: beyond linguistic affinity

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    Con esta comunicación se pretende trazar una panorámica de las principales dificultades terminológicas y discursivas que pueden surgir de la traducción del español al italiano de textos agroalimentarios. El objetivo es destacar que si por un lado la afinidad entre los dos idiomas es un elemento facilitador de la actividad traductora, por el otro origina dificultades relacionadas tanto con la traducción de la terminología del sector agroalimentario como con las convenciones textuales propias de los textos científicos en ambos idiomas.The aim of this paper is to outline a survey of the main terminological and discursive difficulties arising from Spanish to Italian translation of agroindustrial texts. The goal is to point out that if on the one hand the affinity between these two languages makes the translating activitiy relatively easier, on the other hand it gives rise to translating issues related both with the agroindustrial terminology translation and the different scientific texts features in both languages

    SCIL: a Spanish Corpus of Italian Learners

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    In the last 15 years research into the acquisition of Spanish as a Foreign/Second language has seen a growing interest in the building of learner corpora but, in most cases, they collect Spanish interlanguage of English-speaking learners. SCIL is a longitudinal Spanish Corpus of Italian Learners and consists of 457 written compositions (124,186 tokens) by 43 inforrmants, whose proficiency levels range from A1 to B2 of the CEFRL. SCIL has been collected over seven months and stored to be used with WordSmith Tools. It allows both a longitudinal analysis, to observe the interlanguage evolution of a specific student or group, and a cross-sectional study, to observe a specific grammar or discourse feature in texts about the same topic written by different students

    La accesibilidad lingüística de los sitios Patrimonio de la UNESCO italianos para el público hispanohablante

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    This article presents a map of the linguistic accessibility of the 54 Italian Heritage Sites of UNESCO for the Spanish-speaking visitors with the aim of highlighting the potential of translation as a tool for tourism promotion and reception, since Italy represents the third favourite destination of the Spanish after France and Portugal (ONT 2012). The research is based on the analysis of the UNESCO official websites as well as the pages of the regions, provinces and municipalities where the Italian World Heritage Sites are located. The quality of the translation was also analysed following criteria such as: syntactic and orthographic correction, fidelity in the transposition of the content, stylistic adaptation, readability and quality of the editing. The results show that the linguistic accessibility of the UNESCO Heritage Sites in Spanish is still low because the translation into a cognate language is underestimated either by preferring the translation in English or by committing it to an automatic translator

    corespi e corite due nuovi strumenti per l analisi dell interlingua di lingue affini

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    In this paper, two parallel longitudinal corpora of interlingua are presented: the CORpus del ESPanol de los Italianos (CORESPI, 474 texts, 124 648 words) and the CORpus del Italiano de los Espanoles (CORITE, 385 texts, 103 147 words). The texts have been produced by 45 couples of Spanish and Italian as foreign language learners (A1- B2). The manner in which the texts have been collected, tagged and put on the Internet using the tool CATMA are illustrated. CATMA potentialities are briefly surveyed. The usefulness of this kind of corpora for the linguistic and parallel analysis and for language teaching theory is emphasized

    Los corpus como recursos didácticos para la enseñanza de las variedades diatópicas del español

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    Este artículo se plantea analizar el potencial de algunos corpus del español –tanto orales como escritos– para la enseñanza de las variedades diatópicas. El marco teórico de referencia es el de la lingüística de corpus aplicada a la enseñanza de lenguas desde la perspectiva del Data-Driven Learning. Se ejemplifica el uso de los corpus como recursos para llevar a cabo lo que se podría definir una didáctica panhispánica de ELE, cuyo objetivo no es tanto que el aprendiente llegue a utilizar una u otra variedad, sino que aprenda a reconocerlas y apreciarlas como ejemplos de riqueza cultural

    La accesibilidad ling\ufc\uedstica de los sitios Patrimonio de la UNESCO italianos para el p\ufablico hispanohablante

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    En este art\uedculo se presenta un cuadro de la accesibilidad ling\ufc\uedstica de los 54 sitios italianos Patrimonio de la UNESCO para el p\ufablico hispanohablante con el objetivo de destacar el potencial de la traducci\uf3n como herramienta de promoci\uf3n y acogida tur\uedstica, ya que Italia representa el tercer destino favorito de los espa\uf1oles despu\ue9s de Francia y Portugal (ONT 2012). La monitorizaci\uf3n se ha realizado a partir del an\ue1lisis de las p\ue1ginas web oficiales de la UNESCO y de las regiones, provincias y ayuntamientos en los que se encuentran los sitios italianos declarados Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Asimismo, se ha analizado la calidad de la traducci\uf3n a partir de los siguientes criterios: correcci\uf3n sint\ue1ctica y ortogr\ue1fica, fidelidad en la transposici\uf3n del contenido, adecuaci\uf3n estil\uedstica, legibilidad y calidad de la edici\uf3n. Los resultados muestran que la accesibilidad ling\ufc\uedstica en espa\uf1ol de los sitios patrimonio de la UNESCO italianos es todav\ueda baja porque la traducci\uf3n a una lengua af\uedn se infravalora o bien privilegiando la traducci\uf3n en ingl\ue9s, o bien confi\ue1ndosela a un traductor autom\ue1tico

    CLIL: il punto di vista degli studenti. Il caso della Lombardia

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    This paper aims to investigate the students\u2019 perception about the implementation of the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) methodology (D.P.R. 88 and 89/2010) in languages other than English. The research focuses on students attending foreign languages and human sciences secondary schools in Lombardy. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected through a questionnaire focusing on the students\u2019 perception of the CLIL learning environment in French, Spanish and German. Results outline CLIL reception in the first years of its implementation in Italy and highlight its strengths and weaknesses as they are perceived from the learners\u2019 point of view