86 research outputs found

    Evaluación del posicionamiento de marca en la línea musical yamaha de instrumentos de viento

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    La mayor aspiración en la realización de este trabajo está encaminado hacia la línea de Instrumentos Musicales marca YAMAHA, contribuye a la formación de niños y jóvenes en el ámbito musical, para ello se hace necesario iniciar con Instrumentos de Viento como la Flauta Dulce por ser este uno de los mas reconocidos por la niñez, permitiendo la realización del presente proyecto de Investigación y dando a conocer los aspectos más relevantes por parte de los Educandos, quiénes a través de su aporte permiten que los Instrumentos Musicales marca YAMAHA sean dados a conocer y adquirirlos a un costo considerable. Es de gran importancia destacar que el presente estudio de Investigación cuenta con la información necesaria que satisfaga las necesidades específicas, contando con estrategias de promoción y distribución y lograr mayor acogida. Teniendo en cuenta que los Instrumentos Musicales marca YAMAHA son apreciados por Profesionales de música por su alta calidad, brindando excelencia y servicio. La Investigación se ha realizado en forma amplia, justa y concisa, tomando como fuentes de Información las Instituciones Educativas. Por último está en manos de los Educandos la acogida que deseen brindar a la realización del presente proyecto de Investigación siempre pensando en el progreso y bienestar de la comunidad.La mayor aspiración en la realización de este trabajo está encaminado hacia la línea de Instrumentos Musicales marca YAMAHA, contribuye a la formación de niños y jóvenes en el ámbito musical, para ello se hace necesario iniciar con Instrumentos de Viento como la Flauta Dulce por ser este uno de los mas reconocidos por la niñez, permitiendo la realización del presente proyecto de Investigación y dando a conocer los aspectos más relevantes por parte de los Educandos, quiénes a través de su aporte permiten que los Instrumentos Musicales marca YAMAHA sean dados a conocer y adquirirlos a un costo considerable. Es de gran importancia destacar que el presente estudio de Investigación cuenta con la información necesaria que satisfaga las necesidades específicas, contando con estrategias de promoción y distribución y lograr mayor acogida. Teniendo en cuenta que los Instrumentos Musicales marca YAMAHA son apreciados por Profesionales de música por su alta calidad, brindando excelencia y servicio. La Investigación se ha realizado en forma amplia, justa y concisa, tomando como fuentes de Información las Instituciones Educativas. Por último está en manos de los Educandos la acogida que deseen brindar a la realización del presente proyecto de Investigación siempre pensando en el progreso y bienestar de la comunidad

    Capacitación y desempeño laboral en la Sub Gerencia de Obras de la Municipalidad Distrital de Wanchaq - Región Cusco, 2020

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo general: Determinar la relación entre la capacitación y el desempeño laboral en la Sub Gerencia de Obras de la Municipalidad Distrital de Wanchaq - Región Cusco, 2020, orientándose con las teorías de Chiavenato (2007), Siliceo (2004), Flippo (2007), Hoyler (2007), para presentar la variable capacitación y, las de Dessler y Varela (2011), Wayne (2010), Pérez (2009), Sonnentag, Volmer y Spychala (2008), Alveiro (2009), para la variable desempeño laboral. Aplicando una metodología de enfoque cuantitativo de tipo aplicada diseño no experimental nivel correlacional y estudio transversal, con una población de 55 colaboradores y muestra censal de 55 que reportaron información a través de dos cuestionarios procesados con la escala de Likert y comprobados con la prueba de confiabilidad y validados por expertos, con un Alfa de Cronbach de 0.890 y 0.840 respectivamente. Obteniendo el resultado: Se halló que existe una relación positiva y fuerte entre las variables capacitación y desempeño laboral en la Sub Gerencia de Obras de la Municipalidad Distrital de Wanchaq - Región Cusco, año 2020, tal como evidencia la prueba Rho de Spearman con un coeficiente de correlación de 0.899 y una significancia bilateral de 0,000 < 0,05, por lo tanto, rechazándose la hipótesis nula y aceptándose la hipótesis alterna. Concluyendo que se cumplió el objetivo general de determinar la relación entre la capacitación y el desempeño laboral en la Sub Gerencia de Obras de la Municipalidad Distrital de Wanchaq - Región Cusco, año 2020 con los resultados que se mostraron

    Estrategias para el mejoramiento del registro clínico del personal de enfermería

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    El Ministerio de salud estableció en la resolución número 1995 de 1999 las normas para el manejo de la Historia Clínica, las cuales son de obligatorio cumplimiento por todas la entidades que integran el sistema de salud y en el artículo 3 “Características de la Historia Clínica” cita “Oportunidad: Es el diligenciamiento de los registros de atención de la historia clínica, simultánea o inmediatamente después de que ocurre la prestación del servicio”; frente a lo anterior y de acuerdo al diagnóstico institucional uno de los principales problemas que presenta la ESE de Soacha en todas sus sedes es la falta de calidad en el registro de información clínica por parte del área de enfermería evidenciado en el subregistro de información, falta de calidad en el dato y falta de control de las condiciones clínicas de los usuarios. La presencia de los anteriores actos puede conllevar desde la mala praxis de un profesional ante la falta de información de intervención clínica hasta pleitos jurídicos en contra de quien realizó la omisión y que pueden desencadenar sanciones disciplinarias ante el tribunal de ética y/o penales que priven de la libertad; adicional a lo anterior, la falta de conocimiento por parte del usuario, familiares y cuidadores del real estado de salud y de los procedimientos realizados al paciente.EspecializaciónEspecialista En Gerencia De La Salu

    Growth of pineapple plantlets during acclimatisation can be monitored through automated image analysis of the canopy

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    [EN] Pineapple is an economically important tropical fruit crop, but the lack of adequate planting material limits its productivity. A range of micropropagation protocols has been developed over the years to address this shortfall. Still, the final stage of micropropagation, i.e. acclimatisation, remains a challenge as pineapple plantlets grow very slowly. Several studies have been conducted focusing on this phase and attempting to improve plantlet growth and establishment, which requires tools for the non-destructive evaluation of growth during acclimatisation. This report describes the use of semi-automated and automated image analysis to quantify canopy growth of pineapple plantlets, during five months of acclimatisation. The canopy area progressively increased during acclimatisation, particularly after 90 days. Regression analyses were performed to determine the relationships between the automated image analysis and morphological indicators of growth. The mathematical relationships between estimations of the canopy area and the fresh and dry weights of intact plantlets, middle-aged leaves (D leaves) and roots showed determination coefficients (R2) between 0.84 and 0.92. We propose an appropriate tool for the simple, objective and non-destructive evaluation of pineapple plantlets growth, which can be generally applied for plant phenotyping, to reduce costs and develop streamlined pipelines for the assessment of plant growthThis research was not covered by any specific grant but supported by internal funds from the Bioplant Centre (Cuba), the Agricultural Research Council-Tropical and Subtropical Crops (South Africa), and the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain). Authors are also grateful to Mrs Lelurlis Napoles for her experienced technical assistance.Soto, G.; Lorente, G.; Mendoza, J.; Báez, ED.; Lorenzo, CM.; Rodríguez, R.; Hajari, E.... (2020). Growth of pineapple plantlets during acclimatisation can be monitored through automated image analysis of the canopy. The Eurobiotech Journal. 4(4):223-229. https://doi.org/10.2478/ebtj-2020-0026S22322944Chen H, Hu B, Zhao L, Shi D, She Z, Huang X, Priyadarshani S, Niu X, Qin Y. Differential expression analysis of reference genes in pineapple (Ananas comosus l.) during reproductive development and response to abiotic stress, hormonal stimuli. Trop Plant Biol 2019; 12: 67-77.Nath V, Kumar G, Pandey S, Pandey S. Impact of climate change on tropical fruit production systems and its mitigation strategies. In: Sheraz Mahdi S (ed.) Climate Change and Agriculture in India: Impact and Adaptation. 2019. Springer, Berlin, pp. 129-146.Priyadarshani S, Cai H, Zhou Q, Liu Y, Cheng Y, Xiong J, Patson DL, Cao S, Zhao H, Qin Y. An efficient Agrobacterium mediated transformation of pineapple with GFP-tagged protein allows easy, non-destructive screening of transgenic pineapple plants. 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Merr.) plants via adventitious bud regeneration. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol-Plant 2009; 45: 112-121.Loyola-González O, Medina-Pérez MA, Hernández-Tamayo D, Monroy R, Carrasco-Ochoa JA, García-Borroto M. A pattern-based approach for detecting pneumatic failures on Temporary Immersion Bioreactors. Sensors 2019; 19(2): 414.Parveen S, Mir H, Ranjan T, Pal AK, Kundu M. Effect of surface sterilants on in vitro establishment of pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merill.) cv. Kew. Curr J Appl Sci Technol 2019; 33(2): 1-6.Venâncio JB, Araújo WF, Chagas EA. Acclimatization of micropropagated seedlings of pineapple cultivars on organic substrates. Científica 2019; 47: 52-61.Yanes-Paz E, González J, Sánchez R (2000) A technology of acclimatization of pineapple vitroplants. Pineap News 2000; 7: 5-6.González R, Laudat T, Arzola M, Méndez R, Marrero P, Pulido L, Dibut B, Lorenzo JC. Effect of Azotobacter chroococcum on in vitro pineapple plants’ growth during acclimatization. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol-Plant 2010; 47(3): 387-390.González R, Serrato R, Molina J, Aragón C, Olalde V, Pulido L, Dibut B, Lorenzo JC. Biochemical and physiological changes produced by Azotobacter chroococcum (INIFAT5 strain) on pineapple in vitro-plantlets during acclimatization. Acta Physiol Plant 2013; 35: 3483-3487.Mengesha A, Ayenew B, Tadesse T. Acclimatization of in vitro propagated pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.), var. Smooth cayenne) plantlets to ex vitro condition in Ethiopia. Am J Plant Sci 2013; 4(2): 317-323.Rodríguez-Escriba RC, Rodríguez R, López D, Lorente GY, Pino Y, Aragón CE, Garza Y, Podestá FE, González-Olmedo JL. High light intensity increases the CAM expression in “MD-2” micro-propagated pineapple plants at the end of the acclimatization stage. Am J Plant Sci 2015; 6(19): 3109-3118.Rodríguez-Escriba RC, Rodríguez-Cartaya ID, Lorente GY, López D, Izquierdo RE, Borroto LS, Garza-García Y, Aragón CE, Podestá FE, Rodríguez R. Efecto del déficit hídrico sobre cambios morfo-fisiológicos y bioquímicos en plantas micropropagadas de piña MD-2 en la etapa final de aclimatización. Cult Trop 2016; 37: 64-73.Lorente-González GY, Pino-Legrat Y, Rodríguez-Escriba RC, Pérez-Borroto LS, Nápoles-Borrero L, Mendoza-Rodríguez J, Cardoso D, Alonso A, Rodríguez-Sánchez R, González-Olmedo J. Foliar fertilization of ‘MD-2’ pineapple plants (Ananas comosus var. comosus) during the acclimatization phase. Newsletter of the Pineapple Working Group, International Society for Horticultural Science 2018; 25: 13-17.Atkinson JA, Lobet G, Noll M, Meyer PE, Griffiths M, Wells DM. Combining semi-automated image analysis techniques with machine learning algorithms to accelerate large-scale genetic studies. GigaScience 2017; 6: gix084.Pound MP, Atkinson JA, Townsend AJ, Wilson MH, Griffiths M, Jackson AS, Bulat A, Tzimiropoulos G, Wells DM, Murchie EH. Deep machine learning provides state-of-the-art performance in image-based plant phenotyping. GigaScience 2017; 6: gix083.Gupta SD, Ibaraki Y, Pattanayak A. Development of a digital image analysis method for real-time estimation of chlorophyll content in micropropagated potato plants. Plant Biotech Rep 2013; 7: 91-97.Niazian M, Sadat-Noori SA, Abdipour M, Tohidfar M, Mortazavian SMM. Image processing and artificial neural network-based models to measure and predict physical properties of embryogenic callus and number of somatic embryos in ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi (L.) Sprague). In Vitro Cell Dev Biol-Plant 2018; 54: 54-68.Ollier M, Talle V, Brisset AL, Le Bihan Z, Duerr S, Lemmens M, Goudemand E, Robert O, Hilbert JL, Buerstmayr H. Whitened kernel surface: A fast and reliable method for assessing Fusarium severity on cereal grains by digital picture analysis. Plant Breed 2019; 138: 69-81.Wang G, Sun Y, Wang J. Automatic image-based plant disease severity estimation using deep learning. Comp Intel Neurosci 2017; 2017: 2917536.Asaari MSM, Mishra P, Mertens S, Dhondt S, Inzé D, Wuyts N, Scheunders P. Close-range hyperspectral image analysis for the early detection of stress responses in individual plants in a high-throughput phenotyping platform. ISPRS J Photogram Rem Sens 2018; 138: 121-138.Py C, Lacoeuille JJ, Teisson C. L´ananas, sa culture, ses produits. Techniques agricoles et productions tropicales vol. 33. Maisoenneuve and Larose 1984; Paris, pp. 44-45.Ivanov Z. The Agricultural Experimentation 1989. Pueblo y Educación, Havana, pp. 332.Aguilar M, Pozo J, Aguilar F, García A, Fernández I, Negreiros J, Sánchez-Hermosilla J. Application of close-range photogrammetry and digital photography analysis for the estimation of leaf area index in a greenhouse tomato culture. Int Arch Photogram Rem Sens Spat Inf Sci 2010; 38(5): 5-10.Minervini M, Abdelsamea MM, Tsaftaris SA. Image-based plant phenotyping with incremental learning and active contours. Ecol Inf 2014; 23: 35-48.Minervini M, Giuffrida MV, Perata P, Tsaftaris SA. Phenotiki: An open software and hardware platform for affordable and easy image‐based phenotyping of rosette‐shaped plants. The Plant J 2017; 90: 204-216.Ubbens J, Cieslak M, Prusinkiewicz P, Stavness I. The use of plant models in deep learning: an application to leaf counting in rosette plants. Plant Meth 2018; 14: 6.Rincón Guerrero N, Olarte Quintero MA, Pérez Naranjo JC. Leaf area measurement in photographs taken with a webcam, a cell phone or a semi professional camera. Rev Fac Nac Agron Medellín 2012; 65: 6399-6405.Guo W, Zheng B, Duan T, Fukatsu T, Chapman S, Ninomiya S (2017) EasyPCC: benchmark datasets and tools for high-throughput measurement of the plant canopy coverage ratio under field conditions. Sensors 2017; 17: 798.Chien C-L, Tseng D-C (2011) Color image enhancement with exact HSI color model. 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    Reproducibilidad del cuestionario: calidad de cuidados de enfermería en pacientes hospitalizados

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    Introducción: La medición de la calidad del cuidado de Enfermería requiere del uso de escalas válidas y confiables, es así como el objetivo del estudio fue determinar la reproducibilidad del cuestionario de calidad de cuidados de enfermería en pacientes hospitalizados en una institución prestadora de servicios de salud. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio de evaluación de pruebas diagnósticas, se determinó la consistencia interna y la reproducibilidad prueba reprueba del cuestionario, basado en sus dos dimensiones: experiencias y satisfacción con el cuidado de enfermería. Tipo de muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple. Resultados: En cuanto a la reproducibilidad del instrumento, en la dimensión de experiencia con los cuidados la mayoría de los ítems se encuentran con coeficientes de correlación intraclase por debajo de 0.7, con una media de 0.623; en la dimensión de satisfacción de los cuidados, la mayoría de los ítems están por encima de 0.7 con una media de 0.873. La confiabilidad del instrumento medida a través del Alfa de Cronbach fue 0.930, en la dimensión de experiencia 0.904 y 0.980 en la dimensión de satisfacción. Discusión: El Cuestionario de Calidad de Cuidados de Enfermería, en sus dos dimensiones de experiencia y satisfacción de los cuidados fue adecuadamente entendido por parte de los participantes y Luego de su aplicación se considera una confiable para pacientes de diferentes servicios de hospitalización. Conclusiones: El instrumento es una escala confiable para la evaluación de la calidad del cuidado. El instrumento mostró un alto grado de reproducibilidad para la dimensión de satisfacción con los cuidados.Cómo citar este artículo: Torres CC, Páez AN, Rincón L, Rosas D, Mendoza EP. Reproducibilidad del cuestionario: calidad de cuidados de enfermería en pacientes hospitalizados. Rev Cuid. 2016; 7(2): 1338-44. http://dx.doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.v7i2.33

    A Methodological Process for the Design of Frameworks Oriented to Infotainment User Interfaces

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    The objective of this paper was to propose a methodological process for the design of frameworks oriented to infotainment user interfaces. Four stages comprise the proposed process, conceptualization, structuring, documentation, and evaluation; in addition, these stages include activities, tasks, and deliverables to guide a work team during the design of a framework. To determine the stages and their components, an analysis of 42 papers was carried out through a systematic literature review in search of similarities during the design process of frameworks related to user interfaces. The evaluation method by a panel of experts was used to determine the validity of the proposal; the conceptual proposal was provided to a panel of 10 experts for their analysis and later a questionnaire in the form of a Likert scale was used to collect the information on the validation of the proposal. The results of the evaluation indicated that the methodological process is valid to meet the objective of designing a framework oriented to infotainment user interfaces

    A Methodological Process for the Design of Frameworks Oriented to Infotainment User Interfaces

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    The objective of this paper was to propose a methodological process for the design of frameworks oriented to infotainment user interfaces. Four stages comprise the proposed process, conceptualization, structuring, documentation, and evaluation; in addition, these stages include activities, tasks, and deliverables to guide a work team during the design of a framework. To determine the stages and their components, an analysis of 42 papers was carried out through a systematic literature review in search of similarities during the design process of frameworks related to user interfaces. The evaluation method by a panel of experts was used to determine the validity of the proposal; the conceptual proposal was provided to a panel of 10 experts for their analysis and later a questionnaire in the form of a Likert scale was used to collect the information on the validation of the proposal. The results of the evaluation indicated that the methodological process is valid to meet the objective of designing a framework oriented to infotainment user interfaces

    Analyzing Typical Mobile Gestures in mHealth Applications for Users with Down Syndrome

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    Mobile technology has provided many advantages for all members of the Information Society. Communication, Organization, Transportation, Health, and Entertainment are just a few areas of mobile technology application. Nevertheless, there are still some people who find difficulties using it. Although there are a lot of applications of mHealth available for almost any kind of mobile device, there is still a lack of understanding and attending users’ needs, especially those of users with disabilities. People with Down syndrome have the potential to function as active members of our society, taking care of themselves and their own, having jobs, voting, and so on, but their physical limitations prevent them from handling correctly technological tools that could enhance their performance, including mobile technology. In this paper, we had analyzed how suitable the mHealth applications are for users with Down syndrome. We tested 24 users and analyzed their physical performance in fine-motor movements while developing a set of tasks over a mHealth application. Results showed that the design of a mHealth application for users with Down syndrome must center its interaction with simple gestures as tap and swipe avoiding more complex ones as spread and rotate. This research is a starting point to understand the fundamentals of people with Down syndrome interacting with mobile technology

    Dominican Children with HIV not Receiving Antiretrovirals: Massage Therapy Influences their Behavior and Development

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    Forty-eight children (M age = 4.8 years) infected with HIV/AIDS and living in the Dominican Republic were randomly assigned to a massage therapy or a play session control group. The children in the massage therapy group received two weekly 20-min massages for 12 weeks; the children in the control group participated in a play session (coloring, playing with blocks) for the same duration and length as the massage therapy group. Overall, the children in the massage therapy group improved in self-help abilities and communication, suggesting that massage therapy may enhance daily functioning for children with HIV/AIDS. Moreover, the HIV infected children who were six or older also showed a decrease in internalizing behaviors; specifically depressive/anxious behaviors and negative thoughts were reduced. Additionally, baseline assessments revealed IQ equivalence below normal functioning for 70% of the HIV infected children and very high incidences of mood problems (depression, withdrawn) for 40% of the children and anxiety problems for 20% of the children, suggesting the need for better monitoring and alternative interventions in countries with limited resources to improve cognition and the mental health status of children infected with HIV/AIDS

    Variants in toll-like receptor 9 gene influence susceptibility to tuberculosis in a Mexican population

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    Background: The control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection begins with the recognition of mycobacterial structural components by toll like receptors (TLRs) and other pattern recognition receptors. Our objective was to determine the influence of TLRs polymorphisms in the susceptibility to develop tuberculosis (TB) in Amerindian individuals from a rural area of Oaxaca, Mexico with high TB incidence. Methods: We carried out a case–control association community based study, genotyping 12 polymorphisms of TLR2, TLR4, TLR6 and TLR9 genes in 90 patients with confirmed pulmonary TB and 90 unrelated exposed but asymptomatic household contacts. Results: We found a significant increase in the frequency of the allele A of the TLR9 gene polymorphism rs352139 (A>G) in the group of TB patients (g.f. = 0.522) when compared with controls (g.f. = 0.383), (Pcorr = 0.01, OR = 1.75). Under the recessive model (A/G + A/A vs G/G) this polymorphism was also significantly associated with TB (Pcorr = 0.01, OR= 2.37). The association of the SNP rs352139 was statistically significant after adjustment by age, gender and comorbidities by regression logistic analysis (Dominant model: p value = 0.016, OR = 2.31; Additive model: p value = 0.023, OR = 1.68). The haplotype GAA of TLR9 SNPs was also associated with TB susceptibility (Pcorr = 0.02). Differences in the genotype or allele frequencies of TLR2, TLR4 and TLR6 polymorphisms between TB patients and healthy contacts were not detected. Conclusions: Our study suggests that the allele A of the intronic polymorphism rs352139 on TLR9 gene might contribute to the risk of developing TB in Mexican Amerindians