574 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Hukum Hagen-Poiseuille dalam Penentuan Koefisien Viskositas Zat Cair dengan Prinsip Kontrol Berat Berbantuan Software Logger Pro

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    Pengukuran koefisien viskositas zat cair menggunakan hukum Hagen-Poiseuille dengan metode Microcomputer Based Laboratory telah dilakukan. Viskositas merupakan ukuran penolakan fluida terhadap perubahan bentuk di bawah tekanan shear. Hukum Hagen-Poiseuille digunakan dalam penelitian ini karena zat cair yang digunakan merupakan zat cair Newtonian. Tangki viskometer kapiler yang dikaitkan ke sensor gaya diisi zat cair untuk kemudian dialirkan keluar melalui pipa kapiler dengan panjang (9,8±0,09)×10-2 m dan diameter dalam (2,1620±0,0096) ×10-3 m. Data penurunan massa zat cair direkam menggunakan sensor gaya buatan Vernier Tecnology dan analisis fitting data menggunakan software Logger Pro. Nilai karakteristik waktu diperoleh dari hasil fitting data digunakan untuk perhitungan koefisien viskositas zat cair menggunakan hukum Hagen-Poiseuille. Dari percobaan ini diperoleh nilai koefisien viskositas air sebesar (1,063±0,113) mPa.s yang sesuai dengan nilai acuan teori yaitu 1,002 mPa.s, oli SAE 10W-30 sebesar (79,01±8,90) Pa.s sesuai dengan nilai acuan teori 76,8 Pa.s, dan gliserin sebesar (593,4±56,7) mPa.s sesuai dengan nilai acuan teori 612 mPa.s.Measurement of liquid viscosity coefficient using Hagen-Poiseuille law with Microcomputer-Based Laboratory method has been done. Viscosity is the fluid declination measure of form changes under sheer pressure. Hagen-Poiseuille law is used in this study because the liquid used is a Newtonian liquid. Capillary viscometer tanks attached to force sensors are filled with liquid to be streamed out through capillary tubes of length (9.8 ± 0.09) × 10-2 m and the inner diameter (2.1620 ± 0.0096) × 10-3 m. Data on the mass degradation of liquids was recorded using a Vernier Technology force sensor while the data fitting analysis using Logger Pro software. The time characteristic values which obtained from the data fittings are used in the calculation of the liquid viscosity coefficient using Hagen-Poiseuille law. From this experiment, the obtained water viscosity coefficient value is (1.063 ± 0.113) mPa.s corresponds to the reference value of the theory is 1.002 mPa.s, the SAE oil 10W-30 is (79.01 ± 8.90) Pa.s corresponds to the reference value of the theory 76.8 Pa.s, and glycerin is (593.4 ± 56.7) mPa.s corresponds to the reference value of the theory 612 mPa.s

    Hubungan Antara Tingkat Pendidikan Ibu Dengan Perkembangan Balita Usia 3-5 Tahun (Suatu Studi Dikelurahan Kadipaten Kecamatan Bojonegoro Kabupaten Bojonegoro Tahun 2014) Relationship Between Education Level Mother with Toddler Development Age 3-5 Years (

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    Education about early childhood development is a process of changing the personality, attitude and understanding about appropriate development for toddlers. The lack of knowledge becomes a major causal factor in the failure of early childhood development, for example, mothers with low education then it will be difficult to digest the message delivered to educate a child in foster toddler. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between mother's education level with 3-5 years of early childhood development. This study is a correlation study using cross-sectional approach. The population is mothers and toddlers 3-5 years as many as 42. Technique used is total sampling. Data collection by questionnaire and observation (DDST) and then do the editing, coding, scoring, tabulating and analyzing statistical data using Spearman's test (α <0.05), the results of the study are presented in the form of images, tables and narrative.Both of these variables were tested by using analysis of the significance of a cross table with the value of α: ρ value of 0.05 obtained: 0.000 <α 0.05, so Ho is rejected, which means there are relations Education Level Mother With Toddler Development (3-5 years) in the Village Kadipaten District of Bojonegoro 2014.The conclusion of this study is the education level of respondents no association with the development of toddlers 3-5 Years in the Village Kadipaten District of Bojonegoro 2014. Respondents continued attitude they have to educate early childhood development and mutual information or the exchange of experience with other respondents so as to increase better knowledge


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    Kegiatan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan mata kuliah yang wajib diambil oleh mahasiswa yang menempuh jurusan kependidikan pada semester tujuh. Mata kuliah ini merupakan praktik nyata dari ilmu teori yang mahasiswa dapatkan pada semester-semester sebelumnya. Karena, pada mata kuliah ini mahasiswa tidak dituntut untuk memahami dan menghafalkan beberapa teori, namun mahasiswa dituntut untuk praktik lang s u ng me ng ajar pad a s e bu ah lembag a s e k olah s e s u ai d e ng an j u r u s a n n y a m a s i n g - m a s i n g . Pada Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) UNY saat ini dilaksanakan selama satu bulan mulai tanggal 10 Agustus 2015 sampai 12 September 2015. Waktu 1 bulan tersebut sudah menjadi modal mahasiswa ketika kelak mereka terjun menjadi seorang guru. Adapun tempat terlaksananya PPL UNY tersebut di Kabupaten Bantul khususnya di Lemahbang, Mangunan, Dlingo, Bantul Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. PPL satu dimulai dengan pembelajaran mikro agar mahasiswa siap untuk mengajar di kelas yang sesungguhnya. Kemudian, mahasiswa menempuh real pupil teaching sebagai ujian dari PPL satu. Dengan real pupil teaching, mahasiswa akan menghadapi anak - anak secara langsung dan nyata untuk pertama kali. S e t e l a h i t u m a h a s i s w a a k a n m e l a k s a n a k a n o b s e r v a s i d i T K A B A Lemahabang melihat kondisi dan situasi yang terjadi di TK teersebut s e b a g a i b e k a l k e t i k a m e r e k a m e l a k s a n a k a n p e n g a j a r a n k e l a k . Ketika pelakasanaan PPL di TK ABA Lemahbang, mahasiswa dalam satu kelompok yang berjumlah sepuluh orang membagi jadwal kegiatan pengajaran dan non pengajaran pada masing-masing mahasiswa, sehingga, semua mahasiswa mendapat kesempatan yang sama dalam melaksanakan kegiatan baik pengajaran maupun non pengajaran. Khususnya dalam kegiatan pengajaran, seluruh mahasiswa harus melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran pada dua kelas A maupun kelas B. Pada dua kelas tersebut, mahasiswa melaksanakan dua kali praktik mengajar terbimbing dan dua kali ujian, sehingga berjumlah empat kali mengajar. Selain kegiatan pengajaran, beberapa kegiatan non pengajaran meliputi pendampingan ekstra lukis, pendampingan administrasi kelas dan pembuatan RKH serta media untuk pembelajaran. Adapun pelaksanaan PPL UNY di TK ABA Lemahbang dapat berjalan dengan baik dan lancar karena kerjasama pihak mahasiswa dan warga sekolah yang terjalin secara kekeluargaan. Sehingga kegiatan PPL UNY dapat menjadi pengalaman yang akan membantu kelak dimasa depan u n t u k s e m u a p i h a k y a n g t e r l i b a t


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    In 2003, 3.2% of the total United States workforce lost productive time due to low back pain (Colorodo Department of Public Health and Environmental Occupational Health, 2012).Occupational Health and Safety (K3), namely to create a safe and secure work environment for workers or employees in the industry concerned, this industry has potential hazards to health, one of which is Low Back Pain (LBP) is a very serious world health problem. In general, it can cause activity restrictions as well as absenteeism from work, commonly felt low back pain. UD. Barokah is a cassava chips industry in Mojokerto. In this research method using pretest and posttest, video counseling about Low Back Pain. The results of the research that were obtained before seeing the counseling video had understood about Low Back Pain by answering the pretest questions, there were 3 respondents (20%). The second did a posttest after seeing the counseling video, they understood about Low Back Pain by answering the posttest questions of 9 respondents (60%). Keywords: Low Back Pain, Occupational Health and Safety, Cassava Chips

    Socializing in emergencies—A review of the use of social media in emergency situations

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    AbstractSocial media tools are integrated in most parts of our daily lives, as citizens, netizens, researchers or emergency responders. Lessons learnt from disasters and emergencies that occurred globally in the last few years have shown that social media tools may serve as an integral and significant component of crisis response. Communication is one of the fundamental tools of emergency management. It becomes crucial when there are dozens of agencies and organizations responding to a disaster. Regardless of the type of emergency, whether a terrorist attack, a hurricane or an earthquake, communication lines may be overloaded and cellular networks overwhelmed as too many people attempt to use them to access information. Social scientists have presented that post-disaster active public participation was largely altruistic, including activities such as search and rescue, first aid treatment, victim evacuation, and on-line help. Social media provides opportunities for engaging citizens in the emergency management by both disseminating information to the public and accessing information from them. During emergency events, individuals are exposed to large quantities of information without being aware of their validity or risk of misinformation, but users are usually swift to correct them, thus making the social media “self-regulating”


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    Abstract. Previous studies in Indonesia examining the effect of lean hospital management implementation on employee’s job satisfaction and turnover intention had not been done. Results from studies in other countries regarding the effect of lean hospital for employee’s wellbeing also point to contradictions, being positive or negative. The expected positive effect of lean hospital implementation for employee’s wellbeing is to encourage the sustainability of lean management implementation in hospital. Adina MC Hospital as a rural private hospital in Central Java has implemented the lean concept to improve the quality of hospital service in the last seven months. This study is aimed to determine the effect of lean hospital tools (Value Stream Mapping and 5S) to job satisfaction and turnover intention of hospital employees in the context of job demands as mediator and job resources as moderator. Questionnaires were given to 78 employees of Adina MC Hospital who had been working for more than one year. All data and hypotheses testing were analyzed using smartPLS. The findings show that the implementation of lean hospital tools (5S) is positively associated with job satisfaction. The influence of lean hospital tools' VSM could not be seen because it has been dropped out in reliability testing instruments. Job satisfaction was also found to be negatively associated with turnover intention. In the context of job resources, the findings show that job resources moderate the correlation between lean hospital tools (5S) implementation with job satisfaction, so lean hospital implementation could promote employee’s job satisfaction when supported by adequate job resources. Job resources are also not found to moderate the correlation between job demands with job satisfaction and both hypotheses of job demands mediate the correlation between lean hospital tools implementation with job satisfaction and turnover intention have been rejected.Keywords: lean hospital, job satisfaction, turnover intention, job demands, job resource


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    This research is motivated by the problem of difficulty learning to read in English lessons which is still a problem among grade II students. This study uses a type of qualitative research. The subjects of this study were teachers and students. Data collection techniques were taken by means of observation, interviews with class II teachers, interviews with students and documentation. The results of this study are the roles played by class II teachers, namely: the teacher as a learning resource, the teacher as a facilitator, the teacher as a manager, the teacher as a demonstrator, the teacher as a guide, the teacher as a motivator, and the teacher as an evaluator. The way to overcome student learning difficulties in English lessons experienced by students is by using various learning methods, providing motivation to students, increasing student vocabulary when teaching giving additional assignments to students in the form of tutoring and homework at home, repeating past subject matter , provide subject matter that is easy to understand to students. With the role that has been carried out by the teacher as much as possible, students who initially had reading difficulties are now able to read with continuous practice


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    This research is motivated by the problem of difficulty learning to read in English lessons which is still a problem among grade II students. This study uses a type of qualitative research. The subjects of this study were teachers and students. Data collection techniques were taken by means of observation, interviews with class II teachers, interviews with students and documentation. The results of this study are the roles played by class II teachers, namely: the teacher as a learning resource, the teacher as a facilitator, the teacher as a manager, the teacher as a demonstrator, the teacher as a guide, the teacher as a motivator, and the teacher as an evaluator. The way to overcome student learning difficulties in English lessons experienced by students is by using various learning methods, providing motivation to students, increasing student vocabulary when teaching giving additional assignments to students in the form of tutoring and homework at home, repeating past subject matter , provide subject matter that is easy to understand to students. With the role that has been carried out by the teacher as much as possible, students who initially had reading difficulties are now able to read with continuous practice

    Disribusi Spasial Logam Berat Cu Pada Media Air,Sedimen dan Biota (Polymesoda Erosa) di Estuari Donan Segara Anakan Cilacap

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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Distribusi Spasial Logam Berat Cu pada Media Air, Sedimen, dan Biota (Polymesoda erosa) di Estuari Donan Segara Anakan Cilacap” dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2019. Cu merupakan salah satu logam berat yang beracun. Cu yang masuk ke perairan akan mengalami proses pengendapan dan terakumulasi ke dalam tubuh biota laut khusunya biota filter feeder seperti kerang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan dan hubungan konsentrasi logam berat Cu pada air, sedimen dan Polymesoda erosa; untuk mengetahui status tingkat pencemaran Estuari Donan Segara Anakan Cilacap berdasarkan CF (Contamination Factor), Igeo (Geoaccumulation Index) dan BAF (Bioaccumulation Factor). Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei dengan teknik pengambilan sampel Purposive Random Sampling. Konsentrasi logam berat Cu diukur dengan metode Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry dengan seperangkat alat AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrometry). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum konsentrasi logam berat Cu antar stasiun di Estuari Donan Cilacap pada air, sedimen dan Polymesoda erosa bervariasi ada yang berbeda nyata dan ada yang tidak. Konsentrasi Cu pada media air dengan sedimen, air dengan kerang totok dan sedimen dengan kerang totok memiliki hubungan yang berbanding lurus. Hasil perhitungan CF, Igeo dan BAF yaitu CF1