JP Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Unsoed (Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Journal & Proceeding)
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    1946 research outputs found

    Evaluation Of The Utilization Of Canva Application By Students In The Development Of Learning Media In The Economics Education Study Program

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    The use of technology in the learning process is an effort to encourage renewal so that the learning process becomes more effective. Utilization of technology in learning can be used in learning media. One of the uses of learning media that uses digital technology is the use of the Canva application. This research is evaluation research using the Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) model to evaluate the use of the Canva application by students in developing learning media in the Economics Education Study Program, FEB Unsoed. The population in this study is all undergraduate students of Economics Education who are taking the Learning Media course in the odd semester of the 2022/2023 academic year, as many as 46 people. The sampling technique in this study used non-probability sampling, namely a saturated sample technique where the entire population was sampled because the population totaled less than 100. Based on the results of the research and data analysis using quantitative descriptive statistical analysis, it shows that: 1) The quality of the context (context) in In this research, namely the quality of learning media made with the Canva application, is in a good category, (2) The quality of student input in accessing learning media made with the Canva application is in a good category, (3) The quality of the learning process (process) of course Learning Media using the Canva Application is in a good category, (4) The quality of the product (product) in this study is seen from the output results of student learning achievement in the Learning Media course, especially in the Subject Learning Outcomes (CPMK) sub-category, Learning media development is in the category of Very good. The Canva application makes the learning process not dull because features, templates, and designs can be used to make digital learning media attractive. Keywords: Learning Media, Canva, CIPP Model, Economic Education.

    Sustainable Cultural Tourism Development Strategy : Swot Approach

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    Changes in tourism which are currently developing from mass tourism to special interest tourism, have encouraged Djagongan Koena tourism in Kejawar Banyumas Village to become a cultural tourism village with an interesting concept of living culture, such as arts, culinary arts, crafts, and others. This tourist village has the potential to be developed into a tourist destination that prioritizes its cultural values by paying attention to sustainability aspects. Then the problem that arises is what is the right strategy for developing sustainable cultural tourism in the Djangongan Koena Kejawar Banyumas tourism village, with the aim of identifying and analyzing sustainable tourism village development strategies used by the Djangongan Koena Kejawar Banyumas tourism village. The analysis technique in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis and SWOT analysis. Through field research, the data collection methods used in this research are observation methods, interview methods, and documentation. Sustainable tourism is tourism that pays attention to social, economic & environmental impacts for now and in the future.The results of the analysis compiled in the SWOT matrix can be grouped into 4 main strategies, namely optimizing the environmental management of cultural tourism sites in the Djajongan Koena tourist village, optimizing the potential for home-based businesses and assisting the community to support social tourism activities, managing non-material cultural assets in the village as tourism products and managing non-material cultural assets in the village through opportunities for cooperation with the government. Of the four strategies, each has a way of development.Keywords: Development Strategy, Cultural Tourism, Sustainability, SWOT Analysis

    The Effect Of The Role Of Business Location, Service Quality, And Customer Experience On Repurchase Intention With Customer Satisfaction As A Mediating Variable

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    This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of business location, service quality, and customer experience on repurchase intentions with customer satisfaction as a mediating variable for Takoyaki Secret Purwokerto customers. The type of data used is primary data using a questionnaire. The number of samples used in this study amounted to 170 research samples. The sampling technique uses the methodpurposive sampling based on certain criteria. The results of the study using AMOS version 24 show that: (1) Business location has a positive effect on repurchase intention, (2) Service quality has a positive effect on repurchase intention, (3) Customer experience has a positive effect on repurchase intention, (4) Business location does not have a positive effect on customer satisfaction, (5) Service quality has a positive effect on customer satisfaction, (6) Customer experience has a positive effect on customer satisfaction, (7) Customer satisfaction has a positive effect on repurchase intentions, (8) Customer satisfaction does not mediate a positive effect business location on repurchase intention, (9) Customer satisfaction mediates the positive effect of service quality on repurchase intention, (10) Customer satisfaction mediates the positive influence of customer experience on repurchase intention. Keywords: Business Location, Service Quality, Customer Experience, Customers Satisfaction, Repurchase Intentions, SME.


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    This research was conducted with the aim of knowing job satisfaction and work engagement to organizational citizenship behavior. This research was conducted at a senior high school located in Ketanggungan District, Brebes Regency with a population of 80. Using the Slovin formula, a sample of 67 respondent was obtained. This research uses the method probability sampling by type simple random sampling, where the population as the sample of this study. The source of data used in this study is primary data collected using a closed questionnaire technique. The data analysis technique used in this study is a multiple linear regression analysis equation model. The result of this study indicate that job satisfaction has a significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior, as well as work engagement has a significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior. Thus the first hypothesis and the second hypothesis are statistically accepted. Keywords: Job Satisfaction; Work Engagement; Organizational Citizenship Behavio


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji apakah keragaman direksi dapat menurunkan kemungkinan terjadinya kecurangan laporan keuangan. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi hubungan antara keragaman dewan dan kemungkinan terjadinya kecurangan laporan keuangan, dengan mempertimbangkan efek moderasi pengawasan dewan komisaris dan efektivitas komite audit. Studi ini menggunakan purposive sampling, dengan memilih perusahaan yang telah menerbitkan laporan tahunan dari tahun 2016 hingga 2018. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa direksi dengan tingkat pendidikan yang beragam dapat mengurangi kemungkinan terjadinya kecurangan laporan keuangan. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pengawasan dewan komisaris dan efektivitas komite audit dapat memoderasi korelasi antara keragaman dewan dan kecurangan laporan keuangan

    The Effect Of Intellectual Capital On Stock Price With Profitability As An Intervening Variable

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    This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of Value Added Capital Employed (VACA), Value Added Human Capital (VAHU), and Structural Capital Value Added (STVA) on stock prices with profitability (ROE) as an intervening variable in banking companies register in Bursa Indonesia Securities in 2020 and 2021. The type of data used is secondary data in the form of financial statements of each company. The data analyzed using regression with balanced data. The sample size used in this study is 58. The sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling. The results show that: (1) VACA has an effect on ROE. (2) VAHU has an effect on ROE. (3) Profitability can mediate the relationship between VACA and stock prices. (4) Profitability can mediate the relationship between VAHU and stock prices. (5) ROE affects stock prices. The implication of the conclusions in this study is that ROE has a positive effect on stock prices, proving that the higher the ROE the higher the stock price. VACA and VAHU have an effect on ROE, proving that the costs sacrificed for working capital and human capital will have a positive effect on ROE. ROE is able to be a variable mediating the relationship between VACA and VAHU on stock prices, proving that VACA and VAHU have an indirect effect on stock prices.Keywords: VACA; VAHU; STVA; Return on Equity; Stock Price

    Environmental Quality in Emerging Markets: EKC Hypothesis and Bond Test Perspective

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    Emerging markets is a term that refers to economies whose economic growth is rapidly increasing and have some characteristics like developed countries. Concentration of greenhouse gases in the earth's atmosphere caused by rising global temperatures leading to warming. The EKC hypothesis was conducted by Grosman & Krueger in 1991, which supports the EKC claim that environmental degradation and economic growth are interrelated. This study aims to examine the effect of GDP variables, renewable energy consumption, forest area, and population urbanization on emissions.  This study uses the Generalized Method of Moments panel model with Bond Test analysis, with research locations in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. The results show that the EKC hypothesis is not proven in ASEAN emerging market countries, renewable energy consumption has a significant effect on emissions, forest land area has a significant effect on emissions, and urbanization has no significant effect on emissions.Keywords:EKC, emissions, renewable energy, GDP, Fores

    The Influence of Job Demand on Work-Family Conflict Moderated by Co-worker Support

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    This study aimed to investigate the unique effects of demands and support, focusing on the interaction between job demands and co-worker support in the context of work-family conflict. Professionals often believe that balancing work and family roles only leads to issues such as time pressure, work-family conflict, guilt, and more. This research specifically focused on the influence of job demands on work-family conflict while considering the moderating role of co-worker support. The research used a quantitative approach and employed purposive sampling for data collection through questionnaire surveys. The collected data were then analyzed using the statistical method Smart PLS. The practical implications of this study are expected to assist organizations in identifying the factors causing work-family conflict among employees. The research results indicate that job demands have an impact on work-family conflict, and coworker support does not moderate the relationship between job demands and work-family conflict. Keywords: work family conflict; job demand; co-worker support

    Improving The Selling Value Of Msme Products Through Halal Product Certification

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    Halal certificates are one of the requirements for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises or MSMEs to market and distribute their products according to the rules regarding halal certificates in Law Number 33 of 2014 concerning Guaranteed Halal Products. The existence of a halal certificate is one of the factors that can improve MSME products for having value added in order to be able to penetrate the global market. The increasingly global marketing area demands that products have better quality, safe and healthy in accordance with the wishes and criteria of consumers. One of the important criteria for consumers is the guarantee of the halalness of the products they will buy with proof of the halal label listed on the product. The benefits of halal certificates can increase consumer confidence, gain market share and can develop business competitiveness. By having a halal certificate, MSME products will be more accepted in the market, especially among Muslim consumers, both in the domestic market and in the international market.Keywords: Sale value, MSME Products, Halal Certification

    Analysis Value of Local Government Financial Reporting Information

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    There is still inconsistency in the results of the value of financial reporting information, causing this research to find out what factors influence it so that improvements can be made. The purpose of this study was to find out whether the quality of human resources, the use of information technology, and internal accounting controls affect the value of local government financial reporting information. This research is included in the quantitative primary data research with data collection methods using questionnaires and data collection techniques using total sample techniques. This research was carried out at the Banyumas Regency Regional Finance and Assets Agency with a population of 42 respondents which is the total ASN working at BKAD. The analysis technique used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the quality of human resources, the use of information technology, and internal accounting controls have a significant positive effect on the value of local government financial reporting information. The implication of this research is the provision of training on financial reporting, paying attention to work experience, and also some improvements to internal accounting controls on control environment, risk assessment, information and communication, and monitoring.Keywords: Quality of Human Resources, Use of Information Technology, Accounting Internal Control, and Information Valu


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    JP Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Unsoed (Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Journal & Proceeding) is based in Indonesia
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