1,621 research outputs found

    The white Christian churches\u27 responses to the Black manifesto

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    The problem of this thesis is to describe, classify, and analyze the formal responses that the white Christian churches made to Mr. Forman and the Black Manifesto. Such a problem encompasses a consideration of the following questions: What responses did the church give? What patterns developed within the responses? Why did the churches respond in the manner they did

    Altering the stability of the Cdc8 overlap region modulates the ability of this tropomyosin to bind cooperatively to actin and regulate myosin.

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    Tropomyosin (Tm) is an evolutionarily conserved ?-helical coiled-coil protein, dimers of which form end-to-end polymers capable of associating with and stabilising actin-filaments and regulate myosin function. The fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, possesses a single essential Tm, Cdc8, which can be acetylated on its amino terminal methionine to increase its affinity for actin and enhance its ability to regulate myosin function. We have designed and generated a number of novel Cdc8 mutant proteins with amino terminal substitutions to explore how stability of the Cdc8-polymer overlap region affects the regulatory function of this Tm. By correlating the stability of each protein, its propensity to form stable polymers, its ability to associate with actin and to regulate myosin, we have shown the stability of the amino terminal of the Cdc8 ?-helix is crucial for Tm function. In addition we have identified a novel Cdc8 mutant with increased amino-terminal stability, dimers of which are capable of forming Tm-polymers significantly longer than the wild-type protein. This protein had a reduced affinity for actin with respect to wild type, and was unable to regulate actomyosin interactions. The data presented here are consistent with acetylation providing a mechanism for modulating the formation and stability of Cdc8 polymers within the fission yeast cell. The data also provide evidence for a mechanism in which Tm dimers form end-to-end polymers on the actin-filament, consistent with a cooperative model for Tm binding to actin

    Assessing the impact of police-order-maintenance teams on crime: An application of the ‘broken windows’ hypothesis

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    High levels of violent crime and disorder characterize certain neighborhoods of northwest Las Vegas. In April 2009, collaboration between academics and police personnel announced the deployment of a police order-maintenance unit designed to reduce minor and major offenses in these areas. Drawing on the Broken Windows hypothesis, the unit combined a detailed crime analysis with extensive police efforts to address specific community problems. This paper discusses the implementation and impact of the police order-maintenance unit during its operation


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    Este artigo tem por objetivo descrever e analisar as condicionantes e repercussões da entrada do Brasil no Catálogo da OTAN (NATO Codification System - NCS) para a Base Industrial de Defesa nacional e desenvolvimento do país (cujo acordo é de abril de 1997. A hipótese central é que, por meio deste processo, houve um progressivo condicionamento da indústria de defesa e correlatas em benefício de protocolização, o que ampliou a internacionalidade e alcance de agentes nacionais, como compradores e vendedores, dentro deste sistema e subsistemas. O artigo está dividido entre o exame do processo de inclusão do Brasil no NSC e das características e propósitos envolvidos e a análise das repercussões para o Brasil. Para isso, antes da análise das repercussões, há uma explicação do método utilizado, uma vez que os objetivos do artigo de consolidam por meio de uma visão prospectiva de médio prazo.This article aims to describe and analyze the conditionalities and side effects of Brazil’s inclusion in NATO´s Catalog (NATO Codification System- NCS) for the national Defense Industrial Base and the country’s development (the agreement dates back to April 1997). The central hypothesis is that, through this process, there was a progressive conditioning of the national defense industry, and correlates, in favor of protocolization, which extended the internationality and scope of national agents, both as buyers and sellers, within this system and subsystems. The analysis of the process of inclusion of Brazil in the NSC and the characteristics and purposes involved and the analysis of the repercussions for Brazil.To do this, before the analysis of the repercussions, there is an explanation of the method used, once the objectives of the article consolidate through a medium-term prospective vision

    Validade da perda auditiva auto-referida em adultos: desempenho de três perguntas únicas

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    OBJETIVO: Estimar la validez de tres preguntas únicas utilizadas para evaluar la pérdida auditiva auto-referida en comparación con la audiometría de sonidos puros en una población adulta. MÉTODOS: Estudio de validez realizado con una sub-muestra aleatoria de 188 individuos, con edad entre 30 y 65 años, seleccionados de la cuarta fase (2006) de un estudio de cohorte de base poblacional conducido en Salvador, noreste de Brasil. Datos fueron colectados en entrevistas domiciliares utilizándose cuestionarios. Fueron utilizadas tres preguntas para evaluar separadamente, la pérdida auditiva auto-referida: Q1, "Siente usted que tiene una pérdida auditiva?"; Q2, "En general, diría usted que su audición es 'excelente', 'muy buena', 'buena', 'regular', 'mala'?"; Q3, "Actualmente, considera usted que 'oye de la misma forma que oía antes', 'sólo el oído derecho escucha menos que antes', 'sólo el oído izquierdo escucha menos que antes', 'los dos oídos escuchan menos que antes'?". Para estimar las medidas de precisión se utilizaron siete medidas, incluyendo el índice de Youden. Las respuestas obtenidas para cada pregunta fueron comparadas a los resultados de la audiometría de sonidos puros. RESULTADOS: Estimaciones de sensibilidad y especificidad fueron, respectivamente, (Q1) 79,6% y 77,4%, (Q2) 66,9% y 85,1%, (Q3) 81,5% y 76,4%. El índice Youden varió de 51,9% (Q2), a 57,0% (Q1) y 57,9% (Q3). CONCLUSIONES: Cada pregunta permite obtener respuestas con precisión suficiente para recomendar el uso de la pérdida auditiva auto-referida en estudios epidemiológicos con adultos cuando la audiometría de sonidos puros no sea factible.OBJETIVO: Estimar a validade de três perguntas únicas utilizadas para avaliar a perda auditiva auto-referida em comparação com a audiometria de tons puros em uma população adulta. MÉTODOS: Estudo de validade realizado com uma sub-amostra aleatória de 188 indivíduos, com idade entre 30 e 65 anos, selecionados da quarta fase (2006) de um estudo de coorte de base populacional conduzido em Salvador, BA. Dados foram coletados em entrevistas domiciliares utilizando-se questionários. Foram utilizadas três perguntas para avaliar, separadamente, a perda auditiva auto-referida: Q1, "Você sente que você tem uma perda auditiva?"; Q2, "Em geral, você diria que sua audição é 'excelente', 'muito boa', 'boa', 'regular', 'ruim'?"; Q3, "Atualmente, você acha que 'ouve da mesma forma que ouvia antes', 'apenas o ouvido direito ouve menos do que antes', 'apenas o ouvido esquerdo ouve menos do que antes', 'os dois ouvidos ouvem menos do que ouviam antes'?". Para estimar as medidas de acurácia foram utilizadas sete medidas, incluindo o índice de Youden. As respostas obtidas para cada pergunta foram comparadas aos resultados da audiometria de tons puros. RESULTADOS: Estimativas de sensibilidade e especificidade foram, respectivamente, (Q1) 79,6% e 77,4%, (Q2) 66,9% e 85,1%, (Q3) 81,5% e 76,4%. O índice Youden variou de 51,9% (Q2), a 57,0% (Q1) e 57,9% (Q3). CONCLUSÕES: Cada pergunta permite obter respostas com acurácia suficiente para recomendar o uso da perda auditiva auto-referida em estudos epidemiológicos com adultos quando a audiometria de tons puros não for factível.OBJECTIVE: To estimate the validity of three single questions used to assess self-reported hearing loss as compared to pure-tone audiometry in an adult population. METHODS: A validity study was performed with a random sub-sample of 188 subjects aged 30 to 65 years, drawn from the fourth wave of a population-based cohort study carried out in Salvador, Northeastern Brazil. Data were collected in household visits using questionnaires. Three questions were used to separately assess self-reported hearing loss: Q1, "Do you feel you have a hearing loss?"; Q2, "In general, would you say your hearing is 'excellent,' 'very good,' 'good,' 'fair,' 'poor'?"; Q3, "Currently, do you think you can hear 'the same as before', 'less than before only in the right ear', 'less than before only in the left ear', 'less than before in both ears'?". Measures of accuracy were estimated through seven measures including Youden index. Responses to each question were compared to the results of pure-tone audiometry to estimate accuracy measures. RESULTS: The estimated sensitivity and specificity were 79.6%, 77.4% for Q1; 66.9%, 85.1% for Q2; and 81.5%, 76.4% for Q3, respectively. The Youden index ranged from 51.9% (Q2) to 57.0% (Q1) and 57.9% (Q3). CONCLUSIONS: Each of all three questions provides responses accurate enough to support their use to assess self-reported hearing loss in epidemiological studies with adult populations when pure-tone audiometry is not feasible

    The affective reactivity of psychotic speech:the role of internal source monitoring in explaining increased thought disorder under emotional challenge

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    Thought disorder (TD) has been shown to vary in relation to negative affect. Here we examine the role internal source monitoring (iSM, i.e. ability to discriminate between inner speech and verbalized speech) in TD and whether changes in iSM performance are implicated in the affective reactivity effect (deterioration of TD when participants are asked to talk about emotionally-laden topics). Eighty patients diagnosed with schizophrenia-spectrum disorder and thirty healthy controls received interviews that promoted personal disclosure (emotionally salient) and interviews on everyday topics (non-salient) on separate days. During the interviews, participants were tested on iSM, self-reported affect and immediate auditory recall. Patients had more TD, poorer ability to discriminate between inner and verbalized speech, poorer immediate auditory recall and reported more negative affect than controls. Both groups displayed more TD and negative affect in salient interviews but only patients showed poorer performance on iSM. Immediate auditory recall did not change significantly across affective conditions. In patients, the relationship between self-reported negative affect and TD was mediated by deterioration in the ability to discriminate between inner speech and speech that was directed to others and socially shared (performance on the iSM) in both interviews. Furthermore, deterioration in patients' performance on iSM across conditions significantly predicted deterioration in TD across the interviews (affective reactivity of speech). Poor iSM is significantly associated with TD. Negative affect, leading to further impaired iSM, leads to increased TD in patients with psychosis. Avenues for future research as well as clinical implications of these findings are discussed

    A Study of Financial Analysis Expectations and Practices in the Engineering Management Workplace

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    This paper describes an on-going study of Master of Engineering Management (MEM) students and the financial analysis related job expectations and environment they face. The objective of this effort is to provide enhanced understanding of these requirements so that instructional content in the related courses can be focused to meet these needs. To achieve this goal, the study segments findings based on a range of organizational and job level characteristics to identify critical differences in the financial work environment and the financial tools that are employed. Preliminary findings are discussed in this paper and contrasts between public and private sector practices are examined

    Systemic Issues in Asynchronous Delivery of Graduate Engineering Management Programs

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine systemic issues that impact the design, delivery, and maintenance of asynchronous engineering management educational products. Asynchronous education continues to rapidly evolve as an alternative to traditional classroom delivery. An asynchronous educational system requires the effective integration of technology, supporting processes, and infrastructure design to prepare, deliver, and maintain asynchronous educational products. Currently, the technological capabilities for delivery of asynchronous education have outstripped the ability to maximize those advanced technologies. To help understand this rift between technology and our ability to deploy that technology this paper examines three critical areas. First, the distinctions between asynchronous, distance (interactive televised), and live instruction are examined from a perspective of immediacy. Second, based on initial experiences in preparation and delivery of asynchronous education, a systemic issues perspective is developed. Finally, implications of systems design principles are presented as a guide for more effective future design of asynchronous educational products in engineering management

    Motivação e desempenho de tarefas num trabalho de Contact Center

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    Mestrado em Ciências EmpresariaisCom esta investigação pretende-se abordar os modelos contemporâneos de gestão, motivação, expectativas e de desempenho de tarefas dos funcionários tendo por base uma investigação do ponto de vista teórico. Os Contact Centers prestam serviços de atendimento telefónico através da integração da tecnologia e informação de recursos humanos, e funcionam como empresas e forma a permitir o tráfego de chamadas telefónicas e administrar o relacionamento entre a empresa e os seus clientes (Mocelin & Silva, 2004). O intuito do presente estudo é contribuir para a pesquisa na área em estudo, procurando desvendar conceitos que, muitas vezes, influenciam o desempenho das tarefas dos trabalhadores de Contact Center. Mais especificamente, a presente dissertação centra-se na premissa de que os diferentes tipos de motivação afetarão o desempenho das tarefas no trabalho Contact Center. De acordo com Rijo, Varajão, Gonçalves & Cruz, (2006) a tecnologia generalizou-se quer aos indivíduos quer às organizações, onde se verifica um aumento da capacidade de ação individual e coletiva, mas trazendo também um maior grau de complexidade às operações, de forma a associar telecomunicações e informática.With this research we intend to address the contemporary management models, evolution, expectations and employee performance of employee tasks based on research from the theoretical point of view, Contact Centers provide telephone answering services through integration of information technology and human resources and nd act as a business and to allow the traffic of telephone calls and manage the relationship between the company and its customers (Mocelin & Silva, 2004). The aim of this study is to contribute to research in the study area, seeking to unveil two concepts that often influence the performance of the Contact center workers. More specifically, this dissertation focuses on the premise that the different types of motivation will affect the performance of tasks at work Contact Center. According to Rijo, Varajão, Gonçalves & Cruz (2006) the technology became widespread both to individuals and to organizations, where there is an increase in individual action and collective capacity, but also bringing a greater degree of complexity of operations, in order to associate telecommunications and information technology

    A leitura do texto literário e os efeitos subjetivos no leitor

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    The article proposes an articulation between the act of reading and psychoanalytic theory based on the subject-reader's relationship with the literary text.El artículo propone una articulación entre el acto de leer y la teoría psicoanalítica a partir de la relación del sujeto-lector con el texto literario.L'article propose une articulation entre l'acte de lecture et la théorie psychanalytique fondée sur le rapport du sujet-lecteur au texte littéraire.O artigo propõe uma articulação entre o ato de ler e a teoria psicanalítica a partir da relação do sujeito-leitor com o texto literário