180 research outputs found

    Influence of the pre-treatment of glass substrates on Laser-Induced Backside Wet Etching using NIR Nanosecond-Pulses and Cu-based solutions

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    Laser induced backside wet etching (LIBWE) has shown to be a promising tool for the micro-structuring of transparent materials. Our group has investigated LIBWE using NIR ns-laser pulses and Cu-based absorber liquids. Focus of this paper is to investigate the influence of the pre-treatment of the transparent substrate on ablation. For this purpose experiments were done on untreated and silanized soda lime glass surfaces. Our results show that depending on the absorber liquid the silanization of the substrate either enhances or delays the ablation. Possible ablation models for the different experimental settings will be discussed

    Laser-induced chemical liquid-phase deposition of copper on transparent substrates

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    Laser-induced chemical liquid phase deposition allows maskless manufacturing of metallic structures on the surface of dielectrics and is prospected to be a promising tool in the field of microelectronics and microfluidics. The aim of the work presented here is to combine this deposition method with a related micro-structuring method known as laser-induced backside wet etching. Fabricating both, microstructured surface structures and subsequent deposition of conducting patterns within the same setup would be an interesting tool for rapid prototyping.To demonstrate the functional principle of this combined approach conductive copper lines were deposited at the backside of both polished and structured soda lime glass substrates by using a focused, scanning ns-pulsed Ytterbium fiber laser at 532nm wavelength. The deposition process is initiated by a photo induced reaction of a CuSO4-based liquid precursor in contact with the backside of the substrate. The obtained metallic copper deposits are crystalline, stable under ambient conditions and have a conductivity in the same order of magnitude as bulk copper

    A novel Model for the Mechanism of Laser-Induced Back Side Wet Etching in Aqueous Cu Solutions using ns Pulses at 1064nm

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    Laser induced back side wet etching has shown to be a promising tool for the micro-structuring of transparent materials. Detailed studies have been performed using UV excimer laser sources, aromatic hydrocarbon and liquid metal absorbers. Only little work is reported however using aqueous Cu solutions as absorbers and ns laser pulses at 1064 nm wavelength. We present a novel model for this specific setup. Our experiments indicate that physisorbed Cu2+ ions at the polar glass surface absorb the laser light. This leads to local thermal stresses in the glass and subsequent micro-ablation

    Micro structuring of transparent materials with NIR ns-laser pulses

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    A current challenge in laser processing is high precision micromachining of transparent materials, e.g. to manufacture micro-optical elements. This can be achieved amongst others by using laser induced backside wet etching. Research has been done by several groups in the last years. Most of the published results were obtained by using UV excimer lasers. Our approach deals withthe implementation of the technique for NIR laser sources. We investigated the effects of different pulse widths and repetitionrates on laser induced back side wet etching for 1064nm wavelength and for different absorbers

    Vascular dysfunction in children conceived by assisted reproductive technologies: underlying mechanisms and future implications.

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    Epidemiological studies in humans have demonstrated a relationship between pathological events during fetal development and increased cardiovascular risk later in life and have led to the so called "Fetal programming of cardiovascular disease hypothesis". The recent observation of generalised vascular dysfunction in young apparently healthy children conceived by assisted reproductive technologies (ART) provides a novel and potentially very important example of this hypothesis. This review summarises recent data in ART children demonstrating premature subclinical atherosclerosis in the systemic circulation and pulmonary vascular dysfunction predisposing to exaggerated hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension. These problems appear to be related to the ART procedure per se. Studies in ART mice demonstrating premature vascular aging and arterial hypertension further demonstrate the potential of ART to increase cardiovascular risk and have allowed to unravel epigenetic alterations of the eNOS gene as an underpinning mechanism. The roughly 25% shortening of the life span in ART mice challenged with a western style high-fat-diet demonstrates the potential importance of these alterations for the long-term outcome. Given the young age of the ART population, data on cardiovascular endpoints will not be available before 20 to 30 years from now. However, already now cohort studies of the ART population are needed to early detect cardiovascular alterations with the aim to prevent or at least optimally treat cardiovascular complications. Finally, a debate needs to be engaged on the future of ART and the consequences of its exponential growth for public health

    Q-NET: a new scholarly network on quantitative wood anatomy

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    Quantitative wood anatomy (QWA) is a dynamic research approach of increasing interest that can provide answers to a wide range of research questions across different disciplines. However, the lack of common protocols and knowledge gaps hinder the realisation of the full potential of QWA. Therefore, we established the new community-based network Q-NET to provide an open interdisciplinary platform for exchange and research around QWA. Q-NET (https://qwa-net.com) combines an online knowledge and exchange base with virtual workshops. The first two workshops each attracted more than 125 participants from around the world, demonstrating the community’s interest in QWA and this virtual way of networking and collaborating. Indeed, virtual networks such as Q-NET could increase the inclusiveness, efficiency and sustainability of scientific collaboration while providing additional training and teaching opportunities for early career scientists, both of which complement in-person conferences and workshops.Plant sciencesNaturali

    Living near main streets and respiratory symptoms in adults: the Swiss Cohort Study on Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults

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    The Swiss Cohort Study on Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults (SAPALDIA), conducted in 1991 (SAPALDIA 1) in eight areas among 9,651 randomly selected adults aged 18-60 years, reported associations among the prevalence of respiratory symptoms, nitrogen dioxide, and particles with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 10 microg/m3. Later, 8,047 subjects reenrolled in 2002 (SAPALDIA 2). The effects of individually assigned traffic exposures on reported respiratory symptoms were estimated, while controlling for socioeconomic and exposure- and health-related factors. The risk of attacks of breathlessness increased for all subjects by 13% (95% confidence interval: 3, 24) per 500-m increment in the length of main street segments within 200 m of the home and decreased in never smokers by 12% (95% confidence interval: 0, 22) per 100-m increment in distance from home to a main street. Living within 20 m of a main street increased the risks of regular phlegm by 15% (95% confidence interval: 0, 31) and wheezing with breathing problems by 34% (95% confidence interval: 0, 79) in never smokers. In 2002, the effects related to road distance were different from those in 1991, which could be due to changes in the traffic pollution mixture. These findings among a general population provide strong confirmation that living near busy streets leads to adverse respiratory health effects

    Adolescence is a sensitive period for prefrontal microglia to act on cognitive development

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    The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is a cortical brain region that regulates various cognitive functions. One distinctive feature of the PFC is its protracted adolescent maturation, which is necessary for acquiring mature cognitive abilities in adulthood. Here, we show that microglia, the brain's resident immune cells, contribute to this maturational process. We find that transient and cell-specific deficiency of prefrontal microglia in adolescence is sufficient to induce an adult emergence of PFC-associated impairments in cognitive functions, dendritic complexity, and synaptic structures. While prefrontal microglia deficiency in adolescence also altered the excitatory-inhibitory balance in adult prefrontal circuits, there were no cognitive sequelae when prefrontal microglia were depleted in adulthood. Thus, our findings identify adolescence as a sensitive period for prefrontal microglia to act on cognitive development

    Biodiversity in the Cladosporium herbarum complex (Davidiellaceae, Capnodiales), with standardisation of methods for Cladosporium taxonomy and diagnostics

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    The Cladosporium herbarum complex comprises five species for which Davidiella teleomorphs are known. Cladosporium herbarum s. str. (D. tassiana), C. macrocarpum (D. macrocarpa) and C. bruhnei (D. allicina) are distinguishable by having conidia of different width, and by teleomorph characters. Davidiella variabile is introduced as teleomorph of C. variabile, a homothallic species occurring on Spinacia, and D. macrospora is known to be the teleomorph of C. iridis on Iris spp. The C. herbarum complex combines low molecular distance with a high degree of clonal or inbreeding diversity. Entities differ from each other by multilocus sequence data and by phenetic differences, and thus can be interpreted to represent individual taxa. Isolates of the C. herbarum complex that were formerly associated with opportunistic human infections, cluster with C. bruhnei. Several species are newly described from hypersaline water, namely C. ramotenellum, C. tenellum, C. subinflatum, and C. herbaroides. Cladosporium pseudiridis collected from Iris sp. in New Zealand, is also a member of this species complex and shown to be distinct from C. iridis that occurs on this host elsewhere in the world. A further new species from New Zealand is C. sinuosum on Fuchsia excorticata. Cladosporium antarcticum is newly described from a lichen, Caloplaca regalis, collected in Antarctica, and C. subtilissimum from grape berries in the U.S.A., while the new combination C. ossifragi, the oldest valid name of the Cladosporium known from Narthecium in Europe, is proposed. Standard protocols and media are herewith proposed to facilitate future morphological examination of Cladosporium spp. in culture, and neotypes or epitypes are proposed for all species treated

    Scientific merits and analytical challenges of tree-ring densitometry

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    R.W. was supported by NERC grant NE/K003097/1.X-ray microdensitometry on annually-resolved tree-ring samples has gained an exceptional position in last-millennium paleoclimatology through the maximum latewood density parameter (MXD), but also increasingly through other density parameters. For fifty years, X-ray based measurement techniques have been the de facto standard. However, studies report offsets in the mean levels for MXD measurements derived from different laboratories, indicating challenges of accuracy and precision. Moreover, reflected visible light-based techniques are becoming increasingly popular and wood anatomical techniques are emerging as a potentially powerful pathway to extract density information at the highest resolution. Here we review the current understanding and merits of wood density for tree-ring research, associated microdensitometric techniques, and analytical measurement challenges. The review is further complemented with a careful comparison of new measurements derived at 17 laboratories, using several different techniques. The new experiment allowed us to corroborate and refresh ?long-standing wisdom?, but also provide new insights. Key outcomes include; i) a demonstration of the need for mass/volume based re-calibration to accurately estimate average ring density; ii) a substantiation of systematic differences in MXD measurements that cautions for great care when combining density datasets for climate reconstructions; and iii) insights into the relevance of analytical measurement resolution in signals derived from tree-ring density data. Finally, we provide recommendations expected to facilitate future inter-comparability and interpretations for global change research.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe