3,797 research outputs found

    The covariance matrix of ARMA-errors in closed form

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    The second derivative of the likelihood of an exact ARMA model

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    ARMA Models;econometrics

    Use of the multinomial jack-knife and bootstrap in generalized non-linear canonical correlation analysis

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    In this paper we discuss the estimation of mean and standard errors of the eigenvalues and category quantifications in generalized non-linear canonical correlation analysis (OVERALS). Starting points are the delta method equations, but the jack-knife and bootstrap are used to provide finite difference approximations to the derivatives

    Regionalismo y nacionalismo en el siglo XIX : la batalla de los conceptos (PaĂ­s Vasco, Flandes y Frisia)

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    Este artĂ­culo trata de la evoluciĂłn de los movimientos regionalistas y nacionalistas perifĂ©ricos en la Europa del siglo XIX a partir de tres casos concretos: PaĂ­s Vasco, Frisia y Flandes. Nuestro anĂĄlisis coteja dos elementos: uno, la terminologĂ­a empleada por los propios protagonistas para referirse a sus territorios, y dos, los conceptos que se manejan en la literatura acadĂ©mica para interpretar aquellos discursos. Constatamos que existe una gran ambigĂŒedad al identificar el regionalismo y el nacionalismo, lo que induce a confusiĂłn a la hora de realizar estudios comparativos. Aportamos una propuesta para operar con precisiĂłn conceptual en esos campos: es preciso recurrir a definiciones de partida que aclaren cĂłmo entendemos cada fenĂłmeno, y es conveniente combinar una interpretaciĂłn de las culturas tanto en sus propios tĂ©rminos como mediante herramientas analĂ­ticas que, aun no existiendo necesariamente en aquel tiempo o lugar, tengan un significado que describa aquellas inquietudes de nuestros antepasados.Aquest article tracta de l'evoluciĂł dels moviments regionalistes i nacionalistes perifĂšrics a l'Europa del segle XIX a partir de tres casos concrets: PaĂ­s Basc, Frisia i Flandes. La nostra anĂ lisi confronta dos elements: un, la terminologia emprada pels propis protagonistes per referir-se als seus territoris, i dos, els conceptes que s'emprena la literatura acadĂšmica per interpretar aquells discursos. Constatem que existeix una gran ambigĂŒitat a l'hora d'identificar el regionalisme i el nacionalisme, la qual cosa indueix a confusiĂł en realitzar estudis comparatius. Aportem una proposta per operar amb precisiĂł conceptual en aquests camps: cal recĂłrrer a definicions de partida que aclareixin com entenem cada fenomen, i Ă©s convenient combinar una interpretaciĂł de les cultures tant en els seus propis termes com mitjançant eines analĂ­tiques que, tot i que no existissin necessĂ riament en aquell temps o lloc, tinguin un significat que descrigui aquelles inquietuds dels nostres avantpassats.This article deals with the evolution of peripheral regionalist and nationalist movements in nineteenth century Europe from three specific cases: the Basque Country, Friesland and Flanders. Our analysis confronts two elements: the terminology used by the protagonists themselves talking about their territories and the concepts used in the academic literature to disclose those discourses. We have found that there is great ambiguity in identifying regionalism and nationalism, which leads to confusion when comparative studies are carried out. We offer a proposal to operate with conceptual precision in these fields: it is necessary to use starting definitions that clarify how we understand each phenomenon, and it is convenient to combine an interpretation of the cultures both in their own terms and through analytical tools that, though not necessarily existing in that time or place, have a meaning that describes those concerns of our ancestors

    Social Sustainability, Past and Future

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    For a professional, educated non-academic audience, this book asks how our societies were caught in a socio-economic dynamic causing the sustainability conundrum. It develops an original view of social evolution as the history of human information-processing, studying the past to understand the present in order to deal with the future. This title is also available as Open Access

    Alfons Dipenbrok i svet kompozitora fin-de-siĂšcle-a

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    The article consists of three parts. In the first part the author gives a survey of the large artistic renewal that took place in the Netherlands around 1900. Special attention is given to "de beweging van Tachtig" (the movement of the "Tachtigers"), a renewal movement in literature in which the composer Alphons Diepenbrock was involved. In the second part a short description of the life and work of this most important Dutch composer of the end of the nineteenth century is given. In his early years Diepenbrock orientated himself to composers like Wagner, especially around the First World War (in which the Netherlands remained a neutral country), and he became a fervent admirer of French art. His music is a unique synthesis of Wagner's chromaticism, the word-bound rhythms of plain-chant and the polyphonic music of the old Flemish schools of Ockeghem and Josquin. In the third part the author deals with a couple of Diepenbrock's (artistic) contacts. There are highlights on Mahler, Schönberg and Debussy, primarily based on their correspondence.Poslednje dve decenije 19. veka u Holandiji bile su obeleĆŸene novim procvatom kulture i umetnosti. Istaknuto mesto u umetničkom ĆŸivotu je zauzimala grupa umetnika okupljena oko "Beweging van Tachtig" na amsterdamskom univerzitetu. Ovi umetnici, među kojima je jedini muzičar bio Alfons Dipenbrok (1862-1921) suprotstavljali su se starijoj generaciji romantičara i okretali se idejama l'art-pour-l'art-a. Dipenbrok potiče iz poboĆŸne katoličke porodice. ZavrĆĄio je studije klasičnih jezika, dok je u muzici bio skoro samouk. Većina njegovih dela je vokalna. TeĆŸio je sintezi vagnerovske hromatizacije i polifonije Đ. P. Palestrine i J. S. Baha. Njegovo prvo zapaĆŸeno delo bila je Missa in die festo (1895) za tenor, osmoglasni muĆĄki hor i orgulje. Tokom vremena sve viĆĄe ga je privlačio svetao latinski svet kompozitora kao ĆĄto je K. Debisi, ĆĄto se ogleda u nekim njegovim delima, na primer muzici za komad Marsijas (1910). Sačuvana je Dipenbrokova korespondencija sa G. Malerom i A. Ć enbergom. Sa Malerom se upoznao 1903. godine a svaki njihov kasniji susret bio je prilika da se prijateljstvo potvrdi. Godine 1910. Dipenbrok je u Amsterdamu dirigovao Malerovim delom koje je naročito voleo - IV simfonijom. Bio je na Malerovoj sahrani u Beču sledeće godine. Godine 1912. Dipenbrok je upoznao A. Ć enberga koji je doĆĄao u Amsterdam da bi izveo svoju simfonijsku poemu Peleas i Melizanda. Iz dnevnika Dipenbrokove ĆŸene mogu se saznati detalji o razgovorima koje su vodili, posebno o Maleru. Ć enbergu se dopao Dipenbrokov Te Deum, pa je odmah pisao F. Ć rekeru da bi ga zamolio da se angaĆŸuje oko izvođenja ovog dela u Beču. Međutim, do realizacije te ideje nije nikada doĆĄlo, ĆĄto je Dipenbrok prokomentarisao na svoj karakteristično skroman način u pismu Ć enbergu od 8. januara 1913. godine, u kojem se pita da li će ikada ući u krug muzičkih heroja. Ostalo je i pisano svedočanstvo o Ć enbergovoj poseti Dipenbroku u martu 1914. godine, kada njihovom razgovoru nisu mogli da prisustvuju tada joĆĄ sasvim mladi A. Berg i A. Vebern, koji su morali da ostanu pred vratima kuće

    Pain and cognitive functioning in community-dwelling older adults

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