30 research outputs found

    Memorial of the Applicant

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    TesisCon los objetivos fijados para esta investigación en ESTUDIANTES DEL INSTITUTO DE EDUCACION SUPERIOR TECNOLOGICO PUBLICO SANTOS VILLALOBOS HUAMÁN, Se formaron dos grupos de 10 estudiantes cada uno; el grupo A (Grupo Control), no se le administró el paquete instruccional de educación ambiental basado en los siete saberes de la educación para el futuro y al grupo B (Grupo Experimental), se le administró a cada estudiante el paquete instruccional; antes de empezar el trabajo y al final del mismo se le aplicó una prueba objetiva de 40 peguntas en la escala vigesimal de cero a veinte. El efecto del estímulo; (el paquete instruccional) se midió según el calificativo alcanzado. Para la recolección de datos del proceso se utilizaron hojas de registro, de participación en el desarrollo del curso de educación ambiental, de asistencia a las evaluaciones y de intervenciones destacadas. Se generaron tablas y gráficos en la hoja de cálculo Excel del Microsoft Office 2007, El tratamiento estadístico de los datos fue realizado con la prueba del ANOVA utilizando el paquete computacional SPSS (Paquete Estadístico para las Ciencias Sociales). Se concluyo que: 1. Los módulos Educación ambiental en la educación intercultural y Los siete saberes de Edgar Morin, administrados a estudiantes de las especialidades de enfermería técnica, producción agropecuaria y de administración de empresas del Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Público “Santos Villalobos Huamán permitió determinar la alta eficiencia de las estrategias didácticas para la total comprensión de la educación ambiental y de Los Siete Saberes de Edgar Morín.2. Los resultados de las evaluaciones en el pre test y post test en el grupo control no mostraron diferencia estadística significativa. 3. Los resultados de las investigaciones pre test y post test en el grupo experimental si mostraron diferencias estadísticas significativas y 17,6 para el saber uno; 19,6 para el saber dos; 18 para el saber cuatro; 15,2 para el saber cinco; 19,6 para el saber seis y 17,2 para el saber siete. 4. En el grupo experimental para Educación Ambiental en escala vigesimal la mayor nota fue de 14 mientras que en el post test del grupo control fue 13,6

    Memorial of the Applicant

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    Memorial of the Applicant

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    Reading minds, bodies, and souls: Nineteenth century evangelical fiction and its legacy

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    In “Reading Minds” I argue that the emergence and legacy of evangelical fiction was shaped by evangelicalism’s sacralization of the reading act, and transferred anxieties about the effects of reading from the mind to the body. I also argue that the emergence of a distinct evangelical brand of fiction meant that even popular, respected writers like Harriet Beecher Stowe were forced to choose between evangelical and highbrow literary pursuits. Further, I argue that evangelical fiction was born in a time when evangelical periodicals had a dominant influence on the evangelical mind. These arguments rest on my foundational claim that the legacy of anti-intellectualism within evangelicalism is partly due to the way evangelicals relate to the fictions they read. As the nineteenth century drew to a close, evangelicals continued to value fictions that required readers to form particular kinds of emotional bonds with characters, which saw the bonds not as merely enjoyable, but deadly necessary. Their fictions featured less and less theological and intellectual complexity as their understanding of fiction became informed by a spiritual utilitarianism that distrusted texts that privileged the intellectual and aesthetic over the moral and the utilitarian. Through a steady diet of fiction, evangelicals of the late-nineteenth century learned to privilege heart over mind, experience over intellect

    Memorial of the Applicant

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    Memorial of the Applicant

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    Iron sucrose in hemodialysis patients: Safety of replacement and maintenance regimens

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    Background. Parenteral iron replacement and maintenance are frequently required in hemodialysis patients. However, serious adverse events have been reported after single doses of some intravenous iron products. This multicenter phase IV clinical trial examined the safety of iron sucrose for the treatment of iron deficiency and for the maintenance of iron sufficiency in hemodialysis patients. Methods. In this safety study, iron sucrose was given in two dosing regimens. Iron deficient patients were treated with intravenous iron sucrose, 100 mg, during 10 consecutive hemodialysis sessions (replacement regimen). Iron replete patients were given iron sucrose, 100 mg intravenous (iv) over 5 minutes, weekly for 10 weeks (maintenance regimen). At the end of each 10-dose cycle, iron status was reassessed, and dosing during the subsequent cycle was based on the adequacy of iron stores as per Dialysis Outcome Quality Initiative (K/DOQI) Guidelines. With each dosing regimen, adverse events, if any, were recorded and described. Results. Six hundred and sixty-five hemodialysis patients, including 80 who had experienced previous intolerance to other parenteral iron preparations, received a total of 8583 doses of iron sucrose. One hundred eighty-eight patients received more than one iv iron cycle (replacement, maintenance, or both). There were no serious or life-threatening drug-related adverse events. Conclusion. Iron sucrose is safe when given as treatment for iron deficiency or for maintenance of iron stores