67 research outputs found

    Una revisione sistematica sulle tecnologie digitali sulla scienza dello sport: Didattica dello Sport

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    Background. Several reviews have analyzed studies on the effect digital technologies have had on sports science from a didactic point of view. This research seeks to review select studies on digital technologies in sports science. Methods. A systematic search for studies published up to November 25, 2021, was carried out on Sportdiscus, Science Direct, PsycINFO, and Medline bibliographic. The search and review process was carried out following steps provided in the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) 2009 guidelines. Results. The initial database search returned 3256 results for inclusion in the systematic review. After removal of duplicates and non-full-length texts, scanning title and  bstracts, and full-text analysis, 13 articles were selected for inclusion. Discussion and Conclusion. Digital technologies have been very impactful in the development of sports science. This advancement has occurred in teaching (didactic of sport) and helping the population learn about the principles of exercising and sport science.Background. Diverse review hanno analizzato gli studi sull’effetto che le tecnologie digitali hanno avuto sulla scienza dello sport da un punto di vista didattico. Questa ricerca mira a rivedere studi selezionati sulle tecnologie digitali nella scienza dello sport. Metodi. Una ricerca sistematica degli studi pubblicati fino al 25 novembre 2021 è stata effettuata su Sportdiscus, Science Direct, PsycINFO e bibliografia Medline. Il processo di ricerca e revisione è stato eseguito seguendo i passaggi forniti nelle linee guida Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) 2009. Risultati. La ricerca iniziale nel database ha restituito 3256 risultati da includere nella revisione sistematica. Dopo la rimozione di duplicati e testi non integrali, la scansione del titolo e degli abstract e l’analisi del testo completo, sono stati selezionati 13 articoli per l’inclusione. Discussione e conclusione. Le tecnologie digitali hanno avuto un grande impatto nello sviluppo della scienza dello sport. Questo progresso è avvenuto nell’insegnamento (didattica dello sport) e nell’aiutare la popolazione a conoscere i principi dell’esercizio e della scienza dello sport

    Online Quantitative Research Methods: A Scoping Review on Education, Psychological Factors in E-Learning, and Working from Home

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    Quantitative research methods have undergone an online evolution both in content, in the data collected, but also in methodology and tools. The article is a scoping review that aims to trace the emerging issues in the field of research methodology. The online research has embraced the most disparate fields of research, in this review we have chosen to circumscribe to three main themes: education, psychological factors in elearning and working from home. Specifically, the emergence of an important amount of data such as big data and learning analytics made it necessary to review the purposes, methods of analyzing and reading emerging data in research contexts. The emerging themes during the pandemic related to education, psychological factors in elearning and working from home have had a research intervention due to social isolation and the need for such application models in the context of the pandemic


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    Previous research has provided a review of the literature on the state of research on mobile learning, but the use of m-learning and MALL to formal and informal learning of foreign languages needs further study. The need to review the language learning assisted by mobile devices emerges from a globalized context, in which pedagogy must question itself to plan and design research drawings in which mobile learning assumes a fundamental importance in teaching practice aimed above all at new generations of students.This study adopts a meta-analysis approach to systematically review the literature, thus providing a more complete analysis and synthesis of 83 studies from 2009 to 2018. Previous studies focus on the effectiveness and design of the mobile learning system.The search for databases and citations was performed by limiting the keywords referring to m-learning and to MALL. Compared to existing reviews, the results confirm revealing a skill-based approach to language learning with an emphasis on vocabulary, learning factors that influence students' perceptions and availability to use new cellular technologies

    Cyberfeminism: A Relationship between Cyberspace, Technology, and the Internet

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    The current of cyberfeminism has been active for 30 years now, also referred to as the “third wave” of feminism. Despite being an ambiguous and multifaceted movement involving multiple instances, cyberfeminism is represented in the imagination by women with strong knowledge of media and digital technologies. The purpose of this article is to analyze the socially and culturally constructed value that the media assume in this movement. The very concept of identity is undergoing a phenomenon of control whereby it is redefined by “control grids” (D. Haraway) that prevent free access to participation in life on the web. The utopian theories of feminists actually alternate with fundamental gender analyses within cyberspace that determine the amount of access to resources. The last phase of this phenomenon is instead characterized by the intent to break down gender inequalities through a series of digital products that produce changes in common perceptions: online magazines, YouTube channels, webinars, and entrepreneurship actions on the web. New media and, more generally, access to information are fundamental to social and political participation, in which the phenomenon of exclusion or production of inequalities is more visible. Gender divisions on the web also reinforce sociocultural barriers and sometimes create regressive and destructive forms of social bonds. Globalization also affects these dynamics and accentuates exaggerated forms of individualism and cognitive stiffening, which further accentuate the distinctive traits of gender inequalities in cyberspace

    The effect of motor development in adolescence on cognition: A cumulative literature review

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    The equal motor activity of the other sense organs is a prerequisite for the development of cognitive processes. The methodology used is a cumulative literature review structured on 10 systematic phases and is replicable. Showing considerable potential for cumulative research, the theory of motor development in adolescence appears to be a promising topic for a literature review and especially for the development of developmental psychology. The articles selected, starting from Gibson’s theory of 1979, use the concept of affordance as a principle of mediation between the environment and the development of the body. The modern view of motor development emphasizes the connection between genetic factors and environmental factors and that motor behaviour is the expression of this intrinsic interaction. The results produced suggest a functional relationship between action and language and, more generally, parallel development between cognitive, social-affective, and motor development. Conclusion: This evidence allows us to structure training courses in adolescence with effects on multiple cognitive domains. In addition to muscle development, the competence and development of movement is also explained through the balance of different subsystems

    Sport and physical education as prevention against technological addictions

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    There is no question that technologies have revolutionized the way with which our world operates and consequently the individuals' life styles. On the other hand, nowadays, technological addiction is an educational problem underestimated yet given its pervasiveness and diffusion among teenagers. Learning and cognition processes are influenced by the environmental experience, as technology has created a new environmental space to experience among digital natives. The purpose of this article is to examine some positive and negative effects of technology on teenagers' life styles. From a methodological point of view, a systematic review of the existing literature will be provided following the PRISMA guidelines both on technological addictions, examining the negative effects on adolescent mental health, and on educational strategies, on the other hand, aimed at promoting positive effects through analysis of the relationships between technology and learning processes. By comparing empirical studies and international experiences, it can be suggested that education plays a key role in preventing behavioural addictions and promoting physical and mental well-being, given that technology could represent a precursor of positive and stable attitudes towards healthy habits and learning processes

    Origin and Development of Moral Sense: A Systematic Review

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    The literature suggests that the moral sense is based on innate abilities. In fact, it has been shown that children show the capacity for moral discernment, emotions and prosocial motivations from an early age. However, the moral sense is a complex construct of an evolutionary and social nature that evolves under the influence of interpersonal relationships. The emergence and development of moral sense is a challenge that has prompted many research studies with the aim of achieving a clear comprehension of moral development. However, success has been scarce, and studies relevant to this subject are limited. Thus, a systematic review of studies relevant to this topic was conducted to clearly establish how moral sense emerges and develops. An Ovid search was conducted to retrieve relevant items for this systematic review. The databases that were electronically visited are Cross-reference, Google Scholar and PubMed. Strict inclusion and exclusion criteria were imposed on the retrieved items to retain only relevant resources. Twenty-six studies were found valid for inclusion in this systematic review. The results of these studies were presented differently: In order to effectively analyze the selected papers and bring out the results more clearly, a categorization of the approaches adopted in the studies was carried out. The approaches identified were: "Natural Moral Sense," "Social Relationships and Moral Development," and "Environmental Factors and Moral Development." The evidence that emerged from the analysis of the papers was collected to produce a general basic model that explains moral development while also serving as a link between the various studies. First, moral sense is found to be innate in humans; individuals can naturally respond morally to various dilemmas. As seen among children and young infants, moral sense naturally exists. Second, it can be socially nurtured through social interactions and exposure to various environmental factors. Various research studies were reviewed in this systematic review to obtain a consensus on how moral sense emerges and develops. From the systematic review, the moral sense is found to be innate. However, moral development is fostered by social interactions and environmental factors


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    Learning Analytics e bisogni speciali di apprendimento: un connubio possibile.

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    A theme strongly developed in the last five years is the relationship between Learning Analytics and disability (and more generally special needs). The methodological need of this new union stems from the necessity to collect a large amount of quantitative evidence with standardized tools to measure learning in special education, today very focused on qualitative analysis. These studies, pioneering, are tracing significant trajectories that describe the macro-themes in future research between Learning Analytics and special needs pedagogy: 1) Learning Analytics can help us to ascertain to what extent the accessibility of online courses contribute to inclusion and success training for disabled students; 2) Learning analytics brings out the relationship between the use of the online course and well-being, indicated by higher values in the dimension of hope supported, thanks also to the greater familiarity of students with learning disabilities towards assistive technology; 3) Dedicated Learning Analytics tools to evaluate and monitor the academic and scholastic success of students with disabilities. If it is true that an important didactical model followed in the technologies applied to teach, it is also true that the Self directed in learning pursues the autonomy and independence of the student. This model is still far from being reached by disabled students, for who it is still assumed the presence of a tutor who supports them in learning with technology.Un tema in forte sviluppo nell’ultimo quinquennio è il rapporto fra Learning Analytics e disabilità (e più in generale special needs). L’esigenza metodologica di questo inedito connubio nasce dalla necessità di raccogliere una grossa mole di evidenze quantitative con strumenti standardizzati per misurare gli apprendimenti nella pedagogia speciale, oggi ancora molto focalizzata su analisi qualitative. Tali studi, pioneristicamente, stanno tracciando delle traiettorie significative che descrivono i macro-temi nella ricerca futura tra Learning Analytics e pedagogia speciale: 1) Learning Analytics permette di accertare in quale misura l’accessibilità dei corsi online contribuisca all’inclusione e al successo formativo degli studenti disabili; 2) Learning analytics fa emergere la relazione tra l'utilizzo del corso online e il benessere, indicata da valori più alti nella dimensione della speranza, grazie anche alla maggiore familiarità degli studenti con disabilità dell'apprendimento verso la tecnologia assistiva; 3) Strumenti dedicati di Learning Analytics per valutare e monitorare il successo accademico e scolastico degli studenti con disabilità. Se è vero che un importante modello pedagogico seguito nelle tecnologie applicate alla didattica è del Self directed in learning che persegue l’autonomia e l’indipendenza dello studente, tale modello è ancora lontano da raggiungere per gli studenti con disabilità, per i quali si presuppone ancora la presenza di un tutor che li supporti negli apprendimenti con la tecnologia
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