196 research outputs found

    Perkembangan linguistik modern: sejarah linguistik

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang sejarah linguistik secara rinci. Uraian diawali dengan tradisi linguistik yang muncul dari zaman kuno. Dimulai dengan tradisi teks-teks linguistik pada zaman Babilonia Kuno, perubahan bahasa pada zaman Hindu, tradisi gramatika Yunani, linguistik roman, tradisi gramatika Arab, tradisi linguistik Ibrani. Bahasan juga mengetengahkan sejarah lahirnya tatabahasa universal, metode bandingan. Pembahasan dalam artikel ditutup dengan bahasan tentang tipologi

    Pendekatan scientific, model, dan strategi pembelajaran dalam kurikulum 2013

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    Artikel merupakan kajian pustaka tentang proses pelaksanaan kurikulum 2013. Dijabarkan secara rinci masing-masing proses yang mengacu pada kurikulum. Diuraikan juga pendekatan scientific sebagai pembelajaran inkuiri yang bernafaskan konstruktivisme

    Apa itu sosiolinguistik?

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    Merupakan artikel yang mengupas kajian tentang sosiolingitik. Kajian diawali dengan bahasan tentang pengertian menyeluruh tentang " sosiolinguistik" dan "bahasa". Kajian dilanjutkan dengan variasi bahasa yang beragam, penelitian ilmiah bahasa, hubungan anatara bahasa dan masyarakat serta sosiolinguistik dan sosiologi bahasa. dalam artikel ini juga dijelaskan kaitan tentang bahasa dan dialek. PAda bagian akhir dipaparkan bahasa daerah dan dialek sosisal yang ada dimasyarakat

    Diplomasi kebahasaan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa asing

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    Artikel memaparkan tentang istilah diplomasi secara jelas. Selanjutnya dijelaskan tentang perkembangan teknologi informasi yang sangat pesat. Artikel menjelaskan tentang program BIPA sebagai langkah diplomasi kebahasaan dengan bangsa lainnya. Dalam artikel juga disajikan bagaimana peran pengajar BIPA dalam mengintegrasikan muatan budaya Indonesia dalam bahan ajar BIPA dan mendorong peserta didik mengikuti aktivitas budaya Indonesia, sebagai duta bahasa dan budaya Indonesia dengan cara memperluas jejaring


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    Kompor dengan minyak tanah banyak digunakan dimasyarakat karena mudah dalam pengoperasiannya dan kompornya mudah didapat dan murah.Saat ini minyak tanah subsidinya dicabut pemerintah sehingga harganya menjadi mahal,maka perlu penggunaan bahan bakar alternatif yaitu methanol. Penelitian ini bertujun untuk mengetahui pengaruh jumlah lubang burner kompor methanol terhadap karakteristik pembakaran. Penelitian pada kompor methanol diawali dengan mengukur temperatur api,mengukur konsumsi bahan bakar selama 20 menit, kemudian dilanjutkan mengukur waktu pendidihan 1 liter air. Bahan burner menggunakan stanlis, model burner dibuat dengan 3 variasi jumlah lubang burner 16,20 dan 22. Karakteristik pembakaran yaitu dengan cara mengukur temperatur api yang dihasilkan melalui 4 titik, konsumsi bahan bakar selama 20 menit dan waktu pendidihan air Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa variasi jumlah lubang burner berpengaruh terhadap karakteristik pembakaran.Temperatur api tertinggi diperoleh pada burner lubang 22 dengan temperatur rata- rata 5930C dan waktu pendidihan yang paling cepat diperoleh pada burner lubang 22 selama 15 menit.. Konsumsi bahan bakar yang paling hemat sampai air mendidih diperoleh pada burner lubang 16 sebanyak 38 ml, Kestabilan nyala api terbaik diperoleh pada burner lubang 20


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    Taufik Adi Nugroho. 2020. Pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility Pada Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Pertambangan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2015-2019. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1). Untuk menganalisis pengaruh corporate social responsibility terhadap kinerja keuangan 2) untuk menganalisis pengaruh corporate social responsibility terhadap nilai perusahaan 3) untuk menganalisis pengaruh kinerja keuangan terhadap nilai perusahaan dan 4) untuk menganalisis pengaruh corporate social responsibility terhadap nilai perusahaan melalui kinerja keuangan sebagai pemediasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif. Sedangkan metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah pengujian asumsi klasik, analisis regresi linier berganda, uji signifikansi parameter individual, uji signifikansi simultan koefisien determinasi dan Sobel test. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah 1) corporate social responsibility berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan pertambangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. 2) corporate social responsibility berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan pertambangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. 3) kinerja keuangan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan pertambangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. 4) kinerja keuangan tidak mampu memediasi pengaruh corporate social responsibility terhadap nilai perusahaan pertambangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Kata Kunci : corporate social responsibility, kinerja keuangan, nilai perusahaan

    Karakteristik Jiwa Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

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    Enterpreneurship education is becoming one main concern at University of Trunojoyo Madura. Through this education, it is expected to be a basic skill for the students to be an enterpreneur in their life, now and future.This policy is in line with the program launched by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture in term of Students’ Enterpreneurship Program. This program is conducted in all higher education institutions in Indonesia including University of Trunojoyo Madura. Students’ Enterpreneurship Program aims at providing some basic knowledge and skills of enterpreneurship based on science and technology to the university students in order to become a formidable and successful enterpreneur to face the global competition. There are only few students of University of Trunojoyo Madura utilize themselves to take advantages from the enterpreneurship education provided by the university as a good opportunity to become an enterpreneur. Based on the fact, the study is conducted to identify the characteristics of students’ enterpreneurship at University of Trunojoyo Madura. The variables observed consist of the characteristics of enterpreneurship. They are achievement impulse, sense of responsibility, attitude toward risk, self-confidence, the use of feedback, long-term orientation, managerial skills, and attitude toward money. This study uses descriptive qualitative method. Results of the study show that from the eight characteristics of enterpreneurship available in this study, there is only a long-term orientation owned by the respondents. It shows a high percentage in 70%. Meanwhile, the rest seven characteristics available such as achievement impulse, sense of responsibility, attitude toward risk, self-confidence, the use of feedback, managerial skills, and attitude toward money are also owned by the respondents although still in intermediate scale. Another result shows that there is only 36.2% of the students of University of Trunojoyo want to be an enterpreneur, while the rest, 63.8% of the students are interested in becoming an employee, either in private or government official

    Analisis Nilai Overall Equipment Effectiveness Pada Mesin Wheeloader Liugong CLG-856

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    Work measurement system is very important for the company, it aims to know whether or not achieved the target company. The use of the tool can only be repaired and controlled properly if the right performance measurement system is used, to know the value of a machine or equipment effectiveness it is necessary to use a method of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), to obtain the OEE value required calculation 3 (three) Availability Ratio, Performance effeciency, Rate ofQuality. The research was conducted on the Wheel Loader CLG-856 engine. The data used in this study consisted of data for one year. OEE calculation results from January 2016 - December 2016. The average value of Availability wheel loader no 16 from january 2016-december 2016 is 87.10%, Value Performance efficiency wheel loader no 16 from January 2016-December 2016 is above the value Ideal> 95%, Rate of Quality wheel loader no 16 from January 2016 - December 2016 is above ideal value> 99%, and OEE indicates that it is still below ideal value> 85%, where the average value of OEE is 84 , 73%, and the value is categorized acceptablebut needs to be over 85% improvement and move towardswordclass


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    The development of a dynamic, unpredictable organizational environment is required for organizations to manage changes to survive. This research aims to explore the approach of managing change in the organization and the factors of resistance to change. This study uses this type of literature research, by tracing articles, books, and documents relevant to this study. The results found there are six steps in making organizational changes, namely: Forces for change, Diagnosis of the problem, Selection appropriate methode, impediment and limiting condition, Implementation of method, evaluation programe. While factors cause resistance to change, include: habits, fear of unwanted things, economic factors, lack of confidence in the work situation, fear of failure, loss of status or job security, no benefit gained from change.  The success of changes in the organization is heavily influenced by leadership factors. Therefore, strong, visionary, and transformational leadership is needed to achieve the goals of change in the organization

    Technical Analysis of Organic Rankine Cycle System Using Low-Temperature Source to Generate Electricity in Ship

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    Nowadays, the shipping sector has growth rapidly as followed by the increasing of world population and the demands for public transportation via sea. This issue entails the large attention on emission, energy efficiency and fuel consumption on the ship. Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) is one of the solution to overcome the mentioned issue and one of the WHR method is by installing Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) system in ship. ORC demonstrate to recover and exploit the low temperature waste heat rejected by the ship power generation plant. The main source of heat to be utilized is obtained from container ship (7900 kW BHP, DWT 10969 mt) ship jacket water cooling system and use R-134a as a refrigerant. The main equipment consists of evaporator, condenser, pump and steam turbine to generate the electricity. The main objective is to quantifying the estimation of electrical power which can be generated at typical loads of the main engine. As the final result of analysis, the ORC system is able to generate the electricity power ranged from 77,5% - 100% of main engine load producing power averagely 57,69 kW
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