222 research outputs found


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    O presente trabalho pretende demonstrar as principais dificuldades e os caminhos para se ter mais acessibilidade nas instituições de ensino superior em Goiânia, através de pesquisas e visitas identificamos os principais problemas que os alunos com algum tipo de deficiência física tem para se locomover dentro das instituições de ensino, coisas simples como rampas, escadas, corrimãos e piso tátil fazem grande diferença para pessoas que necessitam de ajuda para locomoção, e boa parte das instituições não são adequadas para receber alunos com algum tipo de deficiência, porém também pode-se perceber uma evolução no quesito inclusão, através de reformas e adequações que estão ou já foram feitas pelas faculdades e universidades para que se possa ter mais acessibilidade. Com o surgimento de novas políticas de acessibilidade e fiscalização por porte dos órgãos públicos as instituições de ensino estão sendo obrigadas a se adequar para poder receber esse novo perfil de estudante

    Robust structure-based resonance assignment for functional protein studies by NMR

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    High-throughput functional protein NMR studies, like protein interactions or dynamics, require an automated approach for the assignment of the protein backbone. With the availability of a growing number of protein 3D structures, a new class of automated approaches, called structure-based assignment, has been developed quite recently. Structure-based approaches use primarily NMR input data that are not based on J-coupling and for which connections between residues are not limited by through bonds magnetization transfer efficiency. We present here a robust structure-based assignment approach using mainly HN–HN NOEs networks, as well as 1H–15N residual dipolar couplings and chemical shifts. The NOEnet complete search algorithm is robust against assignment errors, even for sparse input data. Instead of a unique and partly erroneous assignment solution, an optimal assignment ensemble with an accuracy equal or near to 100% is given by NOEnet. We show that even low precision assignment ensembles give enough information for functional studies, like modeling of protein-complexes. Finally, the combination of NOEnet with a low number of ambiguous J-coupling sequential connectivities yields a high precision assignment ensemble. NOEnet will be available under: http://www.icsn.cnrs-gif.fr/download/nmr

    The Upper and Lower Visual Field of Man: Electrophysiological and Functional Differences

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    Effect of the northern fowl mite, ornithonyssus sylviarum (Canestrini and Fanzago), on white leghorn roosters

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    Vita.The effects of the northern fowl mite, Ornithonyssus sylviarum (Canestrini and Fanzago), on body weight, reproductive potential and hematology of White Leghorn roosters were studied. Mean body weight was approximately 100 g. less for the mite infested roosters than for the uninfested roosters 4 weeks after they were infested with the northern fowl mite. Both groups increased in weight throughout the 26 weeks of the test but the differences in weight remained. Reproductive potential studies showed that after moderate populations of mites (101-1,000 mites/rooster) were observed, the volume of seminal fluid decreased. Four weeks before the test ended, one half of the infested roosters produced an average of less than 0.1 ml. of seminal fluid per week while the other half showed a decrease of 0.07 ml. in volume of seminal fluid produced when compared with the controls. Sperm concentration of mite infested roosters increased as the volume of seminal fluid decreased but was not statistically different from the controls. Motility and live/dead ratios of sperm did not show significant differences. Serum testosterone levels were statistically different between mite infested and control roosters. Hematology studies showed the greatest decrease in RBC and PCV occurred from the 4th to the 8th weeks when infestations were initially increasing rapidly. Mean Hemoglobin concentrations for the infested birds were consistently lower but not statistically different from the controls. No specific anemia could be attributed to mite populations as all hematological values were within normal ranges

    Effect of the northern fowl mite, ornithonyssus sylviarum (Canestrini and Fanzago), on white leghorn roosters

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    Vita.The effects of the northern fowl mite, Ornithonyssus sylviarum (Canestrini and Fanzago), on body weight, reproductive potential and hematology of White Leghorn roosters were studied. Mean body weight was approximately 100 g. less for the mite infested roosters than for the uninfested roosters 4 weeks after they were infested with the northern fowl mite. Both groups increased in weight throughout the 26 weeks of the test but the differences in weight remained. Reproductive potential studies showed that after moderate populations of mites (101-1,000 mites/rooster) were observed, the volume of seminal fluid decreased. Four weeks before the test ended, one half of the infested roosters produced an average of less than 0.1 ml. of seminal fluid per week while the other half showed a decrease of 0.07 ml. in volume of seminal fluid produced when compared with the controls. Sperm concentration of mite infested roosters increased as the volume of seminal fluid decreased but was not statistically different from the controls. Motility and live/dead ratios of sperm did not show significant differences. Serum testosterone levels were statistically different between mite infested and control roosters. Hematology studies showed the greatest decrease in RBC and PCV occurred from the 4th to the 8th weeks when infestations were initially increasing rapidly. Mean Hemoglobin concentrations for the infested birds were consistently lower but not statistically different from the controls. No specific anemia could be attributed to mite populations as all hematological values were within normal ranges


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