7,111 research outputs found

    Mass accretion rates from multiband photometry in the Carina Nebula: The case of Trumpler 14

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    open8siWe present a study of the mass accretion rates of pre-main sequence (PMS) stars in the cluster Trumpler 14 (Tr 14) in the Carina Nebula. Using optical multiband photometry we were able to identify 356 PMS stars showing Hα excess emission with equivalent width EW(Hα) > 20 Å. We interpret this observational feature as an indication that these objects are still actively accreting gas from their circumstellar medium. From a comparison of the HR diagram with PMS evolutionary models we derive ages and masses of the PMS stars. We find that most of the PMS objects are younger than 10 Myr with a median age of ~3 Myr. Surprisingly, we also find that ~20% of the mass accreting objects are older than 10 Myr. For each PMS star in Trumpler 14 we determine the mass accretion rate (Ṁacc) and discuss its dependence on mass and age. We finally combine the optical photometry with near-IR observations to build the spectral energy distribution (SED) for each PMS star in Tr 14. The analysis of the SEDs suggests the presence of transitional discs in which a large amount of gas is still present and sustains accretion onto the PMS object at ages older than 10 Myr. Our results, discussed in light of recent recent discoveries with Herschel of transitional discs containing a massive gas component around the relatively old PMS stars TW Hydrae, 49 Ceti, and HD 95086, support a new scenario n which old and evolved debris discs still host a significant amount of gas.openBeccari, G.; De Marchi, G.; Panagia, N.; Valenti, E.; Carraro, G.; Romaniello, M.; Zoccali, M.; Weidner, C.Beccari, G.; De Marchi, G.; Panagia, N.; Valenti, E.; Carraro, Giovanni; Romaniello, M.; Zoccali, M.; Weidner, C

    Probing the Galactic Bulge with deep Adaptive Optics imaging: the age of NGC 6440

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    We present first results of a pilot project aimed at exploiting the potentiality of ground based adaptive optics imaging in the near infrared to determine the age of stellar clusters in the Galactic Bulge. We have used a combination of high resolution adaptive optics (ESO-VLT NAOS-CONICA) and wide-field (ESO-NTT-SOFI) photometry of the metal rich globular cluster NGC 6440 located towards the inner Bulge, to compute a deep color magnitude diagram from the tip of the Red Giant Branch down to J~22$, two magnitudes below the Main Sequence Turn Off (TO). The magnitude difference between the TO level and the red Horizontal Branch has been used as an age indicator. It is the first time that such a measurement for a bulge globular cluster has been obtained with a ground based telescope. From a direct comparison with 47 Tuc and with a set of theoretical isochrones, we concluded that NGC 6440 is old and likely coeval to 47 Tuc. This result adds a new evidence that the Galactic Bulge is ~2 Gyr younger at most than the pristine, metal poor population of the Galactic Halo

    Efectos de la exposición al humo lateral del cigarrillo sobre el barorreflejo en ratones adultos

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    BACKGROUND: It has been evidenced in the literature that exposure to cigarette smoke causes hypertension in rats; however, it has not been demonstrated if the baroreflex function is impaired before the animal becomes hypertensive. OBJECTIVE: We evaluated short-term effects of sidestream cigarette smoke (SSCS) exposure on baroreflex function in Wistar normotensive rats. METHODS: Rats were exposed to SSCS during three weeks, 180 minutes, five days per week, at a concentration of monoxide carbon between 100-300 ppm. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) were evaluated through cannulation of the femoral vein and artery. RESULTS: There was no significant difference between control and SSCS groups regarding basal mean arterial pressure and heart rate, sympathetic and parasympathetic components of the baroreflex function. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that three weeks of exposure to SSCS is not enough to significantly impair cardiovascular parameters and baroreflex sensitivity in normotensive Wistar rats.FUNDAMENTO: Ha sido demostrado en la literatura que la exposición al humo del cigarrillo causa hipertensión en ratones; entre tanto, aun no fue demostrado si la función barorreflexa está perjudicada antes que el animal se vuelva hipertenso. OBJETIVO: Evaluamos los efectos de corto plazo de la exposición al humo lateral del cigarrillo (HLC) sobre la función barorreflexa en ratones Wistar normotensos. MÉTODOS: Los ratones fueron expuestos al HLC durante tres semanas, 180 minutos, cinco días por semana, a una concentración de monóxido de carbono entre 100-300 ppm. La presión arterial media (PAM) y la frecuencia cardíaca (FC) fueron evaluadas a través de canulación de la vena y arteria femoral. RESULTADOS: No hubo diferencia significativa entre los grupos control y HLC en relación a la MAP y FC, componentes simpáticos y parasimpáticos de la función barorreflexa. CONCLUSIÓN: Nuestros datos sugieren que tres semanas de exposición a la HLC no son suficientes para causar daño significativo a los parámetros cardiovasculares y sensibilidad barorreflexa en ratones Wistar normotensos.FUNDAMENTO: Tem sido demonstrado na literatura que a exposição à fumaça do cigarro causa hipertensão em ratos; entretanto, ainda não foi demonstrado se a função barorreflexa está prejudicada antes do animal se tornar hipertenso. OBJETIVO: Avaliamos os efeitos de curto prazo da exposição à fumaça lateral do cigarro (FLC) sobre a função barorreflexa em ratos Wistar normotensos. MÉTODOS: Os ratos foram expostos à FLC durante três semanas, 180 minutos, cinco dias por semana, a uma concentração de monóxido de carbono entre 100-300 ppm. A pressão arterial média (PAM) e a freqüência cardíaca (FC) foram avaliadas através de canulação da veia e artéria femoral. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença significante entre os grupos controle e FLC em relação à MAP e FC, componentes simpáticos e parassimpáticos da função barorreflexa. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos dados sugerem que três semanas de exposição à FLC não são suficientes para causar dano significante aos parâmetros cardiovasculares e sensibilidade barorreflexa em ratos Wistar normotensos.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)UNIFESP Departamento de MedicinaFaculdade de Medicina do ABC Departamento de Morfologia e FisiologiaFaculdade de Medicina do ABC Departamento de Clínica MédicaUNIFESP, Depto. de MedicinaSciEL

    l-Lactate generates hydrogen peroxide in purified rat liver mitochondria due to the putative l-lactate oxidase localized in the intermembrane space

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    AbstractIn order to ascertain whether and how mitochondria can produce hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as a result of l-lactate addition, we monitored H2O2 generation in rat liver mitochondria and in submitochondrial fractions free of peroxisomal and cytosolic contamination. We found that H2O2 is produced independently on the respiratory chain with 1:1 stoichiometry with pyruvate, due to a putative flavine-dependent l-lactate oxidase restricted to the intermembrane space. The l-lactate oxidase reaction shows a hyperbolic dependence on l-lactate concentration and is inhibited by NAD+ in a competitive manner, being the enzyme different from the l-lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes as shown by their pH profiles

    The peculiar B-type supergiant HD327083

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    Coude spectroscopic data of a poorly-studied peculiar supergiant, HD327083, are presented. Halpha and Hbeta line profiles have been fitted employing a non-LTE code adequate for spherically expanding atmospheres. Line fits lead to estimates of physical parameters. These parameters suggest that HD327083 may be close to the Luminous Blue Variable phase but it is also possible that it could be a B[e] Supergiant.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in A&A Lette

    A new device to measure isometric strength in upper limbs: comparison between dominant and non-dominant limbs*

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    Univ Estadual Paulista, Dept Mecan, Guaratingueta, SP, BrazilFac Med ABC, Dept Morfol & Fisiol, Santo Andre, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Med, Disciplina Cardiol, São Paulo, BrazilFac Tecnol São Paulo FATEC, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Carlos, Dept Educ Fis & Motricidade Humana, BR-13560 Sao Carlos, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Med, Disciplina Cardiol, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    2D/3D SSM reconstruction method based on robust point matching

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    Precise radial velocities of giant stars. III. Spectroscopic stellar parameters

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    Context: A radial velocity survey of about 380 G and K giant stars is ongoing at Lick observatory. For each star we have a high signal to noise ratio template spectrum, which we use to determine spectroscopic stellar parameters. Aim: The aim of this paper is to present spectroscopic stellar parameters, i.e. effective temperature, surface gravity, metallicity and rotational velocity for our sample of G and K giant stars. Methods: Effective temperatures, surface gravities and metallicities are determined from the equivalent width of iron lines. Rotational velocities are determined from the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of moderate spectral lines. A calibration between the FWHM and total broadening (rotational velocity and macro turbulence) is obtained from stars in common between our sample and the sample from Gray (1989). Results: The metallicity we derive is essentially equal to the literature values, while the effective temperature and surface gravity are slightly higher by 56 K and 0.15 dex, respectively. Our rotational velocities are comparable with the ones obtained by Gray (1989), but somewhat higher than the ones obtained by de Medeiros & Mayor (1999), consistent with the different diagnostics used. Conclusions: We are able to determine spectroscopic stellar parameters for about 380 G and K giant stars in a uniform way (112 stars are being analysed spectroscopically for the first time). For stars available in the literature, we find reasonable agreement between literature values and values determined in the present work. In addition, we show that the metallicity enhancement of companion hosting stars might also be valid for giant stars, with the planet-hosting giants being 0.13 +/- 0.03 dex (i.e. 35 +/- 10%) more metal-rich than our total sample of stars.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Heat-transfer fingerprint of Josephson breathers

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    A sine-Gordon breather enhances the heat transfer in a thermally biased long Josephson junction. This solitonic channel allows for the tailoring of the local temperature throughout the system. Furthermore, the phenomenon implies a clear thermal fingerprint for the breather, and thus a 'non-destructive' breather detection strategy is proposed here. Distinct breathing frequencies result in morphologically different local temperature peaks, which can be identified in an experiment.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure