5,769 research outputs found

    Determining Bolometric Corrections for BATSE Burst Observations

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    We compare the energy and count fluxes obtained by integrating over the finite bandwidth of BATSE with a measure proportional to the bolometric energy flux, the phi-measure, introduced by Borgonovo & Ryde. We do this on a sample of 74 bright, long, and smooth pulses from 55 GRBs. The correction factors show a fairly constant behavior over the whole sample, when the signal-to-noise-ratio is high enough. We present the averaged spectral bolometric correction for the sample, which can be used to correct flux data.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, to appear in AIP proc. "Gamma-Ray Burst and Afterglow Astronomy 2001" Woods Hole, Massachusett

    Modelling Circumbinary Gas Flows in Close T Tauri Binaries

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    Young close binaries open central gaps in the surrounding circumbinary accretion disc, but the stellar components may still gain mass from gas crossing through the gap. It is not well understood how this process operates and how the stellar components are affected by such inflows. Our main goal is to investigate how gas accretion takes place and evolves in close T Tauri binary systems. In particular, we model the accretion flows around two close T Tauri binaries, V4046 Sgr and DQ Tau, both showing periodic changes in emission lines, although their orbital characteristics are very different. In order to derive the density and velocity maps of the circumbinary material, we employ two-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations with a locally isothermal equation of state. The flow patterns become quasi-stable after a few orbits in the frame co-rotating with the system. Gas flows across the circumbinary gap through the co-rotating Lagrangian points, and local circumstellar discs develop around both components. Spiral density patterns develop in the circumbinary disc that transport angular momentum efficiently. Mass is preferentially channelled towards the primary and its circumstellar disc is more massive than the disc around the secondary. We also compare the derived density distribution to observed line profile variability. The line profile variability tracing the gas flows in the central cavity shows clear similarities with the corresponding observed line profile variability in V4046 Sgr, but only when the local circumstellar disc emission was excluded. Closer to the stars normal magnetospheric accretion may dominate while further out the dynamic accretion process outlined here dominates. Periodic changes in the accretion rates onto the stars can explain the outbursts of line emission observed in eccentric systems such as DQ Tau.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA


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    Obra ressenyada: Josep ABAD I SENTÍS, La vila de Sabadell davant la Guerra Patriòtica o dels Segadors (1598-1659). Sabadell: Arxiu Històric de Sabadell, 2003 ; Antoni SIMON I TARRÉS (a cura de), Cròniques de la Guerra dels Segadors. Barcelona: Fundació Pere Coromines, 2003


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    Obres ressenyades: Luis Antonio RIBOT GARCÍA, La Monarquía de España y la guerra de Mesina (1674-1678). Madrid: Actas, 2002; Guy ROWLANDS, The Dynastic State and the Army under Louis XIV. Royal Service and Private Interest, 1661-1701. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002


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    Index de les obres ressenyades: Antoni VILADAMOR, Història general de Catalunya (2 vols.). Edició crítica d'Eulàlia MIRALLES. Pròleg d'Eulàlia DURAN

    Catalunya i Castella, 1598-1652 : "nosaltres i els altres"

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    Aquesta tesi ha analitzat la literatura i la iconografia de Catalunya i de Castella entre els anys 1598 i 1652, una època de grans tensions entre les institucions catalanes i la Monarquia Hispànica. L'objectiu és demostrar que les expressions artístiques poden ser fonts historiogràfiques per a l'anàlisi de les identitats col·lectives de caràcter nacional.Esta tesis ha analizado la literatura y la iconografía de Cataluña y Castilla entre los años 1598 y 1652, una época de grandes tensiones entre las instituciones catalanas y la Monarquía Hispánica. Su objetivo es demostrar que las expresiones artísticas pueden ser fuentes historiográficas para el análisis de las identidades colectivas de carácter nacional.This PhD thesis analyses the literature and iconography of Catalonia and Castile between 1598 and 1652, a period of great tensions between the Catalan institutions and the Hispanic Monarchy. Its aim is to demonstrate that these artistic expressions can be used as historiographical sources for the study of a nation's collective identity

    Economía y biología: Endosimbiosis

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    El artículo sostiene la relación endosimbiótica entre la Economía y la Biología, sin incurrir en la generalización o extensión de tópicos, métodos o técnicas, pues lo económico es intrínseco en el proceso de la evolución de los organismos en la naturaleza. La singularidad del texto radica en aludir los aspectos económicos en el origen (“la vida se basa en copiar cosas, en aprovechar soluciones existentes”, Sampedro, 2002: 142), desde los organismos más primitivos en la naturaleza a los más evolucionados, donde subyace la interacción y la utilida