707 research outputs found

    A TECNOLOGIA ASSISTIVA CÃES-GUIA NO BRASIL: uma ação do Programa Viver sem Limite

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    Este artigo se propõe apresentar a política pública brasileira quanto à implantação da Tecnologia Assistiva Cães-guia. Para tanto, apresenta a conceitualização de Tecnologia Assistiva e relata a especificidade da criação de um dos Centros de Formação de Treinadores e Instrutores de Cães-guia, a partir da revisão dos marcos legais que instituíram tal ação governamental e do modo como o mesmo se organiza e funciona. Percebe-se, nessa análise, a ampliação da participação das pessoas com deficiência visual, que se constituiu a partir de uma política afirmativa governamental que não pode ser minorizada pelo corte de verbas públicas federais.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Política Pública; Tecnologia Assistiva; Cães-guia; Pessoa com Deficiência Visual.   ABSTRACT This article propose to present the brazilian public policy by the implantation Assistive Technology of guide dog . In order to do so, it presents the Assistive Technology  conceptualization and reports the specificity of the creation of education centers of coach and Instructors of guide dogs, from the review of the legal frame that instituted such governmental action and the way it works and was organize. In this analysis, we can see an increase on the participation of people with visual impairment, which was based on an affirmative government policy that can not be reduced by cutting federal public funds.   KEYWORDS: Public politics; Assistive Technology; Guide Dogs; Person with Visual Impairment.     RESUMEN Este artículo se propone presentar la política pública brasileña de implementación de Tecnología Asistiva para perros guías.   Para esto presenta los conceptos de Tecnología asistiva y relata lo singular  de la creación de uno de los centros de formación de entrenadores e instructores de perros guías, a partir de la revisión de los marcos legales que  utilizó el gobierno,  y el modo como se organiza y funciona.  Como consecuencia  del análisis, se percibe un aumento de la participación de personas con deficiencia visual,  que fue establecido por una política gubernamental afirmativa, que no puede ser reducida por medio de la disminución del presupuesto federal.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Política Pública; Tecnología Asistiva; Perro Guía; Personas con Deficiencia Visual

    Quebra da resistência em pimentão contra o Pepper yellow mosaic virus

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    Plants of Capsicum annuum cv. Magali R, resistant to Pepper yellow mosaic virus (PepYMV), which showed severe yellow mosaic, leaf malformation and stunting were observed during the 2003/04 growing season in Lins, São Paulo State, Brazil. Potyvirus-like particles observed in leaf sap from infected plants under the electron microscope reacted with an antiserum against PepYMV in PTA-ELISA. In addition to C. annuum cv. Magali R, this potyvirus also infected systemically the resistant C. annuum cv. Rubia R. The nucleotide sequence of part of the CP gene of this potyvirus shared 96-98% identity with that of other PepYMV isolates. The partial nucleotide sequence of the 3' NTR showed 94-96% identity with that of PepYMV. These data indicate that this potyvirus is a resistance-breaking isolate of PepYMV.Plantas de Capsicum annuum cv. Magali R, resistentes ao Pepper yellow mosaic virus (PepYMV), exibindo sintomas severos de mosaico amarelo, malformação foliar e subdesenvolvimento foram encontradas em plantios na região de Lins, SP, Brasil, em 2003/04. Partículas semelhantes àquelas do gênero Potyvirus foram observadas em extrato foliar de planta infectada examinado em microscópio eletrônico de transmissão. O extrato foliar também reagiu com anti-soro contra o PepYMV em PTA-ELISA. Além de C. annuum cv. Magali R, esse potyvirus também infectou sistemicamente C. annuum cv. Rubia R, que é resistente ao PepYMV. A seqüência de nucleotídeos de parte do gene da proteína capsidial (CP) desse potyvirus apresentou 96-98% de identidade com a de outros isolados do PepYMV. A seqüência parcial de nucleotídeos da região 3' não traduzida (3' NTR) apresentou 94-96% de identidade com a do PepYMV. Esses resultados são indicativos de que o potyvirus que quebrou a resistência em pimentão é um isolado do PepYMV


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    A presente pesquisa, centra-se na Base Nacional Comum Curricular imposta na Educação brasileira para o Ensino Fundamental em 2017 e Ensino Médio em 2018 com o intuito de padronizar o currículo nos espaços urbano e rural. Nesse sentido, objetiva-se compreender a inserção da BNCC no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, especialmente, no espaço rural já que ela é contrária a educação no/do campo. A referida pesquisa foi desenvolvida com estudantes e professores da escola Estadual Malaquias Mendes da Silva, localizada no Distrito de Rajada – Petrolina-PE, pautando-se na análise quantitativa/qualitativa dos dados coletados. Com os resultados, ficou perceptível que uma Base Nacional Comum, sendo a mesma criada para guiar o ensino em todo o país, as oportunidades de aprendizagem, como propagandeadas nos meios de comunicação, não serão a mesma, uma vez que o campo tem especificidades que os diferenciam da cidad

    α-Amylase inhibitors : a review of raw material and isolated compounds from plant source

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    ABSTRACTInhibition of α-amylase, enzyme that plays a role in digestion of starch and glycogen, is considered a strategy for the treatment of disorders in carbohydrate uptake, such as diabetes and obesity, as well as, dental caries and periodontal diseases. Plants are an important source of chemical constituents with potential for inhibition of α-amylase and can be used as therapeutic or functional food sources. A review about crude extracts and isolated compounds from plant source that have been tested for α-amylase inhibitory activity has been done. The analysis of the results shows a variety of crude extracts that present α-amylase inhibitory activity and some of them had relevant activity when compared with controls used in the studies. Amongst the phyto-constituents that have been investigated, flavonoids are one of them that demonstrated the highest inhibitory activities with the potential of inhibition related to number of hydroxyl groups in the molecule of the compound. Several phyto-constituents and plant species as α-amylase inhibitors are being reported in this article. Majority of studies have focused on the anti-amylase phenolic compounds

    Different Teaching Approaches and Use of Active Learning Strategies as Tools for Inter- and Transdisciplinary Education

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    This work reports a review on some of the ways in which education and research can be used to solve today’s complex problems by taking into account teaching and learning strategies that go beyond traditional teaching strategies. It revisits different teaching approaches and connects them directly to uni-, pluri-, multi-, inter-, and transdisciplinary attitudes, and how educational professionals think of the subject of teaching. This discussion reflects on how teachers tend to reproduce procedures they observed in their own graduation programs and why experienced teachers opt for inter- and transdisciplinary attitudes. Using a qualitative approach, this work illustrates the results from a Project-Based Learning strategy applied to a group of Major Engineering students to solve problems at the University’s Campus. Participants included 25 students engaged to Physics Engineering program supervised by different faculty members, experienced undergraduate and graduate students, and technicians, who had mentored the undergraduate students’ teams, all working in subjects closely related to the projects. The products developed by the teams show evidence that the students were motivated and engaged in the projects; this supports the premise that inter- and transdisciplinary approaches drive collaboration in the execution of projects, develop soft skills and permit knowledge development in an articulate and complex way thereby leading to a broader education of the students

    Análise dinâmica da relação entre as variáveis macroeconômicas e o mercado acionário brasileiro: Uma abordagem do modelo de correção de erros / Dynamic analysis of the relationship between macroeconomic variables and the Brazilian stock market: An error correction model approach

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    O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar a relação de curto e longo prazo entre as variáveis macroeconômicas, representadas pela taxa de juros, taxa de câmbio, inflação e risco país, em comparação com o mercado acionário brasileiro, representado pelo Índice da Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo (Ibovespa), durante o período que compreende os meses de janeiro de 1995 a junho de 2016. Para tanto, utilizou-se o enfoque multivariado VAR. Os coeficientes de longo prazo, descritos pelo vetor de cointegração normalizado, constatou-se comportamento positivo da taxa de câmbio e da inflação, e negativo da taxa de juros e do risco país, com o Ibovespa. Analisando os coeficientes do VEC, o parâmetro de ajustamento (?) foi estatisticamente significativo, indicando que o Ibovespa reage na trajetória de equilíbrio de longo prazo às variações no curto prazo dos indicadores macroeconômicos

    The effects of the watsu method on functional capacity, anxiety and depression in patients with parkinson disease

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a chronic and progressive pathology that results from the degeneration of the black substance responsible for the voluntary control of movements. The reduction of dopamine generates motor and non-motor symptoms that hinder the mobility of the patient and the execution of their activities of daily living. The Watsu method relieves pain, tension and releases the muscles, fascias and spine leading to the gain of flexibility and range of motion, and can be a facilitator in reducing the symptoms of PD. The aim was to evaluate the effects of the Watsu method on motor and non-motor symptoms and their relation with the functional capacity of these individuals. This is an experimental study applied to 4 male patients diagnosed with PD. The analyzed variables were: anxiety, depression, quality of life, basic and instrumental activities of daily living and balance. 9 Watsu sessions was applied. Student's t-test (paired sample) was carried out to compare the variables studied. There was no significant improvement in the variables analyzed, but there was a tendency for improvement in quality of life variables (before 38.75 and later 36.50), depression (before 23 and after 21.25) and instrumental activities of daily living (before 19.50 and later 20.75). For the variables anxiety, basic activities of daily living and balance there was no improvement of these variables. It was observed that the Watsu method trends to improve motor and no-motor symptoms that affect the PD patients. In addition, there is still a lack in the literature in studies that use the Watsu method as a treatment for both PD and other diseases

    Hannah Arendt e as manifestações populares do Brasil e da Venezuela: compreensão fenomenológica

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    This article correlates the studies of Hannah Arendt to popular manifestations in Brazil and Venezuela between the years 2013 and 2014. The objective is to seek theoretical subsidies for reflection based upon the symbol of understanding: one objective relates to the theoretical hypothesis that the power has undergone major changes in the direction of its degeneration and, the other relates to the practical aspect, through economic variables inherent in human development that reflect the role of the economy in the context here examined. The phenomenological understanding of demonstrations allows the interpreter-citizen the ability to have himself as power agent.No presente artigo, correlacionam-se os estudos de Hannah Arendt às manifestações populares no Brasil e na Venezuela entre os anos de 2013 e 2014. Buscam-se subsídios para a reflexão, sob o signo da compreensão: um diz respeito à hipótese teórica de que o poder tem sofrido mudanças importantes no sentido de sua degeneração e o outro relaciona-se ao aspecto prático, por meio de variáveis econômicas inerentes ao desenvolvimento humano, que refletem o papel da economia no contexto em estudo. A compreensão fenomenológica das manifestações populares permite ao intérprete-cidadão, a capacidade de ter a si próprio como agente do poder