1,110 research outputs found

    High Temperature Alters Anthocyanin Concentration and Composition in Grape Berries of Malbec, Merlot, and Pinot Noir in a Cultivar-Dependent Manner

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    Climate is determinant for grapevine geographical distribution, berry attributes, and wine quality. Due to climate change, a 2–4 °C increase in mean diurnal temperature is predicted by the end of the century for the most important Argentine viticulture region. We hypothesize that such temperature increase will affect color intensity and other quality attributes of red grapes and wines. The present study investigated the effect of high temperature (HT) on anthocyanin concentration and composition, pH, and resveratrol and solids content in berries of three major wine-producing varieties during fruit ripening in two seasons. To this end, a structure that increased mean diurnal temperature by 1.5–2.0 °C at berry sites, compared to Control (C) plants grown without such structure, was implemented in field grown vineyards of Malbec, Merlot, and Pinot Noir. Results revealed a cultivar-dependent response to HT conditions, with Malbec and Pinot Noir berries exhibiting significant decreases in total anthocyanin concentration (TAC) at veraison and harvest, respectively, while Merlot maintained an unaffected pigment content under HT. The decrease in TAC was associated with reduced levels of delphinidin, cyanidin, petunidin, peonidin, and malvidin glycosides, and increased ratios of acylated (AA)/non-acylated anthocyanins (NAA), suggesting pigment acylation as a possible stress-response mechanism for attenuating HT negative effects. Under HT, Pinot Noir, which does not produce AA, was the only cultivar with lower TAC at harvest (p < 0.05). pH, resveratrol, and solids content were not affected by HT. Our results predict high, medium, and low plasticity with regard to color quality attributes for Malbec, Merlot, and Pinot Noir, respectively, in the context of climate change.EEA La ConsultaFil: de Rosas, María Inés. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas. Cátedra de Fisiología Vegetal; Argentina.Fil: Deis, Leonor. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas. Cátedra de Fisiología Vegetal; Argentina.Fil: Deis, Leonor. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Deis, Leonor. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Baldo, Yésica. Instituto Nacional de Vitivinicultura; ArgentinaFil: Cavagnaro, Juan Bruno. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas. Cátedra de Fisiología Vegetal; Argentina.Fil: Cavagnaro, Juan Bruno. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Cavagnaro, Juan Bruno. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Cavagnaro, Pablo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria La Consulta; Argentina.Fil: Cavagnaro, Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Cavagnaro, Pablo. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentin

    Staple crops biofortified with increased vitamins and minerals : considerations for a public health strategy

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    Biofortification of staple crops has been proposed as a strategy to address micronutrient malnutrition, particularly with respect to insufficient intake of vitamin A, iron, zinc, and folate. The World Health Organization, in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Sackler Institute for Nutrition Science at the New York Academy of Sciences, convened a technical consultation entitled "Staple Crops Biofortified with Vitamins and Minerals: Considerations for a Public Health Strategy" in April 2016. Participants of the consultation reviewed the definition of biofortification of staple crops, patterns of crops production, processing, consumption, seed varieties, and micronutrient stability and bioavailability, as well as farmers' adoption and acceptability of the modified crops. Also discussed were economic, environmental, safety, and equity aspects of biofortified crops, as well as legal, policy, regulatory, and ethical issues for the implementation of biofortification strategies in agriculture and nutrition. Consultation working groups identified important and emerging technical issues, lessons learned, and research priorities to better support the evidence of improved nutrition and unintended adverse effects of biofortification. This paper provides the background and rationale of the technical consultation, synopsizes the presentations, and provides a summary of the main considerations proposed by the working groups

    A cross-specific multiplicative binomial recursive model for the analysis of perinatal mortality in a diallel cross among three varieties of Iberian pig

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    [EN] Perinatal piglet mortality is an important factor in pig production from economic and animal welfare perspectives; however, the statistical analysis of mortality is difficult because of its categorical nature. Recent studies have suggested that a binomial model for the survival of each specific piglet with a logit approach is appropriate and that recursive relationships between traits are useful for taking into account non-genetic relationships with other traits. In this study, the recursive binomial model is expanded in two directions: (1) the recursive phenotypic dependence among traits is allowed to vary among groups of individuals or crosses, and (2) the binomial distribution is replaced by the multiplicative binomial distribution to account for over or underdispersion. In this study, five recursive multiplicative binomial models were used to obtain estimates of the Dickerson crossbreeding parameters in a diallel cross among three varieties of Iberian pigs [Entrepelado (EE), Torbiscal (TT), and Retinto (RR)]. Records (10,255) from 2110 sows were distributed as follows: EE (433 records, 100 sows), ER (2336, 527), ET (942, 177), RE (806, 196), RR (870, 175), RT (2450, 488), TE (193, 36), TR (1993, 359), and TT (232, 68). Average litter size [Total Number Born (TNB)] and number of stillborns (SB) were 8.46 +/- 2.27 and 0.25 +/- 0.72, respectively. The overdispersion was evident with all models. The model with the best fit included a linear recursive relationship between TNB and the logit of phi of the multiplicative binomial distribution, and it implies that piglet mortality increases with litter size. Estimates of direct effects showed small differences among populations. The analysis of maternal effects indicated that the dams whose mothers were EE had a larger SB, while dams with RR mothers reduced the probability of born dead. The posterior estimates of heterosis suggested a reduction in SB when the sow is crosbred. The multiplicative binomial distribution provides a useful alternative to the binomial distribution when there is overdispersion in the data. Recursive models can be used for modeling non-genetic relationships between traits, even if the phenotypic dependency between traits varies among environments or groups of individuals. Piglet perinatal mortality increased with TNB and is reduced by maternal heterosis.The work was partially funded by the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) via grant IDI-20170304 and by grant CGL-2016-80155 from the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO), Spain.Varona, L.; Noguera, JL.; Casellas, J.; Martín De Hijas, M.; Rosas, JP.; Ibáñez-Escriche, N. (2020). A cross-specific multiplicative binomial recursive model for the analysis of perinatal mortality in a diallel cross among three varieties of Iberian pig. Scientific Reports. 10(1):1-10. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-78346-7S110101Edwards, S. A. & Baxter, E. M. Piglet mortality: causes and prevention. In The Gestating and Lactanting Sow (ed. Farmer, C.) 253–328 (Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, 2015).Varona, L. & Sorensen, D. A genetic analysis of mortality in pigs. Genetics 184, 277–284 (2010).Roehe, R. & Kalm, E. Estimation of genetic and environmental risk factors associated with pre-weaning mortality in piglets using generalized linear mixed models. Anim. Sci. 70, 227–240 (2000).Lund, M. S., Puonti, M., Rydhmer, L. & Jensen, J. Relationship between litter size and perinatal and pre-weaning survival in pigs. Anim. Sci. 74, 217–222 (2002).Ibáñez-Escriche, N., Varona, L., Casellas, J., Quintanilla, R. & Noguera, J. L. 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Genetic parameters and crossbreeding effects of fat deposition and fatty acid profiles in Iberian pig lines. J. Anim. Sci. 94, 28–37 (2016).Noguera, J. L., Ibáñez-Escriche, N., Casellas, J., Rosas, J. P. & Varona, L. Genetic parameters and direct, maternal and heterosis effects on litter size in a diallel cross among three commercial varieties of Iberian pig. Animal 13, 2765–2772 (2019).Lawal, B. H. Employing the double, multiplicative and the com-poisson binomial distributions for modeling over and under-dispersed binary data. J. Adv. Math. Comput. Sci. 23, 1–17 (2017).Gelfand, A. E. & Smith, A. F. M. Sampling-based approaches to calculating marginal densities. J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 85, 398–409 (1990).Hastings, W. K. Monte Carlo sampling methods using markov chains and their applications. Biometrika 57, 97–109 (1970).Plummer, M., Best, N., Cowles, K. & Vines, K. CODA: convergence diagnosis and output analysis for MCMC. R News. 6, 7–11 (2006).Gelfand, A. E. Model determination using sampling-based methods. In Markov chain Monte Carlo in Practice (eds Gilks, W. R. et al.) 145–161 (Chapman & Hall, London, 1996).Rangstrup-Christensen, L., Krogh, M. A., Pedersen, L. J. & Sørensen, J. T. Sow-level risk factors for stillbirth of piglets in organic sow herds. Animal 11, 1078–1083 (2017).Herpin, P. et al. Effects of the level of asphyxia during delivery on viability at birth and early postnatal vitality of newborn pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 74, 2067–2075 (1996).Le Cozler, Y., Guyomarc’h, C., Pichodo, X., Quinio, P. Y. & Pellois, H. Factors associated with stillborn and mummified piglets in high-prolific sows. Anim. Res. 51, 261–268 (2002).Vanderhaeghe, C., Dewulf, J., de Kruif, A. & Maes, D. Non-infectious factors associated with stillbirth in pigs: a review. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 139, 76–88 (2013).Noguera, J. L., Varona, L., Babot, D. & Estany, J. Multivariate analysis of litter size for multiple parities with production traits in pigs: I. 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    Analysis of repoductive seasonality in Entrepelado and Retinto Iberian pig varieties under intensive management

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    [EN] Seasonal patterns in the farrowing distribution of two Iberian pig varieties (Retinto and Entrepelado) and its environmental and genetic sources of variation were analyzed within the context of a von Mises circular mixed model solved through Bayesian inference. Estimates about the dispersion parameter supported a low seasonal pattern for both Entrepelado and Retinto varieties with the farrowing peak located between March and April. Nevertheless, seasonality was corroborated by the deviance information criterion when comparing against a uniform circular model by the deviance information criterion (DIC); the uniform model increased more than 100 DIC units in both Iberian pig varieties. Regarding systematic effects, only the parity number of the sow had a relevant impact on farrowing distribution, advancing the farrowing peak in gilts and old sows. Genetic variability was only suggested in the Retinto population although with a small estimate, which would indicate little chance to modify farrowing distribution by genetic selection in the Iberian pig.Research supported by projects CGL2016-80155-R and IDI20170304, and a fellowship granted to M. Martin de Hijas-Villalba (BES-2017-080596) by Spain's Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad.Martin De Hijas-Villalba, M.; Varona, L.; Ibáñez-Escriche, N.; Pablo Rosas, J.; Luis Noguera, J.; Casellas, J. (2021). Analysis of repoductive seasonality in Entrepelado and Retinto Iberian pig varieties under intensive management. Livestock Science. 245:1-4. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2021.1044411424

    FreatChaco: Red Colaborativa de Monitoreo de la napa freática del sudoeste de Chaco

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    El presente trabajo presenta una red de monitoreo freático colaborativa, basada en el uso de una planilla de cálculo compartida (Google sheets) y de aplicaciones web sencillas (Shiny de R studio), para facilitar la carga, intercambio y visualización en tiempo casi real de datos freáticos, pluviométricos y de manejo de los cultivos ingresados directamente por productores agrícolas del sudoeste de Chaco. La prueba de concepto fue exitosa, ya que para la campaña 2020/21 se generaron un total de 1312 registros de nivel freático medidos en 89 lotes de producción de 19 campos diferentes.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Iodine supplementation for women during the preconception, pregnancy and postpartum period

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    Background Iodine is an essential nutrient required for the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones, which are responsible for regulating growth, development and metabolism. Iodine requirements increase substantially during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If requirements are not met during these periods, the production of thyroid hormones may decrease and be inadequate for maternal, fetal and infant needs. The provision of iodine supplements may help meet the increased iodine needs during pregnancy and the postpartum period and prevent or correct iodine deficiency and its consequences. Objectives To assess the benefits and harms of supplementation with iodine, alone or in combination with other vitamins and minerals, for women in the preconceptional, pregnancy or postpartum period on their and their children's outcomes. Search methods We searched Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth's Trials Register (14 November 2016), and the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) (17 November 2016), contacted experts in the field and searched the reference lists of retrieved studies and other relevant papers. Selection criteria Randomized and quasi‐randomized controlled trials with randomisation at either the individual or cluster level comparing injected or oral iodine supplementation (such as tablets, capsules, drops) during preconception, pregnancy or the postpartum period irrespective of iodine compound, dose, frequency or duration. Data collection and analysis Two review authors independently assessed trial eligibility, risk of bias, extracted data and conducted checks for accuracy. We used the GRADE approach to assess the quality of the evidence for primary outcomes. We anticipated high heterogeneity among trials, and we pooled trial results using random‐effects models and were cautious in our interpretation of the pooled results. Main results We included 14 studies and excluded 48 studies. We identified five ongoing or unpublished studies and two studies are awaiting classification. Eleven trials involving over 2700 women contributed data for the comparisons in this review (in three trials, the primary or secondary outcomes were not reported). Maternal primary outcomes Iodine supplementation decreased the likelihood of the adverse effect of postpartum hyperthyroidism by 68% (average risk ratio (RR) 0.32; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.11 to 0.91, three trials in mild to moderate iodine deficiency settings, 543 women, no statistical heterogeneity, low‐quality evidence) and increased the likelihood of the adverse effect of digestive intolerance in pregnancy by 15 times (average RR 15.33; 95% CI 2.07 to 113.70, one trial in a mild‐deficiency setting, 76 women, very low‐quality evidence). There were no clear differences between groups for hypothyroidism in pregnancy or postpartum (pregnancy: average RR 1.90; 95% CI 0.57 to 6.38, one trial, 365 women, low‐quality evidence, and postpartum: average RR 0.44; 95% CI 0.06 to 3.42, three trials, 540 women, no statistical heterogeneity, low‐quality evidence), preterm birth (average RR 0.71; 95% CI 0.30 to 1.66, two trials, 376 women, statistical heterogeneity, low‐quality evidence) or the maternal adverse effects of elevated thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO‐ab) in pregnancy or postpartum (average RR 0.95; 95% CI 0.44 to 2.07, one trial, 359 women, low‐quality evidence, average RR 1.01; 95% CI 0.78 to 1.30, three trials, 397 women, no statistical heterogeneity, low‐quality evidence), or hyperthyroidism in pregnancy (average RR 1.90; 95% CI 0.57 to 6.38, one trial, 365 women, low‐quality evidence). All of the trials contributing data to these outcomes took place in settings with mild to moderate iodine deficiency. Infant/child primary outcomes Compared with those who did not receive iodine, those who received iodine supplements had a 34% lower likelihood of perinatal mortality, however this difference was not statistically significant (average RR 0.66; 95% CI 0.42 to 1.03, two trials, 457 assessments, low‐quality evidence). All of the perinatal deaths occurred in one trial conducted in a severely iodine‐deficient setting. There were no clear differences between groups for low birthweight (average RR 0.56; 95% CI 0.26 to 1.23, two trials, 377 infants, no statistical heterogeneity, low‐quality evidence), neonatal hypothyroidism/elevated thyroid‐stimulating hormone (TSH) (average RR 0.58; 95% CI 0.11 to 3.12, two trials, 260 infants, very low‐quality evidence) or the adverse effect of elevated neonatal thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO‐ab) (average RR 0.61; 95% CI 0.07 to 5.70, one trial, 108 infants, very low‐quality evidence). All of the trials contributing data to these outcomes took place in areas with mild to moderate iodine deficiency. No trials reported on hypothyroidism/elevated TSH or any adverse effect beyond the neonatal period. Authors' conclusions There were insufficient data to reach any meaningful conclusions on the benefits and harms of routine iodine supplementation in women before, during or after pregnancy. The available evidence suggested that iodine supplementation decreases the likelihood of postpartum hyperthyroidism and increases the likelihood of the adverse effect of digestive intolerance in pregnancy ‐ both considered potential adverse effects. We considered evidence for these outcomes low or very low quality, however, because of study design limitations and wide confidence intervals. In addition, due to the small number of trials and included women in our meta‐analyses, these findings must be interpreted with caution. There were no clear effects on other important maternal or child outcomes though these findings must also be interpreted cautiously due to limited data and low‐quality trials. Additionally, almost all of the evidence came from settings with mild or moderate iodine deficiency and therefore may not be applicable to settings with severe deficiency. More high‐quality randomised controlled trials are needed on iodine supplementation before, during and after pregnancy on maternal and infant/child outcomes. However, it may be unethical to compare iodine to placebo or no treatment in severe deficiency settings. Trials may also be unfeasible in settings where pregnant and lactating women commonly take prenatal supplements with iodine. Information is needed on optimal timing of initiation as well as supplementation regimen and dose. Future trials should consider the outcomes in this review and follow children beyond the neonatal period. Future trials should employ adequate sample sizes, assess potential adverse effects (including the nature and extent of digestive intolerance), and be reported in a way that allows assessment of risk of bias, full data extraction and analysis by the subgroups specified in this review

    Pluviómetro de bajo costo para mejorar la resolución espacio-temporal del registro de lluvias en condiciones de campo

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    Se presenta el prototipo de un pluviómetro autónomo, de bajo costo, construido con materiales accesibles y basado en hardware y software libre. Su funcionamiento se basa en lecturas periódicas del nivel de agua colectada en un reservorio cilindrico, mediante un sensor de distancia. Comparamos la precisión de dos sensores de distinto principio de funcionamiento: láser (IR) y ultrasonido (US).Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Maternal Transmission Ratio Distortion in two Iberian pig varieties

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    [EN] Transmission ratio distortion (TRD) is defined as the allele transmission deviation from the heterozygous parent to the offspring from the expected Mendelian genotypic frequencies. Although TRD can be a confounding factor in genetic mapping studies, this phenomenon remains mostly unknown in pigs, particularly in traditional breeds (i.e., the Iberian pig). We aimed to describe the maternal TRD prevalence and its genomic distribution in two Iberian varieties. Genotypes from a total of 247 families (dam and offspring) of Entrepelado (n = 129) and Retinto (n = 118) Iberian varieties were analyzed. The offspring were sired by both ungenotyped purebred Retinto and Entrepelado Iberian boars, regardless of the dam variety used. After quality control, 16,246 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the Entrepelado variety and 9744 SNPs in the Retinto variety were analyzed. Maternal TRD was evaluated by a likelihood ratio test under SNP-by-SNP, adapting a previous model solved by Bayesian inference. Results provided 68 maternal TRD loci (TRDLs) in the Entrepelado variety and 24 in the Retinto variety (q < 0.05), with mostly negative TRD values, increasing the transmission of the minor allele. In addition, both varieties shared ten common TRDLs. No strong evidence of biological effects was found in genes with TRDLs. However, some biological processes could be affected by TRDLs, such as embryogenesis at different levels and lipid metabolism. These findings could provide useful insight into the genetic mechanisms to improve the swine industry, particularly in traditional breeds.The Spanish Government funded this research, grants number CGL2016-80155-R, and IDI-20170304Vazquez-Gomez, M.; Martín De Hijas-Villalba, M.; Varona, L.; Ibáñez-Escriche, N.; Rosas, JP.; Negro, S.; Noguera, JL.... (2020). Maternal Transmission Ratio Distortion in two Iberian pig varieties. Genes. 11(9):1-18. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes11091050S118119Lyttle, T. W. (1991). SEGREGATION DISTORTERS. Annual Review of Genetics, 25(1), 511-581. doi:10.1146/annurev.ge.25.120191.002455Silver, L. M. (1993). The peculiar journey of a selfish chromosome: mouse t haplotypes and meiotic drive. Trends in Genetics, 9(7), 250-254. doi:10.1016/0168-9525(93)90090-5Paz-Miguel, J. E., Pardo-Manuel de Villena, F., Sánchez-Velasco, P., & Leyva-Cobián, F. (2001). H2-haplotype-dependent unequal transmission of the 17 16 translocation chromosome from Ts65Dn females. Mammalian Genome, 12(1), 83-85. doi:10.1007/s003350010225Meyer, W. K., Arbeithuber, B., Ober, C., Ebner, T., Tiemann-Boege, I., Hudson, R. R., & Przeworski, M. (2012). Evaluating the Evidence for Transmission Distortion in Human Pedigrees. Genetics, 191(1), 215-232. doi:10.1534/genetics.112.139576Liu, Y., Zhang, L., Xu, S., Hu, L., Hurst, L. D., & Kong, X. (2013). 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    Development and use of the generic WHO/CDC logic model for vitamin and mineral interventions in public health programmes

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    Abstract Objective Nutrition interventions are critical to achieve the Millennium Development Goals; among them, micronutrient interventions are considered cost-effective and programmatically feasible to scale up, but there are limited tools to communicate the programme components and their relationships. The WHO/CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) logic model for micronutrient interventions in public health programmes is a useful resource for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of these interventions, which depicts the programme theory and expected relationships between inputs and expected Millennium Development Goals. Design The model was developed by applying principles of programme evaluation, public health nutrition theory and programmatic expertise. The multifaceted and iterative structure validation included feedback from potential users and adaptation by national stakeholders involved in public health programmes' design and implementation. Results In addition to the inputs, main activity domains identified as essential for programme development, implementation and performance include: (i) policy; (ii) products and supply; (iii) delivery systems; (iv) quality control; and (v) behaviour change communication. Outputs encompass the access to and coverage of interventions. Outcomes include knowledge and appropriate use of the intervention, as well as effects on micronutrient intake, nutritional status and health of target populations, for ultimate achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. Conclusions The WHO/CDC logic model simplifies the process of developing a logic model by providing a tool that has identified high-priority areas and concepts that apply to virtually all public health micronutrient interventions. Countries can adapt it to their context in order to support programme design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation for the successful scale-up of nutrition interventions in public healt

    Global, regional, and national trends in haemoglobin concentration and prevalence of total and severe anaemia in children and pregnant and non-pregnant women for 1995–2011: a systematic analysis of population-representative data

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    Background Low haemoglobin concentrations and anaemia are important risk factors for the health and development of women and children. We estimated trends in the distributions of haemoglobin concentration and in the prevalence of anaemia and severe anaemia in young children and pregnant and non-pregnant women between 1995 and 2011. Methods We obtained data about haemoglobin and anaemia for children aged 6–59 months and women of childbearing age (15–49 years) from 257 population-representative data sources from 107 countries worldwide. We used health, nutrition, and household surveys; summary statistics from WHO’s Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System; and summary statistics reported by other national and international agencies. We used a Bayesian hierarchical mixture model to estimate haemoglobin distributions and systematically addressed missing data, non-linear time trends, and representativeness of data sources. We quantifi ed the uncertainty of our estimates. Findings Global mean haemoglobin improved slightly between 1995 and 2011, from 125 g/L (95% credibility interval 123–126) to 126 g/L (124–128) in non-pregnant women, from 112 g/L (111–113) to 114 g/L (112–116) in pregnant women, and from 109 g/L (107–111) to 111 g/L (110–113) in children. Anaemia prevalence decreased from 33% (29–37) to 29% (24–35) in non-pregnant women, from 43% (39–47) to 38% (34–43) in pregnant women, and from 47% (43–51) to 43% (38–47) in children. These prevalences translated to 496 million (409–595 million) non-pregnant women, 32 million (28–36 million) pregnant women, and 273 million (242–304 million) children with anaemia in 2011. In 2011, concentrations of mean haemoglobin were lowest and anaemia prevalence was highest in south Asia and central and west Africa. Interpretation Children’s and women’s haemoglobin statuses improved in some regions where concentrations had been low in the 1990s, leading to a modest global increase in mean haemoglobin and a reduction in anaemia prevalence. Further improvements are needed in some regions, particularly south Asia and central and west Africa, to improve the health of women and children and achieve global targets for reducing anaemia. Funding Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Grand Challenges Canada, and the UK Medical Research Council