895 research outputs found

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    The Brown-dwarf Atmosphere Monitoring (BAM) Project II: Multi-epoch monitoring of extremely cool brown dwarfs

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    With the discovery of Y dwarfs by the WISE mission, the population of field brown dwarfs now extends to objects with temperatures comparable to those of Solar System planets. To investigate the atmospheres of these newly identified brown dwarfs, we have conducted a pilot study monitoring an initial sample of three late T-dwarfs (T6.5, T8 and T8.5) and one Y-dwarf (Y0) for infrared photometric variability at multiple epochs. With J-band imaging, each target was observed for a period of 1.0h to 4.5h per epoch, which covers a significant fraction of the expected rotational period. These measurements represent the first photometric monitoring for these targets. For three of the four targets (2M1047, Ross 458C and WISE0458), multi-epoch monitoring was performed, with the time span between epochs ranging from a few hours to ~2 years. During the first epoch, the T8.5 target WISE0458 exhibited variations with a remarkable min-to-max amplitude of 13%, while the second epoch light curve taken ~2 years later did not note any variability to a 3% upper limit. With an effective temperature of ~600 K, WISE0458 is the coldest variable brown dwarf published to-date, and combined with its high and variable amplitude makes it a fascinating target for detailed follow-up. The three remaining targets showed no significant variations, with a photometric precision between 0.8% and 20.0%, depending on the target brightness. Combining the new results with previous multi-epoch observations of brown dwarfs with spectral types of T5 or later, the currently identified variables have locations on the colour-colour diagram better matched by theoretical models incorporating cloud opacities rather than cloud-free atmospheres. This preliminary result requires further study to determine if there is a definitive link between variability among late-T dwarfs and their location on the colour-colour diagram.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Existence criteria for stabilization from the scaling behaviour of ionization probabilities

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    We provide a systematic derivation of the scaling behaviour of various quantities and establish in particular the scale invariance of the ionization probability. We discuss the gauge invariance of the scaling properties and the manner in which they can be exploited as consistency check in explicit analytical expressions, in perturbation theory, in the Kramers-Henneberger and Floquet approximation, in upper and lower bound estimates and fully numerical solutions of the time dependent Schroedinger equation. The scaling invariance leads to a differential equation which has to be satisfied by the ionization probability and which yields an alternative criterium for the existence of atomic bound state stabilization.Comment: 12 pages of Latex, one figur

    Intense field stabilization in circular polarization: 3D time-dependent dynamics

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    We investigate the stabilization of a hydrogen atom in circularly polarized laser fields. We use a time-dependent, fully three dimensional approach to study the quantum dynamics of the hydrogen atom subject to high intensity, short wavelength laser pulses. We find enhanced survival probability as the field is increased under fixed envelope conditions. We also confirm wavepacket dynamics seen in prior time-dependent computations restricted to two dimensions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitte

    Does the Milky Way have a Maximal Disk?

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    The Milky Way is often considered to be the best example of a spiral for which the dark matter not only dominates the outer kinematics, but also plays a major dynamical role in the inner galaxy: the Galactic disk is therefore said to be ``sub-maximal.'' This conclusion is important to the understanding of the evolution of galaxies and the viability of particular dark matter models. The Galactic evidence rests on a number of structural and kinematic measurements, many of which have recently been revised. The new constraints indicate not only that the Galaxy is a more typical member of its class (Sb-Sc spirals) than previously thought, but also require a re-examination of the question of whether or not the Milky Way disk is maximal. By applying to the Milky Way the same definition of ``maximal disk'' that is applied to external galaxies, it is shown that the new observational constraints are consistent with a Galactic maximal disk of reasonable M/LM/L. In particular, the local disk column can be substantially less than the oft-quoted required \Sigma_{\odot} \approx 100 \msolar pc^{-2} - as low as 40 \msolar pc^{-2} in the extreme case - and still be maximal, in the sense that the dark halo provides negligible rotation support in the inner Galaxy. This result has possible implications for any conclusion that rests on assumptions about the potentials of the Galactic disk or dark halo, and in particular for the interpretation of microlensing results along both LMC and bulge lines of sight.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. 23 Latex-generated pages, one (new) table, three figures (two new). A few additions to the bibliography, an expanded discussion, and slight quantitative changes, none of which affect the conclusion

    Noise properties of the CoRoT data: a planet-finding perspective

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    In this short paper, we study the photometric precision of stellar light curves obtained by the CoRoT satellite in its planet finding channel, with a particular emphasis on the timescales characteristic of planetary transits. Together with other articles in the same issue of this journal, it forms an attempt to provide the building blocks for a statistical interpretation of the CoRoT planet and eclipsing binary catch to date. After pre-processing the light curves so as to minimise long-term variations and outliers, we measure the scatter of the light curves in the first three CoRoT runs lasting more than 1 month, using an iterative non-linear filter to isolate signal on the timescales of interest. The bevhaiour of the noise on 2h timescales is well-described a power-law with index 0.25 in R-magnitude, ranging from 0.1mmag at R=11.5 to 1mmag at R=16, which is close to the pre-launch specification, though still a factor 2-3 above the photon noise due to residual jitter noise and hot pixel events. There is evidence for a slight degradation of the performance over time. We find clear evidence for enhanced variability on hours timescales (at the level of 0.5 mmag) in stars identified as likely giants from their R-magnitude and B-V colour, which represent approximately 60 and 20% of the observed population in the direction of Aquila and Monoceros respectively. On the other hand, median correlated noise levels over 2h for dwarf stars are extremely low, reaching 0.05mmag at the bright end.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The secondary eclipse of CoRoT-1b

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    The transiting planet CoRoT-1b is thought to belong to the pM-class of planets, in which the thermal emission dominates in the optical wavelengths. We present a detection of its secondary eclipse in the CoRoT white channel data, whose response function goes from ~400 to ~1000 nm. We used two different filtering approaches, and several methods to evaluate the significance of a detection of the secondary eclipse. We detect a secondary eclipse centered within 20 min at the expected times for a circular orbit, with a depth of 0.016+/-0.006%. The center of the eclipse is translated in a 1-sigma upper limit to the planet's eccentricity of ecosomega<0.014. Under the assumption of a zero Bond Albedo and blackbody emission from the planet, it corresponds to a T_{CoRoT}=2330 +120-140 K. We provide the equilibrium temperatures of the planet as a function of the amount of reflected light. If the planet is in thermal equilibrium with the incident flux from the star, our results imply an inefficient transport mechanism of the flux from the day to the night sides.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in A&A, submitted 18 march 2009, accepted 7 July 200

    Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. XV. CoRoT-15b: a brown dwarf transiting companion

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    We report the discovery by the CoRoT space mission of a transiting brown dwarf orbiting a F7V star with an orbital period of 3.06 days. CoRoT-15b has a radius of 1.12 +0.30 -0.15 Rjup, a mass of 63.3 +- 4.1 Mjup, and is thus the second transiting companion lying in the theoretical mass domain of brown dwarfs. CoRoT-15b is either very young or inflated compared to standard evolution models, a situation similar to that of M-dwarfs stars orbiting close to solar-type stars. Spectroscopic constraints and an analysis of the lightcurve favors a spin period between 2.9 and 3.1 days for the central star, compatible with a double-synchronisation of the system.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted in A&