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    This work aims to analyze the socio-discursive representation of the “brothers”, (members) of the criminal faction “Primeiro Comando da Capital”, in the work, “Proibido Roubar na Quebrada ”“ território, hierarquia e lei no PCC”, by Karina Biondi (2018), from the perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) proposed by Chouliaraki and Fairclough (1999); Fairclough (2001, 2003). The research corpus includes selected excerpts from the book, using as relevant analytical criteria the meaning action, representation, identification and, respectively, the categories of intertextuality, interdiscursivity, modality and evaluation. The results point to a discursive change in the representations of the social actors in focus, in the most diverse sectorsEste trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la representación sociodiscursiva de los "hermanos", (miembros) de la facción criminal Primer Comando de la Capital, en el trabajo, “Proibido Roubar na Quebrada - Territorio, hierarquia e lei no PCC”, por Karina Biondi (2018), desde la perspectiva de Análisis crítico del discurso (ACD) propuesto por Chouliaraki y Fairclough (1999); Fairclough (2001, 2003). El corpus de investigación incluye extractos seleccionados del libro, utilizando como criterios analíticos relevantes el significado de acción, representación e identificación y, respectivamente, las categorías de intertextualidad, interdiscursividad, modalidad y evaluación. Los resultados apuntan para una resignificación de las representaciones de los actores sociales en foco, en los sectores más diversosEste trabalho versa sobre a representação social dos “irmãos” (membros) da facção criminosa, intitulada Primeiro Comando da Capital, na obra, Proibido Roubar na Quebrada ”“ Território, Hierarquia e Lei no PCC, de Karina Biondi (2018). Para tanto, adotamos o aporte teórico da Análise do Discurso Crítica (ADC) proposta por Chouliaraki e Fairclough, 1999; Fairclough, 2001 e 2003a.. O corpus da pesquisa consiste de excertos selecionados a partir do livro, utilizando como critério de análise das representações, os significados acional, representacional e identificacional presentes no texto. As categorias de análise utilizadas serão a intertextualidade, a interdiscursividade, a modalidade e a avaliação


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    Este artigo objetiva refletir sobre o ensino de leitura e escrita, compreendendo públicos específicos e contextos situados. Nesse sentido, tomamos como ponto de partida, para as reflexões aqui pretendidas, a disciplina de Leitura e Produção Textual, ministrada para estudantes de Licenciatura em Química da Universidade Estadual do Maranhão, durante o segundo semestre letivo do ano de 2020, na modalidade de Ensino Remota Emergencial. Por meio de um relato de experiência, busca-se (re)pensar como podem ser constituídas práxis interdisciplinares, em um ensino menos setorizado, inserindo o aluno em práticas acadêmicas (multi)letradas. No fio destas discussões, utilizamos o aporte teórico a pedagogia dos multiletramentos do Grupo de Nova Londres (2021); Kress e van Leeuwen (2006), Coscarelli (2002); Rojo e Moura (2012); Rojo (2009) e Street (2014) que discutem, sobre práticas sociais letradas, multimodalidades de linguagem e tecnologias aplicadas ao ensino. Os resultados apontam para um caminho repleto de possibilidades interdisciplinares, partindo do contexto acadêmico-social destes estudantes, para a produção do ensino de leitura e escrita significativo.DOI: https://doi.org/10.47295/mren.v10i8.380

    Desenvolvimento de habilidades espaciais: atividades práticas utilizando jogos digitais com estudantes de arquitetura e urbanismo

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    This article discusses one of the possibilities for changes in the teaching and learning process of geometric thinking in the face of the exponential appropriation of digital technology. The objective of the research was to develop activities focused on students of the first period of the Architecture and Urbanism course, using the Minecraft game. The article is the result of both bibliographical and empirical research, of a didactic experience. Through a practical application at the Juiz de Fora Federal University, it was pointed out that the use of games can contribute to the development of spatial skills and geometric thinking of students in the first periods of the Architecture and Urbanism course. In a simulated three-dimensional environment of a digital game, students are encouraged to use geometric reasoning for the composition of architectures, associating space with forms and rationalizing the architectural compositional process.Este artículo discute una de las posibilidades de cambios en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje del pensamiento geométrico frente a la apropiación exponencial de la tecnología digital. El objetivo de la investigación fue desarrollar actividades enfocadas a los estudiantes del primer período de la carrera de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, utilizando el juego Minecraft. El artículo es el resultado de una investigación tanto bibliográfica como empírica, de una experiencia didáctica. A través de una aplicación práctica en la Universidad Federal Juiz de Fora, se señaló que el uso de juegos puede contribuir al desarrollo de las habilidades espaciales y el pensamiento geométrico de los estudiantes de los primeros períodos de la carrera de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. En un entorno tridimensional simulado de un juego digital, se anima a los estudiantes a utilizar el razonamiento geométrico para la composición de arquitecturas, asociando el espacio con las formas y racionalizando el proceso compositivo arquitectónico.Este artigo discute uma das possibilidades de mudanças no processo de ensino e aprendizado do pensamento geométrico face à apropriação exponencial da tecnologia digital. O objetivo da pesquisa foi desenvolver atividades focadas em discentes de primeiro período do curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, utilizando o jogo Minecraft. O artigo é resultado de uma pesquisa tanto bibliográfica quanto empírica, de uma experiência didática. Por meio de uma aplicação prática na Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, apontou-se que o uso dos jogos pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento das habilidades espaciais e o pensamento geométrico dos estudantes dos primeiros períodos do curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo. Em um ambiente tridimensional simulado de jogo digital, os discentes são estimulados a utilizarem raciocínio geométrico para a composição de arquiteturas, associando o espaço às formas e racionalizando o processo compositivo arquitetônico

    The role of maxillary sinus puncture on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with hospital-acquired rhinosinusitis

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    Rhinosinusitis is one of the most commom causes of fever of unknown origin in critically ill patients and should be systematically searched. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the diagnostic and therapeutic effect of maxillary sinus puncture performed at the bedside in patients with infective rhinosinusitis hospitalized in an Intensive Care Unit of a high complexity care hospital. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective study looks into patients on mechanical ventilation with fever of unknown origin and signs of rhinosinusitis on CT images who were submitted to inferior meatus maxillary sinus puncture. RESULTS: The total study sample consisted of 27 patients (70.3% male; mean age 45.3 years). The most common Intensive Care Unit admission diagnoses were head trauma and stroke. CT scans revealed the maxillary (85.2%) and sphenoid (74.1%) sinuses were the most involved paranasal sinuses. Middle meatus purulent drainage was seen in 30.7% of the nasal cavities. Fever was reduced in 70.4% of the patients after puncture (p < 0.001). The most commonly found organisms in sinus aspirates were Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii. CONCLUSION: Maxillary sinus puncture performed at the bedside of the patients is an important diagnostic and theraupetic tool for critically ill patients.A rinossinusite é uma das principais causas de febre em pacientes críticos e deve ser sistematicamente pesquisada. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o impacto da punção do seio maxilar à beira leito, no diagnóstico e no tratamento dos pacientes com rinossinusite infecciosa internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva de um hospital universitário de alta complexidade. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo que avaliou os pacientes em ventilação mecânica com febre de origem indeterminada e sinais tomográficos de rinossinusite submetidos à punção do seio maxilar pelo meato inferior. RESULTADOS: A amostra total do estudo consistiu de 27 pacientes (70,3% do sexo masculino com média de idade 45,3 anos). Os diagnósticos de admissão mais frequentes na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva foram Trauma Crânio Encefálico e Acidente Vascular Cerebral. No exame tomográfico, os seios paranasais mais acometidos foram o maxilar, em 85,2%, e esfenoidal, em 74,1%. A secreção purulenta foi visualizada no meato médio em 30,7% das fossas nasais. Os microrganismos mais frequentes nos aspirados dos seios foram Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Acinetobacter baumannii. CONCLUSÃO: A punção do seio maxilar à beira leito demonstrou-se uma importante ferramenta diagnóstica e terapêutica nos pacientes de UTI com rinossinusite hospitalar, submetidos à ventilação mecânica invasiva.UNIFESP-EPMUNIFESP-EPM setor de RinologiaUNIFESP, EPM, setor de RinologiaSciEL

    Inverted papilloma in the sphenoethmoidal recess

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    Inverted papilloma is a nasal benign tumor that usually arises from the lateral nasal wall, especially from the middle meatus. It has high local invasive likelihood, high recurrence rates and malignancy potential. Sphenoethmoidal recess involvement is rare and is usually due to sphenoid sinus primary disease. In the literature, no case of isolated sphenoethmoidal recess inverted papilloma has been reported yet. The present report describes an exceptional location of inverted papilloma, arising from the sphenoethmoid recess, without involving the sphenoid sinus.O papiloma invertido é um tumor benigno nasal que geralmente se origina na parede lateral da fossa nasal, mais especificamente da região do meato médio. Apresenta grande potencial invasivo local, com alta taxa de recorrência e potencial para transformação maligna. O acometimento do recesso esfenoetmoidal é raro e, quando ocorre, é decorrente de doença primária do seio esfenoidal. Não há relato de papiloma invertido isolado em recesso esfenoetmoidal na literatura. Relatamos um caso de papiloma invertido originado em recesso esfenoetmoidal, sem comprometimento do seio esfenoidal.UNIFESP-EPM Setor de RinologiaUNIFESP-EPMUNIFESP, EPM, Setor de RinologiaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Comparative Study of Skin Folding of Dominant and Nondominant Hemibodies in Spastic Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare skin folds in the dominant and nondominant halves of the body in a group (A) of 20 individuals with cerebral palsy and spastic hemiplegia and a group (B) of 30 normal volunteers. METHOD: Body mass, height and skin folds were measured, and the percentage of body fat was estimated by adipose tissue measurement and densitometry. The mean age in group (A) was 24.6 ± 5.6 years (ranging from 16.1 to 38.1 years). The mean age in group (B) was 25.3 ± 3.8 years (ranging from 19.0 to 34.11 years). RESULTS: Statistically significant differences were observed between the dominant and nondominant halves of the body for biceps, triceps, thoracic, suprailiac, thigh and midcalf skin folds in group A; the biceps, subscapular, midaxillary, suprailiac, abdominal, thigh and midcalf skin folds in group B; and the percentage fat obtained by adipose tissue measurement in both groups. Statistically significant differences were observed for the triceps skin fold when the dominant halves of the body in groups A and B were compared. Statistically significant differences were also observed for the biceps, triceps, thigh and midcalf skin folds as well as the adipose tissue measurements between the dominant and nondominant halves of the body in the two groups. The percentage fat as estimated by densitometry was significantly correlated with the adipose tissue measurement. CONCLUSION: There were statistically significant differences between the skin folds in the dominant and nondominant halves of the body, both in group A and in group B (greater in group A). There was a statistically significant correlation in the percentage fat as estimated by densitometry and as measured by adipose tissue in groups A and B

    Surgical treatment of severe epistaxis: an eleven-year experience

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    Epistaxis is one of the most prevalent emergencies in ENT practice, and its surgical treatment is part of the routine at services for emergency care, especially in cases refractory to clinical procedures. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the profile of patients and the results this service has had in the surgical treatment of epistaxis for the last 11 years. METHOD: Data from 98 patients submitted to surgery for epistaxis between 2000 and 2011 were analyzed retrospectively. RESULTS: Most in the sample were males, and mean age was around 46 years. Hypertension was identified in 58% of patients, and most events occurred during fall and winter. The re-bleeding rate was 13.27%. CONCLUSION: This study concluded that the surgical treatment for epistaxis, when indicated, had good success rates and low incidence of complications. In our service, it remains as the gold-standard procedure for nosebleeds refractory to initial management measures.A epistaxe é uma das urgências otorrinolaringológicas de maior prevalência, cujas alternativas de tratamento cirúrgico cada vez mais fazem parte do dia-a-dia dos serviços de pronto-atendimento, principalmente naqueles casos refratários às condutas clínicas. OBJETIVO: Analisar o perfil dos pacientes e os resultados deste serviço no tratamento cirúrgico da epistaxe durante 11 anos. MÉTODO: Foram analisados dados retrospectivos de 98 pacientes, submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico para epistaxe entre 2000 e 2011. RESULTADOS: A maior parte da amostra foi de homens, com média de idade em torno de 46 anos. A hipertensão arterial sistêmica foi identificada em 58% dos pacientes e a época do ano em que os eventos mais ocorreram foi durante o outono e o inverno. A taxa de ressangramento foi de 13,27%. CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo pôde concluir que o tratamento cirúrgico das epistaxes, quando indicado, tem bom índice de sucesso, com baixa incidência de complicações, e continua sendo, para este serviço, o tratamento padrão-ouro para as hemorragias nasais refratárias às medidas iniciais de manejo.UNIFESP-EPM Setor de RinologiaUNIFESP-EPM Departamento de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia de Cabeça e PescoçoUNIFESP-EPM Residência em OtorrinolaringologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Setor de RinologiaUNIFESP, EPM Depto. de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia de Cabeça e PescoçoUNIFESP, EPM Residência em OtorrinolaringologiaSciEL

    Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Associated with Hypertrophic Osteopathy in a Dog

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    Background: Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is a malignant mesenchymal neoplasm rarely described in the veterinary routine. The aim of this study was to report a case of GIST accompanied by a periosteal reaction, suggestive of hypertrophic osteopathy, in a dog.Case: An 11-year-old male dog had a history of progressive weight loss, difficulty in locomotion, and dyspnea. During clinical care, increased bone volume was observed. Blood samples were collected for a complete blood count and biochemical analysis. The dog also underwent thoracic radiography and abdominal ultrasonography. The test results revealed anemia, leukocytosis, hypocalcemia, hypoalbuminemia, and hypocholesterolemia. The radiographic images of the limbs showed a generalized periosteal reaction, and thoracic radiography indicated changes compatible with mild chronic lung disease. Ultrasonographic findings indicated a neoformation in the intestinal loop of the right mesogastric region and increased volume in the left testicle, both of which were indicative of neoplasia. Therefore, the dog was referred for surgery, wherein the intestinal mass and both testes were removed; the intestinal mass and left testicle were subjected to histopathological diagnosis. The results of the biopsies confirmed that the testicular neoplasm was a seminoma, whereas the intestinal nodule was compatible with GIST, and immunohistochemical analysis was necessary to confirm the diagnosis. On the basis of positive labeling for the antibodies vimentin, desmin, S100, and c-kit, the diagnosis of GIST was confirmed. Therefore, the animal underwent metronomic chemotherapy with 12 mg/m2 cyclophosphamide every 24 h for 3 months, and thereafter every 48 h for 6 months. Moreover, the dog was periodically monitored via imaging (radiography of the anterior and posterior limbs, abdominal ultrasonography, and computed tomography). A few months after the surgical resection of the intestinal nodule, radiography revealed that the periosteal reactions had disappeared, but ultrasonography revealed nonspecific alterations of mild thickening and enlargement of the intestinal loops. Computed tomography revealed two nodular areas of soft-tissue attenuation in the right mesogastric region. Although the possibility of tumor recurrence was raised, the animal’s owner chose only to perform palliative treatment. After 4 months, ultrasonography revealed a neoformation in the right mesogastric region. On July 29, 2018 the animal had a worsening of its clinical condiction, with tumor recurrence by ultrasound exam. The owners didn´t accept returning to the oncologist and made an option for a conservative treatment with tramadol (3 mg/kg/TID), dipirone(25 mg/kg/TID), and vitaminic supplement based on docosahexaenoic acid plus eicosapentaenoic acid (30 mg/kg, once daily) On August, 28, 2018 he was euthanized. The dog’s postsurgical survival time was 15 months.Discussion: The dog described in the present report was large and elderly, both of which are predisposing factors for GIST development. Although non-specific, progressive weight loss may be associated with intestinal neoplasia, owing to the impairment of digestion and nutrient absorption, because a part of the duodenal mucosa was compromised by neoplasia. The difficulty in locomotion, which did not respond to treatment, was attributed to the periosteal reaction confirmed by radiographic exam. This, in turn, was associated with hypertrophic osteopathy secondary to neoplasia, because the condition regressed after the removal of the intestinal nodule. The histopathological findings related to intestinal neoplasia were suggestive of GIST; positive immunoblotting for c-kit, vimentin, S100, and desmin confirmed the diagnosis. Although the veterinarian alerted the owner to the suspicion of recurrence and suggested continuing treatment, the owner chose not to

    Characterization and selection of torch ginger for cut flower

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    Torch ginger, Etlingera elatior, is among the most cultivated tropical flower of its genus. Its great acceptability in the market led researchers to improve production characteristics and to adapt it for commercialization. This study aimed to characterize 10 genotypes of torch ginger in order to select and recommend them as cut flower. The experiment ran from Jan 2014 to Dec 2016 in Paulista, Brazil and nine agro-morphological characteristics were evaluated to build a grading system that determined their suitability for cut flower. The IAC 26 and IAC 34 genotypes were classified as poorly suitable, for they presented fresh mass exceeding 237 g. They also presented less than 19 flower stems per clump and only one month with ≥1 floral stem produced in 2015. The genotypes IAC 1, IAC 2, IAC 3, IAC 11, IAC 13 and the cultivar IAC Prumirim were classified as suitable, although they obtained intermediate scores for most of the evaluated criteria. The genotype IAC 41 and the cultivar IAC Camburi were classified as very suitable for cut flower, beginning of flowering period at 12 months, produce 33.25 and 41.20 flower stem per clump, respectively, and present seven months with production of more than one floral stem per clump in 2016, achieving maximum scores from most of the evaluated characteristics


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    A obesidade pode ser definida como o acúmulo excessivo de tecido adiposo em relação à massa corporal magra, consequente de um desequilíbrio entre o consumo e gasto calórico ou, secundária a uma doença e tem afetado continuamente crianças e jovens. Sendo o exercício físico é uma das formas de tratamento da obesidade, este estudo tem por objetivo apresentar uma revisão sistemática sobre pesquisa que relacionem a obesidade em crianças e adolescentes e a prática de exercício físico. Buscou-se por estudos que apresentassem o tratamento da obesidade alienado a exercícios físicos. Foram selecionados como descritores exercício físico (A), tratamento (B) e obesidade (C), obtendo as combinações A+B, A+C, A+B+C que resultou em 5 artigos para revisão. Foi verificado que o exercício físico aliado à orientação nutricional reduz diversos fatores ligados a obesidade além de melhora na qualidade de vida