241 research outputs found

    Application proposal of permeable pavements in bike paths and bike lanes: case study in Blumenau-SC, Brazil

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    Neste estudo contempla-se uma proposta de implantação de pavimentos permeáveis em ciclovias e ciclofaixas no município de Blumenau, Santa Catarina. Realizou-se um comparativo de dimensionamento hidráulico dos pavimentos permeáveis com a aplicação do método da curva envelope e do método da NBR 16416. Analisou-se a massa específica, a resistência à compressão e a condutividade hidráulica de um concreto permeável com vistas à sua aplicação no revestimento dos pavimentos permeáveis. Os resultados do dimensionamento indicaram que os maiores volumes de reservatórios são determinados pelo método da curva envelope e que o concreto permeável desenvolvido poderia ser aplicado em forma de paver. Nas conclusões apontam-se benefícios e perspectivas com a integração da rede cicloviária e a medida de manejo de água pluvial sustentável.The survey addresses a proposal of implantation of permeable pavements in Blumenau’s bike paths and bikeways, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. It was carried out a comparative analysis of the hydraulic design with the application of the envelope curve’s method and standard’s method (NBR 16416). The specific mass, compressive strength and hydraulic conductivity of a pervious concrete was analyzed to apply it in permeable pavements. The results of design indicated that the larger reservoirs are determined by the envelope curve’s method and that the developed pervious concrete could be applied in the pavement like a paver. The conclusions point out benefits and perspectives with the integration of the municipal bicycle network and the sustainable rainwater management

    Model and Simulation of Automaton Control Using Microcontroller and LDR to Monitor the City's Public Lighting System

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    The present work aims to present a Fuzzy Logic application to evaluate information from methods of Pattern Recognition and Classification applied to Power Quality measurements from smart metering center. Fuzzy Logic is responsible for managing the summary of results presented by several methods of Recognition and Classification Patterns and thus can synthesize and integrate the performances of techniques, improving system performance. This way, a system of Fuzzy Logic can infer a classification leveraging the individual strengths of each technique to meet the specific deficiencies in some misclassification obtained by a given technique is presented. For validation, the architecture of the system was applied to a problem of power quality of distribution transformers


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    No Brasil, muitos são os entraves que impossibilitam o acesso da maioria dos estudantes com mais de 22 anos de ingressarem no Ensino Superior, principalmente quando tais sujeitos fazem parte de uma minoria linguística, como é o caso dos surdos, que em decorrência de diferentes fatores, entre estes o domínio da Língua Portuguesa fazem crescer todos os anos, o contingente de excluídos socialmente. Assim sendo, a percepção dos sujeitos surdos acerca do próprio acesso do Ensino Superior é discutido neste trabalho que objetiva elencar quais os entraves principais que impedem o acesso dessa minoria, que historicamente vem sendo cerceado do direito à educação. Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo, que a partir de estudos como os de Vygotsky (1991) discute-se o tema. Como resultado observou-se que a maior dificuldade dos surdos passarem no vestibular é a falta de condições adequadas ao seu desenvolvimento acadêmico e intelectual e um conhecimento mais amplo da Língua Portuguesa na modalidade escrita. ABSTRACT: In Brazil, many obstacles impede the access of the majority of students with more than 22 years of Higher Education, especially when these subjects are part of a linguistic minority, as is the case of the deaf, that due to different factors , among these the domain of the Portuguese Language grow every year, the contingent of socially excluded. Thus, the deaf individuals' perception about the access of higher education is discussed in this paper, which aims to identify the main obstacles that prevent access to this minority, which has historically been curtailed by the right to education. It is a bibliographical and field research, that from studies such as those of Vygotsky (1991) the subject is discussed. As a result, it was observed that the greatest difficulty for the deaf to pass in the vestibular is the lack of adequate conditions for their academic and intellectual development and a broader knowledge of the Portuguese language in the written modality. KEYWORDS: Vestibular. Linguistic minority. Higher education

    Central role of obesity in endothelial cell dysfunction and cardiovascular risk

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    Atherosclerosis is the leading cause of mortality in the contemporary world. The critical role of the endothelial cells (EC) in vascular homeostasis, the metabolic changes that take place when the cell is activated, and the elements involved in these processes have been widely explored over the past years. Obesity and its impact, promoting a rise in blood levels of free fatty acids (FAs) are often associated with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular mortality. However, the mechanisms that promote cardiovascular structural changes and adaptive changes in the ECs, particularly in the context of obesity, are little known. Here, we reviewed studies that assessed the metabolic adaptations of healthy and dysfunctional ECs during exposure to FAs, as well as the epidemiological perspectives of cardiovascular structural changes in obesity. Finally, we explored the role of new agents - sphingolipids, dietary unsaturated fatty acids and sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors (iSGLT2) - in atherosclerosis and their relationship with obesity.651879


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    Objective: to compare the performance of diagnostic exams and monitoring of tuberculosis between the general population and those in situations of social vulnerability from the municipality of Belo Horizonte/MG.Method: an epidemiological study of the tuberculosis cases recorded between 2001 and 2017 in the Information System of Belo Horizonte - Brazil. A descriptive analysis and a comparison were performed between the general population and those in street situations and deprived of their freedom.Results: diagnostic and follow-up tests were performed more frequently in vulnerable populations, in up to 30%, with low use of the rapid molecular test (mean of 35.4%) and of the observed treatment, with 22% of performance in the street population. and 38% in individuals deprived of freedom.Conclusion: the study points to the need to prioritize the rapid test and the observed treatment, especially among vulnerable groups. Disseminating the use of these tools can determine interruption of the transmission chain, the possibility of a cure and non-occurrence resistance

    Adiar ou não as eleições municipais em razão da pandemia? Uma proposta intermediária de solução constitucional

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    A crise sanitária provocada pelo coronavírus ameaça o calendário do pleito municipal previsto constitucionalmente para o primeiro domingo de outubro de 2020. Adiar ou não as eleições municipais em razão da pandemia? Diante da iminente necessidade de adiamento do pleito, este trabalho apresenta o estudo das normas constitucionais que regem a matéria, identifica (in)viabilidades das soluções até então propostas, e tem como objetivo apresentar sugestão de alteração normativa que concilie saúde pública com a legitimidade das eleições. Como conclusão, surge uma proposta intermediária de solução: autorização constitucional para, se preciso, realizar o adiamento parcial do pleito

    Probing the reciprocal lattice associated with a triangular slit to determine the orbital angular momentum for a photon

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    The orbital angular momentum conservation of light reveals different diffraction patterns univocally dependent on the topological charge of the incident light beam when passing through a triangular aperture. It is demonstrated that these patterns, which are accessed by observing the far-field measurement of the diffracted light, can also be obtained using few photon sources. In order to explain the observed patterns, we introduce an analogy of this optical phenomenon with the study of diffraction for the characterization of the crystal structure of solids. We demonstrate that the finite pattern can be associated with the reciprocal lattice obtained from the direct lattice generated by the primitive vectors composing any two of the sides of the equilateral triangular slit responsible for the diffraction. Using the relation that exists between the direct and reciprocal lattices, we provide a conclusive explanation as to why the diffraction pattern of the main maxima is finite. This can shed a new light on the investigation of crystallographic systems

    Effect of Xylitol Varnishes on the Inhibition of Demineralization in Vitro

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    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of xylitol varnishes in the inhibition of enamel demineralization in vitro. Material and Methods: Bovine enamel blocks (n=120) were randomly allocated to four groups (n = 30), and the surface hardness (SH) was measured at baseline. The blocks were treated with the following varnishes: 20% xylitol, 20% xylitol plus F (5% NaF), Duraphat™ (5% NaF, positive control), and placebo (no-F/xylitol, negative control). The varnishes were applied and removed after 6 h of immersion in artificial saliva. The blocks were subjected to pH cycles (demineralization and remineralization for 2 and 22h/day, respectively, for 8 days). Surface and cross-sectional hardnesses were measured to calculate the percentage of SH loss (%SHL) and the integrated loss of the subsurface hardness (ΔKHN). Data were statistically analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and Tukey’s tests (p<0.05). Results: %SHL was significantly decreased by 20% xylitol plus F, Duraphat™, and 20% xylitol varnishes compared to placebo. The use of 20% xylitol plus F varnish led to a significantly lower percentage of SH loss compared to the use of 20% xylitol varnish without F. However, the experimental and commercial varnishes led to significantly lower subsurface demineralization compared to placebo and did not differ from each other. Conclusion: Xylitol varnishes, especially when combined with F, effectively prevent enamel demineralization

    A sala de aula de invertida como espaço de construção do conhecimento científico no ensino médio integrado / Inverted classroom as a space for building scientific knowledge in integrated secondary education

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    O objetivo, artigo é discutir o uso da sala de aula invertida como uma ferramenta para a educação científica dos alunos de curso técnico de nível médio integrado. Fundamenta-se na concepção da sala de aula invertida como uma metodologia ativa a serviço da aprendizagem, relacionando-a com o uso das tecnologias enquanto instrumentos de mediação pedagógica e com a pesquisa no cotidiano escolar. Metodologicamente, intelectual-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica acerca da importância do trabalho científico, no sentido de provocar uma reflexão sobre o significado da pesquisa no Ensino Médio Integrado, compreendendo em que medida a sala de aula invertida contribui para a construção do conhecimento científico. A reflexão evidencia a sala de aula invertida como uma ferramenta de aprendizagem, especialmente se o professor for capaz de criar um ambiente favorável, em que haja participação e participação dos alunos. Conclui-se que cabe ao professor instigar a curiosidade dos alunos, adotando, para isso, uma disposição flexível que compreende as diversas formas de aprender de seus alunos, valorizando as escolhas pessoais, para que as pesquisas possam ocupar seu lugar como fonte de conhecimento significativo.