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    The research assessed similarities between reinforcer delay and probability effects over choices in concurrent schedules. Conditions with reinforcer amount and delay were programmed for three college students (condition 1) and, for other three students, conditions with reinforcer amount and probability (condition 2). In phase CRF/CRF, the component with smaller amount and immediate (or smaller amount and higher probability) should be the most chosen one. Then, a phase FR/FR phase was programmed, in which choice reversals were identified. This suggests similarities between the parameters. The remaining phases involved CRF, FR with blackout and FI schedules and the effects over choices were measured. Data revealed changes in response pattern for two participants (condition 2). Keywords: Choice, self-control, choice reversal, reinforcer delay, reinforcer probability O estudo avaliou semelhanças nos efeitos de atraso e probabilidade do reforço sobre escolhas em esquemas concorrentes. Foram programadas para três participantes universitários escolhas em condições com magnitude e atraso do reforço (condição 1) e para outros três em condição com magnitude e probabilidade do reforço (condição 2). Na Fase CRF/CRF, a alternativa com menor magnitude e menor atraso (ou menor magnitude e maior probabilidade) deveria ser a mais escolhida. Depois vigorou a Fase FR/FR, em que a reversão da escolha foi identificada, exceto para um participante (condição 2), sugerindo semelhanças entre os parâmetros. As demais fases envolveram esquemas CRF, FR com blackout e FI cujos efeitos foram medidos. Os dados revelaram mudança de padrão de escolha para dois participantes (condição 2). Palavras-chave: Escolha, autocontrole, reversão da escolha, atraso do reforço, probabilidade do reforço.

    Effects of Access to a Naturally Reinforcing Activity on the Acquisition of Repertoires in Autistic Learner

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    Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to Autism Spectrum Disorder is concerned in arranging reinforcing contingencies, which favor the learning of important repertoires. In the literature, the use of preferred arbitrary reinforcers is emphasized to shape and strengthen impaired targets. This may increase the likelihood that learners will cooperate with demands. Once a child is more exposed to learning contingencies, and becomes more fluent in certain repertoires, access to arbitrary reinforcers should be made more intermittently. It is possible, this way, that engaging in a given activity be now maintained by a natural or automatic reinforcing effect, depending solely on the learner. This research had the purpose of assessing if, by allowing access to a task, which previously became motivating for a child with ASD (pairing colored blocks), other non-verbal skills could be shaped (visually pairing similar pictures; motor imitation with toys; pairing pictures to their corresponding dictated names). The study was conducted in a laboratory from a private University in Brazil. A multiple probe design, across different target repertoires, was used to ensure experimental control by the task of pairing similar colored blocks. As a result, it was demonstrated that all target repertoires were learned, suggesting that access to the previously mastered task, possibly maintained by natural reinforcement, solely established three different repertoires. When the child's parents were interviewed to give their perception on the use of pairing blocks as reinforcer, they were more satisfied than in the case that other reinforcers, such as videos and edibles, are used. Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, arbitrary reinforce, natural reinforcer DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-22-06 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Comparison of Types of Behavioral Skills Training to Train Psychology Interns

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    O Behavioral Skills Training (BST) é utilizado na capacitação de profissionais, pais ou outros cuidadores e universitários para ensino de habilidades em aprendizes com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA). Compreende: 1) instruções sobre princípios de Análise do Comportamento Aplicada (ABA) para o ensino de repertórios; 2) modelação (demonstração de comportamentos que devem ser emitidos durante o ensino); 3) ensaio comportamental com um confederado e 4) feedback de desempenho. O objetivo foi comparar a aplicação de dois tipos de BST (um com um componente de modelação ao vivo/presencial e, o outro, com um componente de modelação com vídeos) quanto a sua eficiência para a formação de seis estagiárias de graduação em Psicologia. Cada caso foi definido para melhorar a precisão no ensino de duas duplas de repertórios a um confederado, que simulava comportamentos de um aprendiz com TEA. A diferença entre os dois BST foi apenas em relação ao componente de modelação. Ambos produziram melhora na precisão do ensino de repertórios pelas estagiárias, e foram eficientes em uma medida semelhante, demandando poucos encontros para capacitação. Os dados foram discutidos considerando a importância de uma formação adequada para profissionais que possam colaborar no futuro com orientação de pais, e outros cuidadores, no manejo comportamental de seus familiares com TEA, tanto de forma presencial como remota (importante em tempos de pandemia do COVID-19).The Behavioral Skills Training is used in the training of professionals, parents or other caregivers and college students to teach skills in learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It comprises: 1) instructions regarding principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to teach repertoires; 2) modeling (demonstration of behaviors, which must be emitted during teaching); 3) behavioral rehearsal with a confederate; 4) performance feedback. The goal was to compare the administration of two types of BST (one with a in live/presential modeling component and, the other, with a modeling component with videos) as to their efficiency on the training of six Psychology interns. Each case was defined to improve the accuracy of teaching two pairs of repertoires to a confederate, who pretended to act like a learner with ASD. The difference between the two types of BST was solely related to the modeling component. They both produced improvement in teaching accuracy by the interns, and they were efficient in a similar manner, demanding few meetings to finish training. The data were discussed considering the relevance of an appropriate training for professionals who may collaborate, in the future, by advising parents, and other caregivers, on behavior management of their relatives with ASD, either presential or remotely (which is important during the pandemic of COVID-19)

    Cacao crop management zones determination based on soil properties and crop yield

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    The use of management zones has ensured yield success for numerous agricultural crops. In spite of this potential, studies applying precision agricultural techniques to cacao plantations are scarce or almost nonexistent. The aim of the present study was to delineate management zones for cacao crop, create maps combining soil physical properties and cacao tree yield, and identify what combinations best fit within the soil chemical properties. The study was conducted in 2014 on a cacao plantation in a Nitossolo Háplico Eutrófico (Rhodic Paleudult) in Bahia, Brazil. Soil samples were collected in a regular sampling grid with 120 sampling points in the 0.00-0.20 m soil layer, and pH(H2O), P, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, H+Al, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, SB, V, TOC, effective CEC, CEC at pH 7.0, coarse sand, fine sand, clay, and silt were determined. Yield was measured in all the 120 points every month and stratified into annual, harvest, and early-harvest cacao yields. Data were subjected to geostatistical analysis, followed by ordinary kriging interpolation. The management zones were defined through a Fuzzy K-Means algorithm for combinations between soil physical properties and cacao tree yield. Concordance analysis was carried out between the delineated zones and soil chemical properties using Kappa coefficients. The zones that best classified the soil chemical properties were defined from the early-harvest cacao yield map associated with the clay or sand fractions. Silt content proved to be an inadequate variable for defining management zones for cacao production. The delineated management zones described the spatial variability of the soil chemical properties, and are therefore important for site-specific management in the cacao crop


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    Children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) frequently show difficulties in the acquisition of multiple repertoires, including verbal behavior. One type of verbal operant behavior is the intraverbal. It involves the emission of a verbal response under the control of a verbal discriminative stimulus, without point-to-point correspondence between them, and the response is maintained by a generalized conditioned reinforcer. This study focused on narrative retelling, which is a skill that comprises intraverbal chains. It is also discussed in the literature that the teaching of this repertoire may improve gains in text comprehension, which also involves the emission of intraverbals, that is, answering questions. Regarding this skill, previous research investigated procedures that may produce the emergence of answering comprehension questions referred as complex ABC intraverbals (related to the stimulus equivalence paradigm) in typically developing children. In general, they were exposed to cycles in which they first read short texts/sentences relating information on three different stimuli (A, B, and C), Thereafter, the children answered several questions representing all possible complex intraverbal relations among the three stimuli from the sentences. Some learners demonstrated the emergence of all complex relations, and further investigations were carried out with the teaching of simpler intraverbal relations of the type of exemplars and categories before the cycles of reading sentences – probing complex ABC intraverbals. Data indicated that more learners showed the emergence of all, or nearly all, complex relations. The present study comprised two systematic replication experiments, with the inclusion of a child with ASD as participant. Both also involved the teaching of sentence reading and retelling through script fading, to analyze the effects of narrative production on the possible emergence of complex intraverbals. In Experiment 1, cycles of teaching sentence reading and retelling – probing ABC intraverbals were administered. As a result, all possible complex relations emerged.  Experiment 2 involved the teaching of simpler intraverbal relations of the type of exemplars and categories before the cycles of teaching sentence reading and retelling – probing ABC intraverbals. All possible complex intraverbal relations also emerged. Data were discussed in the sense that, although positive, it is not clear whether the teaching of sentence retelling and simpler intraverbal relations facilitated the establishment of the complex intraverbals. It is possible that reading the sentences was sufficient. The limitations of the research were presented and discussed, as well as recommendations for future investigations that may more clearly isolate the effects of each manipulated independent variable. Anyway, the current study extended previous investigations by showing that complex intraverbal relations of the ABC type may also be established in a learner diagnosed with ASD.  Article visualizations


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    This study aims at analyzing the elements associated with the consumption of counterfeit products of established brands. In this sense, have the following objectives: (a) discuss the role of brands in consumer society, (b) identify the reasons for consumers when buying counterfeit goods, (c) examine consumption as a result of the habitus. For this purpose, we used a qualitative approach through interviews conducted with 120 subjects frequenting popular shopping malls and / or consumers of counterfeit goods. For analysis purposes, these subjects were divided into three main groups according to their consumption preferences: consumers of products of famous brands, consumers of products of common brands, consumers of counterfeit goods. It can be concluded by means of claims collected, that the behavior of buying fake products of famous brands is developed by an inability to identify the rational reasons to buy, because they are in terms of becoming unconscious, therefore, inaccessible. The motivation to purchase is symbolic and there is a functional explanation for the act of purchase. The symbolic implies something unknown and hidden, which makes it a matter of controversy and/or assumptions.Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar los elementos asociados con el consumo de productos falsificados de marcas famosas. En este sentido, tienen los siguientes objetivos: (a) analizar el papel de las marcas en la sociedad de consumo, (b) identificar las razones consumidores con respecto a la compra de productos falsificados, (c) analizar el consumo como consecuencia del habitus. Para ello, se utilizó un enfoque cualitativo a través de entrevistas realizadas con 120 asistentes a temas populares centros comerciales y / o consumidores de productos falsificados. Para efectos de análisis, estos sujetos fueron divididos en tres grupos principales, de acuerdo a sus preferencias de consumo: los consumidores de las marcas establecidas, los consumidores de las marcas comunes, los consumidores de productos falsificados. Se puede concluir, a través de las denuncias recogidas, el comportamiento de compra de falsificaciones de marcas famosas se desarrolla a través de una imposibilidad racional de identificar los motivos de compra, ya que en términos de lo inconsciente se están convirtiendo por lo tanto inaccesibles. La motivación para la compra es simbólica y no hay una explicación funcional para el acto de compra. Lo simbólico implica algo oculto y desconocido, que le hace un tema de controversia y/o suposiciones.Este estudo tem como objetivo geral analisar os elementos relacionados com o consumo de produtos falsificados de marcas consagradas. Neste sentido, têm-se como objetivos específicos: (a) discutir o papel das marcas na sociedade de consumo; (b) identificar as justificativas dos consumidores quanto à compra de produtos falsificados; (c) analisar o consumo como consequência do habitus. Para tanto, utilizou-se da abordagem qualitativa mediante entrevista realizada junto a 120 sujeitos frequentadores de shoppings populares e/ou consumidores de produtos falsificados. Para fins de análise, esses sujeitos foram divididos em três grupos principais, de acordo com suas preferências de consumo: consumidores de produtos de marcas consagradas; consumidores de produtos de marcas comuns; consumidores de produtos falsificados. Pode-se concluir, por meio das alegações colhidas, que o comportamento de compra de produtos falsificados de marcas consagradas desenvolve-se mediante uma impossibilidade racional de identificar os motivos de compra, pois estão no plano do inconsciente se tornando, portanto, inacessíveis. A motivação de compra é simbólica e não existe uma explicação funcional para o ato da compra. O simbólico implica em alguma coisa desconhecida e oculta, o que o torna motivo de controvérsia e/ou suposições

    Orange pickeringite from the algares 30-level adit, aljustrel mine, iberian pyrite belt, portugal

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    Funding Information: Funding: Funding from FEDER (Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional)/INTERREG POCTEP GEO-FPI - (Ref. 0052-GEO-FPI-5-E) and EXPLORA, Op ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-000025. Funding by Alentejo 2020, Portugal 2020 and the European Union (ERDF) is acknowledged. J.P. Veiga acknowledges FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 Programme and National Funds through the FCT-Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the project UID/CTM/50025/2019, and SFRH/BD/145308/2019 (F.Carvalho) plus UIDP/50025/2020 (U.D. Menda), and funding from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union, under Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, through the MineHeritage Project (PA 18111).The sheltered environment of the Algares +30 level adit (underground mine gallery) contributes to the preservation of secondary water-soluble minerals formed on the tunnel walls. The massive sulphide and related stockwork zone are hosted by the Mine Tuff volcanic unit and are exposed in the walls of the gallery, showing intense oxidation and hydrothermal alteration. Minerals from the halotrichite group were identified on the efflorescent salts, typically white fine-acicular crystals but also on aggregates with dark orange/brownish colour. Mineral characterization was performed using several methods and analytical techniques (XRD, XRF-WDS, SEM-EDS, DTA-TG), and the chemical formulas were calculated maintaining the ratio A:B∼= 1:2 in accordance with the general formula of the halotrichite group, AB2 (SO4 )4·22H2 O. This methodology allowed the assignment of the orange colour to the presence of trivalent iron on iron-rich pickeringite in partial substitution of aluminium.publishersversionpublishe

    Antioxidant, photoprotective and inhibitory activity of tyrosinase in extracts of Dalbergia ecastaphyllum

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    Dalbergia ecastaphyllum is a native Brazil plant with importance for beekeeping, and widely used in folk medicine. For the first time, the extracts of this plant were assessed for the presence of hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidants, as well as inhibition of tyrosinase, free radicals scavenging and sunscreen protection. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by free radical scavenging (DPPH) andβ-carotene bleaching assay. The tyrosinase inhibitory activity was evaluated and calculated the EC50. The photoprotective activity was measured using different concentrations of D. ecastaphyllum extracts. The Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of the samples was higher than 6, and the sample from Ilhe ´us showed the most pronounced photoprotective effect. Sample from Canavieiras presented the highest antioxidant activity by free radical scavenging DPPH andβ-carotene bleaching method, with 92.41% and 48.34%, respectively. All samples inhibited the tyrosinase, especially the sample from Prado that was most effective (124.62μg.mL-1). Significant negative correlation was found between flavonoid contents and inhibition of tyrosinase. The overall results provide relevant information about the Dalbergia ecastaphyllum species, indicating as potential material to cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry.We thank MSc Vandira Pereira da Mata for the support during the sample collectioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio