791 research outputs found

    Avaliação agroeconômica do uso de matéria orgânica na produção comercial de pepino

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    Different sources of organic matter were compared in the commercial production of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) cv. Aodai Nazaré in a dark red latosol under Cerrado (savannah). The experimental design was in randomized complete blocks with four replications and seven treatments: chicken manure (10 t/ha), cattle manure (20 t/ha), and processed garbage (30  t/ha) enriched with O, 5.4, 10.8 or 16.2 kg N/t, besides the check. Organic matter significantly improved marketable yield in cucumber. Treatments involving processed garbage were in general similar to the more traditional sources of organic matter. Chicken manure treatment outyielded cattle manure. In general, there was no advantage concerning the physic production volume to the N enrichment of processed garbage. The treatments were also analysed under a decision model that takes both profitability and risks into account. The best treatments under this perspective were chicken manure (10 t/ha) and processed garbage enriched with 10.8kg N/t of processed garbag.Foram comparadas diferentes fontes de matéria orgânica na produção comercial do pepino (Cucumis sativus) cv. Aodai Nazaré em Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro (LE), sob vegetação de cerrado. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e sete tratamentos: esterco de galinha (10 t/ha), esterco de curral (20 t/ha), lixo industrializado (30 t/ha) enriquecido com 0; 5, 4; 10, 8 e 16,2 kg de N/t de lixo e testemunha. A matéria orgânica foi eficiente na produção comercial de pepino, aumentando a produtividade; o lixo industrializado teve eficiência compatível com a apresentada pelas fontes tradicionais de matéria orgânica. Entre estas fontes, o esterco de galinha superou significativamente a produção do esterco de curral. Em geral, não há vantagem quanto ao volume físico de produção no enriquecimento do lixo industrializado com N. Os tratamentos foram analisados sob um processo de decisão que considerou tanto a rentabilidade como os riscos. Os melhores tratamentos sob este aspecto foram esterco de galinha (10 t/ha) e lixo industrializado tratado com 10,8 kg N/t lixo

    Avaliação do Potencial Eólico no Município de Jaguaruana, Litoral Cearense

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    This paper objective was to study the variation of speed wind anddirection, and to determine the wind power in the selected region. It is presentedin this study, a preliminary assessment of wind potential in the municipality ofJaguaruana, coastline region of Ceará State, using data of speed wind obtainedin a Meteorological Data Acquisition Equipment (Plataforma de Coleta deDados - PCD) of Fundação Cearense de Meteorologia e Recursos Hídricos (FUNCEME), from January 2004 to December 2006. For this, it was identifiedthe wind speed profile for 110 meters, with that the Weibull distributionparameters was estimated to determine the monthly average of density of windpower for the three years studied. In accordance with the results presented inthis paper, it was conclude that in Jaguaruana the predominant wind directionis from east with variations between northeast and southeast. The region has agood wind potential with excellent results in power density. The results showedthat the location of Jaguaruana obtained satisfactory values and good resultsfor the capacity factor, ranging between 20% and 35%.ento, bem como determinar a potência eólica da região selecionada.Apresenta-se neste estudo uma avaliação preliminar do potencial eólicono município de Jaguaruana, região litorânea do Estado do Ceará, atravésde uma série de dados de velocidade do vento obtidos de uma Plataformade Coleta de Dados (PCD) da Fundação Cearense de Meteorologia e RecursosHídricos (FUNCEME), no período de janeiro de 2004 a dezembrode 2006. Para tanto, identificou-se o perfil do vento para velocidade a 110m de altura, com isso, estimaram-se os parâmetros da distribuição de Weibullpara a determinação da densidade de potência eólica mensal média para ostrês anos em estudo. Em função dos resultados apresentados neste trabalho,pode-se concluir que a direção predominante do vento em Jaguaruanaé de leste com variações entre nordeste e sudeste. A região tem um potencialeólico satisfatório com ótimos resultados de densidade de potência.Os resultados mostraram que a localidade de Jaguaruana obteve valoressatisfatórios e bons resultados para o fator de capacidade, variando entre20% e 35%

    Correlation between serum cystatin C and markers of subclinical atherosclerosis in hypertensive patients

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    BACKGROUND: Serum cystatin C (s-CC), an endogenous marker of kidney function, has also been proposed as a cardiovascular risk marker. However, it is unknown whether it is a direct marker of atherosclerosis, independently of kidney function. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to correlate s-CC with two surrogate markers of subclinical atherosclerosis. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study involving 103 middle-aged (57.49 ± 11.7 years) hypertensive outpatients, being 60 female (58.25%), most with preserved kidney function. S-CC was correlated with carotid intima media thickness (IMT) and flow-mediated dilation of brachial artery (FMD), both assessed by ultrasound, as well as with measured creatinine clearance and established cardiovascular risk factors. RESULTS: S-CC was neither significantly correlated with IMT (r = -0.024; p = 0.84) nor with FMD (r = -0.050 and p = 0.687) and no significant association was observed with conventional risk factors and inflammatory markers. In univariate analysis, s-CC was correlated with measured creatinine clearance (r = -0,498; p < 0,001), age (r = 0,408; p < 0,001), microalbuminuria (r = 0,291; p = 0,014), uric acid (r = 0,391; p < 0,001), ratio E/e' (r = 0,242; p = 0,049) and Framingham score (r = 0,359; p = 0,001). However, after multiple regression analysis, only the association with measured creatinine clearance remained significant (r = -0,491; p < 0,001). CONCLUSION: In middle-aged hypertensive outpatients, s-CC correlated with measured creatinine clearance, as expected, but no association was observed with markers of atherosclerosis neither with established cardiovascular risk factors.FUNDAMENTO: A cistatina C sérica (s-CC), um marcador endógeno da função renal, tem sido proposta também como um marcador de risco cardiovascular. No entanto, ainda não está estabelecido se se trata de um marcador direto de aterosclerose, independentemente da função renal. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi correlacionar a s-CC com dois marcadores substitutos de aterosclerose subclínica. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo transversal envolvendo 103 pacientes hipertensos ambulatoriais, de meia idade (57,49 ± 11,7 anos), sendo 60 do sexo feminino (58,25%) e a maioria com função renal preservada. A s-CC foi correlacionada com a espessura mediointimal carotídea (EMIc) e a dilatação mediada por fluxo de artéria braquial (DMF), ambas avaliadas por ultrassonografia, bem como com o clearance de creatinina medido e fatores de risco cardiovascular estabelecidos. RESULTADOS: A s-CC não se correlacionou significativamente nem com a EMIc (r = -0,024, p = 0,84) nem com a DMF (r = -0,050 e p = 0,687), e não foi observada também associação significativa com fatores de risco convencionais nem marcadores inflamatórios. Na análise univariada, a s-CC se correlacionou com o clearance de creatinina medido (r = - 0,498, p < 0,001), idade (r = 0,408, p < 0,001), microalbuminúria (r = 0,291, p = 0,014), ácido úrico (r = 0,391, p < 0,001), relação E/e' (r = 0,242, p = 0,049) e escore de Framingham (r = 0,359, p = 0,001). No entanto, após análise de regressão múltipla, apenas a associação com o clearance de creatinina medido permaneceu significativa (r = -0,491, p <0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Em pacientes hipertensos ambulatoriais de meia idade, a s-CC se correlacionou com o clearance de creatinina medido,como esperado, mas não foi observada associação com marcadores de aterosclerose nem com fatores de risco cardiovascular estabelecidos.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Universidade Federal do MaranhãoUNIFESPSciEL

    Use of phytotherapy in treating diabetic foot in older adults: an integrative review

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    Objective: to identify the scientific evidence on herbal medicines used in treating diabetic foot in older adults. Methods: an integrative review conducted in the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System, SCOPUS, EMBASE, Web of Science and Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature databases. The Rayyan platform was used as a supporting tool for archiving, organizing and selecting articles. Results: the search resulted in 158 articles. After identifying, selecting, evaluating eligibility, systematization and performing a full reading of the articles, the final sample consisted of 10 articles. We identified herbal medicines derived from Calendula officinalis, Ageratina pichinchensis, Phellodendron chinense, Curcumin phytosome, Capsicum spp., Rehmannia Glutinosa and Astragalus membranaceus. Conclusion: investigations of herbal compounds derived from four plants used in treating diabetic foot in older adults predominated. Considerations for practice: supported by legislation, nurses can guide users interested in using phytotherapy as an accessible solution with proven efficacy

    Influência da temperatura no comportamento reológico de geleias comerciais de cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) / Temperature influence on behavior jellies rheological cupuaçu commercials (Theobroma grandiflorum)

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    A Reologia é a ciência que estuda as propriedades mecânicas dos materiais que determinam seu escoamento quando solicitadas por forças externas. As frutas nativas da Amazônia Brasileira despertam um grande interesse mundial quanto à sua composição nutricional e valor comercial. Com o cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) não é diferente, pois tal fruta, além de exótica, apresenta inúmeras formas de ser consumida, tais como: doces, geleias, sucos, sorvete, mousse e até em forma de licores. O cupuaçu pode, ainda, ser usado em produtos cosméticos, utilizando a parte gordurosa do fruto, suas sementes contém alto valor proteico e servem para incorporar vários tipos de alimentos. As geleias são doces semitransparentes, contendo polpa do fruto em partes de açúcar, que são cozidos até obter uma consistência viscosa, a pectina das frutas garante essa propriedade física. Objetivos: Determinar o comportamento reológico de uma geleia comercial de cupuaçu nas temperaturas de 20ºC, 30ºC, 40ºC, 50ºC e 60ºC e identificar o modelo mais adequado para descrever o comportamento reológico desse tipo de alimento, a fim de se obter parâmetros para a produção deste tipo de produto.  Material e métodos: As geleias foram adquiridas no comércio local da cidade de São Luís, no estado do Maranhão. As análises reológicas foram determinadas por um reômetro rotacional do tipo cone e placa, localizado no DETA/UNESP. Resultados: Os dados experimentais foram ajustados aos modelos de Newton, Ostwald-de-Waelle e Bingham, sendo que o modelo mais adequado para descrever o comportamento reológico do produto estudado foi o de Ostwald-de-Waelle, pois apresentou coeficientes de determinação (R2) superiores a 0,99 e menores valores de erro em todas as temperaturas estudadas. O tempo para formação dos géis foi de aproximadamente 50 minutos (300s). Conclusão: As amostras apresentaram comportamento não newtoniano e caráter pseudoplástico

    Influência da interação substrato x lâmina de água no crescimento de girassol

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    No presente estudo avaliou-se dois genótipos de girassol (Helianthus annuus L.) em fase vegetativa inicial, submetidos à seca induzida e a ensaios com diferentes doses de composto orgânico no substrato, formado pela composição de areia lavada+composto orgânico, nas proporções de 20% + 80%, 50% + 50% e 80% + 20%, respectivamente. Propôs-se determinar a influência dos tratamentos na resistência do girassol a seca. No estádio de crescimento vegetativo as doses de composto orgânico influenciaram na resposta dos dois genótipos de girassol (BRS01 e Hélio253) interagindo, portanto, com o tratamento de seca provido pela lâmina de 40% da capacidade de campo. Essa resposta foi evidenciada principalmente pelos parâmetros altura da planta, umidade-foliar e radicular bem como pelo comprimento e volume radicular, expondo que as respostas a esse tipo de combinação de tratamento são mais evidentes em sistema radicular do que em parte aérea. Mais estudos devem ser realizados com essa abordagem, principalmente averiguando se as dosagens de composto orgânico afetariam o desenvolvimento e a produtividade do girassol em campo

    Adherence to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) among Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in Portuguese-Speaking Countries

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    Funding Information: National Research Council–CNPq. Process: 159908/2019-1. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.Strengthening strategies to improve adherence to the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in key populations constitutes a global health priority to be achieved across countries, especially in countries that share a high flow of people such as Brazil and Portugal. This study aimed to analyze the factors associated with adherence to PrEP among MSM from two Portuguese-speaking countries, highlighting the opportunities and preventive strategies for the global health scenario. This was a cross-sectional analytical online survey conducted from January 2020 to May 2021 with MSM in Brazil and Portugal. For analysis of the data, the Poisson regression model was used to estimate the prevalence ratio (PR) for developing a model to evaluate the associated factors in both countries in a comparative and isolated way. Adherence to PrEP use corresponded to 19.5% (n = 1682) of the overall sample: 18.3% (n = 970) for Brazil and 21.5% (n = 712) for Portugal. Having more than two sex partners in the last 30 days (aPR: 30.87) and routinely undergoing HIV tests (aPR: 26.21) increased the use of this medication. Being an immigrant (PR: 1.36) and knowing the partner’s serological status (PR: 1.28) increased adherence to PrEP in Portugal, whereas, in Brazil, it was being an immigrant (PR: 0.83) and not knowing the serological status (PR: 2.24) that promoted the use of this medication. Our findings reinforce the need to invest in programs and strategies to improve access and adherence to PrEP, especially in key populations.publishersversionpublishe

    Pharmaceutical development of tablets containing a spray-dried optimized extract from Lippia origanoides H. B. K.: influence of excipients and toxicological assessment

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    Lippia origanoides is a honey shrub which has showed hypotensive potential assessed by in vivo studies. The aim of this work is the development of a pharmaceutical formulation composed by an optimized extract obtained from aerial parts of L. origanoides. The quantification of the naringenin marker in the dry extract and tablets developed was performed, as well as the assessment of the oral acute toxicity in rats. The hydroalcoholic extract of L. origanoides was spray-dried with the addition of colloidal silicon dioxide (Lo-HAE/CSD), and then applied in the preparation of eight different lots of tablets. The influence of the diluent (cellulose or babassu mesocarp), the presence of binder, and the percentage of lubricant, as well as organoleptic and physicochemical characteristics were screened. For the quantification of the marker content both in Lo-HAE/CSD and in the tablets, an analytical curve of the naringenin standard was fitted, and the samples were then analyzed in UFLC. The toxicological assessment was performed in female Wistar rats according to the Acute Toxic Class Method from OECD. The developed tablets produced meet acceptable macroscopic characteristics, and the presence of babassu as diluent provided improved physicochemical properties. The best content of Lo-HAE/CSD in the tablet (100.27%) was identified for the lot containing babassu, composed by 1.0% magnesium stearate, without PVP binder in its formulation. Moreover, Lo-HAE/CSD showed no signs of toxicity. Therefore, the babassu mesocarp powder is a promising pharmaceutical excipient for the development of herbal tablets containing the Lippia origanoides extract

    Effects of chronic food stress on morphometry and expression of nuclear organizing regions in the adult rats hippocampus Chronic food stress on morphometry and expression of agnor in the rats hippocampus / Efeitos do estresse alimentar crônico na morfometria e expressão das regiões de organização nuclear nos ratos adultos hipocampo Testemunho crônico de alimentação sobre morfometria e expressão do agnor no hippocampus das taxas

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    The aim of this study was to verify the immediate and late effects of chronic food stress on the expression of Nuclear Organizing Regions (NORs) in hippocampal neurons. Twenty Wistar rats were separated into two groups: test (n = 10) and control (n = 10). Food stress started from the 60th day of life and lasted for a month. After this time the animals were anesthetized, euthanized and had their hippocampus dissected. The obtained hippocampus were histologically processed, stained by the HE technique for morphological description and by the AgNOR technique for NOR analysis. From each image the total number of neurons, the number of neurons with NOR in Dispersion (NND), the total number of NORs (NNOR), and then performed a ratio of NNOR by the total number of neurons to obtain the number Of NOR by neuron (NNN). Of the analyzed variants, the number of neurons was higher (p &lt;0.001) in the stressed group (41.98 ± 17), when compared with the control group (33.57 ± 14). In addition, NND was also higher in the stressed group (4.523 ± 4.04) than the control group (1.4 ± 2.20) with p &lt;0.001. Thus, we have that chronic food stress increases the number of granular neurons in the hippocampus in rats as well as increases the number of NOR in dispersion. 