18 research outputs found

    Multiple Scenario Generation of Subsurface Models:Consistent Integration of Information from Geophysical and Geological Data throuh Combination of Probabilistic Inverse Problem Theory and Geostatistics

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    Neutrinos with energies above 1017 eV are detectable with the Surface Detector Array of the Pierre Auger Observatory. The identification is efficiently performed for neutrinos of all flavors interacting in the atmosphere at large zenith angles, as well as for Earth-skimming \u3c4 neutrinos with nearly tangential trajectories relative to the Earth. No neutrino candidates were found in 3c 14.7 years of data taken up to 31 August 2018. This leads to restrictive upper bounds on their flux. The 90% C.L. single-flavor limit to the diffuse flux of ultra-high-energy neutrinos with an E\u3bd-2 spectrum in the energy range 1.0 7 1017 eV -2.5 7 1019 eV is E2 dN\u3bd/dE\u3bd < 4.4 7 10-9 GeV cm-2 s-1 sr-1, placing strong constraints on several models of neutrino production at EeV energies and on the properties of the sources of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays

    Avaliação da união zircônia-cimento resinoso-dentina com diferentes estratégias de cimentação e de envelhecimento

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de métodos de envelhecimento na resistência adesiva () de três sistemas de cimentação resinosa de ativação dual (RXA- RelyX ARC, RXU- RelyX U100 e PF- Panavia F) entre a dentina e uma cerâmica à base de zircônia estabilizada por óxido de ítrio (In-Ceram YZ, Vita Zanhfabrik) com diferentes tratamentos de superfície. A superfície dentinária oclusal de 72 molares humanos hígidos foi exposta e condicionada conforme as instruções dos fabricantes. Os blocos cerâmicos (72) foram cortados, planificados, sinterizados e divididos em dois grupos conforme o tipo de tratamento de superfície: PA- jateamento com óxido de alumínio (≤ 45μm) ou SC- silicatização (Rocatec Soft, 3M ESPE). A cimentação dos blocos cerâmicos foi realizada de acordo com as instruções dos fabricantes, constituindo 6 grupos que foram armazenados em água destilada à 37°C por 24 h. Os conjuntos dente-cimento resinosocerâmica foram cortados no sentido x e y, produzindo, aproximadamente, 9 corpos de prova (cp) em forma de barra (área adesiva de 0,9 ± 0,1 mm2) por conjunto. Os cp de cada grupo foram divididos aleatoriamente em 4 condições de envelhecimento: armazenagem em água destilada (A) a 37oC por 120 ou 180 dias (d); e termociclagem com 30.000x ou 60.000x (5ºC-55ºC); constituindo 24 grupos (n>12). O teste de micro-tração foi realizado em uma máquina de ensaio universal (1 mm/min). A σ foi calculada e os dados foram analisados estatisticamente através da ANOVA e teste de Tukey (=0,05). Os grupos RXA-SC 180 d e PF-PA 120 d apresentaram os mais altos valores de  (32,9 e 29,6 MPa, respectivamente). Os grupos RXA-PA 30.000x (8,9 MPa) e RXU-SC 180 d (8,1 MPa) mostraram os valores mais baixos de . O envelhecimento por TC não prejudicou qualquer dos grupos experimentais, mas o envelhecimento por A reduziu significativamente os valores de  nos grupos RXThe aim of this study was to evaluate the bond strength () of resincement systems (RXA- RelyX ARC; RXU- RelyX U100; and PFPanavia F) to dentin and yttria-stabilized zirconia-based ceramic (YZIn- Ceram YZ) after different surface treatments and aging. The occlusal dentin of 72 sound human molars was exposed and conditioned according to the manufacturers’ instructions. Ceramic blocks (72) were cut, flattened, sintered, and divided into two groups according to the type of surface treatment: PA- airborne particle abrasion (≤ 45μm alumina particles), and SC- tribochemical silica coating (Rocatec Soft, 3M ESPE). The cementation procedure followed the instructions of each manufacturer, resulting in 6 groups of tooth-cement-ceramic blocks that were stored in 37°C distilled water for 24 h before cutting into nontrimmed bar-shaped specimens (A- adhesive area= 0.9 ± 0.1 mm²). Approximately 9 specimens per block were obtained and they were randomly assigned to one of the 4 aging conditions: 120 or 180 days stored in 37oC distilled water; and thermocycling (5ºC-55ºC) with 30,000 or 60,000 cycles. The experimental design resulted in 24 groups (n>12). The specimens were loaded in tension (F) until failure using a universal testing machine (crosshead speed: 1 mm/min). The σ (F/A) was calculated and data was statistically analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey tests (=0.05). Groups RXA-SC 180 d and PF-PA 120 d showed the highest σ values (32.9 and 29.6 MPa, respectively). Groups RXA-PA 30,000x (8.9 MPa) and RXU-SC 180 d (8.1 MPa) presented the lowest σ values. Thermocycling did not reduce the σ values of any experimental group, but water storage decreased the σ values for RXU-SC and PF-PA group

    Avaliação de três cimentos resinosos na resistência de união entre dentina e uma cerâmica de zircônia estabilizada por ítria

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    Objetivou-se avaliar a resistência à tração (σ) da união de três sistemas de cimentação resinosa de ativação dual (RelyX ARC, RelyX U100 e Panavia F) entre a dentina e uma cerâmica à base de zircônia estabilizada por óxido de ítrio (In-Ceram YZ, Vita Zanhfabrik) com diferentes tratamentos de superfície. A superfície oclusal de 54 terceiros molares humanos hígidos foi exposta e condicionada conforme as instruções de cada cimento. Cinqüenta e quatro blocos cerâmicos foram planificados e sinterizados (6,4 mm x 6,4 mm x 4,8 mm). Após, foram divididos em dois grupos conforme o tipo de tratamento de superfície: jateamento com óxido de alumínio ≤ 50 μm ou silicatização (CoJet, 3M ESPE)(24-28 psi). A cimentação à dentina foi realizada de acordo com as instruções de cada fabricante. Assim, foram constituídos 6 grupos. Os conjuntos foram armazenados em água destilada à 37°C por 24 h e cortados no sentido x e y, 9 corpos de prova (cp) por conjunto foram obtidos em média (área adesiva de ± 1 mm2). Os cp de cada conjunto foram divididos aleatoriamente em 3 condições de armazenagem: ensaio imediato; 60 dias de armazenagem em água destilada (37ºC) e termociclagem (10.000x, 5ºC - 55ºC) (n≥12). O ensaio de resistência adesiva por microtração foi realizado numa máquina de ensaio universal (1 mm/min). Nos grupos imediatos RelyX ARC-silicatização e Panavia Fjateamento apresentaram as médias mais altas de σ (13,9 e 13,0 MPa, respectivamente), seguido do RelyX U100-jateamento (10,2 MPa). Após a termociclagem, o cimento Panavia F-jateamento foi melhor (14,8 MPa) seguido pelo RelyX ARC-silicatização e RelyX U100-jateamento (12,9 e 9,9 MPa, respectivamente). Após a armazenagem por 60 dias, os cimentos se comportaram de forma semelhante, onde os grupos que foram silicatizados demonstraram uma tendência a valores mais elevados de σ (MPa)The aim of this study was to evaluate the bond strength of three dualcured resin cement systems (RelyX ARC, RelyX U100 and Panavia F) to dentin and to an yttria-stabilized zirconia-based ceramic (In-Ceram YZ, Vita Zanhfabrik) after different surface treatments. The occlusal surface of 54 sound human third molars was exposed and conditioned according to the manufacturers’ instructions. Fifty-four ceramic blocks were cut (6.4mm x 6.4mm x 4.8mm), flattened and fired. They were divided into two groups according to the type of surface treatment: air-abrasion with ≤ 50μm alumina particles or CoJet system (3M ESPE) (14-28 psi). The cementation procedure followed the instructions of each manufacturer. Thus, there were 6 groups. All teeth-cement-ceramic blocks were stored in 37°C distilled water for 24 hours before cutting into non-trimming specimens (adhesive area= 1 mm²). About nine specimens (sp) were obtained per block (n=27). The specimens of each block were randomly assigned to one of the three storage conditions: dry- immediate test, W60- 60 days of storage (37°C water) and TC- thermocycling (10,000x) (n≥12). The microtensile bond strength test was performed using an universal testing machine (crosshead speed: 1 mm/min). Immediate groups of RelyX ARC-Cojet and Panavia F-air-abrasion presented the highest σ average (13.9 and 13.0 MPa, respectively), followed by RelyX U100-airabrasion (10,2 MPa). After TC, Panavia F-air-abrasion was the best (14.8 MPa) followed by RelyX ARC-Cojet and RelyX U100-air-abrasion (12.9 and 9.9 MPa, repectively). After W60, all the cements behaved similarly, when the groups were treated with Cojet system, tended to higher values of σ (MPa)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Effect of Cement Shade and Light-curing Unit on Bond Strength of a Ceramic Cemented to Dentin

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    Purpose: To evaluate the effect of cement shade, light-curing unit, and water storage on tensile bond strength (a) of a feldspathic ceramic resin bonded to dentin.Materials and Methods: The dentin surface of 40 molars was exposed and etched with 37% phosphoric acid, then an adhesive system was applied. Forty blocks of feldspathic ceramic (Vita VM7) were produced. The ceramic surface was etched with 10% hydrofluoric acid for 60 s, followed by the application of a silane agent and a dual-curing resin cement (Variolink II). Ceramic blocks were cemented to the treated dentin using either A3 or transparent (Tr) shade cement that was activated using either halogen or LED light for 40 s. All blocks were stored in 37 degrees C distilled water for 24 h before cutting to obtain non-trimmed bar-shaped specimens (adhesive area = 1 mm(2) +/- 0.1) for the microtensile bond strength test. The specimens were randomly grouped according to the storage time: no storage or stored for 150 days in 37 degrees C distilled water. Eight experimental groups were obtained (n = 30). The specimens were submitted to the tensile bond strength test using a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. The data were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc tests (alpha = 0.05).Results: The mean bond strength values were significantly lower for the corresponding water stored groups, except for the specimens using A3 resin cement activated by halogen light. There was no significance difference in mean bond strength values among all groups after water storage.Conclusion: Water storage had a detrimental effect under most experimental conditions. For both cement shades investigated (Tr and A3) under the same storage condition, the light-curing units (QTH and LED) did not affect the mean microtensile bond strengths of resin-cemented ceramic to dentin

    Influence of CAD-CAM diamond bur deterioration on surface roughness and maximum failure load of Y-TZP-based restorations

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    Purpose: To investigate the influence of CAD-CAM diamond bur deterioration on surface roughness (Ra) and maximum failure load (Lf) of Y-TZP-based ceramic (YZ) substructures (SB) veneered with a feldspathic porcelain. Methods: Two sets of burs (B1 and B2) were used to fabricate 30 YZ SB each in a CAD/CAM system (Cerec In Lab). The SB were identified (1-30) according to the milling sequence (MS). SEM images of the burs were recorded before milling, and after milling 15 and 30 SB. The SB Ra was measured. All SB were veneered, cemented onto a fiber reinforced epoxy resin die, and loaded to failure. Specimens from B1 group were cyclic fatigued (106 cycles) before loading to failure. Fractographic analysis was performed. Data were statistically analyzed using Student's t-test, Weibull analysis, Pearson's correlation and ANOVA (alpha=0.05). Results: The mean Ra value of B1 specimens was statistically greater than B2. Weibull modulus of B1 and B2 were statistically similar. The correlation between MS and Lf was not statistically significant for the groups. MS and Ra had significant correlation for both groups (B1: r=-0.514, P=0.015; B2: r=-0.462, P=0.03). Although the visual aspect (SEM) of the burs was similar after 30 millings, the mean Ra values were significantly different after 27 millings for B1 and 24 millings for B2.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    A Novel Silica-Nylon Mesh Reinforcement for Dental Prostheses

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    Statement of the Problem. Acrylic resin-based dentures can fracture; thus they can benefit from reinforcement. Purpose. To evaluate the effect of a novel reinforcement structure made of nylon fibers and silica particles on the flexural strength of acrylic resin after relining and aging. Materials and Methods. Bar-shaped specimens were fabricated and divided into the following experimental groups (n=20): control (acrylic resin without reinforcement); acrylic resin nylon fiber-reinforced; acrylic nylon and silica fiber-reinforced; acrylic nylon fiber-reinforced-relined; acrylic nylon and silica fiber-reinforced-relined. Half of the specimens from each group were aged by thermomechanical cycling (10000 cycles between 5°C and 55°C) before flexural strength testing to failure using a universal testing machine. Data (MPa) were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance and Tukey tests (α=5%). Results. Adding nylon fibers or silica-containing nylon fibers significantly increased the flexural strength of all the groups tested. Within the similar groups processed in the same manner, the relining procedure reduced the flexural strength of the specimens, whereas aging process had no effect on the strength values. Conclusion. Incorporating a silica-containing nylon fiber mesh into acrylic resin yielded the greatest flexural strength for the evaluated structures

    Reconstruction of events recorded with the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    International audienceCosmic rays arriving at Earth collide with the upper parts of the atmosphere, thereby inducing extensive air showers. When secondary particles from the cascade arrive at the ground, they are measured by surface detector arrays. We describe the methods applied to the measurements of the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory to reconstruct events with zenith angles less than 60ˆ using the timing and signal information recorded using the water-Cherenkov detector stations. In addition, we assess the accuracy of these methods in reconstructing the arrival directions of the primary cosmic ray particles and the sizes of the induced showers