353 research outputs found


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    O presente trabalho objetivou caracterizar a dinâmica da dormência e do conteúdo de carboidratos e proteínas em gemas e porções de ramos adjacentes às gemas de um e dois anos de idade de macieira da cultivar Imperial Gala com ou sem frio suplementar, coletados em um pomar em alta densidade. As amostras foram coletadas de macieiras no município de Porto Amazonas/PR em intervalos de 21 dias de abril a agosto de 2000. O monitoramento da intensidade da dormência foi realizado pelo teste biológico de estacas de nós isolados. Os ramos coletados foram divididos em dois grupos sendo um testemunha e outro que recebeu o tratamento com 1.440 horas de frio suplementar de 4 a 7° C. Em cada data de coleta, gemas e porções de ramos adjacentes às mesmas foram separados para análise de sua composição de carboidratos e proteínas. Paralelamente, foram realizados a análise morfológica, o monitoramento da umidade e do conteúdo em cálcio, magnésio e fósforo de gemas e ramos. Seis experimentos foram realizados num delineamento experimental de parcelas subdivididas no tempo com o fator principal arranjado em blocos casualizados. Adotou-se como fator principal o tratamento ou não com frio suplementar e como subparcela as datas de coleta de ramos com três repetições para as análises do conteúdo de carboidrato e proteínas ou quatro repetições para o teste biológico. Avaliou-se o conteúdo em carboidratos solúveis e insolúveis totais, glucose, frutose e sorbitol. A morfologia interna de gemas de dois anos caracterizou um pequeno desenvolvimento de um ramo no interior da mesma, distanciando a região meristemática da inserção da gema no caule. A dormência mais profunda de gemas de um ano ocorreu em julho e de gemas de dois anos ocorreu no final de maio, porém sem um pico tão definido quanto às gemas de um ano. A suplementação com 1.440 horas de frio de 4 a 7° C foi efetiva para a redução do tempo médio de brotação das gemas de um ou dois anos de idade. Existe uma variação do conteúdo de carboidratos e proteínas ao longo da dormência de gemas de macieira e as dinâmicas de variação são independentes. O tratamento com frio suplementar alterou a dinâmica do conteúdo de carboidratos mas não alterou a dinâmica do conteúdo de proteínas. De maio até agosto, o sorbitol foi o carboidrato presente em maior porcentagem nas gemas e ramos de um e dois anos de idade e que sofreu as maiores variações de dinâmica de conteúdo após o tratamento com frio suplementar, principalmente no início da dormência. Apesar de haver redução do conteúdo de carboidratos solúveis totais nas gemas de um ano, ocorreu acúmulo de glucose e frutose durante a dormência. O tratamento com frio durante a dormência (maio a julho) promoveu as maiores alterações no conteúdo de carboidratos solúveis. O tratamento tardio, na saída da dormência (julho a agosto), com frio suplementar pouco interferiu na dinâmica do conteúdo de carboidratos solúveis.This work aimed to evaluate the dynamic of dormancy and carbohydrate and protein contents in buds and stems with one and two years old of apple tree cv Imperial Gala with or without supplementary chill, collected in a high density orchard. The samples were collected in Porto Amazonas/Paraná/Brazil in intervals of 21 days from april to august, 2000. The variation of dormancy intensity was observed by the biological test of single node cuttings. The stems collected were treated or not with 1.440 h of chill (4 to 7° C). Buds and stems were analysed separately to the determination of the carbohydrate and protein content. The variations of humidity and the Ca, Mg and P content and morphological aspects were also analysed in buds and stems. The experiments were realized in randomized blocks design for factor chill, with factor date of collect a split plot on chill. Three replications were made to carbohydrate and protein content and four replications were made to biological test. The contents of glucose, frutose and sorbitol are also determined. The internal morphology of two years old buds characterized a small development of a stem inside the bud, with the meristematic region located more distant from the insertion of the bud in the stem. One year old buds presented a more intense dormancy in July, while to two years old buds this fact occur at the end of May, however without a defined peak. The supplementary chill was effective to reduce the average time to burst of one and two years old buds. There was a variation in the carbohydrate and protein content during the period of apple buds dormancy and the dynamics of the variations were independents. The dynamic of carbohydrate content was altered by the supplementary chill but the dynamic of protein content was not. Sorbitol was the main carbohydrate in the buds and stems of apple tree from May to August and the carbohydrate that presented the more significant variations after the treatment with cold temperatures, mainly in the begining of dormancy. Although the total soluble carbohydrate content in the one year old buds decreased, occurred an accumulation of glucose and frutose during the dormancy. The chill treatment during the dormancy period (from May to July) promoted the more significant variations in the soluble carbohydrate content. The chill treatment during the end of dormancy (from July to August) promoted less intense variations in the soluble carbohydrate content

    Technological strategies of transnational corporations affiliates in Brazil

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    This paper presents an analysis of the technological efforts made by Transnational Corporations(1) (TNCs) affiliates in Brazil. Many studies have indicated that most TNCs concentrate their main technological activities in their home, developed countries. However, empirical investigation has shown TNC affiliates in Brazil have presented a higher profile than local firms in terms of both innovative performance and R&D efforts. This study is an attempt to examine the technological efforts of TNC affiliates in Brazil and their main determinants, considering the recent changes in TNC strategies for global organization of production and technological activities. The study is based on data analysis from 450 firms controlled by foreign capital operating in São Paulo State in 1996. The database was taken from the first PAEP - Pesquisa da Atividade Econômica Paulista -, which comprises not only economic indicators, but also includes an innovation survey based on OECD guidelines. Using multivariate techniques, we have identified distinct strategies of TNCs subsidiaries in regard to technological activities, which reflect different technological effort patterns. In addition, the article reveals that such diversity of technological strategies has been influenced by the size of firms, the industrial sector to which the firm belongs and the nationality of foreign capital, in this order.163

    Impacts of New Technologies on Free-To-Air Tv Industry: Lessons from Selected Country Cases

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    This paper aims to examine the impacts of new technologies, especially of the digital TV, on the industry of terrestrial TV in selected countries. Taking the evolution of information and communication technologies (ICTs) as a background scenario, the transformations provoked by digitization of TV on the following aspects are analyzed: (i) the market structure of terrestrial TV (or free-to-air TV broadcasting), (ii) the plurality and diversity of TV programming. Based on secondary data and on recent studies on the technological trajectory of terrestrial TV in selected countries, one concludes that digital TV may provide great opportunities for development in such industry, but the magnitude of its benefits is strongly conditioned by socioeconomic factors and by how the service was regulated. Such findings may contribute to Brazilian debate on development opportunities opened by technological change to the television sector.This paper aims to examine the impacts of new technologies, especially of the digital TV, on the industry of terrestrial TV in selected countries. Taking the evolution of information and communication technologies (ICTs) as a background scenario, the transformations provoked by digitization of TV on the following aspects are analyzed: (i) the market structure of terrestrial TV (or free-to-air TV broadcasting), (ii) the plurality and diversity of TV programming. Based on secondary data and on recent studies on the technological trajectory of terrestrial TV in selected countries, one concludes that digital TV may provide great opportunities for development in such industry, but the magnitude of its benefits is strongly conditioned by socioeconomic factors and by how the service was regulated. Such findings may contribute to Brazilian debate on development opportunities opened by technological change to the television sector.This paper aims to examine the impacts of new technologies, especially of the digital TV, on the industry of terrestrial TV in selected countries. Taking the evolution of information and communication technologies (ICTs) as a background scenario, the transformations provoked by digitization of TV on the following aspects are analyzed: (i) the market structure of terrestrial TV (or free-to-air TV broadcasting), (ii) the plurality and diversity of TV programming. Based on secondary data and on recent studies on the technological trajectory of terrestrial TV in selected countries, one concludes that digital TV may provide great opportunities for development in such industry, but the magnitude of its benefits is strongly conditioned by socioeconomic factors and by how the service was regulated. Such findings may contribute to Brazilian debate on development opportunities opened by technological change to the television sector

    Pensamento único e repetição em Schopenhauer

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    The article intends to discuss theoretical and methodological aspects relating to Schopenhauer's metaphysics of nature, aiming to show that the notion of single thought makes room to the concept of repetition that, in turn, makes it possible to envisage a theory of possible worlds in his philosophy. If the intuition that bases the article has some value, then Schopenhauer's cosmology would allow thinking notions such as repetition and creating in a meaningful way to a discussion with the contemporary cosmologies.O artigo pretende discutir aspectos teóricos e metodológicos relativos a metafísica da natureza de Schopenhauer, objetivando mostrar que a noção de pensamento único abre espaço para a possibilidade de uma concepção de repetição que, por sua vez, torna possível vislumbrar uma teoria dos mundos possíveis em sua filosofia. Caso a intuição que baseia o artigo tenha algum valor, então, a cosmologia schopenhaueriana permitiria pensar noções tais como repetição e criação de maneira significativa para um debate com as cosmologias contemporâneas

    A misoginia medieval e seus ecos nos Lais de Maria de França

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    Como fonte primária básica, utilizamos a edição bilíngüe (francês arcaico-francês) de Laurence Harf-Lancner. Todos os versos citados em língua portuguesa neste trabalho foram traduções nossas, visto que, optamos conservar, na medida do possível, a forma e o conteúdo - a versão de Laurence Harf-Lancner ainda que conserve os versos, adapta o conteúdo.Os Lais de Maria de França são um tipo específico de registro histórico acerca da sociedade aristocrática medieval e nos possibilita decifrar as hierarquias que regem o relacionamento entre homens e mulheres no período. Como muito bem explica Georges Duby, a sociedade medieval tende a se apresentar revestida de um caráter masculino devido, entre outros fatores, à sua latente misoginia. As mulheres eram colocadas sob a autoridade masculina; convencidos da sua superioridade natural, os homens as desprezavam, zombavam do seu sexo, ao mesmo tempo que as temiam, afinal, eram filhas de Eva. Dito disto, os Lais oferecem imagens femininas que não podem ser desprezadas, posto que expressam a ideia que a autora fazia das mulheres. Entretanto, como procuramos demonstrar neste artigo, Maria de França reflete as representações presentes nesta sociedade aristocrática cristã. Percebe-se aqui que não aspiramos neste artigo alcançar o real vivido, mas o significado histórico das imagens femininas presentes nos Lais.The Lais of Marie de France are a specific type of historical record about the medieval aristocratic society and enables us to decipher the hierarchies that govern the relationship between men and women in the period. As well explains Georges Duby, medieval society tends to present coated with a male character because, among other factors, its latent misogyny Women were placed under male authority, convinced of their natural superiority , the men despised , mocked her sex , meanwhile feared them, after all, women were Eve's daughters. So, Lais offer female images that cannot be ignored , since it express the author women's idea. However , as we seek to demonstrate in this article, Maria of France reflects the representations of the Christian society aristocratic. One note here that this article does not aspire to reach the actual circumstances, but the historical significance of female images present in the Lais

    Dynamic of blueberry buds dormancy in a region of low chill occurrence

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    Several cultivars of blueberry were introduced in the colder regions in Brazil, but presented varied vegetative and reproductive growth, due to the heterogeneity of adaptation to the regional climate. The objective of this research was to determine the dormancy dynamics of blueberry buds grown in a region of low chill occurrence. Four methods of bud dormancy evaluation were used: biological test of single node cuttings, dormancy index, tetrazolium test and Tabuenca test. The dormancy of floral and vegetative buds of the cultivars Bluebelle, Climax, Delite and Powderblue of the Rabbiteye group was studied in collections every two weeks from April 26 to July 21. In the evaluated period there were only 76 h of temperatures below 7.2° C. The biological test and the dormancy index were viable methods for the dynamic evaluation of buds dormancy. The tetrazolium test was efficient to predict the exit of the endodormancy of floral and vegetative buds, but the Tabuenca test was efficient to predict the exit of floral buds dormancy only for the cultivars of less intense dormancy. The cultivars Bluebelle and Powderblue presented better adaptation to the conditions of low cold occurrence, with well defined installation and overcoming of the dormancy. The cv. Delite is more susceptible to budding heterogeneity and the cv. Climax is the least indicated to the region

    Projeto de primeiro mundo com conhecimento e trabalho do terceiro?

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    The purpose of this article is to discuss die links between technological backwardness and the advanced industrialised countries. In the current acceleration of technical change, the content of work tends to be enlarged, to incorporate an innovative componet. Such re-valuation of the intelligence of work is an important source for firm's innovative capability. However, in Brazil, industrialisation has been characterised by a low degree of development of technological fragility reinforces (and is reinforced by) the dominance of taylorism principles in the organisation of work, and the use of a workforce which is, generally, little skilled, badly paid and subject to high turnover.No artigo procura-se documentar e discutir a relação existente entre atraso tecnológico e uso predatório do trabalho, traçando um paralelo entre o Brasil e os países de industrialização avançada. Na atual fase de aceleração tecnológica, a ampliação do conteúdo inovativo do trabalho é o eixo comum da mudança dos processos de trabalho e constitui importante colaboração à capacidade das firmas de acumularem conhecimento e inovarem. No entanto, no Brasil, uma industrialização marcada pelo baixo grau de capacitação tecnológica contínua associada à predominância de processos de trabalho ainda inspirados em princípios tayloristas, baseados primordialmente no uso de força de trabalho pouco qualificada, mal remunerada e com vínculo de emprego instável. Argumenta-se que esses dois aspectos do atraso brasileiro reforçam-se mutuamente.357


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    Talvez porque na vida é como uma viagem

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    Talvez porque na vida é como uma viagem e o mundo, afinal, é preciso inventá-lo, caso contrário é igual por toda a parte... talvez porque há viajantes que nos revelam mais sobre certas paragens do que todas as viagens que porventura lá tenhamos feito... talvez porque nesta onda de globalização, de que tanto se procura falar, se viaja tanto, no real e no imaginário, por túneis feitos de interiores de aviões iguais, a demandar aeroportos iguais donde o viajante se transfere, entre avenidas iguais, para quartos de hotel e de conferência ou reunião iguais... talvez porque toda a literatura tenha talvez que abrir-se sempre ao que há para além, à aventura e ao mundo e porque escrever é sempre partir..


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    The author sunthesizes the main results of recent studies on the implications of technological innovations in micro-electronics (TIM) for the volume and the dynamism of employment and for the composition of the work force in electronics and automobile industries. He detects a positive correlation between TIM incorporation and generation of employment, which does not exclude resulting unemployment among less qualified workers. It is necessary to assure, within each industrial company, that technological transition be associated with a negotiated social program.II s’agit ici d’une sistématisation des résultats d’études récentes sur les implications d’innovations technologiques de base micro-électronique (ITM) pour le volume et le dynamisme de I’emploi et pour la composition de la main-d’oevre dans I’industrie automobile et I’industrie électronique. L’auteur identifie une cor- rélation positive entre I’incorporation d’ITM et la création d’emplois, ce qui n’em- pêche pas le licenciement des moins qualifiés. II faudrait assurer, au niveau de chaque entreprise, que la transition technologique soit associée à un programme social négocié.Trata-se aqui de uma sistematização dos principais achados de estudosrecentes sobre as implicações das inovações tecnológicas de base micro-eletrônica(ITM) para o volume e o dinamismo do emprego e para a composição damão-de-obra da indústria automobilística e na indústria eletrônica. Parece haveruma correlação positiva entre incorporação das ITM e geração de empregos emalguns setores, o que não impede a demissão dos não qualificados. É necessáriogarantir, ao nível de cada empresa, que a transição tecnológica seja associadaa um programa social negociado