35 research outputs found

    An atypical case of focal myositis

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    A 64-year-old woman presented with a 10-day history of painful progressive bilateral temporal and right retroauricular region tumefaction, dysphonia, and a body temperature of 37.5°C. She had been previously prescribed antibiotics assuming an oral infection, with no benefit. She had no other complaints and her past medical history and clinical exam were otherwise unremarkable. Her labs revealed high levels of CRP (11.7 mg/dl), ESR (52 mm/h), creatine kinase (CK 623 U/l), myoglobin (83 U/l), aspartate transaminase (56 U/l) and alanine transaminase (69 U/l). Serologies were negative for Treponema pallidum, human immunodeficiency, hepatitis B and C, and Epstein–Barr viruses; blood cultures and immunological study, including anti-nuclear antibodies and antibodies associated with inflammatory myopathies, were negative. A facial MRI revealed thickening and T2/FLAIR hypersignal of the temporal, masseter, and pterygoid muscles with signal intensification after gadolinium injection, suggesting myositis. A temporal muscle biopsy showed marked lymphocyte infiltration (predominantly lymphocyte T CD3), as well as the marking of multiple fibres with major histocompatibility complex class I products, which supported the diagnosis. Prednisolone 0.5 mg/kg/day (30 mg) was started, with marked clinical improvement and normalization of CRP, ESR, and CK.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Results from a population-based cohort study

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    Funding Information: We have read the journal's policy and the authors of this manuscript have the following competing interests: ARF reports travel grants from Roche and advisory board fees from Daiichi Sankyo, Gilead, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Novartis and Roche, outside the submitted work. DMB reports travel grants from LEO Farmacêuticos, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Ipsen, Janssen, Roche, and Novartis, advisory board fees from Janssen, Pfizer, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Angelini, AstraZeneca, and Novartis, and institutional grants from F. Hoffmann-La Roche, outside the submitted work. The other authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Funding Information: The authors acknowledge the RON network that cooperated in providing up-to-date information on cases diagnosed and treated with the drug of interest (participating institutions: Centro Hospitalar Universit?rio de S?o Jo?o, Centro Hospitalar Universit?rio Lisboa Norte, Centro Hospitalar Universit?rio do Algarve, Hospital de Braga, Centro Hospitalar e Universit?rio de Coimbra, Centro Hospitalar de Tr?s-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Hospital Central do Funchal, Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Ocidental, Hospital Garcia de Orta, Centro Hospitalar Universit?rio Lisboa Central, Hospital Distrital de Santar?m, Centro Hospitalar de Entre o Douro e Vouga, Hospital da Senhora da Oliveira Guimar?es, Centro Hospitalar de Set?bal, Centro Hospitalar e Universit?rio do Porto, Centro Hospitalar Tondela Viseu, Hospital do Esp?rito Santo de ?vora, Centro Hospitalar Barreiro Montijo, Hospital Beatriz ?ngelo, Hospital do Santo Esp?rito da Ilha Terceira, Hospital do Divino Esp?rito Santo de Ponta Delgada, Hospital Pedro Hispano ? ULS Matosinhos, Hospital do Litoral Alentejano ? Santiago do Cac?m ? ULS Litoral Alentejano, Centro Hospitalar do Oeste, Centro Hospitalar M?dio Tejo, Hospital Jos? Joaquim Fernandes ? Beja ? ULS Baixo Alentejo, Centro Hospitalar Universit?rio da Cova da Beira, Centro Cl?nico Champalimaud, Hospitais CUF, Hospitais da Luz, Hospitais dos Lus?adas, Hospital Particular do Algarve). Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The AuthorsBackground: Real-world (RW) data may provide valuable information on the effectiveness and safety of medicines, which is particularly relevant for clinicians, patients and third-party payers. Evidence on the effectiveness of palbociclib plus fulvestrant is scarce, which highlights the need of additional studies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of palbociclib plus fulvestrant in advanced breast cancer (ABC). Materials and methods: We conducted a population-based retrospective cohort study and cases of interest were identified through the Portuguese National Cancer Registry database and additional data sources. Patients aged≥18 years, diagnosed with ABC and exposed to palbociclib plus fulvestrant between May 31, 2017 and March 31, 2019 were included. Patients were followed-up until death or cut-off date (February 28, 2021). Primary outcome was rw-progression-free survival (rwPFS). Secondary outcomes were rw-overall survival (rwOS), rw-time to palbociclib failure (rwTPF) and rw-time to next treatment (rwTTNT). Results: A total of 210 patients were included. Median age was 58 years (range 29–83) and 99.05% were female. Median follow-up time was 23.22 months and, at cut-off date, treatment had been discontinued in 189 patients, mainly due to disease progression (n = 152). Median rwPFS was 7.43 months (95% confidence interval [CI] 6.28–9.05) and 2-year rwPFS was 16.65% (95%CI 11.97–22.00). Median rwOS was 24.70 months (95%CI 21.58–29.27), median rwTPF was 7.5 months (95%CI 6.51–9.08) and median rwTTNT was 11.74 months (95%CI 10.33–14.08). Conclusion: Palbociclib plus fulvestrant seems an effective treatment for ABC in real-world context. Compared to registrations studies, rwPFS and rwOS were shorter in real-life setting.publishersversionpublishe

    Bienestar psicológico y afrontamiento (coping) en estudiantes de enfermería durante la cuarentena por la COVID-19

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has brought about changes in the lives of higher education students that may influence their psychological well-being. Objective: To analyze the association between nursing students’ coping strategies and their psychological well-being during the COVID-19 quarantine. Methodology: Cross-sectional, descriptive-correlational study using a convenience sample of 136 students. Data were collected online using the Portuguese version of the Échelle de Mesure des Mani-festations du Bien-être Psychologique and the Brief COPE. Results: Students in the last years of their undergraduate studies used the instrumental support (p = 0.015) and emotional support (p = 0.009) coping strategies more often and had higher levels of psychological well-being (p = 0.012). Psychological well-being is associated with household income changes (p = 0.024), as well as with religion (r = 0.36; p ≤ 0.01), positive reframing (r = 0.47; p ≤ 0.01), and humor (r = 0.37; p ≤ 0.01) coping strategies. Conclusion: Students’ coping strategies seem to be associated with their psychological well-being during the COVID-19 quarantine.Enquadramento: A crise pandémica da COVID-19 acarretou mudanças na vida académica dos estudantes do ensino superior, o que poderá afetar o seu bem-estar psicológico. Objetivo: Analisar a relação entre estratégias de coping utilizadas e o bem-estar psicológico em estudantes de enfermagem durante a quarentena pela COVID-19. Metodologia: Estudo transversal, descritivo-correlacional, utilizando uma amostra de 136 estudantes. Colheita de dados online, com recurso à Escala de Medida de Manifestação de Bem-estar Psicológico e à Brief COPE. Resultados: Os estudantes dos últimos anos de curso utilizam mais frequentemente a estratégia de coping suporte instrumental (p = 0,015) e emocional (p = 0,009), apresentam ainda, maiores níveis de bem-estar psicológico (p = 0,012). As alterações no rendimento familiar estão associadas ao bem-estar psicológico (p = 0,024), assim como as estratégias de coping religião (r = 0,36; p ≤ 0,01), reinterpretação positiva (r = 0,47; p ≤ 0,01) e humor (r = 0,37; p ≤ 0,01). Conclusão: As estratégias de coping adotadas pelos estudantes parecem estar relacionadas com o bem- -estar psicológico durante a quarentena.Marco contextual: La crisis provocada por la pandemia de la COVID-19 produjo cambios en la vida académica de los estudiantes de educación superior, que pueden afectar su bienestar psicológico. Objetivo: Analizar la relación entre las estrategias de afrontamiento utilizadas y el bienestar psicológico en estudiantes de enfermería durante la cuarentena por la COVID-19. Metodología: Estudio transversal, descriptivo-correlacional, con una muestra de 136 estudiantes. La recopilación de datos se realizó en línea mediante la Escala de Medición de la Manifestación del Bienestar Psicológico y el Brief COPE. Resultados: Los estudiantes de los últimos cursos utilizan con más frecuencia la estrategia de afrontamiento apoyo instrumental (p = 0,015) y emocional (p = 0,009), y también tienen mayores niveles de bienestar psicológico (p = 0,012). Los cambios en los ingresos familiares se asocian con el bienestar psicológico (p = 0,024), así como con las estrategias de afrontamiento religión (r = 0,36; p ≤ 0,01), reinterpretación positiva (r = 0,47; p ≤ 0,01) y estado de ánimo (r = 0,37; p ≤ 0,01). Conclusión: Las estrategias de afrontamiento adoptadas por los estudiantes parecen estar relacionadas con el bienestar psicológico durante la cuarentena.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Predictive model of the psychological well-being of nursing students during the COVID-19 lockdown

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    Introduction: Lockdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic radically changed nursing education. Along with social isolation, the transition to distance education affected the well-being of students in several countries, particularly Portugal and Spain. Objectives: To identify which variables are predictors of psychological well-being for Portuguese and Spanish nursing students during mandatory lockdowns. Methods: A multicenter, cross-sectional, descriptive, correlational study involving a sample of 1075 students (944 women, mean age 22.46 + /−4.95 years). Data were collected from an online questionnaire which applied the following scales: Perceived Stress Scale (α =.820); Brief COPE-14 Subscales (α =.430 < 0.930); Well-being Manifestations Measure Scale (α =.940); Herth Hope Index (α =.850). A multiple regression model was created to predict the psychological well-being of nursing students. Results: The following predictor variables were identified in the model of the psychological well-being of students during the COVID-19 pandemic: perceived stress (β =.405; p ≤.001); hope (β =.404; p ≤.001); and the mechanisms of active coping (β =.405; p ≤.001), planning (β =.097; p ≤.001), and positive reinterpretation (β =.053; p =.12). These five variables predicted 62.0% of the nursing students’ psychological well-being (R2 =.620; F = 350.82; p ≤.001). Conclusion: Promoting students’ mental health is essential, especially in periods of great adversity, such as a pandemic. Our results lead the way for the design and validation of an intervention program that addresses the five variables identified as predictors of students’ psychological well-being.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Outcome Prediction in Postanoxic Coma With Deep Learning

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    OBJECTIVES: Visual assessment of the electroencephalogram by experienced clinical neurophysiologists allows reliable outcome prediction of approximately half of all comatose patients after cardiac arrest. Deep neural networks hold promise to achieve similar or even better performance, being more objective and consistent.DESIGN: Prospective cohort study.SETTING: Medical ICU of five teaching hospitals in the Netherlands.PATIENTS: Eight-hundred ninety-five consecutive comatose patients after cardiac arrest.INTERVENTIONS: None.MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Continuous electroencephalogram was recorded during the first 3 days after cardiac arrest. Functional outcome at 6 months was classified as good (Cerebral Performance Category 1-2) or poor (Cerebral Performance Category 3-5). We trained a convolutional neural network, with a VGG architecture (introduced by the Oxford Visual Geometry Group), to predict neurologic outcome at 12 and 24 hours after cardiac arrest using electroencephalogram epochs and outcome labels as inputs. Output of the network was the probability of good outcome. Data from two hospitals were used for training and internal validation (n = 661). Eighty percent of these data was used for training and cross-validation, the remaining 20% for independent internal validation. Data from the other three hospitals were used for external validation (n = 234). Prediction of poor outcome was most accurate at 12 hours, with a sensitivity in the external validation set of 58% (95% CI, 51-65%) at false positive rate of 0% (CI, 0-7%). Good outcome could be predicted at 12 hours with a sensitivity of 48% (CI, 45-51%) at a false positive rate of 5% (CI, 0-15%) in the external validation set.CONCLUSIONS: Deep learning of electroencephalogram signals outperforms any previously reported outcome predictor of coma after cardiac arrest, including visual electroencephalogram assessment by trained electroencephalogram experts. Our approach offers the potential for objective and real time, bedside insight in the neurologic prognosis of comatose patients after cardiac arrest.</p

    Nanocellulose toxicity in vitro models: contributing to its safety assessment to human health

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    As nanoceluloses são nanomateriais inovadores com potencial para uma vasta gama de aplicações industriais e biomédicas. No entanto, a expansão da sua produção tem vindo a suscitar preocupações quanto aos possíveis efeitos, a longo prazo, na saúde humana. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a segurança de algumas nanoceluloses produzidas a partir de matéria-prima nacional, através da caracterização da sua potencial toxicidade em células de mamífero. Para tal, testaram-se duas celuloses nano /microfibrilares (CNF e CMF ) e uma celulose nanocristalina (CNC). Analisou-se a citotoxicidade usando ensaios colorimétricos e o ensaio clonogénico, e a genotoxicidade pelo ensaio do micronúcleo in vitro em células pulmonares de mamífero (A549 e V79 ) e em osteoblastos humanos ( MG-63 ). A indução de espécies reativas de oxigénio (ROS) e a internalização celular foram também estudadas nas células A549. Observou- -se citotoxicidade no ensaio clonogénico, principalmente no caso da CNC, mas não nos restantes ensaios, não havendo também indução de ROS. Todas as nanoceluloses revelaram efeitos genotóxicos nalgumas concentrações, uma vez que induziram micronúcleos e /ou pontes nucleoplásmicas num dos modelos celulares. Para além disso, visualizou-se a internalização da CNF e CMF, mas não da CNC, em células A549. Esta primeira avaliação toxicológica veio contribuir para prevenir a exposição a materiais celulósicos potencialmente perigosos, procurando impulsionar o desenvolvimento de materiais inovadores e mais seguros.Nanocelluloses are innovative nanomaterials with potential for a wide range of industrial and biomedical applications. However, the expansion of its production has raised concerns about their possible long-term effects on human health. This study aimed to evaluate the safety of various nanocelluloses through the characterization of their potential toxicity in mammalian cells. Two samples of nano/microfibrillar celluloses with different pre-treatments (CNF and CMF) and a nanocrystalline cellulose (CNC) were tested. The cytotoxicity of the nanocelluloses was analyzed using colorimetric assays and the clonogenic assay, and genotoxicity by the in vitro micronucleus assay in human alveolar epithelial cells (A549), human osteoblasts (MG-63) and Chinese hamster fibroblasts (V79). Induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and cellular internalization were also studied in A549 cells. Cytotoxicity was observed through the clonogenic assay, mainly in the case of CNC, but not in the remaining assays, with no induction of ROS. All nanocelluloses, at some of the concentrations tested, induced micronuclei and/or nucleoplasmic bridges in one of the cellular models. Furthermore, the internalization of CNF and CMF, but not of CNC was visualized in A549 cells. These results aim to contribute to preventing exposure to potentially hazardous cellulosic materials, seeking to boost the development of innovative and safer materials.Projeto ToxApp4NanoCELFI – Uma abordagem de toxicologia preditiva para a caracterização dos potenciais efeitos respiratórios de fibras de nanocelulose funcionalizadas num sistema de co-cultura (PTDC/SAU-PUB/32587/2017).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dynamics and determinants of SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR testing on symptomatic individuals attending healthcare centers during 2020 in Bahia, Brazil

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    RT-PCR testing data provides opportunities to explore regional and individual determinants of test positivity and surveillance infrastructure. Using Generalized Additive Models, we explored 222,515 tests of a random sample of individuals with COVID-19 compatible symptoms in the Brazilian state of Bahia during 2020. We found that age and male gender were the most significant determinants of test positivity. There was evidence of an unequal impact among socio-demographic strata, with higher positivity among those living in areas with low education levels during the first epidemic wave, followed by those living in areas with higher education levels in the second wave. Our estimated probability of testing positive after symptom onset corroborates previous reports that the probability decreases with time, more than halving by about two weeks and converging to zero by three weeks. Test positivity rates generally followed state-level reported cases, and while a single laboratory performed ~90% of tests covering ~99% of the state's area, test turn-around time generally remained below four days. This testing effort is a testimony to the Bahian surveillance capacity during public health emergencies, as previously witnessed during the recent Zika and Yellow Fever outbreaks

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio