4,346 research outputs found

    PRODUCTION OF Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis SEEDLINGS WITH DIFFERENT FERTILIZERS

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    Mineral fertilization is an important practice that contributes to the production of seedlings with satisfactory quality. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the application of potassium chloride (KCl) and monoammonium phosphate (MAP) on growth and nutrition of Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis seedlings. The experiment was conducted in full sun, with direct sowing in tubes containing composite substrate (Pinus bark, coconut fiber, bovine manure and vermiculite). The experimental design was a randomized block design in a 5 x 2 factorial scheme, with five doses of KCl (0.0, 0.025, 0.050, 0.100, and 0.200 g seedling-1) and two doses of MAP (0 and 0.10g seedling-1), with four replicates. At 120 days, the effect of the interaction between the KCl and MAP doses was verified for the variables: diameter at root collar, dry mass of the aerial part (DMAP) and total (TDM), Dickson Quality Index, N content, P K in the aerial part, K content in the roots, absorption efficiency (AE) of N and P. For the variables: height (H); leaf area; root dry mass (RDM); H/DRC and DMPA/RDM ratios; and N and P content in the roots, only effect of the application of MAP is observed, whereas for AE_K the effect was only of KCl. Thus, there is variation in the effect of KCl doses as a function of morphological and nutritional variables evaluated. In general, the best seedling growth and nutrition occurs with the applied dose of 0.100 g KCl + 0.10 g MAP seedling -1

    Diversity and three-dimensional structures of the alpha Mcr of the methanogenic Archaea from the anoxic region of Tucuruí Lake, in Eastern Brazilian Amazonia

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    Methanogenic archaeans are organisms of considerable ecological and biotechnological interest that produce methane through a restricted metabolic pathway, which culminates in the reaction catalyzed by the Methyl-coenzyme M reductase (Mcr) enzyme, and results in the release of methane. Using a metagenomic approach, the gene of the α subunit of mcr (mcrα) was isolated from sediment sample from an anoxic zone, rich in decomposing organic material, obtained from the Tucuruí hydroelectric dam reservoir in eastern Brazilian Amazonia. The partial nucleotide sequences obtained were 83 to 95% similar to those available in databases, indicating a low diversity of archaeans in the reservoir. Two orders were identified - the Methanomicrobiales, and a unique Operational Taxonomic Unit (OTU) forming a clade with the Methanosarcinales according to low bootstrap values. Homology modeling was used to determine the three-dimensional (3D) structures, for this the partial nucleotide sequence of the mcrα were isolated and translated on their partial amino acid sequences. The 3D structures of the archaean Mcrα observed in the present study varied little, and presented approximately 70% identity in comparison with the Mcrα of Methanopyrus klanderi. The results demonstrated that the community of methanogenic archaeans of the anoxic C1 region of the Tucurui reservoir is relatively homogeneous

    Diabetes mellitus gestacional: uma revisão da literatura / Gestational diabetes mellitus: a review of the literature

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    Introdução: A disglicemia é uma condição clínica presente em grande parte das gestações, a diabetes mellitus gestacional é caracterizada pelo aumento glicêmico ocasionado pelo estado gravídico. Trata-se de uma patologia intimamente associada a diversas complicações maternas e fetais. O rastreio adequado e o consequente tratamento da doença são intervenções comprovadamente necessárias para a diminuição de desfechos clínicos. Objetivos: O objetivo desse estudo é revisar sobre a diabetes mellitus gestacional, compreendendo epidemiologia, fisiopatologia, manifestações clinicas, diagnóstico e tratamento. Métodos: Os bancos de dados Pubmed, Diretrizes e UpToDate foram pesquisados eletronicamente utilizando os descritores diabetes gestacional; diabetes mellitus gestacional nos idiomas inglês e português. Discussão e Conclusão: O diagnóstico é laboratorial, geralmente obtido através do rastreio que é recomendado em todo território brasileiro durante a gestação. O tratamento não farmacológico é indispensável, se necessário, inicia-se o tratamento farmacológico, sendo a primeira linha pautado na insulinoterapia, entretanto pode haver a associação ou até mesmo a substituição pelo hipoglicemiante oral Metformina em casos específicos. O monitoramento constante da glicemia é de suma importância para manter os níveis glicêmicos dentro da meta estipulada e para o ajuste de dose dos medicamentos. O tratamento correto mostra-se efetivo para a redução de desfechos maternos e fetais.

    Occurrence records and metadata for sand flies (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) collected in the lands of indigenous people in the Brazilian Amazon

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    In order to contribute to knowledge of the epidemiology of American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) among indigenous people living in sylvatic regions, we studied the sand fly fauna collected in areas of disease transmission in the Brazilian Amazon. Our two datasets reported here are comprised of occurrence data for sand flies from the Suruwaha Indigenous Land in the state of Amazonas collected between 2012-1013, and the Wajãpi Indigenous Land in the state of Amapá collected between 2013-2014. Sand flies were collected using unbaited CDC-like light traps at various sites within each study area and were identified to species-level by taxonomists with expertise in Amazonian fauna. A total of 4,646 records are reported: 1,428 from the Suruwaha and 3,218 from the Wajãpi. These records will contribute to a better understanding of ACL transmission dynamics, as well as the distribution of insect vectors, in these areas

    Doenças sexualmente transmissíveis e métodos contraceptivos: a importância do ensino focado na atual perspectiva dos alunos do ensino público / Sexually transmitted diseases and contraceptive methods: the importance of teaching focused on the current perspective of public school students

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    A adolescência é uma fase constituída de um grupo que necessita de atenções voltada para a vida sexual. Eles iniciam a vida sexual com pouco conhecimento e percepções equivocadas sobre as razões ocasionadas pelas doenças sexualmente transmissíveis (DST). Considerando a ausência de práticas efetivas de proteçãoeste trabalho tem como objetivo comprovar como os alunos do Ensino Médio experienciam algumas das principais DST’s e as formas de contágio, identificando os principais métodos contraceptivos com o intuito de avaliar o conhecimento e o comportamento sexual enquanto adolescentes. Esse ensejo é fruto de um projeto que se destinou aos adolescentes do 3º ano do Ensino Médio da Escola Pedro Barros Filho, localizada na cidade de Jaboatão dos Guararapes em Pernambuco. Os participantes do projeto foram estudantes de 3ª Série do Ensino Médio das turmas A, B, C e D da escola citada. Na execução do projeto, identificamos diferentes aspectos, tais como: comportamentos diferenciados, onde observamos pelo método comparativo e a percepção dos adolescentes sobre as DST’s. Este trabalho visa, contribuir na realização de projetos futuros no que tange a temática, promover   novos estudos e reformulações de políticas públicas que proporcione conhecimento e esclareça dúvidas relacionadas à vida sexual para adolescentes, fazendo com que seja útil na elaboração de estratégias de prevenção para alunos do Ensino Médio em escolas públicas

    16S rRNA gene-based identification of microbiota associated with the parthenogenetic troglobiont sand fly Deanemyia maruaga (Diptera, Psychodidae) from central Amazon, Brazil

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    Bacteria associated with the parthenogenetic troglobiont sand fly Deanemyia maruaga were characterized by sequencing cloned 16S rDNA PCR products. Eleven novel partial 16S rDNA sequences, with varying degrees of similarity to Actinobacteria, were identified. None of the sequences identified had homology to those known from parthenogenesis-inducing bacteria. © 2013, Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia

    Endogenously-expressed NH2-terminus of circumsporozoite protein interferes with sporozoite invasion of mosquito salivary glands

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud The circumsporozoite protein is the most abundant polypeptide expressed by sporozoites, the malaria parasite stage capable of infecting humans. Sporozoite invasion of mosquito salivary glands prior to transmission is likely mediated by a receptor/ligand-like interaction of the parasites with the target tissues, and the amino (NH2)-terminal portion of CSP is involved in this interaction but not the TSR region on the carboxyl (C)-terminus. Peptides based on the NH2-terminal domain could compete with the parasites for the salivary gland receptors and thus inhibit penetration.\ud \ud \ud Methods\ud Peptides based on the NH2-terminus and TSR domains of the CSP from avian or human malaria parasites, Plasmodium gallinaceum and Plasmodium falciparum, respectively, were expressed endogenously in mosquito haemolymph using a transient (Sindbis virus-mediated) or stable (piggyBac-mediated transgenesis) system.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud Transient endogenous expression of partial NH2-terminus peptide from P. falciparum CSP in P. gallinaceum-infected Aedes aegypti resulted in a reduced number of sporozoites in the salivary glands. When a transgenic approach was used to express a partial CSP NH2-terminal domain from P. gallinaceum the number of sporozoites in the salivary glands did not show a difference when compared to controls. However, a significant difference could be observed when mosquitoes with a lower infection were analysed. The same result could not be observed with mosquitoes endogenously expressing peptides based on the TSR domain from either P. gallinaceum or P. falciparum.\ud \ud \ud \ud Conclusion\ud These results support the conclusion that CSP partial NH2-terminal domain can be endogenously expressed to promote a competition for the receptor used by sporozoites to invade salivary glands, and they could be used to block this interaction and reduce parasite transmission. The same effect cannot be obtained with peptides based on the TSR domain.We thank Neuza Saraiva Fernandes and Ediane Saraiva Fernandes for technical\ud assistance and Alexandre Santos de Moura for sample sequencing. This work\ud was supported by FAPESP (Process#04/00889-9 and#00/12138-7). AAJ was\ud supported in part by an award from the National Institute of Allergy and Infec‑\ud tious Diseases (USA) (R37AI029746)


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    Preeclampsia is a serious disease of pregnancy characterized by hypertension and organ failure in premature women. Prevalence varies depending on known risk factors, including history of preeclampsia, chronic kidney disease, hypertension, obesity, and multiple pregnancies. The exact cause is still unknown, but genetic, immunological and blood disorders are thought to play a role. The placenta plays an important role in the development of preeclampsia. The adverse effects of trophoblastic invasion and vascular remodeling result in a lack of oxygen and nutrients in the placenta, leading to the release of vasoactive and pro-inflammatory substances into the maternal circulation. Furthermore, maternal mortality associated with preeclampsia is accompanied by clinical symptoms such as anemia, proteinuria, hematological disorders, liver disease, kidney damage, and cerebrovascular changes. The diagnosis is based on the presence of hemorrhagic syndrome combined with signs of proteinuria and organ failure after 20 weeks of gestation. Treatment methods are multifaceted and, in mild cases, bed rest, salt restriction and increased fluid intake are recommended. However, in severe cases, anticoagulants such as magnesium sulfate should be used to prevent seizures and reduce the risk of maternal and fetal complications. The diagnosis of pre-eclampsia also depends on the severity of the disease and the time of delivery. Serious complications may occur, including eclampsia, kidney disease, bleeding, and fetal growth restriction. Finally, measures to prevent preeclampsia, such as the use of low-dose aspirin in high-risk pregnant women and early intervention for women with a history of preeclampsia, may reduce risk and improve outcomes. Understanding risk factors, underlying mechanisms, early diagnosis, and treatment options are important for improving maternal and fetal outcomes.A pré-eclâmpsia é uma doença grave da gravidez caracterizada por hipertensão e falência de órgãos em mulheres prematuras. A prevalência varia de acordo com fatores de risco conhecidos, incluindo história de pré-eclâmpsia, doença renal crônica, hipertensão, obesidade e gestações múltiplas. A causa exata ainda é desconhecida, mas acredita-se que doenças genéticas, imunológicas e sanguíneas desempenhem um papel. A placenta desempenha um papel importante no desenvolvimento da pré-eclâmpsia. Os efeitos adversos da invasão trofoblástica e da remodelação vascular resultam na falta de oxigênio e nutrientes na placenta, levando à liberação de substâncias vasoativas e pró-inflamatórias na circulação materna. Além disso, a mortalidade materna associada à pré-eclâmpsia é acompanhada por sintomas clínicos como anemia, proteinúria, distúrbios hematológicos, doenças hepáticas, danos renais e alterações cerebrovasculares. O diagnóstico é baseado na presença de síndrome hemorrágica combinada com sinais de proteinúria e falência de órgãos após 20 semanas de gestação. Os métodos de tratamento são multifacetados e, nos casos leves, recomenda-se repouso no leito, restrição de sal e aumento da ingestão de líquidos. Contudo, em casos graves, devem ser utilizados anticoagulantes como o sulfato de magnésio para prevenir convulsões e reduzir o risco de complicações maternas e fetais. O diagnóstico da pré-eclâmpsia também depende da gravidade da doença e do momento do parto. Podem ocorrer complicações graves, incluindo eclâmpsia, doença renal, sangramento e restrição do crescimento fetal. Finalmente, medidas para prevenir a pré-eclâmpsia, como o uso de aspirina em baixas doses em mulheres grávidas de alto risco e a intervenção precoce para mulheres com histórico de pré-eclâmpsia, podem reduzir o risco e melhorar os resultados. Compreender os fatores de risco, os mecanismos subjacentes, o diagnóstico precoce e as opções de tratamento são importantes para melhorar os resultados maternos e fetais