523 research outputs found

    Morphossyntatic aspects of nominal possession marking in Amerindian languages

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    Orientador: Angel Humberto Corbera MoriDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da LinguagemResumo: O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi descrever a categoria de posse nominal num conjunto de 90 línguas do Brasil e da América do Sul, a fim de verificar, de modo sistemático, como estes idiomas codificam morfossintaticamente as informações linguísticas de posse nominal, bem como desenvolver generalizações possíveis para a ocorrência desta categoria. Neste estudo, mostramos que a assunção de Aikhenvald e Dixon (1999, pp. 8-10) de que a posse é marcada preferencialmente no núcleo nas línguas amazônicas é parcialmente correta para os dados de nossa amostra, uma vez que nas línguas do Grupo B, ou seja, naquelas que não traçam diferenças formais entre as categorias de posse nominal, não houve predominância de um padrão de marcação de posse em específico, já que a diferença entre as línguas núcleo-marcadas e de outros padrões foi pouco significativa. Mostramos, também, que somente nas línguas do Grupo B, é possível encontrar construções de posse inalienável marcadas no dependente, diferentemente do que havia afirmado Nichols (1992, p. 118). Dentre outras coisas, mostramos, ainda, que as estratégias de marcação de posse na região andina são variadas, não se restringindo a dupla-marcação, dentre outras conclusões que podem ser vistas ao longo do trabalhoAbstract: The aim of this study was to describe the nominal possession category in a set of 90 languages in Brazil and South America in order to verify, in a systematic manner, as these languages morphosyntactically encode the linguistic information of nominal possession, as well as develop potential generalizations for the occurrence of this category. In this study, we have shown that the assumption of Aikhenvald and Dixon (1999, pp. 8-10) that possession is marked preferably in the head in the Amazonian languages is partially correct for the data of our sample, since the languages in Group B, i.e those which do not display formal differences between the categories of nominal possession, there were no predominance of one possession marking pattern specifically, since the difference between languages head-marked and other patterns was not significant. We also have shown that only in the languages in Group B, we can find inalienable possession marked on the dependent, unlike to what was stated Nichols (1992, p. 118). Among other things, showed also that the possessive marking strategies in the Andean region are varied, not limited to double-marking, among other conclusions that can be seen throughout the workMestradoLinguisticaMestre em Linguística133680/2014-2CNP


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    O presente artigo realiza uma abordagem sobre a crítica de Theodor w. Adorno à apropriação do tempo livre pela indústria cultural. O objetivo principal que norteou a pesquisa foi o desenvolvimento de uma reflexão sobre o tempo livre como apêndice do trabalho e como a indústria cultural se apropria dele. O texto está dividido em três partes. Na primeira, será desenvolvida uma abordagem sobre em quais bases o pensamento de adorno foi gestado e de que modo ele chegou ao conceito de indústria cultural em parceria com Horkheimer na Escola de Frankfurt. Em seguida, tratar-se-á do conceito de indústria cultural e sua relação com o capitalismo. Na terceira e última parte do artigo estabelece o modo como o tempo livre está vinculado à indústria cultural, especificando sua ação na televisão e no rádio/música. A discussão foi conduzida pela pesquisa qualitativa orientada pela leitura, análise, reflexão e interpretação dos textos relacionados à problemática do artigo. &nbsp


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    Este artigo tem como objetivo relatar as experiências dos cursos binacionais do Câmpus Santana do Livramento do Instituto Federal Sul-Rio-Grandense,realizados em parceria com o Consejo de Educaión Técnico Profesional – Universidad Del Trabajo Del Uruguay, assim como descrever alguns desafios encontrados e estratégias adotadas para essas situações. Muitas situações que seriam eventuais em escolas convencionais são cotidianas no câmpus Santana do Livramento do IFSul. O caminho percorrido através desse projeto pioneiro poderá auxiliar outras iniciativas de educação de fronteira

    Effect of luting agent on the bond strength of ceramic-based lithium disilicate and titanium abutment subjected to artificial aging

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    This study aimed to evaluate the bond strength (BS) of a ceramic coping-abutment implant interface according to the luting agent, before and after thermal cycling (TC). Methodology: Forty ceramic copings and abutments (Ti) were divided into four groups (n=10): OZ (zinc oxide eugenol free), PZ (zinc phosphate), GIC (resin modified glass ionomer), and RC (adhesive resin cement). BS test was performed using a universal testing machine before and after TC. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test (p<0.05) were performed for the means. Results: The results showed that before TC, the values ranged from 50.77 N (OZ) to 240.21 N (GIC). After TC, the values showed intermediate results - 3.5 N (OZ) and 330.66 N (RC), 90.58 N (PZ), and 280.43 N (GIC). OZ performed the worst, both before and after TC. Before TC, GIC had the highest value. After TC, RC had the highest value of BS. Conclusions: The aging process influenced and inverted the results of the GIC and RC groups, and had a greater negative impact on the OZ group

    Efeito do treinamento funcional no equilíbrio em idosos: uma revisão integrativa de literatura

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    Introdução e Objetivo: Identificar as evidências disponíveis na literatura que relacionam o efeito do treinamento funcional no equilíbrio de idosos. Materiais e Métodos: Foi realizado busca nas bases de dados Google Escolar, Scielo de trabalhos publicados entre 2010 e 2020. Dos 56 estudos identificados, 14 preencheram os critérios de inclusão. Discussão: a análise dos estudos permitiu a separação em duas categorias. Na primeira categoria foi observado que o treinamento funcional melhorou o equilíbrio. A segunda categoria evidenciou que o treinamento funcional reduziu o risco de quedas dos idosos e melhorou o desempenho das atividades de vida diária. Resultados e Conclusão: os estudos afirmam efeitos benéficos do treinamento funcional sobre os parâmetros de equilíbrio e realização das atividades da vida diária dos idosos

    Estudo da adsorção de surfactante catiônico na matriz inorgânica fosfato de nióbio hidratado

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    This work describes the study the adsorption of a cationic surfactant, cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) in the hydrous niobium phosphate matrix. The matrix was characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (DRX), thermal analysis (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and surface area measurements (BET). The Langmuir and Freundlich isothermal models were used in the CTAB adsorption study. The adsorption process wasn`t favorable for the NbOPO4.nH2O in both studied models

    Spore germination, early development and some notes on the effects of in vitro culture medium on Frullania ericoides (Nees) Mont. (Frullaniaceae, Marchantiophyta)

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    In bryophytes, establishment can occur by a sexual or asexual process, but the production of spores enables colonization of a wider range of habitats and substrates than can asexual propagules. Successful germination is critical for establishment in a new environment. This paper addresses germination and sporeling development in Frullania ericoides, a leafy liverwort species. Fresh spores were inoculated in vitro in different culture strengths of Knop’s nutrient solution (one-fourth strength, half strength, full strength, one and a half strength and double strength), in order to evaluate the effects of this solution on spore germination and on the development of external protonema. On the first assessment, spore germination was observed at all the concentrations. Germination was endosporic, with cell division and proliferation, resulting in a globular protonema, within the spore wall. Beginning at the fourth week, the development of tightly concave primordial leaves was observed in all but the double-strength medium. Throughout the period of study, the treatments with lower concentrations exhibited external protonema with greater lengths. The double-strength treatment was statistically different from other treatments in at least two parameters. The results of this study demonstrate the potential of in vitro culture techniques for bryophyte spore studies and germplasm preservation.

    Droplets size in the phytosanitary control of potato / Tamanho da gota no controle fitossanitário de batata

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    The use of different spray nozzles with droplet size ranging from fine to coarse may compromise the application efficiency in potato crops. This study aimed to evaluate the production of potato in the northeast region of Mato Grosso do Sul by using different cultivars and droplet sizes in phytosanitary treatments. Potato is one of the crops that mostly depends on the application of phytosanitary products.  Potato cultivars were planted in the experimental area of the Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, in the municipality of Chapadão do Sul. Plots consisted of three seedbeds (0.8 m x 1.4 m), and the plants were spaced at 0.35 m. The area of each experimental unit was 3.36 m2, to9taling 12 plants per unit. The experiment was carried out in subplots, in a randomized block design (2x3); the spray system had two droplets sizes (tips TT 110015 and TXA 8001VK, fine and coarse, respectively) in the plots and three potato cultivars (Yacon, Sminia, and Marcy) in the subplots, with four replications. The different droplets sizes interfere with the yield and morphology of potato tubers. The highest yield values are associated with fine droplets. Cultivar Sminia had longer tubers; however, Marcy showed thicker and wider tubers

    Reasons and benefits associated with ISO 9001 - Certification for sugar and ethanol companies

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    With increasing business competitiveness, companies have sought to adapt their processes and / or products to worldwide established quality standards in order to achieve a greater share of consumers having as favorable aspect the quality assurance of the products and/or services provided. It was observed that companies of different sizes have different challenges regarding the certification however, the degree of difficulty is the same for all of them. The objective of this paper is to verify the reasons for the implementation of ISO 9001, the obstacles encountered during the implementation, the benefits arising from the use of the quality management system and the degree of difficulty to implement this standard. This work was developed based on a survey involving companies certified with ISO 9001:2008 from the productive sector of sugar, ethanol and derivatives of sugarcane, located in all Brazilian states. It was observed that companies of different sizes have different challenges regarding the certification however the degree of difficulty is the same for all of them. Thus, we believe that expected results represent a very important contribution to examining the reasons, benefits and difficulties of the ISO 9001 to both, the companies and certification bodies, and to researchers.CAPES Foundation, (Process PE024/2008), the FAPEMIG Foundation (Processes: T EC-PPM-00520/13 and TEC-PPM-000 58-13) and the CNPq (Processes: 2 49160/2013-7, 310660/ 2012-2, 401082/2 014-8 and 478509/2012-