2,638 research outputs found

    Book Review: Global Development: A Cold War History by Sara Lorenzini

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    En el presente trabajo se muestran los resultados de un estudio de viabilidad técnica y económica de la instalación de un invernadero calefactado en seis zonas de Portugal (Dois Portos, Faro, Marinha Grande, Ponta Delgada, Porto y Zambujeira). Se tomaron como referencia tres cultivos con distintos requerimientos energéticos (tomate, fresa y lechuga). En todos los casos analizados se empleó un invernadero multitúnel con generadores de aire caliente como calefacción, considerando como alternativas de combustible gasoil y gas natural. Para la realización del trabajo se utilizó el Simulador Climático de Invernaderos (SCI). Las conclusiones extraídas muestran que en tomate y fresa no resulta rentable instalar un sistema de calefacción en invernadero, en ninguno de los emplazamientos seleccionados. Únicamente en el cultivo de fresa lo es si se utiliza gas natural como combustible, en Ponta Delgada San Miguel si aumentase el precio de venta de la producción en más de un 50 %. En el cultivo de lechuga, en las localidades que es rentable, el período de retorno de la inversión es inferior a 2 años. Esto ocurre, en el caso de usar como combustible gasoil en Faro, Ponta Delgada y Zambujeira, y usando gas natural en Dois Portos, Faro, Ponta Delgada, Porto y Zambujeira

    Giant pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland

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    Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common type of all benign and malignant salivary gland tumors, involving more frequently the parotid gland. It is a benign tumor with a slow and continuous growth that without treatment can reach an enormous size. We present a case of a giant pleomorphic adenoma in a 78-year-old man with a history of more than 30 years of a growing lesion in the parotid gland. Clinical examination revealed a giant mass on the right side of the face, however without any sign of facial nerve damage. The tumor was completely resected by total parotidectomy and preservation of the facial nerve. Macroscopically, the tumor measured 28cm and weighed 4.0 Kg. On the histological examination there was a predominance of epithelial and mioepithelial cells in a hyaline and mixoid stroma. It was not found any area of malignant transformation. In the post-operatory the aesthetic and functional results were excellent

    Relevance of genipin networking on rheological, physical, and mechanical properties of starch-based formulations

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    The small amount of proteins in starch-rich food industry byproducts can be an advantage to crosslink with genipin and tailor the performance of biobased films. In this work, genipin was combined with non- purified starch recovered from industrial potato washing slurries and used for films production. Starch recovered from potato washing slurries contained 0.75% protein, 2 times higher than starch directly obtained from potato and 6 times higher than the commercial one. Starch protein-genipin networks were formed with 0.05% and 0.10% genipin, gelatinized at 75 °C and 95 °C in presence of 30% glycerol. Bluish colored films were obtained in all conditions, with the higher surface roughness (Ra, 1.22 μm), stretchability (elongation, 31%), and hydrophobicity (water contact angle, 127°) for 0.10% genipin and starch gelatinized at 75 °C. Therefore, starch-rich byproducts, when combined with genipin, are promising for surpassing the starch-based films hydrophilicity and mechanical fragilities while providing light barrier properties.publishe

    An intriguing shift occurs in the novel protein phosphatase 1 binding partner, TCTEX1D4: evidence of positive selection in a pika model

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    T-complex testis expressed protein 1 domain containing 4 (TCTEX1D4) contains the canonical phosphoprotein phosphatase 1 (PPP1) binding motif, composed by the amino acid sequence RVSF. We identified and validated the binding of TCTEX1D4 to PPP1 and demonstrated that indeed this protein is a novel PPP1 interacting protein. Analyses of twenty-one mammalian species available in public databases and seven Lagomorpha sequences obtained in this work showed that the PPP1 binding motif 90RVSF93 is present in all of them and is flanked by a palindromic sequence, PLGS, except in three species of pikas (Ochotona princeps, O. dauurica and O. pusilla). Furthermore, for the Ochotona species an extra glycosylation site, motif 96NLS98, and the loss of the palindromic sequence were observed. Comparison with other lagomorphs suggests that this event happened before the Ochotona radiation. The dN/dS for the sequence region comprising the PPP1 binding motif and the flanking palindrome highly supports the hypothesis that for Ochotona species this region has been evolving under positive selection. In addition, mutational screening shows that the ability of pikas TCTEX1D4 to bind to PPP1 is maintained, although the PPP1 binding motif is disrupted, and the N- and C-terminal surrounding residues are also abrogated. These observations suggest pika as an ideal model to study novel PPP1 complexes regulatory mechanisms

    TCTEX1D4, a novel protein phosphatase 1 interactor: connecting the phosphatase to the microtubule network

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    Reversible phosphorylation plays an important role as a mechanism of intracellular control in eukaryotes. PPP1, a major eukaryotic Ser/Thr-protein phosphatase, acquires its specificity by interacting with different protein regulators, also known as PPP1 interacting proteins (PIPs). In the present work we characterized a physiologically relevant PIP in testis. Using a yeast two-hybrid screen with a human testis cDNA library, we identified a novel PIP of PPP1CC2 isoform, the T-complex testis expressed protein 1 domain containing 4 (TCTEX1D4) that has recently been described as a Tctex1 dynein light chain family member. The overlay assays confirm that TCTEX1D4 interacts with the different spliced isoforms of PPP1CC. Also, the binding domain occurs in the N-terminus, where a consensus PPP1 binding motif (PPP1BM) RVSF is present. The distribution of TCTEX1D4 in testis suggests its involvement in distinct functions, such as TGFβ signaling at the blood-testis barrier and acrosome cap formation. Immunofluorescence in human ejaculated sperm shows that TCTEX1D4 is present in the flagellum and in the acrosome region of the head. Moreover, TCTEX1D4 and PPP1 co-localize in the microtubule organizing center (MTOC) and microtubules in cell cultures. Importantly, the TCTEX1D4 PPP1BM seems to be relevant for complex formation, for PPP1 retention in the MTOC and movement along microtubules. These novel results open new avenues to possible roles of this dynein, together with PPP1. In essence TCTEX1D4/PPP1C complex appears to be involved in microtubule dynamics, sperm motility, acrosome reaction and in the regulation of the blood-testis barrier

    Not so pseudo: the evolutionary history of protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 2 and related pseudogenes

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    Background: Pseudogenes are traditionally considered “dead” genes, therefore lacking biological functions. This view has however been challenged during the last decade. This is the case of the Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 2 (PPP1R2) or inhibitor-2 gene family, for which several incomplete copies exist scattered throughout the genome. Results: In this study, the pseudogenization process of PPP1R2 was analyzed. Ten PPP1R2-related pseudogenes (PPP1R2P1-P10), highly similar to PPP1R2, were retrieved from the human genome assembly present in the databases. The phylogenetic analysis of mammalian PPP1R2 and related pseudogenes suggested that PPP1R2P7 and PPP1R2P9 retroposons appeared before the great mammalian radiation, while the remaining pseudogenes are primate-specific and retroposed at different times during Primate evolution. Although considered inactive, four of these pseudogenes seem to be transcribed and possibly possess biological functions. Given the role of PPP1R2 in sperm motility, the presence of these proteins was assessed in human sperm, and two PPP1R2-related proteins were detected, PPP1R2P3 and PPP1R2P9. Signatures of negative and positive selection were also detected in PPP1R2P9, further suggesting a role as a functional protein. Conclusions: The results show that contrary to initial observations PPP1R2-related pseudogenes are not simple bystanders of the evolutionary process but may rather be at the origin of genes with novel functions.publishe

    Acacia wood fractionation using deep eutectic solvents: extraction, recovery, and characterization of the different fractions

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    The selective extraction and recovery of different lignocellulosic molecules of interest from forestry residues is increasing every day not only to satisfy the needs of driving a society toward more sustainable approaches and materials (rethinking waste as a valuable resource) but also because lignocellulosic molecules have several applications. For this purpose, the development of new sustainable and ecologically benign extraction approaches has grown significantly. Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) appear as a promising alternative for the processing and manipulation of biomass. In the present study, a DES formed using choline chloride and levulinic acid (ChCl:LA) was studied to fractionate lignocellulosic residues of acacia wood (Acacia dealbata Link), an invasive species in Portugal. Different parameters, such as temperature and extraction time, were optimized to enhance the yield and purity of recovered cellulose and lignin fractions. DESs containing LA were found to be promising solvent systems, as the hydrogen bond donor was considered relevant in relation to lignin extraction and cellulose concentration. On the other hand, the increase in temperature and extraction time increases the amount of extracted material from biomass but affects the purity of lignin. The most promising DES system, ChCELA in a ratio of 1:3, was found to not significantly depolymerize the extracted lignin, which presented a similar molecular weight to a la-aft lignin. Additionally, the P-31 NMR results revealed that the extracted lignin has a high content of phenolic OH groups, which favor its reactivity. A mixture of ChCl:LA may be considered a fully renewable solvent, and the formed DES presents good potential to fractionate wood residues.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio